2007 Body of Knowledge Report - FEMA

2008 Body of Knowledge Report:

Emergency Management Higher Education Programs’ “Must Reads”

FEMA Emergency Management

Higher Education Project


Carol L. Cwiak

North Dakota State University

Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Emergency Management

P.O. Box 5075

Fargo, ND 58105

(701) 231-5847



The annual Body of Knowledge survey is utilized to capture what the practitioner and academic communities consider the top ten “must reads” for emergency management students. Since 2006, the survey has alternated annually to survey either practitioners or academics. This year, 2008, is the second time the survey has been administered to academics. The survey results have historically shown that while some consensus can be arrived at on the top selections, the bulk of selections have been selected only by a single program. This year, as in past years, a large number of selections are single entries (only selected by one respondent), but the number of single entries have decreased dramatically this year perhaps indicating a greater level of consensus.

Methodology & Results

All of the institutions listed on the FEMA Higher Education Project webpage under the College Lists as offering a certificate or degree program were solicited by email to submit their top ten “must reads” (via the listed point-of-contact). In total, 120 institutions were solicited and 44 responses were received. Of the 120 institutions solicited, 12 of the point-of-contact persons were either no longer valid or had incorrect contact data. Of the remaining 108 institutions, nine (9) sent emails saying they did not feel they were capable of responding to the survey as they either only taught one course or were the director of the program and not familiar with the materials used in the coursework. Of the 44 responses received, five (5) contained no selections, six (6) contained between one and five selections, ten (10) contained between six and nine selections, and twenty-three (23) contained ten selections. In total, 340 selections were submitted.

Of the five responses that listed no selections, the primary reason given was that the party responding did not teach in the program (i.e., program director). One respondent could not respond because their program had not run any emergency management courses due to low enrollment which resulted in class cancellations. Programs offering both undergraduate and graduate certificate and degree programs replied; the type or level of program did not significantly affect the number of selections provided.

To provide a better understanding of the data submitted, the five surveys that provided no submissions will not be factored into the discussion below. All discussion regarding percentiles will be based on an n of 39.

This year’s survey saw a number of new publications entering the list. Table 1 lists this year’s top selections. The bolded entries are those that are appearing in the top ranks for the first time (indeed, most are also making their first appearance on a Body of Knowledge list having only recently been published). This year’s list has 208 list entries; 48% of the entries are specific to one respondent (i.e., program). This is most startling comparatively to academia’s 85% single entry rate percentage in 2006 and practitioner’s 73% single entry rate percentage in 2007. It would appear from this year’s greatly reduced single entry rate percentage that greater consensus on “must reads” may be developing.

Entries that have multiple editions have been asterisked to indicate that more than one edition was referenced (the latest edition was listed). With the changing nature of emergency management law and policy, many texts are updating frequently causing some consternation amongst faculty. One respondent commented in reference to a popular emergency management text saying,

“…they (book title omitted) change their book so much (minimal changes!) that students are getting really frustrated since they cannot sell their books back often. It’s a good money maker for them and I have tried to stick to older versions to save the students money (and since there is little difference there- I am capable of making updates)-but they actually discontinue them. The current version marks the last one I am buying. When it changes again – I am abandoning the book.”

Another concern shared by a respondent was the quality of texts available - calling them “duplicative” and frustrated that they seemed to be “recycling the same ideas over and over without any groundbreaking ideas”, the respondent posited that perhaps emergency management needs to seek more ideas from “outside” the field. This year’s list does have many new entries that have not been on the list in the past, which would suggest that programs are moving beyond the standard textbook format. The entirety of the 2008 Body of Knowledge list follows Table 1 below.

