Classroom Procedures - Weebly

Geometry Syllabus2015-2016Mr. SantosEmail: nsantos@ .5 Credits/SemesterWebsite: mrsantosaaec. (Year-long class = 1 credit)Course Description:We are surrounded by space. And that space contains lots of things. And these things have shapes. In geometry we are concerned with the nature of these shapes, how we define them, and what they teach us about the world at large—from math to architecture to biology to astronomy (and everything in between). Learning geometry is about more than just taking your medicine ("It's good for you!"), it's at the core of everything that exists—including you. Having said all that, some of the specific topics we'll cover include angles, intersecting lines, right triangles, perimeter, area, volume, circles, triangles, quadrilaterals, analytic geometry, and geometric constructions. To summarize: it's difficult to imagine any area of math that is more widely used than geometry.*All policies contained in this syllabus are subject to change at the instructor’s discretion.*Materials:#2 Pencils and erasers - RequiredCollege ruled loose leaf paper for notes and assignments - RequiredGraphing paper for notes and assignments - RecommendedFolder or binder for notes and assignments - RequiredLarge Sketch Paper - RequiredRuler - RequiredCompass - RequiredProtractor - RequiredScientific calculator – RecommendedColored pencils - Recommended Textbook: Geometry, Charles, Kennedy, and Hall (2012). Pearson Education, Inc. USA?Grading:Overall grades will be assigned based on the formula:Total?Points?EarnedTotal?Points?Possible*100=Final?Grade?%The following cutoffs will be used to determine your final letter grade:90%-100%A80%-89%B70%-79%CBelow 70%FEvery assignment will have a point value based on its difficulty and the overall effort required to complete it, however some typical point values are as follows:Pearson Successnet Homework ------ 30 pointsWeekly Quizzes ---------------------------- 30 pointsUnit Tests ----------------------------------- 90 pointsAAEC-RM is an “Early College High School” and does not accept any grade lower than a “C”. This includes grades/credits from any college course. Students who are enrolled in any college class and earn a letter grade lower than a “C” (or withdraw from a college course) will not receive credit for the class and will not be allowed to enroll in any extra college classes the following semester.In order to keep everyone informed of their progress, you can access your student's grade on-line via Student/Parent Vue. I update the grades weekly. If you do not see a grade for an assignment check back in a day or so or leave me a message via email. I will get back to you within 48 hours. Please check with the front office for your password.Academic Expectations: Students will demonstrate a clear understanding of key content areas. It will not be sufficient just to get the right answer on the final exam (although this will be required, as well). Each student’s grasp of the content requirements will also be observed in classroom discussions, computer lab activities, homework, classroom participation and attendance. Students must achieve a grade of “C” or better in this course in order to move on. Grades are designed to reflect the level of proficiency a student demonstrates in several categories.Homework:Homework is assigned at the instructor’s discretion and should be completed by the date assigned by the instructor. Most homework will take the form of a weekly problem set submitted via Pearson Successnet. Successnet assignments will be available Monday mornings and will be due by Sunday evenings. I check homework weekly and will record the homework as a zero if not turned in by the due puter and Online Assignments:Students must have reliable access to a computer with internet outside of school to access all of the materials. If this is not the case, both the student and parent must contact the teacher immediately so we can make accommodations. Every student should have the chance to succeed, regardless of access to resources. Test/Quizzes:Quizzes are generally every Friday. Tests will be given, at the very least, at the end of every two chapters and are cumulative. If a make-up or retake is needed for a test or quiz, you will need to come in on your own time to retake the exam and it will need to be done in a timely fashion. I require you to make an appointment so that I can have the materials ready.At the instructor’s discretion, students will be allowed to retake the tests and quizzes. Students will be required to complete test corrections prior to a retake. The final grade for the individual assignment will be the average of the original and the retake grades.Notes:Students should arrive on time to class and be prepared to take notes. Be sure to date and label the section for ease of use. These notes are invaluable when you take your quizzes and work on assignments. Keep them up to date and tidy. If you miss class, get the notes from another student or go online and copy them.Classroom Procedures:Procedures will cover how to hand in papers, where to find daily assignments, what to do in an emergency, etc. These will be discussed at the beginning of the school year.Late Work Policy:As math is a brutally cumulative subject of study, all assignments are expected to be completed and turned in on