P2 Service Design Document

NGMEL Customer Technical Support Proposal Document

Version 0.1

This document provides a description of the support model proposed for the NGMEL Platform including scope, user scenarios, responsibilities and service levels.

Produced by:

Steve Crowdy, Lester Holmes, Robert Hinkley

Document Control Sheet

Amendment History

|Version |Amend |Amended By |Nature of Amendment |

| |Date | | |

|0.1 |29 Sep 11 |Steve Crowdy |First draft |

|0.2 |4 October 2011 |Lester Holmes |Second Draft |

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|Name |Business area |Role |

|Adam Black |ELT | |

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1 Introduction 6

1.1 NGMEL Overview 6

1.2 Background 6

2 Objectives & Purpose of this document 6

3 Key milestones 7

4 Service Scope 8

4.1 Inclusions 8

4.1 Exclusions 8

5 NGMEL System 9

5.1 Modules of NGMEL 9

5.2 User Base 9

5.3 Registration volume projections by region 9

5.4 Current registration volumes for top 20 countries 10

5.5 Support volume projections 11

5.6 Scaling the ELT technical support team to meet volume projections 11

6 Support Model 12

6.1 Support Scenarios 12

6.1.1 Types of User Supported 12

6.1.2 Scenarios for teacher/administrator support 12

6.1.3 Scenarios for student support 12

6.1.4 Scenarios for business user support 12

6.2 Support Tiers 13

6.2.1 Summary of Support Process 13

6.2.2 Tier 0 – Support: Local Technical Sales Specialist/Champions (where applicable) 14

6.2.3 Tier 1 – Local Language Support (Local Office) 15

6.2.4 Tier 2 – Regional Support Group 16

6.2.5 Tier 3 – Vendor Application and Technical Support 17

6.3 Detailed Support Workflow diagram 18

6.4 Roles & Responsibilities 19

6.4.1 Systems Ownership 19

6.4.2 Roles and Responsibilities Matrix 19

7 Associated Documents 21

8 Service Support Details 22

8.1 Pearson ELT Support 22

8.1.1 Support Options 22

8.1.2 ELT Service Level Agreement (SLA) 23

8.1.3 Subject Matter Experts (SME) 23

8.2 Tier 3 System Engineers Technology Response Times (SLA) 24

8.2.1 IOKI Support 24

8.2.2 Learnosity 24

8.2.3 LTG UK/US 24

8.3 Tier 3 System Engineers Technology Support Teams contact 24

9 Management Reporting 25

10 Service Reviews 25

11 Service Charges 25

12 Parties to the Agreement / Key Contacts 25

13 Signatories 26

1 Introduction 6

1.1 NGMEL Overview 6

1.2 Background 6

2 Objectives & Purpose of this document 6

3 Key milestones 7

4 Service Scope 8

4.1 Inclusions 8

4.2 Exclusions 8

5 NGMEL System 9

5.1 Modules of NGMEL 9

5.2 User Base 9

5.3 Registration volume projections by region 9

5.4 Current registration volumes for top 20 countries 10

5.5 Support volume projections 11

5.6 Scaling the ELT technical support team to meet volume projections 11

6 Support Model 12

6.1 Support Scenarios 12

6.1.1 Types of User Supported 12

6.1.2 Scenarios for teacher/administrator support 12

6.1.3 Scenarios for student support 12

6.1.4 Scenarios for business user support 12

6.2 Support Tiers 13

6.2.1 Summary of Support Process 13

6.2.2 Tier 0 – Support: Local Technical Sales Specialist/Champions (where applicable) 14

6.2.3 Tier 1 – Local Language Support (Local Office) 15

6.2.4 Tier 2 – Regional Support Group 16

6.2.5 Tier 3 – Vendor Application and Technical Support 17

6.3 Detailed Support Workflow diagram 18

6.4 Roles & Responsibilities 19

6.4.1 Systems Ownership 19

6.4.2 Roles and Responsibilities Matrix 19

7 Associated Documents 21

8 Service Support Details 22

8.1 Pearson ELT Support 22

8.1.1 Support Options 22

8.1.2 ELT Service Level Agreement (SLA) 23

8.1.3 Subject Matter Experts (SME) 23

8.2 Tier 3 System Engineers Technology Response Times (SLA) 24

8.2.1 IOKI Support 24

8.2.2 Learnosity 24

8.2.3 LTG UK/US 24

8.3 Tier 3 System Engineers Technology Support Teams contact 24

9 Management Reporting and KPIs 25

10 Service Reviews 25

11 Service Charges 25

12 Parties to the Agreement / Key Contacts 25

13 Signatories 26

1 Introduction 6

1.1 NGMEL Overview 6

1.2 Background 6

2 Objectives & Purpose of this document 6

3 Key milestones 7

4 Service Scope 8

4.1 Inclusions 8

4.2 Exclusions 8

5 NGMEL System 9

5.1 Modules of NGMEL 9

5.2 User Base 9

5.3 Registration volume projections by region 9

5.4 Current registration volumes for top 20 countries 10

5.5 Support volume projections 11

5.6 Scaling the ELT technical support team to meet volume projections 11