Table 1

| | |Number of Times |Percentage of |

| |Body of Knowledge 2008 |Selected |Respondents |

| | | |Selected |

|1 |Emergency Planning (Perry & Lindell) |16 |41% |

|2 |Introduction to Emergency Management (Haddow & Bullock) |12 |31% |

|3 |Disasters By Design: A Reassessment of Natural Disasters in the U.S.(Mileti) |9 |23% |

| |Emergency Management: Concepts and Strategies for Effective Programs (Canton) | | |

| |Emergency Management: The American Experience (Rubin) | | |

|4 |Introduction to Emergency Management (Lindell, Prater & Perry) |8 |21% |

|5 |The 9/11 Commission Report |7 |18% |

|6 |Emergency Management Principles and Practices for Local Government*(Waugh & Tierney) |6 |15% |

|7 |At Risk: Natural Hazards, People’s Vulnerability and Disasters (Wisner, et al.) |5 |13% |

| |Disaster Response and Recovery (McEntire) | | |

| |Facing the Unexpected: Disaster Preparedness and Response in the U.S.(Tierney, Lindell, Perry) | | |

| |Living with Hazards, Dealing with Disasters (Waugh) | | |

| |National Response Framework (NRF) | | |

| |Technology in Emergency Management (Pine) | | |

|8 |NIMS |4 |10% |

| |The Edge of Disaster (Flynn) | | |

|Title |Author/Editor |Year |Publisher |# of Selections |

|Emergency Planning |Perry & Lindell |2006 |Wiley |16 |

|Introduction to Emergency Management* |Haddow & Bullock, et al. |2007 |Elsevier Inc. |12 |

|Disasters By Design: A Reassessment of Natural Disasters in the|Mileti |1999 |National Academies Press |9 |

|United States | | | | |

|Emergency Management: Concepts and Strategies for Effective |Canton |2007 | Wiley |9 |

|Programs | | | | |

|Emergency Management: The American Experience |Rubin |2007 |PERI |9 |

|Introduction to Emergency Management |Lindell, Prater & Perry |2007 |Wiley |8 |

|The 9/11 Commission Report |The National Commission on Terrorist |2004 |U.S. Government |7 |

| |Attacks Upon the United States | | | |

|Emergency Management: Principles and Practices for Local |Waugh & Tierney |2007 |International City/County Management |6 |

|Government* | | |Association | |

|At Risk: Natural Hazards, People's Vulnerability and Disasters | Wisner, Blakie, Piers, Cannon & Davis |2004 |Routledge |5 |

|Disaster Response and Recovery |McEntire |2007 |Wiley |5 |

|Facing the Unexpected: Disaster Preparedness and Response in |Tierney, Lindell & Perry |2001 |Joseph Henry Press |5 |

|the United States | | | | |

|Living with Hazards, Dealing with Disasters: An Introduction to|Waugh |2000 |M.E. Sharpe Publishers |5 |

|Emergency Management | | | | |

|National Response Framework |FEMA/DHS |2007 |U.S. Government |5 |

|Technology in Emergency Management |Pine |2007 |Wiley |5 |

|National Incident Management System (NIMS) |FEMA/DHS |2004 |U.S. Government |4 |

|The Edge of Disaster |Flynn |2007 |Random House |4 |

|Disaster Hits Home: New Policy for Urban Housing Recovery |Comerio |1998 |University of California Press |3 |

|FEMA/DHS material online |FEMA/DHS | |U.S. Government |3 |

|Handbook of Disaster Research |Rodriguez, Quarantelli & Dynes |2007 |Springer |3 |

|Introduction to Homeland Security |Haddow & Bullock, et al |2005 |Elsevier Inc. |3 |

|The Great Influenza |Barry |2004 |Penguin Books |3 |

|National Incident Management System: Principles and Practice |Walsh, et al. |2005 |Jones & Bartlett |3 |

|Response to Disaster |Fischer |1998 |University Press of America |3 |

|System Under Stress: Homeland Security and American Politics |Kettl |2007 |CQ Press |3 |

|American Hazardscapes |Cutter |2001 |Joseph Henry Press |2 |

|Avoiding Disaster: How to Keep Your Business Going When |Laye |2002 |John Wiley & Sons |2 |

|Catastrophe Strikes | | | | |

|Beyond Initial Response |Deal, Bettencourt, Huyck & Merrick |2006 |Authorhouse |2 |

