Title of Book

Globe Fearon


Pearson Learning Group

correlated to



The Human Journey

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Globe Fearon


Pearson Learning Group

correlated to


World History

The Human Journey

|Holt |Globe Fearon |


|UNIT 1: The Beginnings of Civilization |

|(3,700,000 B.c.-1200 B.C.) 4 |

|Cross-Cultural Connections: Geography 2 |

|CHAPTER 1 The Emergence of Civilization | |

|(3,700,000 B.c.-1200 B.C.) 4 |2-3 |

|I Prehistoric Peoples 6 |2-3, 4-8 |

|History Maker: Lucy 7 |5 |

|What If? The Ice Age 8 |5, 6, 7 |

|Connecting to Art: Sculpture: Cro-Magnon Carving 8 |2-3, 8 |

|2 The Foundations of Civilization 11 |16-17 |

|Skill-Building Strategies: Using a Time Line 14 |9 |

|Review 16 |105, 157 (skills); 20-21 (review) |

|CHAPTER 2: The First Civilizations (c. 6000 B.C.- 587 B.C.) 18 |18-21, 22-47 |

|1 Ancient Kingdoms of the Nile 20 |18-19, 22-28 |

|Connecting to Art: Metalworking: Funeral Mask of a Pharaoh 22 |25, 30-31 (Teacher can supplement text.) |

|History Maker: Hotshepsut 24 |25-26 |

|2 Egyptian Life and Culture 26 |27-28 |

|3 Sumerian Civilization 30 |32-36 |

|Skill-Building Strategies: Evaluating Sources of Evidence 33 |557, 717 |

|Young People in History: Ancient Schools 34 |36 |

|4 Empires of the Fertile Crescent 35 |37-41 |

|Holt |Globe Fearon |


|CHAPTER 2: The First Civilizations (c. 6000 B.C.- 587 B.C.), cont. |

|History Maker: Hammurabi 36 |38 |

|5 The Phoenicians and the Lydians 41 |14, 41 (Teacher can expand on text.) |

|What If? The Phoenician Alphabet 42 |41, 106 |

|Daily Life: Money 43 |14, 41 (Teacher can build on text.) |

|6 The Origins of Judaism 44 |42-45 |

|Review 48 |79, 205 (skills); 20-21, 46-47 (review of section) |

|CHAPTER 3: Ancient Indian Civilizations (c. 2500 B.C.- A.D. 550) 50 |48-71 |

|1 Indus River Valley Civilization 52 |50-54 |

|Skill-Building Strategies: Categorizing Historical Information 54 |179 (Teacher can also expand.) |

|Connecting to Economics: |51-52 |

|Industry and Trade in the Indus River Valley 55 | |

|2 Indo-Aryan Migrants 56 |56-60 |

|Connecting to Science and Technology: The Tools of Archaeology 58 |4-5 (Teacher can supplement with authentic materials and/or a visit from an archaeologist.) |

|3 Hinduism and Buddhism 60 |61-64 |

|4 Ancient Indian Dynasties and Empires 66 |65-69 |

|History Maker: Asoka 67 |66-67, 68 |

|5 Ancient Indian Life and Culture 69 |68-69 |

|Then and Now: Fairy Tales 70 |69 (Teacher may also wish to expand.) |

|Review 72 |105, 513 (skills – teacher may expand on text); 70-71 (review) |

|CHAPTER 4: Ancient Chinese Civilization | |

|(c.1500 B.C.- A.D. 589) 74 |72-95 |

|1 Geographic and Cultural Influences 76 |74-75 |

|Skill-Building Strategies: Reviewing Map Basics 77 |29, 131 |

|2 The Shang Dynasty 80 |76-78 |

|Connecting to Art: Metalworking: Ancient Bronze Vessel 81 |76-78 (Teacher should expand on text.) |

|3 The Zhou, Qin, and Han Dynasties 84 |80-84 |

|Then and Now: Civil Service 87 |84 |

|History Maker: Liu Ch'e 88 |83-84 (Teacher can easily supplement text.) |

|4 Philosophies of Ancient China 89 |85-89 |

|What If? Confucianism 90 |85-86, 89 |

|Holt |Globe Fearon |


|CHAPTER 4: Ancient Chinese Civilization (c.1500 B.C.- A.D. 589), cont. |

|5 Chinese Life and Culture 93 |90-93 |

|Review 96 |79, 391 (skills); 94-95 (review) |

|Cross-Cultural Connections: Literature Ancient Worldviews 98 |35, 58-59 |

|UNIT 1 Review 99 |96 (Complements Holt book in that students reflect on and assimilate what they have learned). |

