Present Position: Assistant Professor

Section of General Academic Pediatrics

University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus

Senior Investigator

Center for Global Health

Colorado School of Public Health


1998 – 2003 University of Utah

Honors B.S., Biological Chemistry, magna cum laude

Salt Lake City, Utah

2003 – 2005 Oxford University

M.Phil. with Distinction, Medical Anthropology

Oxford, England

2005 – 2009 Harvard Medical School

Doctor of Medicine, cum laude et thesi propria

Boston, Massachusetts

Residency and Fellowship Training:

2009 – 2012 Internship and Residency in Pediatrics

University of Colorado School of Medicine, Children’s Hospital Colorado

Aurora, Colorado

2012 – 2014 Pediatric Global Health Fellowship

Colorado School of Public Health, Center for Global Health

Aurora, Colorado


2012 – 2014 Instructor/Fellow in Pediatrics

University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, Colorado

2013 Interim Director, Global Health Track

University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora, Colorado

2014 – present Senior Investigator, Center for Global Health

Colorado School of Public Health, Aurora, Colorado

2014 – present Assistant Professor, Section of General Academic Pediatrics

University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, Colorado


2012 – present Attending Physician, General Pediatrician

Children’s Hospital Colorado, Child Health Clinic, Aurora, Colorado

2014 – present Director, International Adoption Clinic

Children’s Hospital Colorado, Aurora, Colorado

2015 – present Attending Physician, Pediatric Hospitalist

Denver Health Medical Center, Denver, Colorado


1998 – 2002 University of Utah President’s Club Full Tuition Scholarship

2003 Best of State Award for Best College/University Student in the State of Utah

2003 – 2005 Rhodes Scholarship

2005 Academy of Achievement International Achievement Summit Participant

2006 International AIDS Society Young Investigator Award

2006 Paul Dudley White Traveling Fellowship, Harvard Medical School

2006 David E. Rogers Fellowship, New York Academy of Medicine

2007 Philanthropic Education Organization Legacy Endowed Scholar Award

2008 Presidential Scholars Public Service Initiative Award, Harvard Medical School

2009 Massachusetts Medical Society Scholars Award

2010 Residency Professionalism Award, University of Colorado

2011 Rotary International Health Scholarship, University of Colorado

2013 – 2015 NIH Pediatric Loan Repayment Program Award

2015 – 2016 Thrasher Research Fund Early Career Award

2016 NIH Center for Global Health Studies (CGHS) Global mHealth Research Training Institute Participant

2016 2016 Presidential Citation, Society for Public Health Education


2003 – present American Association of Rhodes Scholars

2003 American Rhodes Class Secretary (2005 – present)

2009 – present American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) (Member ID 1126199)

2014 – present Academic Pediatric Association (APA) (Member ID 25857)


2006 – 2009 Member, Harvard Medical School Faculty Committee on International Projects, Boston, Massachusetts

2013 – 2015 Member, Contrapoder Editorial Board (Guatemalan Magazine), Center for

Global Health, Colorado School of Public Health

2012 – 2016 Member, Guatemala Planning Committee, Center for Global Health, Colorado School of Public Health

2013 – 2016 Member, Pediatric Residency Global Health Track Development and Selection

Committees, Children’s Hospital Colorado

2014 – present Member, Colorado Pediatric Immigrant/Refugee Healthcare Initiative, sub-committee for COAAP


2009 Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP)

Renewed in 2011

2009 – present Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS)

Renewed in 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017

2012 – present State of Colorado License for the Active Practice of Medicine,

State of Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies

2012 – present Certification, General Pediatrics, American Board of Pediatrics

2013 Helping Babies Breathe Master Trainer and Mentor Certification

2015 Battelle Developmental Inventory 2nd Edition (BDI-2) Complete Assessment Certification

2015 Essential Care for Every Baby Facilitator Certification


2002 International Studies Student at the Universidad de Especialidades Espíritu Santo and Medical Volunteer, Guayaquil, Ecuador

