1. Multi-Disciplinary Team Feedback Forms: Beginning the week of January 23, copy and pass out the Multi-Disciplinary Team Feedback Form in the CPE Handbook. NOTE: IT IS TWO PAGES long. Give to 3 staff members on EACH of your unit(s)—I prefer at least 2 nurses, other could be social worker/PCA, etc. Forms have instructions on them about returning them to me by interoffice mail. PRIOR TO COPYING, PLEASE HANDWRITE IN THE “RETURN BY” SLOT THE DATE OF Friday, February 3, 2012. ALSO WRITE IN YOUR NAME IN THE BLANK ON THE FIRST LINE. I will share the feedback with you mid-unit in your individual supervision (see #6).

2. Chaplain Preceptor Feedback Form: The Staff Chaplain/Preceptor Feedback Form is in the CPE Handbook. Give it to your chaplain-preceptor. They are to fill it out and bring it to the meeting between you, your preceptor, and me for discussion (see #3 below).

3. Meeting with Preceptor, Jill, and you: It is your responsibility to set up a 20-30 minute meeting between you, Jill, and your preceptor sometime in early February. The focus of the meeting is discussion of the feedback form (#2 above) which the preceptor fills out. You will also be invited to give feedback to your preceptor about how it has been working with him/her, feedback about your clinical assignments, etc.

4. Mid-Unit Evaluations —Monday, Feb. 6, 2012. Focus is on peer feedback to each other using the Mid-term Reflection and Assessment sheet in CPE Handbook. Fill out one form on each peer, one on Jill. Bring the original (given to person about whom you’ve written) and copies for all peers, yourself, and Jill to Mid-Unit Evaluations. While drawing a picture is recommended, it can be clip-art, a photo, a person/story from your life or from writing(s) dear to you, etc.

5. Your Written Mid-Unit Evaluation – see Mid-Unit Evaluation sheet in the CPE Handbook for your brief written mid-term evaluation; I prefer you limit this to 2-3 pages. I recommend a “bullet” type format, which lifts up your main strengths/weaknesses with Level I outcomes and with your learning goals so far. Please bring copies for each of your peers, yourself, and your supervisor to Mid-Unit Evaluations. While you can bring topic(s) of your choice to Individual Supervision, your mid-unit evaluation may make excellent material to discuss with your supervisor in your next individual supervisory session after the Mid-Unit Evaluations.

6. “Mid-Unit” Individual Supervisory Session with Jill – While you can choose any topic(s) to discuss during your individual supervisory session, your individual supervisory session with Jill after the Mid-Unit Evaluations would be an excellent time to discuss your written mid-unit evaluation and to review all mid-term feedback you have received. As usual, it is your responsibility to arrange this meeting.

7. If your weekly visiting is in your place of employment (congregation, hospice, etc.) – give the CPE Congregational/Institutional Feedback Form (in CPE Handbook) to your immediate supervisor and/or one or two others who have knowledge of your ministry and are able to give objective feedback about you. Begin getting these out in (not applicable for summer CPE) with return date of (not applicable for summer CPE). We can give you a stamped envelope for return. If it’s possible for your supervisor and you to meet face-to-face with persons who fill out the form, this would be ideal. If all of your weekly visiting hours are outside Mount Carmel, you do not have to do items #1, #2, and #3 above unless your circumstances make these workable; discuss this with Jill.


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