Weight Lifting Study Guide

Weight Lifting Study Guide

Overload Principle - subjecting the body to loads greater than what it is use to. Parts of the over-load include the following:

Intensity - how hard you exercise.

Frequency - how often you exercise.

Mode - what type of exercise is being performed.

Duration - how long you are going to exercise.

Milo of Crotona was the first known strongman to use the over-load principle by carrying a calf everyday for a few hundred yards until is was a full grown bull. While the calf got bigger Milo got stronger.

1. A person may start lifting weights at any age as long as they are mature enough to lift correctly without getting hurt. They do not do 1 rep maximum lifts.

2. Warm up is extremely important before starting any vigorous exercises. It helps the heart to pump blood to the muscles that are about to be used.

3. Rest period should be about 1 minute for recovery between sets.

4. Large muscles should always be worked out first. They can sustain more weight than small muscles. Large muscles include the following: legs, triceps, back, and chest.

5. Men have more muscle quantity than women, therefore causing them to lift more weight than women. Muscle quality is the same in both men and women.

6. Agonist muscle is the primary muscle being worked out. Example would be on the bench press the agonist muscle is the pectoralis major.

7. Antagonist muscle is working the opposite muscle. An example would be when working out doing a biceps curl the antagonist muscle would be the triceps.

8. When lifting weights, a muscle group should be worked out every other day. The muscle worked should have at least 24 hours to rest and repair.

9. Supersets are known as an endurance workout. There is very little rest time between sets. It is doing a number of different exercises for the same muscle group. Then doing a number of exercises for the opposite muscle group. An example would be if you worked out your biceps you need to workout you triceps.

10. Primary muscle is the main muscle being worked out.

11. Secondary muscle is the muscles that may aid in the lift or exercise but are not the primary targets. An example would be on the bench press the chest is the primary muscle, but the anterior deltoids and the triceps are the secondary muscles.

12. Eccentric is the lengthening of the muscles. An example would be in a biceps curl, the eccentric muscle is the triceps when the curl motion is being performed.

13. Concentric is when the muscle shortens/tightens or contracts. Example would be in the biceps curl the biceps is in a concentric state when the muscle is flexed on the upward motion.

14. Muscle Pump - is the squeezing action of the large muscles.

15. Delayed Muscle Soreness (DMS) - is the micro-tears in the muscles after a workout. Also known as soreness.

Muscles to know:

Pectoralis Major - chest muscles. Exercise would include: bench press, pec deck, push-ups, incline press, dips, etc.

Biceps - upper front arm muscles. Exercise would include: biceps curls, machine curl, concentration curl, alternating curls, curl ups, etc.

Trapezius - neck muscles. Exercise would include: shoulder press, upright rows, dips, lateral raises, frontal raises, shrugs, etc.

Latissimus Dorsi - large back muscles. Exercise would include: lat pull-downs, bent over rows, seated machine row, etc.

Gastrocnemius - calf muscle. Exercise would include: donkey raise, standing calf raises, single leg calf raises.

Tibialis Anterior - shins. Exercise would include: toe lift

Forearm Flexors - forearms. Exercise would include: forearm rollers, twists, reverse curls, forearm curls, etc.

Hamstrings - Back of the leg. Exercise would include: leg curls, dead lifts, lunges, etc.

Quadriceps - Front of the upper leg. Exercise would include: leg extensions, leg press, reverse lunges, etc.

Abdominal region - stomach. Exercise would include: sit-ups, machine crunch, leg lifts, bicycles, etc.

Triceps - back of upper arm. Exercise would include: triceps press downs, close grip bench press, kick backs, etc.


Squats - look up, butt back, feet slightly wider than shoulder width, roll shoulders back, down to a 90 degree angle, toes slightly pointed outward, heels flat, inhale on the way down, exhale on the way up.

Bench Press - feet flat, arms at a 90 degree angle, inhale on the way down, exhale on the way up, fingers on the nurlings, wrist flat, full grip, butt flat.

Curls - full range of motion, bend at the elbows, do not shrug the shoulders, elbows down to the side.

Lat Pull-Downs - inhale on the way down, exhale on the way up, slight lean in the back, bar in front of the chest, feet flat.

Dips - down to a 90 degree angle, do not swing, bend at knees, do not lock out at the top.

Safety in the weight room may include the following: use of gloves, collars, pins, weight belts, chalk, and spotters.

Static stretching is slow sustained stretching for about 10-15 seconds per muscle group.

Cool down is important to help return the heart back to normal.

Sets - is how many times and exercise is grouped.

Repetitions - how many times the exercise is repeated or performed at one time.

Cardio Kickboxing - it is extremely important to use proper technique, have a warm up and a cool down, and drink lots of water.

In weight lifting a person should drink lots of water, always breath, and wear and use proper safety equipment.

A weak back may result from weak abdominal muscles.

Target Heart Rate Formula - 220 - Age X .60 or .90 =


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