Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

A Celebration of Faculty Publications

April 25, 2018


SPU Writers’ Reception

April 25, 2018 – 3:00PM – O’Toole Library

An event to honor SPU faculty who have had their work published

March 2016 to February 2018

Introduction and Welcome

Andrea Bubka, Ph.D.

Director, Faculty Research and Sponsored Programs

Congratulatory Remarks

Frederick Bonato, Ph.D.

Provost and Vice-President for Academic Affairs

Research Presentations

David Gerlach, Ph.D., Department of History 

 The Economy of Ethnic Cleansing: The Transformation for the German-Czech Borderlands after World War II

Yosra Badiei, Ph.D., Department of Chemistry 

Utilization of Water via Artificial Photosynthesis for Clean Energy Production

Jennifer Ayala, Ph.D., School of Education

 Participatory Action Research EntreMundos/Between Worlds


During the last two years (March 2016-February 2018), publications included 65 journal articles, 17 books, 15 book reviews, 13 art exhibitions, 11 book chapters, 6 edited books, 6 published abstracts, 5 full peer-reviewed papers in conference proceedings, 3 documentaries, 2 magazine articles, 2 editorials, 2 edited newsletters, 1 newspaper article, 1 theater review, 1 newsletter article, 1 government report, and 1 white paper for a total of 152 products. Fifty members including three librarians, two deans, the provost, one emerita faculty member, and one distinguished member from 19 departments contributed to the celebration. Departments included Applied Science and Technology, Biology, Business Administration, Chemistry, Criminal Justice, Economics and Finance, Education, English, Fine Arts, History, Mathematics, Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures, Nursing, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology and Urban Studies, Theology, and the Library.


College of Arts and Sciences

Department of Applied Science and Technology


Distinguished Professor

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Adventures Under the Northern Lights, Conversations on Jesuit Higher Education, Number 50

Cover plus pages 42 – 45 Fall 2016

Documentaries (Wrote Script for Each Documentary)

To Worlds Beyond: Journey Through the Solar System, An Annotated Documentary Script for International IMAX Theaters, January 2017

Khrumka’s Adventures in the Winter Forest, An Annotated Script for an Animated Feature for Preschoolers for International IMAX Theaters, July 2017

Our Violent Planet: Earthquakes, Tsunamis and Volcanic Eruptions, An Annotated Documentary Script for International IMAX Theaters, January 2018


Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Ambi, A., Parikh, N., Vera, C., Burns, K., Montano, N., Sciorra, L., Epstein, J., Zeng, D., & Traba, C., (February 2018). Anti-infection silver nanoparticle immobilized biomaterials facilitated by argon plasma grafting technology. Biofouling. Volume 34 (doi: 10.1080/08927014.2018.1434158.)


Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Ambi, A., Parikh, N., Vera, C., Burns, K., Montano, N., Sciorra, L., Epstein, J., Zeng, D., & Traba, C., (February 2018). Anti-infection silver nanoparticle immobilized biomaterials facilitated by argon plasma grafting technology. Biofouling. Volume 34 (doi: 10.1080/08927014.2018.1434158.)


Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Y. Hu, W. Zhu, K. Liu, L. Han, Z. Zheng, H. Hu, Influence of water content on the inactivation of P. digitatum spores using an air–water plasma jet, Plasma Science and Technology, 20 (2018) 044011 (7pp)

W. Zhu, and R. Wang, Diagnostics of an AC driven atmospheric pressure non-thermal plasma jet and its use for radially directed jet array. The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 226(13) (2017) pp.2965-2977.

R. Wang, H. Sun, W. Zhu, C. Zhang, S. Zhang and T. Shao, Uniformity optimization and dynamic studies of plasma jet array interaction in argon. Physics of Plasmas, 24(9) (2017) 093507 (9 pages)

C. Liu, Q. Cai, B. Xu, W. Zhu, L. Zhang, J. Zhao and X. Chen, Graphene oxide functionalized long period grating for ultrasensitive label-free immunosensing. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 94 (2017) pp.200-206.