|UNIT 2: The Growth of Civilizations 100 |

|Cross-Cultural Connections: Government 102 |

|CHAPTER 5: The Greek City-States (c. 2000 B.C.- 404 B.C.) 104 |98-113 |

|1 Early Greeks aid the Rise of City-States 106 |100-104, 106-107 |

|2 Greek Government and Society 110 |104, 106-107, 109 |

|Then and Now: Stadiums 111 |104, 106-107, 109 (Teacher can supplement text.) |

|3 Sparta and Athens 113 |108-109 |

|Connecting to Civics: Rights and Responsibilities in Ancient Greece 115 |109 |

|Skill-Building Strategies: Analyzing Historical Context 116 |189 |

|4 Daily Life in Athens 118 |109 |

|History Maker: Sappho 119 |114 |

|5 The Expansion of Greece 121 |110-111 |

|History Maker: Pericles 123 |112-113 |

|Review 126 |122-123 |

|CHAPTER 6: Greece's Golden and Hellenistic Ages | |

|(478 B.C.- 146 B.C.) 128 |112-123 |

|1 Greek Art of the Golden Age 130 |113-114 |

|Connecting to Art: Sculpture: Greek Funeral Stele 131 |114 (Teacher can supplement.) |

|2 Philosophers and Writers of the Golden Age 133 |114-115 |

|History Maker: Socrates 134 |114-115 |

|Connecting to Math: The Pythagorean Theorem 135 |121 |

|3 Alexander the Great 138 |118-120 |

|Then and Now: Memorials 140 |118-120 (Teacher can easily supplement text.) |

|What If? Alexander's Empire 141 |118-120 (Teacher can build on text.) |

|4 The Spread of Hellenistic Culture 142 |120-121 |

|Holt |Globe Fearon |


|CHAPTER 6: Greece's Golden and Hellenistic Ages (478 B.C.- 146 B.C.), cont. |

|History Maker: Archimedes 143 |121 |

|Skill-Building Strategies: Using Models to Understand History 144 |717 (Teacher can build on text.) |

|Review 146 |9, 391 (skills); 122-123 (review) |

|CHAPTER 7 The Roman World (1000 B.C.-A.D. 476) 148 |124-149 |

|1 Founding the Roman Republic 150 |126-129 |

|Primary Source Eyewitness: Romulus and Remus: The Legend 151 |127 (Teacher may also wish to supplement text.) |

|2 Rome Expands Its Borders 155 |129-130 |

|History Maker: Spartacus 157 |129-130 (Teacher should supplement text.) |

|3 The Birth of the Roman Empire 158 |132-135 |

|History Maker: Julius Caesar 159 |132-133 |

|What If? Julius Caesar 159 |132-133 (Teacher can build on text.) |

|History Maker: Augustus 160 |133-134 |

|4 Roman Society and Culture 162 |138-139 |

|Daily Life: Baths 165 |138-139 (Teacher can supplement text.) |

|Connecting to Science and Technology: The Roman Aqueducts 166 |138-139 (Teacher should supplement text.) |

|5 The Rise of Christianity 168 |144-147 |

|6 The Fall of the Western Empire 172 |138-143 |

|Skill-Building Strategies: Making Generalizations and Predictions 176 |343, 591 |

|Then and Now: Rome: An Enduring Legacy 177 |138-143 (Teacher can easily supplement text.) |

|Review 178 |29, 157 (skills); 148-149 (review) |

|CHAPTER 8: Africa (1800 B.C. - A.D.1500) 180 |220-241 |

|1 Africa's Early History 182 |222-223 |

|Daily Life: The Storytellers 184 |225 (Teacher can expand on text.) |

|Then and Now: Trumpets 185 |232-233 |

|2 The Kingdoms of Kush and Aksum 187 |220-221, 223-224, 234-235 |

|Skill-Building Strategies: Using Artifacts as Historical Evidence 189 |105 |

|History Maker: King ‘Ezānā 190 |234 |

|3 Trading States of Africa 191 |228-231, 234-239 |

|Connecting to Art: Sculpture: Royal Figure from West Africa 193 |225 (Teacher may supplement text.) |

|History Maker: Mansa Mūsā 194 |229-230 |

|Review 196 |539, 643, 295 (skills); 240-241 (review) |

|Holt |Globe Fearon |


|CHAPTER 9: The Americas (1800 B.C. - A.D.1500) 198 |198-219 |

|1 The Earliest Americans 200 |200-204, 212 |

|Daily Life: Hunter-Gatherers 202 |6, 10 |

|2 Cultures of North America 203 |212-217 |

|Young People in History: Young Native Americans 205 |212-217 (Teacher can supplement text.) |

|Skill-Building Strategies: Formulating a Thesis Statement 206 |565 (Teacher may expand on text.) |

|3 Mesoamerica and Andean South America 208 |201-204, 206-211 |

|Connecting to Science and Technology: | |

|Ancient Maya Astronomers 209 |203 (Teacher may choose to supplement text.) |

|History Maker: Juanita 211 |209 (Teacher can supplement text.) |

|Review 212 |218-219 |

|Cross-Cultural Connections: Literature -Morality Tales 214 |198-219 (Teacher can supplement text.) |