|Handbook of Crisis Emergency Management |Farazmand |2001 |Marcel Dekker, Inc. |2 |

|Hurricane Andrew: Ethnicity, Gender and the Sociology of |Peacock, Morrow & Gladwin |1997 |Routledge |2 |

|Disasters | | | | |

|Leadership |Giuliani |2002 |Miramax Books |2 |

|Methods of Disaster Research |Stallings |2002 |Xlibris |2 |

|NFPA 1600 |NFPA |2004 |NFPA |2 |

|National Response Plan (NRP) |FEMA/DHS |2005 |U.S. Government |2 |

|Natural Hazards and Disasters |Hyndman & Hyndman |2006 |Thomson Brooks/Cole |2 |

|NIMS: Incident Command System Field Guide |Jones |2006 |InforMed |2 |

|Paying the Price: The Status and Role of Insurance Against |Kunreuther & Roth |1998 |Joseph Henry Press |2 |

|Natural Disasters in the United States | | | | |

|Planning for Post-Disaster Recovery and Reconstruction |Schwab, et al. |1998 |American Planning Association |2 |

|Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act| | |U.S. Government |2 |

|SLG-101 - Guide for All-Hazard Emergency Operations Planning |FEMA/DHS |1996 |U.S. Government |2 |

|Stronger in the Broken Places |Witt |2002 |Times Books: Henry Holt |2 |

| | | |and Co. | |

|The Definitive Handbook of Business Continuity Management* |Hiles |2007 |John Wiley & Sons |2 |

|The Politics of Crisis Management |Boin, Hart, Stern & Sundelius |2005 |Cambridge Press |2 |

|When Terrorism Strikes Home, Defending the United States |Fagin |2006 |Allyn & Bacon |2 |

|A World Ignited |Tolchin & Tolchin |2006 | Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Inc. |1 |

|After Daybreak: Liberation of Bergen-Melsen, 1945 |Shephard |2005 |Schocken |1 |

|After Disaster: Agenda Setting, Public Policy and Focusing |Birkland |1997 |Georgetown University Press |1 |

|Events | | | | |

|America the Vulnerable |Flynn |2004 |Harper Collins |1 |

|Americans at Risk |Redlener |2006 |Knopf |1 |

|Among the Heroes |Longman |2001 |Harper-Collins |1 |

|Arlington County After Action Report |Titan Systems Corporation | |U.S. Government |1 |

|Beyond Maps: GIS & Decision Making in Local Government |O'Looney |2000 |ESRI Press |1 |

|Biohazard |Alibek |1999 |Delta |1 |

|Budgeting: A Guide for Local Government |Bland & Rubin |1997 |International City Management |1 |

| | | |Association | |

|Buildings at Risk: Wind Design Basics for Practicing Architects|American Institute of Architects |1992 |American Institute of Architects |1 |

|Business At Risk: How To Assess, Mitigate and Respond to |Quinley & Schmidt |2002 |The National Underwriter Company |1 |

|Terrorist Threats | | | | |

|Business Continuity Management - Part 1: Code of Practice BS |British Standards Institute |2007 |British Standards Institute |1 |

|25999-1:2006 & Part 2: Specifications BS 25999-2:2007 | | | | |

|Business Continuity Planning: Protecting Your Organization's |Doughty |2000 |CRC Press |1 |

|Life | | | | |

|Catastrophe and Culture |Hoffman & Oliver-Smith |2002 |SAR Press |1 |

|Chaos Organization & Disaster Management |Kirschenbaum |2003 |Marcel Dekker, Inc. |1 |

|Civil Liberties vs. National security in a Post-9/11 World |Darmer, Baird & Rosenbaum |2004 |Prometheus Books |1 |

| | | | | |

|Collective Behavior |Locher |2002 |Prentice Hall |1 |

|Communicating Environmental Risk in Multiethnic Communities |Lindell & Perry |2004 |Sage |1 |

|Communicating Uncertainty |Friedman, Dunwoody & Rogers |1999 |Laurence Erlbaum |1 |