R. Wang, K. Zhang, Y. Shen, C. Zhang, W. Zhu and T. Shao, Effect of pulse polarity on the temporal and spatial emission of an atmospheric pressure helium plasma jet, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 25 (2016) 015020 (7 pages)

Department of Biology


Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Callahan, J. E. and Nolan, K.A, (2018) Fishing for parasites at your local seafood market. Tested Studies for Laboratory Teaching Proceedings of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education (K. McMahon, ed.) Vol. 39, art12, 2018

Nolan, K.A, and Callahan, J. E., (2018) What Can Vocalization Tell Us about Animal Behavior? A Workshop at the Henry Vilas Zoo, Madison, WI, Tested Studies for Laboratory Teaching Proceedings of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education (K. McMahon, ed.) Vol. 39, art 14, 2018

Callahan, J. E., Molineros, N., and Salmon, M. (2016) Streptococcus mutans Biofilm Inhibition by Miswak and Green Tea In Vivo, 38(1):40-49

Callahan, J.E, and Castaldi. M.J., (2016) Bacterial Biofilm Quantification: Using a Crystal Violet Assay to Assess Student-Selected Remedies. Tested Studies for Laboratory Teaching Proceedings of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education (K. McMahon, ed.) Vol. 37, art29, 2016

Edited Books

Callahan, J., Wydner K.S (2018) Exercises for the Microbiology Laboratory. Academx Publishing ISBN-13 9781682843994. 246 pages (In house: edited lab manual for BI450L)

Callahan, J., Wydner K.S., Wilmanski, J.M., Held, M. E. Ruppert, J., Mortellaro, C. (2016) General Biology Laboratory I Investigations into Life Academx Publishing. 206 pages ISBN-13: 9781682841624. (In house: edited lab manual for BI185)


Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Garrett Kluthe, B., Chen, D. 2017.  Eucalyptus at the intersection of environment and culture in Kenya.  Ethnobiology letters 8 (1): 15-22. Doi/10.14237/ebl.8.1.2017.706

Received 27 May 2016, Accepted 10 November 2016, Published online 10 April, 2017.


Ben Hassine Ben Ali, M., Garrett Kluthe, B.  2016.  Reliable protocols for DNA extraction from freeze-dried macrofungal samples used in molecular macrofungal systematics studies.  Current Research in Environmental and Applied Mycology. 6 (1): 45–50.  Doi 10.5943/cream/6/1/5

Submitted 3 January 2016, Accepted 27 February 2016, Published online 25 March 2016


Garrett Kluthe, B., Ben Hassine Ben Ali, M., Nelsen, D. J., Stephenson, S. L.  2016. A preliminary study of the ectomycorrhizal fungi associated with Eucalyptus in Kenya. Mycosphere 7 (1):  80-85.  Doi 10.5943/mycosphere/7/1/8

Submitted 26 January 2016, Accepted 22 February 2016, Published online 29 February 2016


Book Review

Held, Michael E. (September 2017) [Review of the book Nature's Temples: The Complex World of Old - Growth Forests by Joan Maloof]. Castanea 82(2): 171.


Edited Books

Callahan, J., Wydner K..S. (2018) Exercises for the Microbiology Laboratory. Academx Publishing ISBN-13 9781682843994. 246 pages (In house: edited lab manual for BI450L)

Callahan, J., Wydner K.S., Wilmanski, J.M., Held, M. E. Ruppert, J., Mortellaro, C. (2016) General Biology Laboratory I Investigations into Life Academx Publishing. 206 pages ISBN-13: 9781682841624. (In house: edited lab manual for BI185)

Edited Quarterly Newsletter

Wydner, K.S. (Ed.) The Asterism. March 2018, Vol. 25, No. 2. Retrieved from

Wydner, K.S. (Ed.) The Asterism. November 2017, Vol. 26, No. 1. Retrieved from

Department of Chemistry


Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Renderos, G.; Aquino, T.; Gutierrez, K.; Badiei, Y. M. Facile Method To Study Catalytic Oxygen Evolution Using a Dissolved Oxygen Optical Probe: An Undergraduate Chemistry Laboratory To Appreciate Artificial Photosynthesis. J. Chem. Ed. 2017, 94, 922. ** Selected as the cover page of the journal issue**.


Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Ambi, A., Parikh, N., Vera, C., Burns, K., Montano, N., Sciorra, L., Epstein, J., Zeng, D., & Traba, C., (February 2018). Anti-infection silver nanoparticle immobilized biomaterials facilitated by argon plasma grafting technology. Biofouling. Volume 34 (doi: 10.1080/08927014.2018.1434158.)