|UNIT 2 Review 215 |196, 312 |

|UNIT 3: The World in Transition 216 |

|Cross-Cultural Connections: Culture 216 |

|CHAPTER 10: The Byzantine Empire and Russia | |

|(A.D. 395 - A.D. 1589) 220 |150-169 |

|I The Byzantine Empire 222 |152-156 |

|History Maker: Empress Theodora 224 |153 |

|Skill-Building Strategies: Identifying Bias 225 |667 |

|2 The Rise of Russia 229 |158-163 |

|History Maker: Yaroslav the Wise 231 |159 |

|Then and Now: Town Meetings 231 |159 (Teacher should supplement text.) |

|3 Russia and the Mongols 233 |160-163 |

|History Maker: Ivan the Terrible 234 |163 |

|Holt |Globe Fearon |


|CHAPTER 11: The Islamic World (A.D. 570 - A.D.1250) 238 |170-194 |

|1 The Rise of Islam 240 |172-174 |

|2 The Spread of Islam 243 |175-178 |

|History Maker: Rãbi'ah al-‘Adowĩyoh 245 |177 (Teacher should supplement text.) |

|Skill-Building Strategies: Understanding Sequence 246 |205 |

|3 Islamic Civilization 248 |180-185 |

|Connecting to Science and Technology: Muslim Medicine 250 |182 |

|Connecting to Art: Weaving: Carpets of the Muslim World 253 |183 |

|Review 254 |194-195 |

|Cross-Cultural Connections: World Religions 256 |42, 44, 45, 48, 60, 63-64, 85-86, 144-145, 179, 172-175, 181 |

| History Maker: Abraham 257 |42, 44, 45 |

| History Maker: Mahavira 258 |48, 60 (Teacher should supplement text.) |

| History Maker: Siddhartha Gautama 259 |63-64 |

| History Maker: Confucius 260 |85-86 |

| History Maker: Jesus 261 |144-145 |

| History Maker: Muhammad 262 |179, 172-175, 181 |

|CHAPTER 12: The Civilizations of East Asia (A.D. 552-A.D. 1573) 264 |242-267 |

|1 China Under the Sui, Tang, and Sung Dynasties 266 |244-248 |

|Connecting to Science and Technology: The Grand Canal 267 |245, 252 |

|History Maker: Empress Wu 269 |245 |

|2 The Mongol Empire 272 |250-254 |

|History Maker: Kublai Khan 274 |251, 252, 263, 338, 339 |

|3 Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia 276 |256-265 |

|Young People in History: Training to Become a Samurai 278 |263 (Teacher may expand on text.) |

|Skill-Building Strategies: Reading a Chart 279 |79 |

|Review 284 |157, 391 (skills); 266-267 (review) |

|Holt |Globe Fearon |


|CHAPTER 13: The Rise of the Middle Ages (A.D. 432 - A.D. 1328) 286 |268-287 |

|1 The Rise of the Franks 288 |271-274 |

|History Maker: Charlemagne 289 |272 |

|2 Feudalism and the Manorial System 294 |276-279 |

|Skill-Building Strategies: | |

|Establishing a Fact from a Values Statement 296 |295, 717 |

|Young People in History: Preparing for Life as a Noblewoman 298 |278 |

|3 The Church 300 |280-284 |

|Connecting to Art: Print Design: The Lindisfarne Gospels 301 |281 (Teacher should supplement text.) |

|History Maker: Hildegard of Bingen 302 |281 (Teacher should supplement text.) |

|Daily Life: The Parish Church 303 |280-281 |

|4 The Struggle for Power in England and France 304 |276 |

|History Maker: Eleanor of Aquitaine 306 |292, 302, 303 |

|Connecting to Civics: Magna Carta 307 |167, 405, 407 |

|5 The Clash over Germany and Italy 310 |282-283, 290 (Teacher should expand on and supplement text.) |

|Then and Now: The Pope 312 |282-283 (Teacher can build on text.) |

|Review 314 |29, 343 (skills); 286-287 (review) |

|CHAPTER 14 The High Middle Ages (1000 - 1500) 316 |288-311 |

|1 The Crusades 318 |290-294 |

|What If? The Crusades 319 |290-294 (Teacher can expand on text.) |

|Connecting to Geography: The World of Arab Geographers 322 |290-294 (Teacher can supplement text.) |

|2 The Revival of Trade 323 |296-297 |

|Connecting to Economics: Trade Fairs of the Middle Ages 325 |296, 301 |

|3 The Growth of Towns 327 |297-299 |

|Skill-Building Strategies: Using Maps to Analyze Historical Patterns 329 |29, 131 |

|4 Life and Culture in the Middle Ages 331 |298-300 |

|History Maker: Thomas Aquinas 334 |299 |

|5 Wars and the Growth of Nations 336 |302-306 |

|History Maker: Joan of Arc 338 |304 |

|6 Challenges to Church Power 341 |307-309 |

|Review 344 |79, 789 (skills); 310-311 (review) |

|Cross-Cultural Connections: Literature - Epic Poetry 346 |35 (Teacher can expand on text.) |