|Community Preparedness and Response to Terrorism |Johnson, Ledlow & Cwiek |2005 |Praeger Publishers |1 |

|Confronting Catastrophe: A GIS Handbook |Greene |2002 |ESRI Press |1 |

|Coordinating Disaster Management and Prevention in Hawaii |Prizzia |2006 |Disaster Management and Prevention |1 |

|Counter-Terrorism after 9/11: Justice, Security and Ethics |Crank & Gregor |2005 |LexisNexis/Anderson Publishing |1 |

|Reconsidered | | | | |

|Countering the New Terrorism |Lesser, Hoffman, Arquilla & Ronfeldt |2008 |Rand Publications |1 |

|Criminal Investigation |Brown |2001 |Butterworth-Heinemann |1 |

|Crisis Communications |Fearn-Banks |2001 |Lawrence Erlbaum |1 |

|Crisis Leadership: Planning for the Unthinkable |Mitroff |2003 |Wiley |1 |

|Critical Infrastructure in Homeland Security |Lewis |2006 |Wiley |1 |

|Defining Terrorism: Is One Man's Terrorist Another Man's |Ganor |2002 |Police Practice and Research |1 |

|Freedom Fighter | | | | |

|Disaster: Hurricane Katrina and the Failure of Homeland |Cooper & Block |2006 |Times Books |1 |

|Security | | | | |

|Disaster Management Handbook |Pinkowski |2008 |Taylor & Francis |1 |

|Disaster Medicine |Cittone |2006 |Mosby |1 |

|Disaster Recovery Handbook |Wallace & Webber |2004 |AMACON |1 |

|Disaster Recovery Planning: Preparing for the Unthinkable |Northouse |2008 |Sage |1 |

|Disaster Recovery: Principles and Practice |Wells, et al. |2007 |Prentice Hall |1 |

|Disaster Recovery Testing |Rothstein |1995 |Rothstein Associates Inc. |1 |

|Disaster Response Operations and Management |McEntire |2005 |FEMA/U.S. Government |1 |

|Disaster Response: Principles of Preparation and Coordination |Auf der Heide |1989 |Mosby |1 |

|Disciplines, Disasters and Emergency Management (Higher Ed |McEntire |2006 |FEMA/U.S. Government |1 |

|Electronic Textbook) | | | | |

|Earth System Science in the Anthropocene |Ehlers & Kraft |2006 |Springer Verlag |1 |

|Ecology of Fear: Los Angeles and the Imagination of Disaster |Davis |1998 |Vintage Books |1 |

|Effective Supervisory Practices |International City Management |2005 |International City Management |1 |

| |Association | |Association | |

|Emergency Incident Management Systems |Molino |2006 |John Wiley & Sons |1 |

|EMAP Standard |EMAP |2007 |Emergency Management Accreditation |1 |

| | | |Program | |

|Emergency Operations: EOC Design |Fagel |2008 |Chicago Spectrum Press |1 |

|Emergency Response and Emergency Management Law |Nicholson |2003 |Charles C. Thomas |1 |

|Emerging Risks in the 21st Century: Agenda for Action |OECD |2004 |OECD |1 |

|EPA policies |EPA | |EPA |1 |

|EPCRA Materials |Environmental Protection Agency | |U.S. Government |1 |

|Essentials of Terrorism-Concepts and Controversies |Martin |2008 |Sage |1 |

|Everything in its Path |Erickson |1978 |Simon and Schuster |1 |

|Exercise Alternatives for Training Emergency Management Command|Green |2000 |Universal Publishers |1 |

|Center Staffs | | | | |

|Extreme Weather events and Public Health Responses |Kirch, Menne & Beryollini |2005 |Springer Verlag |1 |

|Fear Loss: Real Truth About Risk, Safety, and Security In a |DeBecker |2002 |Little, Brown and Company |1 |

|Time of Terrorism | | | | |

|FEMA - EMI self-study coursework |FEMA/DHS | |U.S. Government |1 |

|FEMA Hazard Mitigation Plans |FEMA/DHS | |U.S. Government |1 |

|FEMA 501: National Incident Management System (Draft) |FEMA/DHS |2007 |U.S. Government |1 |