Jessica L. Epstein 2016 The Legacy of Tetraethyl Lead, Bulletin for the History of Chemistry, 41 (1), pp 38-43.



Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Ambi, A., Parikh, N., Vera, C., Burns, K., Montano, N., Sciorra, L., Epstein, J., Zeng, D., & Traba, C., (February 2018). Anti-infection silver nanoparticle immobilized biomaterials facilitated by argon plasma grafting technology. Biofouling. Volume 34 (doi: 10.1080/08927014.2018.1434158.)

Ambi A*., Bryan J*., Borbon K*., Centeno D*., Liu T., Chen T.P., Cattabiani T., Traba C. Are Russian Propolis Ethanol Extracts the Future for the Prevention of Medical and Biomedical Implant Contaminations, Phytomedicine, 30: 2017; 50-58.

Department of Criminal Justice


Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Adubato, B. and N. Sachs.  “Football and Domestic Violence:  Developing a Method to Measure the Madness.”  Sage Research Methods Case Series, January 2018.

Department of English


Book Review

Almonte, P. (March-April 2018).  An Immigrant Story for Everyone (Review of the book The Signal Flame, by Andrew Krivak.  America (online version retrieved here: ). Print version appears under the headline "Inheritors of loss," in the April 2, 2018 issue.



Walonen, Michael K. (2016) Contemporary World Narrative Fiction and the Spaces of Neoliberalism. London: Palgrave MacMillan.


Book Review

Wifall, Rachel. Review of Shakespeare et l’invention de l’histoire, by Dominique Goy-Blanquet. Renaissance Quarterly, 68.4 (Winter 2016).

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article


Wifall, Rachel. "Rome, Dismembered: Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus (1592?) and Julie Taymor's Titus (1999)." Gale Researcher (Spring 2017).

Theater Review

Wifall, Rachel. Review of Measure for Measure, Hudson Valley Shakespeare

Festival. Shakespeare Bulletin 35:2 (Summer 2017).

Department of Fine Arts




“Past, Present, Future” Gallery Bergen, Paramus, NJ

Lantern Festival, Digital Print created in Illustrator

“What’s Next?” The Gallery Space, Rahway, NJ

Austin, Monotype

Lincoln Center, Monotype

KO, Monotype

“Truth” Jersey City Theater Center, Jersey City, NJ

Big Buddha, Digital Print created in Illustrator


“Big Small Show”, Drawing Rooms, Jersey City, NJ

JC Waterfront, Monotype

Lincoln Center 2, Monotype

AGO Exterior, Digital Print created in Illustrator

“Motion: Emotion”, Barrow Mansion, Jersey City, NJ

Taj, Monotype

“Group Show”, Triangle Building, Jersey City, NJ

NY Pond, Monotype

JC Waterfront Reflections, Monotype

“ProArts Members Show”, Harborside, Jersey City, NJ

Austin, Monotype

Lincoln Center, Monotype

KO, Monotype


“New Jersey Arts Annual”, Noyes Museum of Art, Atlantic City, NJ

Big Buddha, Digital Print created in Illustrator

“Like an Egyptian”. Pierro Gallery, South Orange, NJ

Anubis, Digital Print created in Illustrator

Precinct of Mut, Digital Print created in Illustrator

Distance Goddess, Digital Print created in Illustrator

Wedjat, Digital Print created in Illustrator

The Goddess Isis, Digital Print created in Illustrator

“The Big Small Show”, Drawing Rooms, Jersey City, NJ

Empty Cloud, Painting

Hazy Moon, Painting

Little Prince, Painting

“What Have You Got to Say?” City Life and JCAST Flagship, Jersey City, NJ

Lantern Festival, Digital Print created in Illustrator

Flaming Pearl, Digital Print created in Illustrator

“The City Group Show”, JCAST Flagship, Jersey City, NJ

Flowers for Garlands, Digital Print created in Illustrator

“The Art Project”, Art House, Jersey City, NJ

Just Before the Horizon, Watercolor

Living In the Past, Watercolor

Sun at Midnight, Watercolor

Sonic Radio, Watercolor

Portrait of the Earth, Watercolor

Geb, Watercolor

Shadow Plays, Watercolor

Department of History



The Economy of Ethnic Cleansing: The Transformation of the German-Czech Borderlands after World War II (Cambridge University Press, November 2017).