|UNIT 3 Review 347 |312 |

|Holt |Globe Fearon |


|UNIT 4: The Age of Exploration and Expansion 348 |

|Cross-Cultural Connections: Economics 350 |

|CHAPTER 15: The Renaissance and Reformation (1350-1700) 352 |314-335 |

|I The Italian Renaissance 354 |316-320 |

|History Maker: Isabella d'Este 355 |318 (Teacher can easily supplement text.) |

|Skill-Building Strategies: Using Art to Understand Values 357 |316-320 (Teacher can expand on text.) |

|2 The Northern Renaissance 359 |322-327 |

|3 The Protestant Reformation 363 |328-331 |

|History Maker: Martin Luther 364 |329 |

|4 The Catholic Reformation 368 |331-333 |

|Daily Life: Effects of the Inquisition 369 |306, 388 (Teacher can expand or supplement.) |

|5 Culture and Daily Life 372 |(Teacher can easily build on text.) |

|Then and Now: Games 374 |316-317 (Teacher may choose to supplement.) |

|Connecting to Science and Technology: The Printing Press 375 |317, 322, 328, 414 |

|Review 378 |55, 105 (skills); 334-335 (review) |

|CHAPTER 16: Exploration and Expansion (1400 - 1800) 380 |336-383, 414-418 |

|1 The Scientific Revolution 382 |414-418 |

|History Maker: Nicolaus Copernicus 383 |166, 415 |

|Connecting to Math: Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion 384 |415, 418 |

|History Maker: Galileo Galilei 385 |416, 418p, 421 |

|History Maker: René Descartes 386 |395, 416 |

|2 The Foundations of European Exploration 388 |341-342, 376 |

|Connecting to Science and Technology: |341 |

|The Astrolabe - An Early Guidance System 389 | |

|Daily Life: The New Commercial Economy 391 |376 |

|3 Voyages of Portugal and Spain 392 |344-349, 360-364, 366-371 |

|History Maker: Queen Isabella 393 |360-361, 368 |

|Connecting to Geography: The Columbian Exchange 394 |364, 368, 369 |

|History Maker: Ferdinand Magellan 395 |363-364 |

|Primary Source Eyewitness: Olaudah Equiano 399 |371, 381 |

|4 Spanish and Dutch Empires 400 |372-376 |

|Connecting to Art: Painting: Young Woman with Water Jug 403 |372 (Teacher can easily supplement text.) |

|Skill-Building Strategies: Making Charts 406 |79 |

|Review 408 |29, 343 (skills); 356-357, 382-383, 432-433 (review) |

|Holt |Globe Fearon |


|CHAPTER 17: Asia in Transition | |

|(1368 - 1868) 410 |482-501 |

|I The Ming and Qing Dynasties 412 |484-486 |

|What If? Sea Power 413 |484-486 (Teacher can expand on text.) |

|History Maker: Hsüan-yeh 414 |484-486 (Teacher should supplement text.) |

|2 China and Europeans 417 |350-352 (Teacher can expand on text.) |

|Skill-Building Strategies: Using the Internet in Historical Research 420 |513 |

|3 The Tokugawa Shoguns in Japan 422 |486-488 |

|History Maker: Toyotomi Hideyoshi 423 |486 |

|Connecting to Art: Theater: Kabuki 425 |487 |

|Review 428 |9, 667 (skills); 500-501 (review) |

|CHAPTER 18: Islamic Empires in Asia (1300 - 1700) 430 | |

|1 The Ottoman Empire 432 |190-192 |

|History Maker: Süleyman the Magnificent 434 |191-192 |

|2 The Safavid Empire 436 |193 |

|3 The Mughal Empire in India 439 |187-189 |

|Skill-Building Strategies: Understanding Frames of Reference 442 |717 (Teacher can expand on text.) |

|Cross-Cultural Connections: Literature - Styles of Verse 446 |326-327, 488 (Teacher can expand on text.) |

|UNIT 4 Review 447 |194-195 |

|Holt |Globe Fearon |


|UNIT 5: From Absolutism to Revolution 448 |

|Cross-Cultural Connections: Constitutional Heritage 450 |

|CHAPTER 19: Monarchs of Europe (1500 - 1800) 452 | |

|1 France in the Age of Absolutism 454 |392-396 |

|Young People in History: The Boy King 456 |393-394 |

|2 Russia in the Age of Absolutism 459 |397-401 |

|Skill-Building Strategies: Drawing Inferences 461 |391 |

|History Maker: Peter the Great 462 |400-401 |

|History Maker: Catherine the Great 464 |401 |

|3 Central Europe in the Age of Absolutism 465 |397-398 |

|Daily Life: Dressing for Success 466 |388 (Teacher can expand on text.) |

|4 The English Monarchy 470 |402-407 |

|History Maker: Elizabeth I 471 |388, 389-390, 402 |

|Then and Now: The Globe Theatre 472 |402 (Teacher can supplement text.) |

|Review 474 |157, 539, 643, 667(skills); 408-409 (review) |

|CHAPTER 20: Enlightenment and Revolution in England and America (1550 - 1789) 476 | |

