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School Transportation Resource Fairleft285686500Walking School Bus and Bike TrainsAn organized group of students walking or biking together to school, led by an adult guide such as a parent, are called walking school buses or bike trains. These groups are organized by schools and/or parent groups. A group of children are assigned to walking/biking routes, and then that group is led by an adult, which adds an extra level of security. For more information on starting a Walking School Bus or Bike Train go to: School Pool Interested families who complete the Tampa Bay Regional Transportation Authority (TBARTA) Regional School Commute Program registration will have access to a list of names and phone numbers (Match List) of school parents who live in your area and are also interested in sharing rides to and from school. Home address information is confidential and only the closest major intersections are included on the list. Families receiving a match list are not obligated to walk, bike, or carpool to school, and can use the list as a backup in the event they have a temporary or sudden transportation need.The Regional School Commute Program only matches families at the same school where other parents have registered. The more families participating in the program, the better opportunity the TBARTA program has to provide walk, bike or carpool matches! If you are interested in participating, please visit the school district website using the following link and follow these steps:For more information Register online Follow the steps to register for the carpool program. You will be directed to complete an online profile in order to receive a Match List of other parents making the same daily trip. After your online Match List posts, the next step is to call and meet the other parent(s) in order to agree to share the responsibility of carpooling to school.Please visit the website above, and if you have additional questions please contact the school site administrator. 0000Drivers Education Bike/Pedestrian SafetyThe FDOT is scheduled to present to all of the driver’s education classes in each of the 27 high schools throughout Hillsborough County. The presentation includes bike and pedestrian education as described below. In many bicycle crashes, the contributing cause of the crash was the cyclist not following the State’s Bicycle Laws. The presentation explains the laws that are most often broken: lights required on bikes during dark hours, three foot law for motorists passing bikes, shared lanes, riding with traffic, and obeying traffic control devices. We encourage students to walk bikes through crosswalks and to use caution when riding on sidewalks.The presentation covers important safety tips: walk facing traffic, most pedestrian crashes are at an intersection and involve a turning vehicle, avoid crossing midblock where a crossing is not designated, using an aerial of a signalized intersection students are taught how to cross an intersection safely. Contact: Gary Tait, Tindale Oliver, FDOT Consultant GTait@0-1905WalkWiseWalkWise Tampa Bay is a grassroots initiative that provides innovative pedestrian safety education to citizens, including parents and high school students. WalkWise consists of a free 30-minute presentation with time for discussion to anyone living or working in select Florida counties. WalkWise Tampa Bay is managed by the Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR) at the University of South Florida and funded by District 7 of the Florida Department of Transportation. To schedule the WalkWise presentation or to become an ambassador. Contact: Julie Bond, Senior Research Associate, Center for Urban Transportation Research, University of South Florida4202 E. Fowler Avenue, CUT100, Tampa, FL 33620-5375Direct: 813.974.9799 St. Joseph’s Children’s Wellness and Safety CenterThe Bike and Pedestrian Safety Programs implemented by St. Joseph’s Children’s Wellness and Safety Center (SJCWSC) are provided by a Safe Routes to School grant from FDOT. The programs are offered to elementary and middle school physical education classes in Hillsborough County and meet the new Next Generation Sunshine State Standards.Elementary School Programs:Bike/Ped Safety Tool Kit- The Tool Kit provides equipment and lesson plans for K-5th graders and can be checked out and delivered from the HCPS warehouse to be used by the PE teacher for a week. A SJCWSC staff will provide set-up and classroom assistance on the Monday morning of the reserved week. Walking School Bus Training- SJCWSC staff provide training for those adults interested in beginning a Walking School Bus program at their school.Middle School Programs:Pre Driver’s Ed Bicycle Clinic Tool Kit- The Tool Kit provides equipment and bikes, stored in a trailer housed at the HCPS warehouse and can be delivered to the school for the scheduled week. A SJCWSC staff will assist the PE teacher during the on-bike days of the program. The goal is to teach students traffic and helmet laws, teach ways to be visible and predictable and develop and practice on-bike handling skills. Pre Driver’s Ed Presentation- This assembly-style, interactive power point presentation by SJCH staff is implemented during the PE period inside of the gym. It highlights common bike/ped safety issues often ignored by middle school students. Humorous and serious videos convey important messages, questions are asked with students responding by using “clickers” and competitive activities emphasize the effects of a concussion. If interested in having the programs come to your school, please contact,Kristi Nalls, Safe Routes to School CoordinatorSt. Joseph’s Children’s Wellness and Safety Centerkristi.nalls@ Telephone: 813-615-0938 More HealthMORE HEALTH, Inc., a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization, trains instructors to deliver interactive, exciting health education lessons to students, at no charge to school districts, through funding from local businesses, foundations, and state and federal grants. All MORE HEALTH lessons are matched to the Florida State and National Health Standards.? Each presentation has pre and post activities including books, videos, and vocabulary words.? Additionally there are suggested activities the classroom teacher can use to enhance the safety message.The Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety 1, Safe Walkers and Safe Wheels?Lesson taught to first grade?uses an?8'x8' Safe Streets mat to help students learn how to cross the street,?driveway safety, walking without a sidewalk, and?school bus safety.The Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety 2, Rules of the Road Lesson taught to fourth grade opens with a challenging Street Smarts Jeopardy game.? Schools interested in scheduling the MORE HEALTH Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Lessons, Contact: Carlene Lemaster, More Health Operations Manager (813) 288-0378Bike/Walk Tampa Bay Coalitionleft2857500Bike/Walk Tampa Bay is a grassroots regional coalition of citizens, advocates, professionals and allied organizations providing pedestrian safety education to the Tampa Bay area. A source of information for all bicycle and pedestrian related activities Zeroleft000A Vision Zero policy establishes a goal of reducing traffic fatalities and serious injuries to zero, typically by a target date. Here in Hillsborough County, a “Vision Zero” goal resolution has been adopted by the Tampa City Council, Hillsborough County Commission, Temple Terrace City Council, and by the School Board of Hillsborough County. The Hillsborough MPO has taken the lead locally to develop a Vision Zero Action Plan. We want to hear from you! Please pinpoint your roadway safety concerns in Hillsborough County on our interactive map. The Ride Guideleft5016500The Ride Guide: Your Guide to Getting a Ride in the Tampa Bay Region. This brochure contains information about services offered under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and through each county’s transportation disadvantaged program, as well as other mass transit options available to people throughout the region. The Ride Guide can be downloaded from the MPOs’ websites. ................

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