1. Place of birth - Lisbon (1945). 2. Degrees Master in History (Oporto University, 1968). PHD in Medieval History (Navarra University, Spain, 1975). Chair in Medieval History (Oporto University, 1984-2006). 3. Main activity: professor

Oporto University (Faculty of Arts, 1968-2003). Navarra University (Pamplona. Spain. 1975-1981). ?cole des Hautes ?tudes en Sciences Sociales (Paris. France. 1991). Lus?ada University (Oporto & Lisbon. 1996-2003). S?o Paulo University (S?o Paulo. Brasil. 1997). Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore. USA. 1998).

4. Other activities Member of the Academy of Portuguese History and of the Maritime Portuguese Academy. Member of the board of the "Permanent Commission of the Congress of History of the Crown of Aragon" (since 1976). Vice-director of the Liberal Arts Institut (Navarra University, 1978-1981). Director of the Institut of Historical Documentation (Oporto University, 1985-1989; 19962003). Member of the board of The Nacional Council for the Portuguese Discoveries (1989-1992). President of the Cam?es Institute (Lisbon, Ministry of Foreing Affairs, 1992-1995). Director of the Advanced Studies on Middle Ages and Renaissance (Oporto University, 2000-2003). Member of the "Standing Committee for the Humanities" of the European Science Foundation (Strasburg, 2002-2008). Editor-in-chief of the E-Journal of Portuguese History (Oporto ? Providence [RI], since 2003). Member of the Advisor Committee for the Centennial Commemoration of Charles V (Madrid, 1997-2000), and of the Advisor Committee for the Commemoration of the centenary of the death of Queen Isabel the Catholic (Valladolid, 2003-2004). Scientific advisor of the Science and Technology Foundation (Lisbon. 2003-2007). Vice Rector of the Lus?ada University (Oporto. 2004-2011). President of the Scientific Council of CEPESE - Research Centre for the Study of Population, Economy and Society. Oporto University (since 2007). Member of the European Reference Index for Humanities Expert Panel of the European Science Foundation (2008-2012).

Member of the Board of Trustees of the Battle of Aljubarrota Foundation (since 2008). Director of the collection Militarium Ordinum Analecta (Oporto, since 1997) Member of the Scientific Council of the journals Acta Historica et Archeologica Medioevalia (Barcelona); Pen?nsula. Revista de Estudos Ib?ricos (Oporto); RiMe ? Rivista dell'Istituto di Storia dell'Europa Mediterranea (Cagliari); Lusitania Sacra (Lisbon).

5. Publications He has published texts in Portugal, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK and USA.

- Books 1. O Condest?vel D.Pedro de Portugal. Subs?dios para o estudo da sua mentalidade, Oporto, Faculty of Arts, 1968. 2. Obras Completas do Condest?vel D. Pedro de Portugal, Lisbon, Funda??o Calouste Gulbenkian, 1975. 3. Navegaci?n y corso en el Mediterraneo Occidental. Los Portugueses a mediados del siglo XV, Pamplona, EUNSA, 1978. 4. O Condest?vel D. Pedro de Portugal, a Ordem Militar de Avis e a Pen?nsula Ib?rica do seu tempo (1429-1466), Oporto, Instituto Nacional de Investiga??o Cient?fica, 1982. 5. La Cristiandad Medieval, "Historia Universal EUNSA", vol. 5, Pamplona, EUNSA, 1984. 6. O Essencial sobre o Tratado de Windsor, Lisbon, Imprensa Nacional / Casa da Moeda, 1986. 7. O Essencial sobre Bartolomeu Dias, Lisbon, Imprensa Nacional / Casa da Moeda, 1987. 8. O Tratado de Tordesilhas e a diplomacia luso-castelhana no s?culo XV, Lisbon, Edi??es Inapa, 1991. Bulgarian edition, Sofia, 1993. 9. Portugal entre dos mares, Madrid, Editorial Mapfre, 1993. 10. O Atl?ntico: a mem?ria de um Oceano. Vol. 1 - Do Imagin?rio do Atl?ntico ao Atl?ntico Imaginado (edition with JOS? ADRIANO DE CARVALHO), Oporto, Banco Portugu?s do Atl?ntico, 1993.