| |411 |

|1 Civil War and Revolution 478 |403-404 |

|What If? The English Civil War 480 |403-404 (Teacher can expand on text.) |

|Connecting to Civics: Constitutionalism 481 |403-404 (Teacher can supplement text.) |

|2 Constitutional Monarchy in England 483 |402-407 |

|History Maker: John Locke 485 |406, 407, 423, 424, 429, 430, 474, 477 |

|Skill-Building Strategies: Identifying Points of View 486 |249, 467 (Teacher may build on text.) |

|3 English Colonial Expansion 490 |374-375, 390 |

|Connecting to Economics: Mercantilism 493 |364, 394 |

|4 The Enlightenment 494 |422-426 |

|History Maker: Mary Wollstonecraft 496 |424, 425 |

|5 The American Revolution 497 |427-431 |

|Young People in History: Young Patriots 499 |427-431(Teacher can expand on text.) |

|History Maker: George Washington 503 |428, 429, 430, 431, 474 |

|Review 504 |79, 179 (skills); 408-409, 432-433 (review) |

|Holt |Globe Fearon |


|CHAPTER 21: The French Revolution and Napoleon | |

|(1789 - 1815) 506 | |

|I The Roots of Revolution 508 |436-440 |

|History Maker: Marie-Antoinette 510 |436-440 (Teacher should supplement text.) |

|2 The French Revolution 512 |442-446 |

|Connecting to Civics: Two Declarations of Freedom 514 |443-444, 447 |

|3 The French Republic 517 |446-447 |

|Connecting to Art: Painting: The Death of Marat 518 |446-447 (Teacher should supplement text.) |

|History Maker: Napoleon Bonaparte 521 |399, 457 |

|4 The Napoleonic Era 523 |448-452 |

|5 A Return to Peace 529 |453-457 |

|Skill-Building Strategies: Using Outlines 532 |179 |

|Cross-Cultural Connections: Literature Political Satire 536 |441 |

|UNIT 5 Review 537 |410, 502 (unit history); 458-459 (chapter review) |

|UNIT 6: Industrialization and Nationalism 538 |

|Cross-Cultural Connections: Science, Technology, and Society 540 |

|CHAPTER 22: The Industrial Revolution (1600 - 1901) 542 |504-530 |

|I Origins of the Industrial Revolution 544 |506-512 |

|Daily Life: Industrialization and Sports 546 |510-511 (Teacher should build on text.) |

|Skill-Building Strategies: Determining Cause and Effect 549 |55 |

|2 The Factory System 551 |508-509 |

|Connecting to Science and Technology: Thonet Rocker 552 |511 (Teacher can supplement text.) |

|Young People in History: Young Factory Workers 553 |511, 515-516 |

|3 New Methods and Business Organizations 555 |511-512, 514-519, 528-529 |

|4 Living and Working Conditions 559 |525-529 |

|History Maker: Adam Smith 560 |423, 512, 528 |

|5 Socialism 564 |529 |

|History Maker: Karl Marx 565 |529, 633 |

|Review 568 |105, 295 (skills); 530-531 (review) |

|Holt |Globe Fearon |


|CHAPTER 23: Life in the Industrial Age (1800 - 1928) 570 | |

|1 Advances in technology and Communication 572 |516-518 (Teacher should expand on text.) |

|Connecting to Science and Technology: | |

|Petroleum and the Industrial Age 575 |516-518 (Teacher should supplement text.) |

|2 Advances in Science and Medicine 576 |516-518 (Teacher should expand on text.) |

|Then and Now: Science Fiction 578 |516-518 (Teacher should expand on text.) |

|History Makers: Pierre and Marie Curie 581 |518 |

|Connecting to Math: E = mc2 582 |518 |

|3 Social Sciences in the Industrial Age 583 |516-518, 525-529 (Teacher should supplement text.) |

|History Maker: Sigmund Freud 585 |516-518 (Teacher should supplement text.) |

|4 Society and Culture in the Industrial Age 586 |520-524 |

|History Maker: Jane Addams 588 |524, 525-527 (Teacher can supplement text.) |

|Daily Life: Leisure Time 590 |523-524 |

|5 Literature, Music, and Art in the Industrial Age 592 |523-524 (Teacher can supplement text.) |

|Skill-Building Strategies: Using Art as a Historical Document 595 |523-524 (Teacher can build on text.) |

|Review 598 |717(skills); 530-531 (review) |

|CHAPTER 24: The Age of Reform (1791 - 1911) 600 | |

|1 Liberal Reforms in Great Britain and Its Empire 602 |534-538 |

|Primary Source Eyewitness: Suffrage and the Chartists 603 |535 |

|Connecting to Geography: The Irish Potato Famine 604 |536 |

|History Maker: Emmeline Pankhurst 605 |534-538 (Teacher should supplement text.) |