2003 EPES (Educación Popular en Salud) Expedition and Volunteer, Santiago, Chile and Mendoza, Argentina

2005 Project Interchange’s Seminar in Israel for Rhodes Scholars, Israel and West Bank

2005 Habitat for Humanity Volunteer, Cape Town, South Africa



Journal of Pediatric Infectious Diseases (Review Board Member)

Journal of the International AIDS Society

Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies

WHO Bulletin


Local and Regional Lectures/Presentations

September 2013 Promoting Growth & Development in the Face of Poverty. Global Community Health Day Symposium, Children’s Hospital Colorado, Aurora, CO.

November 2013 Global Health Community Project in Guatemala: Prioritized Interventions from a Rapid Needs Assessment. Public Health in the Caribbean and Latin America, University of Colorado School of Public Health, Aurora, CO.

November 2013 Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses. Pediatric Global Health and Disasters Course, Aurora, CO.

September 2014 Physical Therapy Guatemala Care Group Project. University of Colorado Physical Therapy Course, Aurora, CO.

May 2015 Promoting Early Childhood Development in the Face of Poverty: CU’s Community Health Program in Guatemala. Denver Health Grand Rounds, Denver, CO.

October 2015 Updates from the Field: Conducting Maternal and Child Health Programs in Guatemala. Global Health Lecture Series, Center for Global Health, Aurora, CO.

February 2016 Pediatric Global Burden of Disease. Major Diseases in Global Health, Denver University, Denver, CO.

National Lectures/Presentations

January 2013 SMS text messaging to improve vaccine coverage in Guatemala City. Presentation to the Pan American Health Organization, Washington, D.C

January 2013 Trifinio Childhood Development Program. Presentation to the Pan American Health Organization, Washington, D.C

October 2015 SMS Mobile Technology to Improve Early Childhood Vaccine Coverage in Guatemala. NIH mHealth Network Meeting, Bethesda, MD.

October 2015 “Rhodes” to Medical School and Beyond. University of Utah Curie Club, Salt Lake City, Utah.

October 2016 SMS Mobile Technology to Improve Early Childhood Vaccine Coverage in Guatemala: Study Update. NIH mHealth Network Meeting, Bethesda, MD.

International Lectures/Presentations

May 2011 Pediatric Pneumonia. PCEA Chogoria Hospital resident training, Chogorial, Kenya.

April 2013 Disasters and their Effects on the Population: Key Concepts. Pediatrics in Disasters Course, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

July 2013 Transporte Neonatal en los Entornos de Bajos Recursos: ¿Cuál es la Evidencia? Congreso International de Residents de Ginecología y Obstetricia del Hospital Nacional de Coatepeque, Coatepeque, Guatemala.

July 2013 Taller Ayudando al Recién Nacido a Respirar. Congreso International de Residents de Ginecología y Obstetricia del Hospital Nacional de Coatepeque, Coatepeque, Guatemala.

November 2016 Community-Based Interventions to Address the Pediatric Global Burden of Disease. University of Zimbabwe Grand Rounds, Harare Zimbabwe.


|2005 |Stanford University Programme in Oxford|Designed and taught an 8-week tutorial for Stanford undergraduates called |

| |Tutor, Oxford, England |“Introduction to Infectious Disease: Scientific, Social, and Ethical Issues” |

|2012 – present |Pediatric Global Health and Disasters |Didactic lectures and small group leader |Once per year |

| |Course, Aurora, CO | | |

| | |Topics: Health Organizations; Understanding | |

| | |Cultural Context; Management of Prevalent | |

| | |Infections; Influenza; Malaria; HIV; TB; | |

| | |Preventive Medicine; Disaster Planning and Triage;| |

| | |IMCI; Immediate Newborn Care; Nutrition and | |

| | |Malnutrition; Emotional Impact; Diarrhea and | |

| | |Dehydration | |

Presentations to Undergraduate, Medical, and Graduate Students

|2012 – present |Didactic lectures to University of |Topics: Health Organizations; Pediatric Global |Twice per year |

