Grade 4 - Smartkids

Grade 4


Circle the correct words in Einstein¡¯s note to help Honey find her treats.

Dear / Deer Honey

There / Their is still one fresh peace / piece of your favourite cream

cake and two juicy chunks of meet / meat somewhere around hear /

here. I have hidden it all because you yanked my tail / tale, not once,

not twice, but eight / ate times yesterday! Now my friends and I will

have some / sum fun watching you try (and fail, of course / coarse)

to read / reed and solve this puzzle. You see / sea, you should never

mess with a rat: We will beat / beet you at your / you¡¯re game every


Now, if you dare, don¡¯t waste / waist any more time or get your

stomach in a not / knot. Follow the scent / sent towards the gap in

the stares / stairs that lead to the hole / whole in the wall. There,

where the days / daze are dark, but the nights / knights are bright,

you will find you¡¯re / your next cryptic clue.


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