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

“Toward a Material Culture of Jewish Loss,” Jewish Culture and History, 18 (2017): 17-33.

Book Chapter

“Demography and Population Movements,” with Theodora Dragostinova (The Ohio State University) in The Routledge History of East Central Europe since 1700, ed. Irina Livezeanu and Arpad von Klimo (Routledge Press, 2017), 126-175.


Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Nicholson, Timothy, 2018, An Empire of Individuals:  American Expansion, British Angst and Tanzanian Anger,  USAbroad : Journal of American History and Politics, 1, Retrieved from 

Nicholson, Timothy, 2018, An Empire of Individuals:  American Expansion, British Angst and Tanzanian Anger,  USAbroad : Journal of American History and Politics, 1, Retrieved from 


Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

“Journalists and Journalism Historians in Victorian Britain…and After.” Historiography in Mass Communication 3:2 (2017): 13-16.

Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings

“What is Journalism, Who is a Journalist in Victorian Britain?” Joint Journalism/Communication

History Conference, New York University, 11 March 2017.

“Extra, Extra! Journalists Make News in Nineteenth-Century Britain.” Nineteenth-Century

Studies Association. Lincoln NE, 16 April 2016.

Book Review

Sudhir Mahadevan. A Very Old Machine: The Many Origins of the Cinema in India. Jhistory, 24 April 2017.

Newsletter Article

“Scholars consider British Library a ‘near-holy place.”’ Intelligencer: Newsletter of the American Journalism Historians Association 32:3 (summer 2016): 7-8.

Department of Mathematics


Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Conley, R., Delaney, T., & Jiao, X. (November 2016). Overcoming element quality dependence of finite elements with adaptive extended stencil FEM (AES-FEM). International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering, 109, 1054 – 1085.

Book Reviews

Conley, R. (July 2018). Review of Equivalence: Elizabeth L. Scott at Berkeley, by A. Golbeck, MAA Reviews. Retrieved from 

Conley, R. (January 2018). Review of Teaching Statistics: A Bag of Tricks (2nd edition), by A. Gelman and D. Nolan, MAA Reviews. Retrieved from


Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Jaclyn Anderson, Kristina Garrett, Brian Hopkins (2017), Garden of Eden partitions in the sand pile and related models, Theoretical Computer Science, volume 694, 10--20.

Brian Hopkins, Mark Shattuck, Andrew Sills, Thotsaporn Thanatiponanda, Hua Wang (2017), Parts and subword patterns in compositions, Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory, volume 9, issue 1, 1--14.

Edited Book

Brian Hopkins, editor (2017).  The College Mathematics Journal, Mathematical Association of America, volume 48, issues 1--5, pages 1--400.


Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Kintos, N., Nusbaum, M.P., Nadim, F. (April 2016). Convergent neuromodulation onto a network neuron can have divergent effects at the network level. J Comput Neurosci, 40(2): 113-135.


Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

M. Catral, P. Ford, P. Harris, S. J. Miller, D. Nelson, Z. Pan, and H. Xu, "New Behavior in Legal

Decompositions Arising from Non-Positive Linear Recurrences", Fibonacci Quarterly 55 (2017), no. 3,


S. J. Miller, D. Nelson, Z. Pan, and H. Xu, "On the Asymptotic Behavior of Variance of PLRS

Decompositions", Fibonacci Quarterly 55 (2017), no. 5, 135–143.

Minerva Catral, Pari L. Ford, Pamela E. Harris, Steven J. Miller, and Dawn Nelson. (November 2016). Legal Decompositions Arising From Non-Positive Linear Recurrences, Fibonacci Quart., 54, no. 4, 348–365. 



2016  Safford-Ramus, K., Misra, P. K., and Maguire, T., The Troika of Adult Learners, Lifelong Learning, and Mathematics.  Berlin, Germany: Springer.

Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings

2017 Safford-Ramus, K. “Research in adult mathematics education: how far have we come, where might we go next?” In C. Mac an Bhaird, J. Díez-Palomar, G. Griffiths and A. O’Shea(Eds.), Numeracy: A Critical Skill in Adult Education. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference of Adults Learning Mathematics: A research Forum (ALM). Maynooth, Ireland: Maynooth University.