| |Colorado School of Medicine |Burden of Disease | |

|2012 – present |Didactic lecture to University of |Topic: Pediatric Global Burden of Disease |Once per year |

| |Denver Disaster Psychology Master | | |

| |Program | | |

| | | | |

|2013 – |Didactic lecture to the Global Issues |Topic: Global Health Leadership: UC Denver’s | |

|present |in Leadership undergraduate class at |Community Health Program in Guatemala |Once per year |

| |the University of Colorado, Boulder | | |

Outpatient Pediatric Teaching

|2012 – present |Child Health Clinic attending physician|Supervision and bedside teaching of pediatric |48 hours per month |

| |and preceptor, Children’s Hospital |residents, medical students, and physician | |

| |Colorado |assistant students | |

Inpatient Pediatric Teaching

| | | | |

|2015 – present |Inpatient attending physician and |Supervision and bedside teaching of pediatric |4 weeks per year |

| |preceptor, Denver Health Medical Center|residents, medical students, and physician | |

| | |assistant students | |


|2014 – present |Supervisor of medical students in the |2014-2015: Paige Bennett (MS3) |

| |Foundations of Doctoring Curriculum |2015-2017: Ryan Davenport (MS1-MS2) |

| | | |

|2012 – present |Supervisor of medical students in |2012-2015: Lauren Mehner (MS1-MS4) |

| |research projects |2012: Darren Eblovi (MS4) |

| | |2013: Catherine Cooper (MS1) |

| | |2013: Brittney MacDonald (MS1) |

| | |2015-present: Gaylan Dascanio (MS1-MS2) |

| | |2016-present: Kelsey Repine (MS1) |

|2013 – present |Supervisor of pediatric residents in |2013-2014: Kelly McConnell (PGY2 & PGY3) |

| |the Global Health Track | |

|2014 – present |Supervisor of graduate students |2014-2015: Lauren Mehner (MPH) |

| | |2015: Ewa Knitter (MPH) |

| | |2015-2017: Nnamdi Ezeanochie (PhD Dissertation Committee) |

|2014 – present |Supervisor of fellows |2014-2015: Maureen Ullrich, MD (Child Psychiatry) |

| | |2015-2016: Kelly McConnell, MD (Global Health) |

|2014 – present |Supervisor of faculty |2014-present: Karen Dodd (International Adoption Clinic) |


Ongoing Research Support

Grant title: SMS Mobile Technology to Improve Early Childhood Vaccine Coverage in Guatemala

Role: Co-Principal Investigator

Funding source: National Institutes of Health (R21TW009952-01)

Dates: April 2015 to August 2017

Percent effort: 20%

Total direct and

indirect costs: $342,262

Description: This pilot study will optimize, implement, and evaluate an evidence-based centralized method of increasing immunization delivery using a modified version of an SMS reminder system previously developed by the study team. The randomized controlled trial will evaluate SMS text reminders to parents/guardians of infants who present for their primary vaccination series to two urban clinics in Guatemala City and two rural health posts in the southwest Trifinio region of Guatemala to improve the timeliness, acceptance, and coverage of vaccination.

Grant title: Dissemination and Implementation of SMS Mobile Technology to Improve Child Vaccinations in Guatemala

Role: Principal Investigator

Funding source: Thrasher Research Fund Early Career Award

Dates: March 2015 to August 2017

Percent effort: 5%

Total direct and

indirect costs: $26,750

Description: This study is a mixed-methods approach that will integrate qualitative data to critically inform the future Dissemination and Implementation (D&I) of an SMS immunization reminder system in Guatemala in terms of feasibility and acceptability (primary outcomes) and perceived facilitators and barriers (secondary outcomes) to the program through (1) focus group discussions with parents, (2) key informant interviews with nurses, physicians, clinic administrators, Information Technology Systems directors, and Ministry of Health personnel, and (3) contextual data analysis.