time. The math department will not accept homework passes. Students will be allowed to appeal individual late assignments by writing a formal business letter that includes a heading, salutation, main body, closing, and a signature line. Such a petition must be completed for every individual assignment (no bulk petitions). Items that must be addressed in the letter include:The name and date of the missing assignmentThe reason that the assignment was not turned inWhat will be done to correct the mistakeWhat actions will be taken in the future to prevent future mistakesIf the letter is not in the proper format, or if any of the above items are absent, the late petition will be denied. It is entirely at the instructor’s discretion whether the petition is accepted or denied. A student should never assume that their petition will be accepted. The only way to guarantee full credit on an assignment is to submit it by its due date. For more information on writing formal business letters, visit the Owl at Purdue: Policy:Class participation is essential for success. School attendance policies will be strictly enforced. Students need to attend school every day. Whenever possible, please schedule all appointments after the school day. If a student must be absent due to illness or other substantial reasons, the parent must call the office at 480-854-1504. Although the absence may be excused, excessive absence for any reason may negatively impact a student’s standing in the class and may also jeopardize success. If a student misses a class, it is that student’s sole responsibility to catch up. They should come back to class with any assignments that were due the day they were absent, and they should make sure to find out what material was covered when they were absent.Tardies:Being prompt is a key to success in life, work, and school. Students are expected to arrive to every class on time and be ready to work when the tardy bell rings. Students are solely responsible for being on time. Research has demonstrated that excessive tardiness and absences negatively impact a student’s grade in class.Classroom Consequences: The classroom rules will be the same as the school rules. With breaking rules, there are always consequences. If you choose to break a rule, you may receive one of the following consequences: WarningCall HomeOffice referralConference with guardianAfter-school servicesClass Expectations:Come on time and be prepared.Be polite and respectful.No cell phones, hats, food or drink except bottled water.Raise your hand to speak in a whole-class setting.Keep desks and area clean.Use the restroom before or after class.Learn like a champion.Academic Integrity: Students at AAEC are expected to observe and maintain the highest academic, ethical, and professional standards of conduct. Any student found guilty of academic misconduct shall be subject to disciplinary action. Academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to, the following actions: cheating, academic dishonesty, plagiarism, unauthorized possession of materials, and unauthorized access to academic records. If you are found guilty of academic misconduct you will receive a zero and will not be allowed to makeup or retake the test/assignment.Additionally, parents and students are encouraged to check the grade book portal available online for information on attendance, grades, and assignments. Please check with the front office for your password. This class is designed for student success; do your best!The instructor reserves the right to alter the syllabus as needed.Please sign this page and return.Signing of this document verifies that you have been informed that the 2015-2016 Class Procedures and Grading Policies for the geometry class. If you need any further information or assistance, please feel free to e-mail (nsantos@). In order to keep everyone informed of their progress, you can access your student's grade on-line via Student/Parent Vue. I update the grades weekly. So, if you do not see a grade for an assignment check back in a day or so or leave me a message via email. I will get back to you within 48 hours.In order to provide every student with an adequate education, every student—even the brightest—will at some point be brought outside of their comfort zone. However, every student—even those who struggle the most with the material—will be provided with ample and numerous opportunities to succeed in the class. This includes test and quiz retakes, extra credit assignments, as well as additional tutoring. I will be available for tutoring and other assistance by appointment.Have a wonderful and successful semester!Nicholas SantosStudent Name (Please Print): _______________________________________________Course Name/Period: ____________________________________________________Student Signature: ________________________________________________________STUDENT EMAIL: ________________________________________________________DATE: __________________________Name of Parent (Print Please): ______________________________________________Parent Signature: ______________________________________Phone: ____________________________PARENT EMAIL: ________________________________________________________DATE: __________________________* Due back by Friday August 14th * ................

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