|What If? Great Britain and the American Revolution 606 |534-538 (Teacher can expand on text.) |

|2 Expansion and Reform in the United States 609 |525-529 |

|Connecting to Civics: The Civil War Amendments 611 |543-544 |

|Skill-Building Strategies: Reading Graphs 613 |539 |

|History Maker: Elizabeth Cady Stanton 614 |525, 526 |

|3 Revolution and Reform in France 615 |434-435, 442-443, 462-464, 464-466, 526, 551 |

|Primary Source Eyewitness: Republicanism under Louis-Napoleon 616 |464-466 |

|Connecting to Art: Painting: The Cleaners 617 |464-466 (Teacher should supplement text.) |

|History Maker: Florence Nightingale 618 |470 |

|4 Latin Americans Win Independence 621 |473-479 |

|History Maker: Simon Bolivar 622 |476-477 |

|History Maker: Toussoint-Louverture 624 |475-476 |

|Daily Life: Rancheros 624 |473-474 (Teacher can supplement text.) |

|Review 628 |9, 343, 391 (skills); 480-481, 530-531, 556-557 (review) |

|Holt |Globe Fearon |


|CHAPTER 25: Nationalism in Europe (l806 - 1913) 630 |532 |

|1 The Unification of Italy 632 |548-549 |

|History Maker: Giuseppe Garibaldi 634 |549 |

|Skill-Building Strategies: Using a Problem-Solving Problem 635 |321, 765 |

|2 Unification of Germany 637 |549-551 |

|History Maker: Otto van Bismarck 639 |551 |

|Connecting to Civics: Nationalism 640 |532, 549-551 |

|3 Opposition to Bismarck 643 |551 |

|What If? Bismarck 645 |551, 560, 568, 580, 614 (Teacher can expand on text.) |

|4 Reform and Revolution in Russia 647 |630-633 |

|Connecting to Art: Metalworking: Faberge Egg 649 |630-633 |

|5 Unrest in Austria-Hungary 653 |552-555 |

|Then and Now: The Balkans 655 |468-469, 518, 613 |

|Review 658 |29, 89, 117, 131, 285, 407, 457, 519, 605, 653, 727 (skills); 556-557, 634-635 (review) |

|CHAPTER 26: The Age of Imperialism (1830 - 1917) 660 |558 |

|I The Roots of Western Imperialism 662 |560-564 |

|2 European Claims in North Africa 666 |566-569 |

|Skill-Building Strategies: Using a Decision-Making Process 667 |55, 365 |

|3 European Claims in Sub-Saharan Africa 670 |569-570 |

|History Maker: Samory Toure 671 |569-570 (Teacher can supplement text.) |

|Connecting to Geography: The Berlin Conference 674 |568 |

|4 Expansion in Asia 675 |586-590, 592-596 |

|History Maker: Queen Liliuokalani 681 |586-590, 592-596 (Teacher can supplement text.) |

|5 Imperialism in Latin America 682 |597-601 |

|Connecting to Economics: Dollar Diplomacy 686 |597-601 (Teacher can easily supplement text.) |

|Review 688 |79,179 (skills); 582-583, 606-607 (review) |

|Cross-Cultural Connections: Literature -Nationalism and Literature 690 |503 (Teacher should supplement text.) |

|UNIT 6 Review 691 |608 |

|Holt |Globe Fearon |


|UNIT 7: World War in the Twentieth Century 692 |

|Cross-Cultural Connections: Global Relations 694 |

|CHAPTER 27: World War I and the Russian Revolution | |

|(c.1880 – 1920) 696 |610-611 |

|1 Setting the Stage for War 698 |612-616 |

|2 World War I: A New Kind of War 704 |618-623 |

|Connecting to Science and Technology: U-boats 705 |619 |

|Then and Now: Women in Wartime 706 |618-623 (Teacher can expand on text.) |

|3 The Russian Revolution 711 |630-633 |

|History Maker: Vladimir Lenin 713 |630, 632-633, 636-637, 638-640 |

|4 The Terms of Peace 714 |624-629 |

|What If? Nations at War 715 |624-629 (Teacher can expand on text.) |

|5 Creating a "New" Europe 718 |626, 627-629 |

|Skill-Building Strategies: | |

|Interpreting Visuals: Using Maps as Historical Documents 720 |29, 131 |

|Review 724 |157, 617 (skills); 634-635 (review) |

|CHAPTER 28: The Great Depression and the Rise of Totalitarianism (1919 - 1936) 726 | |

| |636 |

|I The Postwar Era 728 |636-637 (Teacher should supplement text.) |

|Connecting to Science and Technology: |636-637 (Teacher should supplement text.) |

|The Development of Radio 730 | |

|Connecting to Art: Film: Modern Times 732 |636-637 (Teacher should supplement text.) |

