Use the following guidelines to help make your scientific drawing as clear as possible:

• Use only pencil to draw…only color pencils to color. Must be colored just as it is in whatever it is that you are viewing. Completely colored! NO INK AT ALL…

• Title your drawing at the top of your paper.

• All details must be included in drawing, and it must be large enough to fill paper…no tiny drawings.

• Use a ruler to draw label lines…we call this a straight edge.

• Print all labels horizontally

• Print, do not write in cursive…must be neat enough to read easily!

• Label the right-hand side of the drawing, if possible

• Do not cross label lines.

• Name (first and last), date and period go on the FRONT of the paper-Lower right hand corner.

• Do not bend or wrinkle paper…must be neat.


Biology Assignment CH 7 CELL DRAWINGS:

*Follow ALL Drawing Rules!

1-Draw & Label the Plant Cell and the Animal Cell from page 175 of your text book.

**BOTH can be drawn on the same paper if you use plain white typing paper…but you must provide your own paper.

**If you only have notebook paper, then you will need to do one drawing per sheet.

They should be drawn, colored, labeled and titled just exactly like they are in your textbook.

2-On the back of your drawing you will need to write and answer the following questions:

What structures do plant cells have that animal cells do not?

What structures do animal cells have that plant cells do not?


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