2017 Safford-Ramus, K. “ALM as chameleon: Tracing the evolution of the organization through its literature.” In A. Hector-Mason, L. Jarlskog and D. Kaye (Eds.), Opening Our Math Eyes To See Math In Everything We Do. Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference of Adults Learning Mathematics — A Research Forum (ALM). Washington, D.C.: American Institute for Research.

Book Review

Safford-Ramus, K. (October, 2017). Review of Engaging Families as Children's First Mathematics Educators, by S. Phillipson, A. Gervasoni, and P. Sullivan (Eds.). MAA Reviews, October, 2017.

Government Report

Luminary Labs (2017). The Math Gap: Implications for Investing in America’s Workforce. New York: Luminary Labs.

Department of Modern and Classical Languages


Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

DeStephano, M. (June 2017). “Fiction and Conversion: The Powers of the Word in Amadís de

Gaula, Las sergas de Esplandián, and the Autobiografía of Saint Ignatius Loyola.”

Mediterranean Review. Vol.10. No.1 (June 2017): 1-27.

DeStephano, M. (March-June, 2012, published 2016 due to journal’s delayed publishing

schedule). The Pedagogy of Ultimate Reality and Meaning through Romance Languages and

Literatures. Journal of the International Society for the Study of Ultimate Reality and Meaning

35.1-2: 45-59.

Book Chapters

DeStephano, M. (2016). Slaughter in China on Film: Nanjing and ‘Saving Asia’ Through

Mutilation. In J.C. Friedman and W.L. Hewitt (Eds.), The History of Genocide in Cinema:

Atrocities on Film (pp. 117-129; 288-289). London and New York: I.B. Taurus.

DeStephano, M. (2016) Great Mirrors Shattered: John Whittier Treat and the Politics of QueerTravels through Gay Japan. In M. Cabañas et al. (Eds.), Politics, Identity, and Mobility in Travel Writing (pp.83-97). New York: Routledge.

DeStephano, M. (2016). Foreword. In A. Mong, Guns and Gospel: Imperialism and Evangelism

in China (pp. ix-xii). Cambridge, UK: James Clarke & Co.

Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings

DeStephano, M. (2016). “Western Responses to ‘Oriental’ Religious Challenges: The

Contrasting Cultural Visions of Polo and Ricci” in The West-East Institute Academic

Conference Proceedings, August 1-3, Harvard University Faculty Club, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A.: 166-179.

Department of Philosophy


Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Cvek, Peter P., John Locke and the Relationship between God and  Morality, Journal of Ultimate

Reality and Meaning, volume 35, nos. 3-4, 2012 (Published September-December 2017), 260-285.

Department of Political Science


Book Chapter

Brown, Anna J. “We Can Do No Less: Buddhism and Social Justice.” Teaching Buddhism: New

Insights on Understanding and Presenting the Traditions, edited by Todd Lewis and Gary

DeAngelis, Oxford University Press, 2017, 361-374

Book Reviews

Anna J. Brown. Review of The Berrigan Letters: Personal Correspondence between Daniel and

Philip Berrigan, edited by Daniel Cossachi and Eric Martin. Journal of Jesuit Studies (4)

2017, Pp. 345 – 348

Anna J. Brown. Review of Mortal Blessings by Angela Alaimo O’Donnell. America, Vol. 212,

N. 8

Anna J. Brown. Review of Joan Chittister by Tom Roberts and Two Dogs and a Parrot by Joan

Chittister. America, Vol. 215, N.4

Anna J. Brown. Review of How Change Happens by Duncan Green. America, Vol. 215, N. 4

Anna J. Brown. Review of A Radical Faith: The Assassination of Sister Maura by Eileen Markey. Waging Nonviolence, 3 February 2017,


Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Philip Mark Plotch and Jen Nelles, 2017, “Mitigating Gridlock: Lessons on Regional Governance from the Organization that Keeps New York Moving,” Articulo – the Journal of Urban Research.


Philip Mark Plotch and Jen Nelles, December 21, 2017, “Effective Collaboration in an Unlikely Place,” Voices Of The Governing Institute – Governing Magazine.



Philip Mark Plotch, August 24, 2017, “Open Questions about the New Tappan Zee/Mario Cuomo Bridge,” Daily News.