Completed Research Support

Grant title: Maternal and Child Health Surveillance in the Southwest Trifinio of Guatemala

Role: Co-Investigator (P.I.: Asturias, Edwin)

Funding source: Bolaños Foundation, Guatemala

Dates: April 2012 to July 2016

Percent effort: 20%

Total direct and

indirect costs: $1,000,000

Description: This project is a public private partnership between The Bolaños Foundation and the Center for Global Health in the Colorado School of Public Health to develop and maintain a surveillance program for maternal and child health in Guatemala. This project includes the development and implementation of a prenatal monitoring program for pregnant women and an early childhood health and development program, both using cell phone based data collection.

Grant title: Bright by Three (BB3) Effectiveness Trial

Role: Co-Investigator (P.I.: Allison, Mandy)

Funding source: Walton Family Foundation, The Piton Foundation, and Daniels Fund

Dates: March 2015 to October 2015

Percent effort: 5%

Total direct and

Indirect costs: $1,857,000

Description: This project aims to augment the current Bright by Three (BB3) curriculum with a mobile phone application using gamification for parents to use promoting positive parenting skills. We will then determine if the BB3 curriculum delivered to 1 to 3 year old children increases parental talking, reading, playing, and praise behaviors and improves socio-emotional and language development between 2 to 4 years of age.

Grant title: Improving Vaccine Opportunity using SMS Technology in Guatemala (VACTeC)

Role: Co-Investigator (P.I.: Asturias, Edwin)

Funding source: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (OPP1061430)

Dates: May 1, 2012 to October 31, 2013

Percent effort: 20%

Total direct and

indirect costs: $100,000

Description: This project tested the feasibility and consumer acceptability of SMS message reminders to parents/guardians of infants who presented to two selected public health clinics in Guatemala City for their infant vaccination series to improve the timeliness, acceptance, and coverage of vaccination.


Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles:

1. Smith CB, Battin MP, Jacobson JA, Francis LP, Botkin J, Asplund EP, Domek GJ, Hawkins B. Are there characteristics of infectious diseases that raise special ethical issues? Developing World Bioeth 2004;4(1):1-16. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(06)68584-X.

2. Domek GJ. Social consequences of antiretroviral therapy: preparing for the unexpected futures of HIV-positive children. Lancet 2006;367(9519):1367-69. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(06)68584-X.

3. Hanson WM, Domek GJ, Horvath MP, Goldenberg DP. Rigidification of a flexible protease inhibitor variant upon binding to trypsin. J Mol Biol 2007;366(1):230-43. doi: 10.1016/j.jmb.2006.11.003.

4. Domek GJ. Facing adolescence and adulthood: the importance of mental healthcare in the global pediatric AIDS epidemic. J Dev Behav Pediatr 2009;30(2):147-50. doi: 10.1097/DBP.0b013e318196b0cc.

5. LaSalvia EA, Domek GJ, Gitlin DF. Fluoroquinolone-induced suicidal ideation. Gen Hosp Psychiatry 2010;32(1):108-10. doi: 10.1016/j.genhosppsych.2009.03.002. 

6. Domek GJ. Debunking common barriers to pediatric HIV disclosure. J Trop Pediatr 2010;56(6):440-2. doi: 10.1093/tropej/fmq013.

7. Domek GJ. Psychosocial needs of HIV-positive children on antiretrovirals: A survey of South African children’s homes. Vulnerable Child Youth Stud. Epub 2012 June 25.

8. Domek GJ, Contreras IL, O’Leary ST, Bull S, Furniss A, Kempe A, Asturias EJ. SMS text message reminders to improve infant vaccination coverage in Guatemala: A randomized controlled trial. Vaccine 2016;34(21):2437-43. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2016.03.065.

