Patient Information Leaflet

Patient Information Leaflet

‘I Love U’

(ILU Massage)


Produced By:

Pelvic, Obstetric & Gynaecological Physiotherapy

Is ILU massage right for me?

The ILU massage is so called due to the movements that you make tracing the shapes of those letters during the massage technique.

If you have a blocked or sluggish colon you may have symptoms such as constipation, diarrhoea, irritable bowel syndrome or other discomfort - the ILU massage can help to ease these symptoms significantly.

However, the ILU massage can benefit you even when you are symptom free; it can simply help to relax your core and help to keep it healthy.

ILU massage specifically targets the descending, transverse and ascending colon as shown in the diagram below.


The ILU Massage Technique

What position should I be in?

• Lie comfortably on your back with your knees bent, with a pillow under your knees for comfort.

• The aim of massage is not just to stroke the skin but to massage the soft tissue beneath the skin. You should be able to feel the massage but it should not hurt. If you don’t feel anything the likelihood is you that you aren’t massaging hard enough.

• You may apply more pressure to the ascending and descending colons, but pressure should be less whilst massaging the transverse colon.

• You should be aware that any kind of massage can produce soreness the following day, if you are felling any pain at all, lighten the pressure or stop the massage.

How do I massage my colon?

1. Using either your fingers, soft fist or the edge of your palm, start on the left side of your tummy (think 1st of your tummy button as the centre) just below the left ribs, massage down in a straight line towards your pubic bone.

Think of this as drawing the letter ‘I’ from under your rib cage downward, in doing this you will be massaging your descending colon, draw the letter ‘I’ 10-15 times.

2. Next is the ‘L’, start on the right side of your tummy this time, just under your rib cage. Massage from right to left, then down towards your pubic bone: across then down, as in the letter ‘L’. This massages the transverse colon as well as descending colon again. Draw the ‘L’ 10-15 times.

3. Finally, draw the ‘U’. Start to the right of your tummy button, starting at the top edge of your pelvic bone and massage upwards toward the right side of the rib cage, then across to the left then down to the top of your pelvic bone, repeat this 10-15 times. This now includes the ascending colon into the massage. In drawing all three letters you will successfully massage the whole of your colon.

When and how often should I massage my colon?

You can massage your colon daily, or for symptom relief as required.

Never massage immediately after a meal

A natural side effect of ILU massage is that you may produce more wind; this is due to increased effective colon movement.

Massage at a time when you can relax properly.

If in any doubt, consult your Health Care Professional.

You can find more information about the Pelvic, Obstetric & Gynaecological Physiotherapy service online and on Facebook


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