“Bringing Home the Davis-Bacon.” Wall Street Journal. Op-Ed. December 2016.

Department of Psychology


Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Ishak, S., Bubka, A., & Bonato, F. (February 2018). Visual occlusion decreases motion sickness in a flight simulator. Perception, 47, 596-605. doi: 10.1177/0301006618761336

Blue, R.S., Bonato, F., Seaton, K., Bubka, A., Vardiman, J.L., Mathers, C., Castleberry, T.L., & Vanderploeg, J.M. (July 2017). The effects of training on anxiety and task performance in simulated suborbital spaceflight. Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance, 88(7), 641-650. doi: 10.3357/AMHP.4807.2017

Krueger, W.W., Bonato, F., & Bubka, A. (June 2017). Method to mitigate nystagmus and motion sickness with head worn visual display during vestibular stimulation. Journal of Otolaryngology-ENT Research, 7(5), 1-7. doi: 10.15406/joentr.2017.07.00216

Peer-Reviewed Published Abstracts

Blue, R.S., Bonato, F., Seaton, K., Vardiman, J., Bubka, A., Mathers, C., Castleberry, T., & Vanderploeg, J. (March 2017). Evaluation of training effects on anxiety and task performance in simulated suborbital spaceflight [Abstract]. Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance, 88(3), 210.

Bonato, F., Bubka, A., Seaton, K., Blue, R.S., Vardiman, J., Mathers, C., Castleberry, T., & Vanderploeg, J. (March 2017). Motion sickness symptoms, training benefits, and adaptation during simulated commercial space flight [Abstract]. Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance, 88(3), 210.

Vardiman, J., Blue, R.S., Bonato, F., Seaton, K., Bubka, A., Mathers, C., Castleberry, T., & Vanderploeg, J. (March 2017). Identification of subject anxiety and risk of withdrawal during simulated suborbital spaceflight [Abstract]. Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance, 88(3), 211.



Lega, L., Sorribes, S. & Calvo, M. (2017). Terapia Racional Emotiva Conductual: Una version teorico-practica actualizada. Barcelona, Spain: Paidos.


Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Skitka, L. J., Wisneski, D. C., & Brandt, M. J. (2018). Attitude moralization: Probably not

intuitive or rooted in perceptions of harm. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 27, 9-13.

Morgan, G. S. & Wisneski, D. C. (2017). The structure of ideology varies between and within

people: Implications for theories about ideology’s causes. Social Cognition, 35, 395-414.

Skitka, L. J., Hanson, B., & Wisneski, D. C. (2017). Utopian hopes or dystopian fears? Exploring

the motivational underpinnings of moralized political engagement. Personality and Social

Psychology Bulletin, 43, 177-190.

Wisneski, D. C. & Skitka, L. J. (2017). Moralization through moral shock: Exploring the

emotional antecedents to moral conviction. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,

43, 139-150.

Book Chapter 

Wisneski, D. C., Morgan, G. S., & Bauman, C. W. (2016). Moral responsibility. In A.

Farazmand (Series Ed.) C. J. Jurkiewicz (Vol. Eds.), Global Encyclopedia of Public

Administration and Public Policy. New York, NY: Springer.

Department of Sociology and Urban Studies


Newspaper Article

Malone, D. (Nov. 7, 2017). Jersey City's Real Estate Investment Summit -- Investment for Whom? Jersey Journal, Retrieved from:


Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Trillo. A., Burgos, G., Schwartz, M., December 2016, Institutional Ties and Homeless Family Trajectories: How Homeless Mothers Engage with Policy to Create Opportunities for Mobility. Journal of Social Research & Policy, Vol. 7, Issue 2, p. 1-22.

Department of Theology


Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Durante, C. (2018) Bioethical and multiculturalism: Nuancing the discussion. Journal of Medical Ethics, 44, 77-83.

Book Chapters

Durante, C. (2018)   Ch. 5: Philanthropic Healthcare: Christian Conceptions of Social Responsibility & Healthcare in: Religious Perspectives on Social Responsibility in Health: Towards A Dialogical Approach. Advancing Global Bioethics Series. Springer Publishing. pp. 39-49

Durante, C. (2018)  Ch. 7: Virtuosity Beyond the Call of Duty: A Reply to David Heyd in: Religious Perspectives on Social Responsibility in Health: Towards A Dialogical Approach. Advancing Global Bioethics Series. Springer Publishing. pp. 57-62

I am the Managing Editor of the book in which the latter two chapters appear.

