The City Council of the City of Rainbow City, Alabama, met in regular session at City Hall at 5:00 p.m., and upon roll call by Beth Lee, acting City Clerk, the following members answered present: Mayor Terry John Calhoun, Council members: Bobby McCartney, Tim Ramsey, Larry Keenum. Anita Bedwell-absent, Rick Hill-absent. The same constituting a quorum of the City Council, the following business was transacted.

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Terry John Calhoun. Invocation was given by Larry Keenum. Mayor Calhoun led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.

1. Mayor Calhoun presented the minutes of January 8, 2018 for review and asked if there were any corrections, additions, or deletions. There being none, Larry Keenum moved and Tim Ramsey seconded the motion to approve the minutes as presented. Mayor Calhoun stated all in favor say aye. All ayes. Mayor Calhoun declared the motion carried.

2. Mayor Calhoun made the following announcements. The Mayor’s Association will meet on February 15th at 6:00 p.m. in Glencoe. Let the records show that Linda Cleveland, Business License Inspector, uses the 2011 Crown Vic Vin# 3288. There will be a disc golf tournament at VLMSC on February 17, 2018. All proceeds from the tournament will go back to the course.

3. Mayor Calhoun presented Ordinance No. 527, amending Ordinance No. 524 to provide for a wrecker service rotation program within the police jurisdiction of Rainbow City. Mayor Calhoun asked if anyone was opposed or in favor of this request. There was none. Tim Ramsey made a motion to introduce the ordinance. Larry Keenum moved and Bobby McCartney seconded the motion to suspend the rules for immediate consideration. Bobby McCartney seconded the motion. Mayor Calhoun asked for a roll call as follows:

Anita Bedwell Absent

Bobby McCartney Yes

Tim Ramsey Yes

Larry Keenum Yes

Rick Hill Absent

Mayor Calhoun Yes

Mayor Calhoun declared the motion carried. Larry Keenum moved and Bobby McCartney seconded the motion to adopt Ordinance 527. Mayor Calhoun asked for a roll call as follows:

Anita Bedwell Absent

Bobby McCartney Yes

Tim Ramsey Yes

Larry Keenum Yes

Rick Hill Absent

Mayor Calhoun declared the motion carried.

4. Mayor Calhoun presented the 2017 Street Resurfacing Project. The streets included are Nita, Guy Hood, Hallmark/Creek Haven, patch Doris Street, Mimosa, Animal Shelter road and parking lot. The turn lane on Steele Station Road into the Animal Shelter is not included. The bids were opened by Houston Jenkins on January 16, 2018 and were as follows:

J&D Enterprises $391,930.95

McCartney Construction $424,980.17

Houston Jenkins recommended taking the low bid from J&D Enterprises. Mayor Calhoun made the recommendation to accept the low bid from J&D Enterprises. Bobby McCartney moved and Tim Ramsey seconded the motion. Mayor Calhoun stated all in favor say aye. All ayes. Mayor Calhoun declared the motion carried.

5. Mayor Calhoun presented a request from Eddie Cline in the Recreation Dept. to rebid the chemical contract. This is a yearly contract and includes the grasses at VLMSC and the Little League field at the Rec. Center. Sealed bids will be opened in pre-council on Monday, February 12, 2018 at 4:30 p.m. Bobby McCartney moved and Larry Keenum seconded the motion to send specs to prospective bidders. Mayor Calhoun stated all in favor say aye. All ayes. Mayor Calhoun declared the motion carried.

6. Mayor Calhoun presented a request from Eddie Cline in the Recreation Dept. to rebid the portable toilet contract. This is a yearly contract. Sealed bids will be opened in pre-council on Monday, February 12, 2018 at 4:30 p.m. Tim Ramsey moved and Larry Keenum seconded the motion to send specs to prospective bidders. Mayor Calhoun stated all in favor say aye. All ayes. Mayor Calhoun declared the motion carried.

7. Mayor Calhoun had a request from Eddie Cline and Philip Hollingsworth to discuss the playing fields at VLMSC and Recreation Center. Currently the VLMSC had 2 softball and 2 baseball fields and the City of Southside has 4 softball fields. Working together it is recommended that the 2 softball fields at the VLMSC be made into baseball fields making it an even number of softball fields and baseball fields. Any funds spent to do this request will be deducted from Capital Outlay and is estimated about $5,000 or less including sod and irrigation. All the leagues are in agreement with this proposed change. Tim Ramsey moved and Larry Keenum seconded the motion to make this change. Mayor Calhoun stated all in favor say aye. All ayes. Mayor Calhoun declared the motion carried.