11. Corpus Documental del Tratado de Tordesillas. Edition with JOS? MANUEL RUIZ ASENSIO, Valladolid, Sociedad V Centenario del Tratado de Tordesillas - Comiss?o Nacional para as Comemora??es dos Descobrimentos Portugueses, 1995. 12. O Atl?ntico: a mem?ria de um Oceano. Vol. 2 - A descoberta do Oceano: saga e mem?ria (sec. XI-XVI) Edition with JOS? ADRIANO DE CARVALHO), Oporto, Banco Portugu?s do Atl?ntico, [1996]. 13. Vasco da Gama. O homem, a viagem, a ?poca, Lisbon, Expo 98 and Comiss?o de Coordena??o da Regi?o do Alentejo, 1997. Short edition, Lisbon, Expo 98, 1998. 14. Os Descobrimentos e a forma??o do Oceano Atl?ntico, Lisbon, Comiss?o Nacional para as Comemora??es dos Descobrimentos Portugueses, 1999. English edition, The discoveries and the formation of the Atlantic Ocean, Lisbon, Comiss?o Nacional para as Comemora??es dos Descobrimentos Portugueses, 1999. Italian edition, Dal Mediterraneo all'Atlantico. Le scoperte e la formazione del Mare Oceano nel secoli XIV-XIV, Pisa-Cagliari, Edizioni ETS-Istituto di Storia dell'Europa Mediterranea, 2004. 15. Pedro ?lvares Cabral. Uma viagem, Lisbon, Edi??es INAPA, 1999. 16. De Vasco a Cabral, Bauru [S?o Paulo], EDUSC, 2001. 17. D. Jo?o II, Lisbon, C?rculo de Leitores, 2005. Republication in Lisbon, Temas e Debates, 2007. 18. Hist?ria das ?nclitas Cavalarias de Cristo, Santiago e Avis de Fr. Jer?nimo Rom?n (ed. COSTA, Paula Pinto), Militarium Ordinum Analecta, vol. 10, Oporto, CEPESE and Funda??o Eng. Ant?nio de Almeida, 2008 (with COSTA, Paula Pinto; PIMENTA, Maria Cristina; SILVA, Isabel Morgado S. Silva; MATA, Joel).

- Editions 1. Las individualidades en la Historia, Pamplona, EUNSA, 1985 (with V?ZQUEZ DE PRADA, Valent?n; FLORIST?N, Alfredo). 2. Actas das 2as Jornadas Luso-Espanholas de Hist?ria Medieval, 4 vol., Oporto, INIC, 19871989-1990. 3. Coordenation of the cathalogue of the exibit Hoogtij der Middeleeuwen. Portugese kunst 12de-15de eeuw [Aux confins du Moyen Age], EUROPALIA-91-PORTUGAL (Gent, SintPietersabdij, 1991.Sept.29/ 1992.Jan.05).

4. Actas das 4as Jornadas Luso-Espanholas de Hist?ria Medieval, 2 vol., Oporto, Faculdade de Letras, 1998. 5. Brasil-Portugal. Hist?ria, agenda para o Mil?nio, Bauru [S?o Paulo], EDUSC, 2001 (with ARRUDA, Jos? Jobson Andrade). 6. Portogallo Mediterraneo, Cagliari, Istituto sui Rapporti Italo-iberici, 2002 (with CADEDDU, Maria Eugenia). 7. Os reinos ib?ricos na Idade M?dia, 3 vol., Oporto, Civiliza??o, 2003 (with AMARAL, Lu?s Carlos; SANTOS; Maria Fernanda Ferreira). 8. Il viaggio verso le Americhe. Italiani e Portoghesi in Brasile. Convegno di studi per il V centenario della Scoperta del Brasile. Volume organized by the Istituto sui rapporti italoiberici - CNR (with other institutions) (Cagliari. 2000.11.30/12.02), in Memorie della Societ? Geografica Italiana, vol. LXXII, Roma, 2004, 5-319 (with CADEDDU, Maria Eugenia; GALLINARI, Luciano). 9. Hist?ria Universal [Salvat]. Coordination and technical review of the Portuguese edition published by the newspaper P?blico, vol. 1-20, Lisbon, 2005. 10. A Europa e o mar, Lisbon, Chaves Ferreira, 2008.

- Papers and articles He has also 135 papers and articles published in journals and conference proceedings.


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