6 Support Model 12

6.1 Support Scenarios 12

6.1.1 Types of User Supported 12

6.1.2 Scenarios for teacher/administrator support 12

6.1.3 Scenarios for student support 12

6.1.4 Scenarios for business user support 12

6.2 Support Tiers 13

6.2.1 Summary of Support Process 13

6.2.2 Tier 1 – Local Support 14

6.2.3 Tier 2 – Business User Support & Regional Customer Support 15

6.2.4 Tier 3 – Application and Technical Support 17

6.2.5 Tier 4 – Vendor Support 18

6.3 Roles & Responsibilities 19

6.3.1 System Ownership 19

6.3.2 Roles and Responsibilities Matrix 19

7 Associated Documents 21

8 Services Description 21

9 Service Support Details 22

9.1 Pearson Longman Support 22

9.1.1 Tier 1 – Local Office Links 23

9.1.2 Tier 2 – Subject Matter Experts 23

9.2 Pearson Technology Response Times 24

9.2.1 ELT Tech support team response UK Support 24

9.2.2 PT US Support 24

9.3 Pearson Technology Support Teams 24

10 Management Reporting and KPIs 25

11 Service Reviews 25

12 Service Charges 25

13 Parties to the Agreement / Key Contacts 25

14 Signatories 26


1 NGMEL Overview

Pearson ELT is building a platform to deliver global and country-specific MyEnglishLabs – online English teaching and learning course materials, homework, and test content – to a variety of customers (from K-12 to higher education and Private Language Schools) and markets (countries). Customers will be able to select an interface/navigation in their local language.

Pearson Publishing groups in Europe, the US, Latin America, the Middle East and especially Asia will be publishing course content in English and their local languages on an accelerated timeframe. Many of these markets do not already have established users of such course materials, and market price points can be low, so the platform must be easy to use for teachers and students, reliable, and have a relatively low cost of ownership (for Pearson ELT to develop and deploy new MyEnglishLabs).

From a customer support perspective, we intend to leverage our existing ELT technical support team, scaling up processes and resources to meet the projected increase in user numbers.

2 Background

This will be a multi-application solution comprising learning platform, audio recording/audio hosting application, and a registration/access control system. We are working with two different vendors, IOKI as the prime contractor and Learnosity as the provider of audio technologies. In addition, we will be working with Pearson’s US-based Learning Technologies Group, developers of Rumba, Pearson’s own online registration system.

MyEnglishLabs will be rolled out across all ELT global markets. Initially content will be developed by two publishing centres in the UK and US with further centres involved at a later date. Our publication schedule is aggressive, and a short-term solution will be implemented based around the customisation of an existing ELT LMS platform (IOKI’s Clip) to launch to customers our first wave of MyLabs starting in January 2012. The short-term (Jan 2012 product publications) platform is referred to as Phase 1 of the project and the mid-term as Phase 2.

This document covers the technical support needs for Phase 1 and whilst the solutions will be scalable, processes will be reviewed for Phase 2.

This document supplements other existing service support documents – see section Associated Documents for details. Care has been taken not to have a wholesale duplication of these documents here. However, some detail has been included to make clear the support model will fully support MGMEL and to make sure any potential gaps for NGMEL support are considered.

Objectives & Purpose of this document

The overall purpose of this document is to define for the NGMEL Platform and published My English Lab products the technical customer support and escalation service that will be provided by ELT, LTG, IOKI and Learnosity. This will help to address potential areas for service failure by: assigning roles and ownership, clarifying any pre-existing misunderstandings, and identifying and filling any service ‘gaps’.

The pre-sales support service and training for local sales teams is referred to in this document but is not a key focus – this will be subject to separate arrangements by the sales teams working with local offices.

Once the support model has been agreed, the ELT support team can then take the appropriate actions to implement the support model.

