Regression Worksheet - Oklahoma State University–Stillwater

Multiple Regression Final Quizam

Download and open Leslie Kassing’s thesis data. We looked at these data using Pearson’s correlation coefficients. Now let’s examine her data using multiple regression. She expected relationship commitment to be predicted from relationship rewards, costs, investments, and alternatives. Rewards and investments should be positively predictive of commitment while costs and alternatives should be negatively predictive. All of the variables range from 0 to 8, with high scores indicating more of the quality.

Using SPSS, build and test the following regression model:

Commit = a + b1(rewards) + b2(costs) + b3(invest) + b4(alternat)

What is the dependent variable? _____________

What is R2? _________

Is R2 statistically significant? (yes / no )

How much of the variance in SOMA is explained by the regression model? ________

What is the value of the y-intercept? ________

What are the values of the unstandardized beta weights? ________ ________ ________ ________

What are the values of the standardized beta weights? ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________

Which of the six predictors is statistically significant?

In the regression model, which variable is the best predictor and which is the worst?

Are the signs of all four predictors consistent with Leslie’s expectations? ( yes / no )

Print/scan your SPSS printout to turn in with this quizam.

Multiple-Choice on Back


1. Who defined measurement as “knowing quantitatively?”

a. Aristotle b. Kuhn c. Pearson d. S. S. Stevens

2. Dr. Grice argued that measurement entails demonstrating the _____________ of some quality.

a. reality b. additive structure c. subjectivity d. linearity

3. Which of the following is NOT one of the modern four scales of measurement?

a. ratio b. nominal c. interval d. discrete

4. With Pearson’s r, which assumption is most closely tied to the measurement issue?

a. Ho is true

b. observations are independent

c. variables are continuous d

d. random sampling

5. Psychologists have developed units of measure for qualities like intelligence, introversion, and depression. ( True / False )

6. Who defined measurement as “the assignment of numbers or symbols according to rule?”

a. Fisher b. Dr. Grice c. Aristotle d. S. S. Stevens

7. Which of the following is a consequent of violating assumptions in NHST?

a. The observed p-value will be inaccurate

b. The Type I error rate will usually be lower

8. One of the stranger things about S. S. Stevens’ view of measurement is that he considered simple counting to be an instance of a ratio scale. ( True / False )


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