8. Mayor Calhoun present a proposal for boundary survey from CDG Engineering for $4,200.00. The survey will include parcels: 15-09-30-0-001-116.000, 15-09-30-0-001-116.001, 15-09-30-0-001-116.006, 15-09-30-0-001-116.007, 15-09-30-0-001-116.009, 15-09-30-0-001-117.000. Discussion followed. Tim Ramsey moved and Larry Keenum seconded the motion to accept the survey proposal. Mayor Calhoun stated all in favor say aye. All ayes. Mayor Calhoun declared the motion carried.

9. Mayor Calhoun read the resignation of dispatcher Muriel Roberson to be effective February 1, 2018.

10. Mayor Calhoun presented a request from Chief Horton to post a dispatcher’s job for ten (10) days to end on Friday, February 2, 2018 at 4:00 p.m. We will accept both certified and non-certified applications. Larry Keenum moved and Bobby McCartney seconded the motion to post the dispatcher’s job. Mayor Calhoun stated all in favor say aye. All ayes. Mayor Calhoun declared the motion carried.

11. Chief Horton recommended hiring Anthony Michael Mountjoy as a certified police officer at $14.50/hr. single coverage insurance. He will be attending a two-week academy session to become familiar with Alabama laws. Chief Horton also recommended hiring John Andrew Willis as a non-certified police officer at $13.50/hr. single coverage insurance. He will be attending the police academy and after graduation his hourly rate will increase to $14.50/hr. Tim Ramsey moved and Bobby McCartney seconded the motion to hire these 2 officers. Mayor Calhoun stated all in favor say aye. All ayes. Mayor Calhoun declared the motion carried.

12. Chief Horton presented a budget revision in the Police Dept. increasing Equipment/Tools (Non-Capital) by $10,101.00 from the sale of the UNIMOG on . The police bicycles sold for $225.00 each. Pell City Police Dept. purchased them. Tim Ramsey moved and Bobby McCartney seconded the motion to approve the budget revision. Mayor Calhoun stated all in favor say aye. All ayes. Mayor Calhoun declared the motion carried.

13. Chief Horton presented an appreciation plaque to Sgt. Nick Gaskin. His last day is February 1, 2018. Chief Horton thanked him for a job well done.

14. Mayor Calhoun presented a request from the Messenger for an ad in the Progress issue which will run on February 23, 2018. The ad will be black and white one-half page for $695.00. Tim Ramsey moved and Bobby McCartney seconded the motion to purchase the ad. Mayor Calhoun stated all in favor say aye. All ayes. Mayor Calhoun declared the motion carried.

15. Mayor Calhoun stated that the 2017 yearly reports were received from the Police Department.

16. Mayor Calhoun thanked the Street and Recreation Depts. and all the city employees for their efforts to make our roads safe during the cold weather.

17. Larry Keenum moved to make a $300.00 donation to the CED Mental Health Center for a Youth Prevention Conference to be held at the Gadsden City High School Gym on Wednesday, March 14, 2018 at 8:30 a.m. Bobby McCartney seconded the motion for the donation. Mayor Calhoun stated all in favor say aye. All ayes. Mayor declared the motion carried.

18. Tim Ramsey made a motion for the Mayor to proceed in securing the loan with Exchange Bank in purchasing the land close to the new Sports Complex for commercial development. Discussion followed. Larry Keenum seconded the motion. Mayor Calhoun stated all in favor say aye. All ayes. Mayor declared the motion carried.

19. Tim Ramsey acknowledged Matt Petro with Retail Strategies as he had a presentation for the Mayor and Council of his company. The Industrial Development Board had spoken with Matt previously and recommended he attend tonight’s meeting. After the presentation Larry Keenum moved to enter into a contract with Retail Strategies for a fee of $45,000 each year for 3 years. It is a year to year contract. The Commercial Development Board supports this group. Tim Ramsey seconded the motion. Mayor Calhoun asked the clerk to call the roll.

Anita Bedwell Absent

Bobby McCartney Yes

Tim Ramsey Yes

Larry Keenum Yes

Rick Hill Absent

Mayor declared the motion carried.

There being no further business to come before the council at this time, Tim Ramsey made a motion to adjourn.

Time Adjourned: 5:55 p.m.


Beth Lee, Acting City Clerk


Terry John Calhoun, Mayor


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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