9. Asturias E, Heinrichs G, Domek G, Brett J, Shick E, Cunningham M, Bull S, Celada M, Newman L, Tenney L, Krisher L, Luna-Asturias C, McConnell K, Berman S. The Center for Human Development in Guatemala: An innovative model for global population health. Adv Pediatr 2016;63(1):357-387. doi: 10.1016/j.yapd.2016.04.001.

10. McConnell KA, Krisher LK, Lenssen M, Bunik M, Montes SB, Domek GJ. Telehealth to expand community health nurse education in rural Guatemala: A pilot feasibility and acceptability evaluation. Front Public Health 2017;5(60):1-8. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2017.00060.

11. Rick AM, Domek GJ, Cunningham M, Olson D, Lamb M, Jimenez-Zambrano A, Heinrichs G, Berman S, Asturias E. Baseline microcephaly prevalence in rural Guatemala: Implications for neonatal screening for congenital Zika virus infection. Global Health Science and Promotion. In Press.

12. Domek GJ, Macdonald B, Cooper C, Cunningham M, Abdel-Maksoud M, Berman S. Group based learning among caregivers: Assessing mothers’ knowledge before and after an early childhood intervention in rural Guatemala. Global Health Promotion. In Press.

13. Domek GJ, Cunningham M, Jimenez-Zambrano A, Dunn D, Abdel-Maksoud M, Bronsert M, Luna-Asturias C, Berman S. Designing and implementing an early childhood health and development program in rural, southwest Guatemala: Lessons learned and future directions. Adv Pediatr. In Press.

Book Chapters, Invited Articles, and Reviews in Non Peer-Reviewed Journals:

1. Smith CB, Battin MP, Jacobson JA, Francis LP, Botkin J, Asplund EP, Domek GJ, Hawkins B. 2006. Are there characteristics of infectious diseases that raise special ethical issues? In Ethics and Infectious Disease. MJ Selgelid, MP Battin, CB Smith (eds). Oxford, Blackwell Publishing: 20-34.

2. Domek GJ. 2015. Las Apps Para La Salud. Revista Contrapoder, June 4, pp 56.

3. Domek GJ. 2015. Los Peligros de un Viaje Largo. Revista Contrapoder, December 21, pp 57.

4. Bull S, Domek GJ, Thomas D. 2016. eHealth and Global Health Promotion. In Introduction to Global Health Promotion. RS Zimmerman, RJ DiClemente, JK Andrus, E Hosein & SOPHE (Eds). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Monographs and Dissertations:

1. Domek GJ. 2003. Thermodynamics of serine protease inhibitor interactions. Senior Honors Thesis. University of Utah Honors Program.

2. Domek GJ. 2005. Growing up with AIDS in a South African children’s home: an anthropological perspective on confinement and disclosure. MPhil Dissertation. University of Oxford Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology.

3. Domek GJ. 2015. Ninos Sanos: Early Childhood Health and Development Program. Manual for the Community Health Nurse.

4. Dunn D, Domek GJ, Luna-Asturias C. 2016. Care Group Manual: My Mommy and Me.

5. Niermeyer S, Domek GJ. 2016. Neonatal Transport in Developing Country Settings: A Systematic Review. Pan American Health Organization, World Health Organization, and Latin American Center for Women and Reproductive Health. Montevideo, Uruguay. (Available in English and Spanish)

Abstracts Accepted at Scientific Meetings:

1. Domek GJ, Goldenberg DP. Thermodynamics of serine protease inhibitor interactions. Poster Presentation at: National Conference for Undergraduate Research, 2003; Salt Lake City, Utah.

2. Domek GJ. The social consequences of antiretrovirals: Preparing for the unexpected futures of HIV-positive children. Poster Discussion at: XVI International AIDS Conference, 2006; Toronto, Canada.