|2 Postwar Prosperity Crumbles 734 |645-646, 656 |

|Young People in History: Growing Up During the Depression 737 |645-646 (Teacher can expand on text.) |

|3 Political Tensions After World War I 738 |644-647 |

|Then and Now: Northern Ireland 741 |647 |

|4 Fascist Dictatorships in Italy and Germany 743 |654-657 |

|History Maker: Adolf Hitler 746 |656-657, 660, 664-665, 678 |

|Skill-Building Strategies: Analyzing Documents 747 |157 |

|5 Dictatorship in the Soviet Union 749 |638-642 |

|History Maker: Joseph Stalin 751 |636, 639-642, 657, 666, 680, 688, 690, 692 |

|Daily Life: The Gulags 753 |641-642 |

|Review 754 |658-659 |

|Holt |Globe Fearon |


|CHAPTER 29: Nationalist Movements Around the World | |

|(1898 - 1938) 756 |650-651 |

|1 The British Empire in the Postwar Era 758 |651-652 |

|Skill-Building Strategies: Making Graphs 759 |539, 643 (Teacher can build on text.) |

|History Maker: Mohandas Gandhi 760 |575, 651-652, 653, 736, 737, 814 |

|2 Turkey, Persia, and Africa 762 |648-653 (Teacher can supplement text.) |

|Young People in History: Missionary Schools 764 |648-653 (Teacher can supplement text.) |

|3 Unrest in China 765 |588-590, 648-650 |

|History Maker: Empress Dowager Tz’u-hsi 766 |589-590 |

|Connecting to Civics: P'u-i: The Last Emperor of China 768 |589-590 (Teacher can supplement text.) |

|4 Imperialism in Japan 770 |595-596 |

|What If? The Russo-Japanese War 771 |595-596 |

|Daily Life: The Westernization of Japan 772 |595-596 (Teacher can supplement text.) |

|5 Latin America Between the Wars 774 |601 (Teacher can build on text.) |

|Connecting to Art: Painting: Fruits of Labor 775 |601 (Teacher can supplement text.) |

|Review 778 |617 (skills); 658-659 (review) |

|CHAPTER 30: World War II (1921 - 1945) 780 |660-661 |

|1 Threats to World Peace 782 |662-666 |

|Connecting to Art: Painting: Guernica by Pablo Picasso 784 |662-666 (Teacher can supplement text.) |

|2 Hitler's Aggressions 786 |660-661, 665, 666, 668-669 |

|Young People in History: Edelweiss Pirates 789 |665, 666 (Teacher should supplement text.) |

|3 Axis Gains 791 |668-670, 672 |

|History Maker: Winston Churchill 793 |669-670 |

|4 The Soviet Union and the United States 796 |668, 670, 674-675 |

|Daily Life: The Eastern Front 798 |668 (Teacher can expand on text.) |

|5 The Holocaust 801 |679 |

|History Maker: Anne Frank 803 |679 (Teacher can supplement with book or movie). |

|6 The End of the War 804 |678-681 |

|Skill-Building Strategies: | |

|Reading About History: Understanding a Biographical Account 806 |179, 513 (Teacher can expand on text.) |

|Review 810 |79, 667 (skills); 682-683 (review) |

|Cross-Cultural Connections: Literature - Hope Amid Turmoil 812 |679 (Teacher can address this along with History Maker: Anne Frank) |

|UNIT 7 Review 813 |684 |

|Holt |Globe Fearon |


|UNIT 8: The World Since 1945 814 |

|Cross-Cultural Connections Citizenship 816 |

|CHAPTER 31 Europe and North America in the Postwar Years | |

|(1945 - 1968) 818 |686-733 |

|1 Aftermath of the War in Europe 820 |681, 688-692 |

|Then and Now: War Crimes 822 |681 |

|History Maker: Eleanor Roosevelt. 823 |680 (Teacher should build on text.) |

|2 Origins of the Cold War 825 |688-692 |

|Skill-Building Strategies: | |

|Transferring Information from One Medium to Another 829 |513, 565, 741 (Teacher should build on text.) |

|3 Reconstruction, Reform, and Reaction in Europe 831 |694-698 |

|History Maker: Charles de Gaulle 833 |671, 696-697, 762 |

|Connecting to Art: Architecture: Chapel by Le Corbusier 834 |694-698 (Teacher can supplement text.) |

|4 The United States and Canada 837 |712-716, 718-721 |

|Connecting to Civics: Separatism 841 |719-720 |

|Review 842 |79, 391 (skills); 708-709, 732-733 (review) |

|CHAPTER 32 Asia Since 1945 (1945 - Present) 844 |736-757 |

|1 South Asia After Empire 846 |736-740 (Teacher may also supplement text.) |

|History Maker: Indira Gandhi 849 |736 |

|Daily Life: Helping India's Poor 850 |739-740 |

|History Maker: Benazir Bhutto 851 |652, 697, 737 (Teacher can expand on text.) |