Key milestones

Add here

Service Scope

1 Inclusions

The service model includes:

▪ Defining the service provided by the ELT Support team

▪ Defining the service provided by the IOKI Support team

▪ Defining the service provided by the Learnosity Support team

▪ Defining the role of PI LTG UK in the context of technical support

▪ Defining the role of PI LTG US in the context of technical support

▪ Defining the role of Pearson 24/7 global support and integration points

▪ How performance is measured and reported

▪ Scalability

The service covered by this document is for the support that the ELT Support Team, IOKI and Learnosity provide for the NGMEL Platform and My English Lab products, to be used by Business Partners as detailed in Parties to the Agreement / Key Contacts.

2 Exclusions

This section lists items that are out of scope of this document.

|No |What has been excluded |Where is it included? |

| |Content development/product delivery support |Bugs and technical issues faced by product delivery teams are|

| | |included, but not general help with using tools or content |

| | |issues |

| |Pre-launch development support? | |

| |Pre-sales activities such as customer presentations, training, |Technical support will be provided to the technical sales |

| |documentation, etc will be carried out by local technical sales |specialists where needed e.g. to set up access codes, |

| |specialists |demonstration sites, local deployment support (system |

| | |compliance, testing bandwidth, local infrastructure, etc) |

| |Local system support, hardware, ISP/connectivity/firewall issues,|Assumed that institutions will arrange support for their own |

| |and anything not related to the product or Pearson platforms. |systems. |

| |Training and preparation of Tier 1 local and Tier 2 regional |This will be carried out with input from the ELT Support |

| |support teams. |team, but is not directly relevant to this support proposal. |

| | |See separate document. |

| |Tier 1 & 2 2 support in languages other than English. |Tier 1 support (direct to customer by local office) will be |

| | |in local language whenever possible, but once referred to |

| | |tier 2, support will primarily be in English. Some of the |

| | |regional support teams will be able to respond in a number of|

| | |different languages – see section 5 for details |

The service model includes:

▪ Defining the service provided by the ELT Support team

▪ Defining the service provided by the IOKI Support team

▪ Defining the service provided by the Learnosity Support team

▪ Defining the role of PI LTG UK in the context of technical support

▪ Defining the role of PI LTG US in the context of technical support

▪ Defining the role of Pearson 24/7 global support and integration points

▪ How performance is measured and reported

▪ Scalability

The service covered by this document is for the support that the ELT Support Team, IOKI and Learnosity provide for the NGMEL Platform and My English Lab products, to be used by Business Partners as detailed in Parties to the Agreement / Key Contacts.

3 Exclusions

This section lists items that are out of scope of this document.

|No |What has been excluded |Where is it included? |

| |Content development/product delivery support |Bugs and technical issues faced by product delivery teams are|

| | |included, but not general help with using tools or content |

| | |issues |

| |Pre-launch development support? | |

| |Pre-sales activities such as customer presentations, training, |Technical support will be provided to the technical sales |

| |documentation, etc will be carried out by local technical sales |specialists where needed e.g. to set up access codes, |

| |specialists |demonstration sites, local deployment support (system |

| | |compliance, testing bandwidth, local infrastructure, etc) |

| |Local system support, hardware, ISP/connectivity/firewall issues,|Assumed that institutions will arrange support for their own |

| |and anything not related to the product or Pearson platforms. |systems. |

| |Training and preparation of Tier 1 local and Tier 2 regional |This will be carried out with input from the ELT Support |

| |support teams. |team, but is not directly relevant to this support proposal. |

| | |See separate document. |

| |Tier 2 support in languages other than English. |Tier 1 support (direct to customer by local office) will be |

| | |in local language whenever possible, but once referred to |

| | |tier 2, support will primarily be in English. Some of the |

| | |regional support teams will be able to respond in a number of|

| | |different languages – see section 5 for details |

NGMEL System

1 Modules of NGMEL

P2 consists of the following key modules:

|Module |Description |Supported by |

|NGMEL componentsAdd here|[do we separate out the different NGMEL components, or just treat as one?] |IOKI |

| | | |

| | | |

|MediaServer |Repository for NGMEL content |LTG US |

|RUMBA |Registration and access control systems |LTG US |

|eText |Online eBook platform for ActiveBooks, integrated with NGMEL |LTG US |

|Learnosity |Audio recording and storing functionality |Learnosity |

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| | | |

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2 User Base

The following users will be supported:

|User Type |Assumptions |

|Administrators, |95% of total users. High numbers but most support likely to be directed internally to |

| |administrators/teachers or self-serve support via website FAQs |

|ELT Business users | ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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