3. Domek GJ. Assessing the challenges of preparing HIV-positive children for the future: A survey of South African children’s homes. Oral Presentation at: 4th South African AIDS Conference, 2009; Durban, South Africa.

4. Domek GJ, Asturias EJ. SMS messaging to improve vaccine coverage and reporting of adverse events following immunization in Guatemala City. Social Enterprise Pitch presentation at: Unite for Site Global Health & Innovation Conference, 2013 Apr 13-14; New Haven, Connecticut.

5. Domek GJ, Mehner L, Berman S, Abdel-Maksoud M. Developmental screening to inform an early childhood development program in southwest Guatemala. Poster presentation at: AAP National Conference & Exhibition, Peds21 symposium Early Brain and Child Development (EBCD): Building Brains, Forging Futures, 2013 Oct 25-29; Orlando, Florida.

6. Domek GJ, Asturias EJ, Bull SS. A mobile phone-based data collection system to follow women and infants from prenatal care through age three years in the southwest Trifinio of Guatemala. Social Enterprise Pitch presentation at: Unite for Site Global Health & Innovation Conference, 2014 Apr 12-13; New Haven, Connecticut.

7. Domek GJ, Contreras I, O’Leary S, Bull S, Furniss A, Kempe A, Asturias EJ. Improving infant vaccination coverage in Guatemala City through reminder SMS text messages: preliminary results. Poster presentation at: Unite for Site Global Health & Innovation Conference, 2014 Apr 12-13; New Haven, Connecticut.

8. Domek GJ, MacDonald B, Cooper C, Cunningham M, Abdel-Maksoud M, Berman S. Assessing mothers’ knowledge before and after an early childhood health and development intervention in Guatemala. Poster presentation at: Pediatric Academic Societies and Asian Society For Pediatric Research Joint Meeting, 2014 May 3-6; Vancouver, Canada.

9. Domek GJ. Creciendo Sanos: An early childhood health and development program in southwest Guatemala. Oral Presentation at: 2014 Global Health Symposium, 2014 Nov 11; Aurora, Colorado.

10. Domek GJ, Contreras I, O’Leary S, Bull S, Furniss A, Kempe A, Asturias EJ. SMS text reminders to improve infant vaccination coverage in Guatemala. Poster presentation at: Pediatric Academic Societies and Asian Society For Pediatric Research Joint Meeting, 2015 April 25-28; San Diego, CA

11. Domek GJ, Cunningham M, Luna-Asturias C, Abdel-Maksoud M, Dunn D, Berman S. Creciendo Sanos (“Growing Up Healthy”): An early childhood health and development program in southwest Guatemala. Poster presentation at: Consortium of Universities for Global Health Conference, 2015 March 26-28; Boston, MA.

12. Domek GJ, Contreras I, O’Leary S, Bull S, Furniss A, Kempe A, Asturias EJ. Text message platform for vaccine reminders in Guatemala: Feasibility and user acceptance. Poster presentation at: Wireless Health 2015, 2015 October 14-16; Bethesda, MD.

13. Domek GJ, Descanio G, Hoffecker L. Health screening for internationally adopted children: A systematic review. Poster presentation at: Pediatric Academic Societies and Asian Society For Pediatric Research Joint Meeting, 2016 April 30-May 3; Baltimore, MD

14. McConnell K, Krisher L, Lennssen M, Bunik M, Bunge Montes S, Domek G. Expanding community health nurse education and support in rural Guatemala through telemedicine. Oral presentation at: 28th International Congress of Pediatrics, 2016 August 17-22; Vancouver, Canada. 

15. McConnell K, Krisher L, Lennssen M, Bunik M, Bunge Montes S, Domek G. Expanding community health nurse education and support in rural Guatemala through telehealth. Oral presentation at: 2016 Global Health Symposium, 2016 October 14; Aurora, CO.

Updated: 5/3/17


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