|2 Communist China and Its Influence 852 |742-745 |

|Young People in History: The Red Guards 854 |742-745 (Teacher may supplement text.) |

|What If? China and the United States 855 |742-745 (Teacher may supplement text.) |

|Skill-Building Strategies: Conducting Research 857 |513 |

|3 The Japanese Miracle 859 |747-750 |

|4 Independence Struggles in Southeast Asia 863 |751-755 |

|History Maker: Corazon Aquino 864 |755 |

|Connecting to Art: Weaving: Ikat Cloth 866 |751-755 (Teacher should build on text.) |

|5 Asian Paths to Prosperity 870 |749, 750 (Teacher may also choose to supplement with additional materials.) |

|Review 874 |205 (skills); 756-757 (review) |

|Holt |Globe Fearon |


|CHAPTER 33 Africa and the Middle East Since 1945 | |

|(l945 - Present) 876 |758-759 |

|1 African Independence After World War II 878 |760-764, 766-771 |

|Connecting to Geography: Pan-Africanism 879 |760 |

|History Maker: Desmond Tutu 884 |769 |

|History Maker: Nelson Mandela 885 |758-759, 768, 769 |

|2 Africa Since Independence 886 |766-771 |

|3 Nationalism in the Middle East and North Africa 891 |760, 772-776 |

|Connecting to Art: Stained Glass: Windows to Jerusalem 892 |772-776 (Teacher can supplement text.) |

|What If? The United States and Israel 893 |774-779, 798 (Teacher can expand on text.) |

|4 War, Revolution, and Oil in the Middle East and North Africa 898 |775-776, 777-781 |

|History Maker: Golda Meir 899 |774 (Teacher can supplement text.) |

|Skill -Building Strategies: Using a Special-Purpose Map 902 |29, 131 |

|Review 906 |157 (skills); 782-783 (review) |

|CHAPTER 34 Latin America Since 1945 (1945 - Present) 908 |722-731 |

|1 Facing New Challenges 910 |722-731 (Teacher can expand on text.) |

|Connecting to Economics: NAFTA 912 |722, 727 |

|2 Mexico and Central America 915 |722-726 |

|Skill-Building Strategies: Using Multimedia Resources 917 |741 |

|History Maker: Violeta Barrios de Chamorro 919 |724-725 |

|3 Nations of the Caribbean 922 |713, 726 |

|History Maker: Fidel Castro 923 |713 |

|What If? The Bay of Pigs 923 |713 |

|4 South America 929 |728-731 |

|Then and Now: The Falklands 931 |728 |

|Review 936 |79, 295, 365 (skills); 732-733 (review) |

|Holt |Globe Fearon |


|CHAPTER 35 The Superpowers in the Modern Era | |

|(1969 - Present) 938 |686, 710 |

|1 The Industrial Powers of North America 940 |712-716 |

|Connecting to Art: Architecture: The Vietnam War Memorial 941 |715, 718, 751-752 |

|Connecting to Geography: Beyond Planet Earth 944 |689, 715, 801 |

|2 Europe 948 |688-692, 694-698, 699-703 |

|History Maker: Margaret Thatcher 949 |697, 698, 700 |

|Connecting to Civics: The Decline of European Monarchies 952 |465, 479 |

|3 The Fall of Communism 956 |701-703, 704-707 |

|What If? Gorbachev 957 |701, 703, 704 |

|History Maker: Vaclav Hovel 960 |703-704 (Teacher may supplement text.) |

|Skill-Building Strategies: Writing a Research Paper 962 |565 |

|4 A Day That Changed the World 964 |716, 718, 781, 797-799 |

|Review 970 |467, 539, 643 (skills); 806-807 (review) |

|CHAPTER 36 The Modern World (1945 - Present) 972 |784-807 |

|I The Arts and Literature 974 |784-803 (Teacher can supplement text.) |

|Skill-Building Strategies: Connecting Architecture to History 976 |e.g., 120, 114, 283, 426 (Throughout text.) |

|History Maker: Maya Angelou 979 |784-803 (Teacher can supplement text.) |

|2 Science and Technology 981 |623, 790-793, 800-803 |

|Connecting to Science and Technology: Genetic Engineering 986 |801 |

|3 Human Rights and the Spread of Democratic Ideals 990 |786-788, 796 |

|Young People in History: Children's Rights 993 |788 |

|Review 994 |55, 249(skills); 806-807 (review) |

|Cross-Cultural Connections: Literature - Cultural Pride 996 |808 (Teacher can supplement text.) |

|UNIT 8 Review 997 |808 |

|Reference Section | |

|Table of Contents R1 |iv-xvii |

|Almanac R2 |GH1-GH9, A1-A8, 816-826 |

|Glossary R6 |827-836 |

|Spanish Glossary R19 |827-836 (Teacher should supplement.) |

|Index R33 |835-858 |

|Acknowledgements R64 |859 |


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