School of Business

Department of Business Administration


Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Gargouri, C. & Naatus, M. (2017). An Experiment in Mind-Mapping: Tools for Assessing Knowledge Acquisition and Integration in the Business Curriculum. e-Journal of Business Education and Scholarship of Teaching, 11(2). Retrieved from (2)_2017.pdf


Risk and Insurance Magazine Articles

Help Wanted: Cyber Security Neurologist, January 10, 2017

Truthiness: The New Threshold of Reality, February 28, 2017


The Malaise of Academic Scholarship: Why it Starts with the Doctoral Dissertation as a Baptism of Fire, John J. Hampton, Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Lanham, Md., January 2018

Liberal Arts in the Doldrums: Rethink, Revise, and Reverse the Trend, John J. Hampton, Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Lanham, Md., August 2017

The Professoriate Today: Languishing in Dante’s Purgatory, John J. Hampton, Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Lanham, Md., May 2017

Culture, Intricacies, and Obsessions in Academia: Why Colleges and Universities are Struggling to Deliver the Goods, John J. Hampton, Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Lanham, Md., March 2017


Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Marcillo, M. & Naatus, M. (2018). Ethical Dilemma: A case of illegal dumping and whistleblowing. Journal of Business Cases and Applications, Vol. 20, 1-6.


Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Marcillo, M. & Naatus, M. (2018). Ethical Dilemma: A case of illegal dumping and whistleblowing. Journal of Business Cases and Applications, Vol. 20, 1-6.

Gargouri, C. & Naatus, M. (2017). An Experiment in Mind-Mapping: Tools for Assessing Knowledge Acquisition and Integration in the Business Curriculum. e-Journal of Business Education and Scholarship of Teaching, 11(2).

Retrieved from (2)_2017.pdf

DeCoster, D. & Naatus, M. (2017) Experiential Learning in Digital Marketing: A Library Social Media Takeover. Business Education Innovation Journal, 9(1), 84-88.

Retrieved from 

Reinhart, L. & Naatus, M. (2017). Groupon, m-commerce and mobile apps: perceptions of small business owners and consumers, Business and Entrepreneurship, 6(1), 27-38, 2017.

Naatus, M. & Corea, C. (2016). Urban Impact Investing: Keeping the Impact Local. Journal of Applied Business and Economics, 18(6), 130-139.

Department of Economics & Finance



The Political Economy of U.S. Monetary Policy: How the Federal Reserve Gained Control and Uses It. New York: Routledge, 2016.

Book Reviews

Review of The Rise and Fall of Neoliberal Capitalism, by David M. Kotz, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, Science and Society, 2017, January, Vol. 81, No. 1, pp. 156-159.

Review of The Oxford Handbook of Post-Keynesian Economics, Volume 2: Critiques and

Methodology, G.C. Harcourt and Peter Kriesler (eds.), Review of Keynesian Economics, 2016, Summer, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 239-241.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

“How the Federal Reserve Caused the Great Inflation and Stagnation: A Political Economic  Approach,” Review of Development and Change, Vol. XXII, No. 1, January-June 2017,   pp. 58-82

“Economic Globalization and Cultural Heritage in Sri Lanka Today,” Voice of Intellectual Man,

January-June 2016, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 23-28.

School of Education 



Ayala, J., Cammarota, J., Rivera, M., Rodriguez, L.R., Berta-Avila, M., Torre, M.E. (2018). PAR EntreMundos:  A Pedagogy of the Américas.  Peter Lang Publishing, Inc.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Rubin, B., Ayala, J., Zaal, M. (2017). Authenticity, aims and authority: Navigating action research with youth in the classroom. Curriculum Inquiry (47), pp. 175-194.


Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Choi, J. A. (2017). Why I’m not involved: Parental involvement from a parent’s perspective. Phi Delta Kappan, 99(3), 46-49.



Luongo, N. (2017). The new English language arts classroom: Teaching in a digital world. Cognella Academic Publishing, San Diego, CA.

Luongo, N. (2017). Assessment in today's K-12 classroom (Preliminary ed.). Cognella Academic Publishing, San Diego, CA.

