Mr. Mugno


Mr. Mugno


201-327-8700 ext 238


In this course we will experience the different aspects of standard drafting. These experiences will include an understanding of the drafting instruments and drafting principles. There will be an infusion of CAD (Computer Aided Drafting) in this course for the second semester. The students will produce a couple of project utilizing our three dimensional printers. Each student will have an inventoried paper and electronic pdf portfolio at the end of the course consisting of drawings completed during the course.

To assure success/expectations in this course we will:

• Arrive to class on time

• Be prepared each and everyday

• Meet the project deadlines

• Demonstrate critical thinking skills and problem- solving abilities

• Demonstrate proper drafting techniques, principles and attitudes

Units of Study

• Basic Drafting Principles

• Orthographic Projections

• Pictorial Drawings

• CAD (Commands)

• Three Dimensional Drawings – CAD

• Three dimensional printing

• Engineering Design process


• Written tests

• Quizzes

• Paper and pencil drawings

• CAD Drawings

• 3D model drawings

• 3D Model print outs

• Semester binder checks

• Portfolio – paper and pencil semester check

• CAD Portfolio that will be kept in the course binder check


1. A 2MM (millimeter) Mechanical Drafting Pencil – buy at the school store, staples, , cvs, walgreens or rite aids. The pencil must hold 2mm lead that will be supplied.

2. 3-ring binder (1”)

Binders will be divided into these 7 sections:

                         Section One:                           Course Syllabus

                        Section Two:                          Notes (30 sheets of lined paper)

                         Section Three:                       Class Handouts – PDF of drawings

                         Section Four:                         Quizzes (15 sheets of lined paper)

                         Section Five:                          Homework

                         Section Six:                            Sketches

Section Seven:                       CAD Portfolio with the Grade Log

Each of the sections will be labeled with a paper insert into the tab with the above names.

Place clear tape over the ends of the tabs so the paper does not fall out.

Evaluation Procedure

A. All paper and pencil and CAD Drawings will be corrected for their accuracy, line weight/colors and line types, proper dimensioning and lettering and graded as per the standard set forth by the school.

B. Quizzes will be given after formal lectures. A quiz grade counts as a separate grade.

C. Each paper and pencil plate has a target date and an acceptable late date. Plates turned in within this period will be given the normal grade. Plates turned in after the late date will have grades lowered by a categorical grade for each day the class meets (i.e. 1 day late =96A, 2 days late =92 A- etc.)

D. CAD drawings will just be assigned a due date and must be turned on that date. If they are not turned in by this date they will be lowered by a categorical grade each day the class meets (i.e. 1 day late = 89 B+, 2 days late 79 C+)

E. The total number of plates assigned to a class per semester is the average that should be produced by each student. If a student produces above this average, his/her grade is raised. If the student is below this average, his/her grade is lowered.

F. A final exam project is given in this course and counts as 15% of the final course average.

G. Final grade for year is based on each semester grade counting as 42.5% each and the final exam as 15% of the grade.

H A portfolio/binder grade will be given that will count as one separate grade.

Grades will be calculated for each semester by this method:

Drawings average 55-70%

Test/Quiz average 10-15%

Binder 10%

Portfolio 10%

This is subject to change by the number of grades in each area.

Equipment Contract

All students in these courses will read, sign and adhere to the following three areas below as will their parent/guardian:

1. Each student will be responsible for his/her station drawer key. In the event that the key should be misplaced or break then a new one shall be made at the cost born by the individual.

($1.50 for a new key)

2. Each student will keep his/her work station and drawer neat and clean. We will have periodic checks throughout the school year in class.

3. Any damage to the equipment or professional drafting station shall be paid for by the user determined by the contracted service supplier.

a. Machine itself needs to be replaced - $1300

I have read these statements and understand these guidelines regarding the equipment in this course.

Student’s Name – Print Neatly Date

Student’s Signature Date

Parent/Guardian Signature Date

Personal Laptops/Network Drive

AutoCAD is loaded on their laptops for each student to utilize for this course. It is up to each individual to use this for this course’s educational purposes, not what they deem (i.e. another class – lab, report, printing out a report, article)

All classes will make a folder of their classes on their Network & Google drive. They should also back this up on a flash drive.

Example: CAD 1 class

Student: John Smith

On John’s network drive he will make a folder CAD 1

In that folder he will make the following subfolders for each unit:

• Exercises

• Orthographic Projections

• Split Method

• Right Corner Method

• Pictorial

o Isometric

o Oblique

o Auxiliary

o One Point Perspective

o Axonometric

• 3D Objects

• Final Exam

• PDF – this will consist of all drawings completed

o Paper and Pencil


He/she will name the drawings by the following:

Drawing # and then title

EXAMPLE: 1 Holder

Each student will also produce an electronic portfolio of PDF drawings of their CAD Drawings to take with them for college applications (easier to send by email and more common)


Future Architects and Engineering Club – incorporated in 2007-08. We usually will meet once a month as a total club. We enter into the Thomas Edison Invention Challenge – meet 2x a week when this starts and more as we get closer to the competition deadline – mostly as a team. We also enter into Architectural competitions on an as needed basis.

STEM Club – incorporated in 2014-15 we have about four competitions at various schools throughout the year. We had 50 plus members last year. This was a brainchild of me and four other Applied Tech teachers in Bergen County. Great, tremendous experience, students spend the day at another school working in teams of five/six solving a real world problem utilizing the engineering design process – past competition problems - building a prosthetic hand, new armor to protect troops, new thrill amusement ride, water filtration system for third world countries etc. Meetings are usually once a month and as needed once we enter into a competition as the date nears.

American Amateur Meteorologist Association (Weather Club) – incorporated in 2015-16. The club meets on as needed basis to discuss upcoming seasonal forecasts, new technologies for predicting weather and most importantly upcoming weather events for our immediate area and sometimes other areas (Tropical Systems, severe storms, tornados, heat, cold, snowstorms etc.). Some meetings are held AM as well as PM. I am a member (Vice President) of the North Jersey Weather Observers group, a moderator of the NJ Strong Weather forum, the board professor (administrator) of the USAWx board and have my own weather company, website/blog.

“Tell me and I will forget”

“Show me and I will remember”

“Involve me and I will understand”


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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