Luongo, N. (2016). The new English language arts classroom: Teaching in a digital world . Cognella Academic Publishing, San Diego, CA.

White Paper

Luongo, N., & Doria, J. V. (2016). Current legislation provides opportunities for Pre-K expansion in New Jersey schools [White paper].

School of Nursing


Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Beckford, M. (Sept. 2016). Gun Violence Perpetuates Stigma Regarding Mental Illness. Annals of Nursing Research and Practice, 1(2), 1007.


Book Review

Motacki, K. & Burke, K. (2017). Nursing Delegation and Management of Patient Care.

(2nd ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.



Motacki, K., Burke, K. (2016). Nursing Delegation and Management of Patient Care Second Edition, St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article


Motacki, K. (2016). Children’s Specialized Hospital and GetWellNetworkTM

Collaborate to Improve Patient Education and Outcomes Using an Innovative Approach. Pediatric Nursing, March/April 2016/Vol. 42/No.



Book Chapter

MacNamara, I. (2016). Using film as a starting point for information literacy instruction. In Fawley, N., & Krysak, N. (Eds.), The discovery tool cookbook. (96-98). Association of College and Research Libraries.


Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

DeCoster, D. & Naatus, M. (2017) Experiential Learning in Digital Marketing: A Library Social Media Takeover. Business Education Innovation Journal, 9(1), 84-88.

Retrieved from 


Peer-Reviewed Journal Article

Graceffo, M. "Metanoia Meets Magis at the Feet of the Guru." Spirituality Studies, vol.3, no. 2, Fall 2017, pp.24-27. Retrieved from: spirituality-


College of Arts and Sciences


True Detective: Critical Essays on the Television Series. (with Michael Samuel) Washington, D. C.: Lexington Books, Rowman & Littlefield, 2018.

The New Western: Critical Essays on the Genre since 9/11. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Co., 2016.

Book Chapters

“Brokeback Mountain: Queering the Legend via Historical Hegemony and Masculine Memory” in The New Western: Re-Purposing the Hollywood Genre. Ed. Scott F. Stoddart. McFarland & Co., 2016 (95 – 113).

“New Visions / New Vistas: Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight Trilogy and the New Western” in The New Western: Critical Essays on the Genre since 9/11. Ed. Scott F. Stoddart. McFarland &

Co., 2016 (229 – 243).


Provost and Vice-President for Academic Affairs


Thornton, W., & Bonato, F. (2017). The human body and weightlessness: Operational effects, problems and countermeasures. Springer International Publishing AG. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-32829-4.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Ishak, S., Bubka, A., & Bonato, F. (February 2018). Visual occlusion decreases motion sickness in a flight simulator. Perception, 47, 596-605. doi: 10.1177/0301006618761336

Blue, R.S., Bonato, F., Seaton, K., Bubka, A., Vardiman, J.L., Mathers, C., Castleberry, T.L., & Vanderploeg, J.M. (July 2017). The effects of training on anxiety and task performance in simulated suborbital spaceflight. Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance, 88(7), 641-650. doi: 10.3357/AMHP.4807.2017

Krueger, W.W., Bonato, F., & Bubka, A. (June 2017). Method to mitigate nystagmus and motion sickness with head worn visual display during vestibular stimulation. Journal of Otolaryngology-ENT Research, 7(5), 1-7. doi: 10.15406/joentr.2017.07.00216

Peer-Reviewed Published Abstracts

Blue, R.S., Bonato, F., Seaton, K., Vardiman, J., Bubka, A., Mathers, C., Castleberry, T., & Vanderploeg, J. (March 2017). Evaluation of training effects on anxiety and task performance in simulated suborbital spaceflight [Abstract]. Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance, 88(3), 210.

Bonato, F., Bubka, A., Seaton, K., Blue, R.S., Vardiman, J., Mathers, C., Castleberry, T., & Vanderploeg, J. (March 2017). Motion sickness symptoms, training benefits, and adaptation during simulated commercial space flight [Abstract]. Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance, 88(3), 210.

Vardiman, J., Blue, R.S., Bonato, F., Seaton, K., Bubka, A., Mathers, C., Castleberry, T., & Vanderploeg, J. (March 2017). Identification of subject anxiety and risk of withdrawal during simulated suborbital spaceflight [Abstract]. Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance, 88(3), 211.



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