|Fever 1793 |Anderson |2002 |Aladdin |1 |

|Fire Service Personnel Management |Edwards |2002 |Brady/Prentice Hall |1 |

|Fundamentals of Emergency Management |FEMA | |U.S. Government |1 |

|Getting To Know Arc GIS |ESRI |2006 |ESRI Press |1 |

|Global Public Health Communication |Haider |2007 |Jones & Bartlett |1 |

|Guide for All-Hazard Emergency Planning Operations |FEMA |1996 |U.S. Government |1 |

|Handbook of Crisis Emergency Management |Farazmand |2001 |Marcel Dekker, Inc. |1 |

|Hazard Mitigation and Preparedness |Eschelbauch & Brower |2007 | Wiley |1 |

|Hazardous Materials: Managing the Incident |Noll, Hildebrand &Yvorra |2005 |IFSTA Fire Protection Publications |1 |

|Hazardous Materials Regulations Response & Site Operations |Gantt, Schnepp & Gnatt |2008 |Delmar |1 |

|Hiroshima |Hersey |1989 |Vintage Books |1 |

|Holistic Disaster Recovery |PERI |2005 |PERI |1 |

|Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) |DHS |2007 |U.S. Government |1 |

|Homeland Security Law and Policy |Biden & Nicholson |2005 |Charles C. Thomas |1 |

|Imperfect Federalism: The Intergovernmental Partnership for |Eisinger |2006 |Public Administration Review |1 |

|Homeland Security | | | | |

|Implementing NFPA 1600 National Preparedness Standard |Schmidt |2007 |NFPA |1 |

|Improving Risk Communication |National Research Council |1989 |National Academy Press |1 |

|In the Wake of 9/11: The Psychology of Terror |Pyszcynski |2003 |American Psychological Association |1 |

|In the Wake of Disaster |Koenig |2006 |Templeton Foundation Press |1 |

|Incident Management |Center for Safety and Emergency |2002 |Center for Safety and Emergency |1 |

| |Response Training | |Response Training | |

|Incident Safety Officer |Center for Safety and Emergency |2002 |Center for Safety and Emergency |1 |

| |Response Training | |Response Training | |

|Information Security Policies, Procedures, and Standards: |Peltier |2001 |Auerbach |1 |

|Guidelines for Effective Information Security Management | | | | |

|Inside Terrorism, Revised and Expanded Edition |Hoffman |2006 |Columbia university Press |1 |

|Introduction to Emergency Management (Higher Ed Electronic |FEMA/DHS | |U.S. Government |1 |

|Textbook) | | | | |

|Introduction to Fire Protection |Klinoff |2002 |Delmar |1 |

|Introduction to Homeland Security: Understanding Terrorism with|McEntire |2008 | Wiley |1 |

|an Emergency Management Perspective | | | | |

|Introduction to International Disaster Management |Coppola |2006 |Butterworth-Heinemann |1 |

|Inviting Disaster: Lessons From the Edge of Technology |Chiles |2002 |Harper Business |1 |

|Jane's Facility Security Handbook |Fenn, Flynn, Taylor & Moore |2006 |Jane's Information Group |1 |

|Lessons of Disaster |Birkland |2006 |Georgetown University Press |1 |

|Living With Risk, UNISDR Report |UNISDR |2004 |UNISDR |1 |

|Lunatic Wind: Surviving the Storm of the Century |Fox |1992 |Algonquin |1 |

|Managing Crises Before They Happen |Mitroff & Anagnos |2000 |Amacom |1 |

|Measuring Disaster Preparedness: A Practical Guide to Indicator|O'Leary |2004 |Universe, Inc. |1 |

|Development and Application | | | | |

|Media Relations for Public Safety Professionals |Brown | |Jones & Bartlett |1 |

|Mennonite Disaster Service Manual |Mennonite Disaster Service |2006 |Mennonite Disaster Service |1 |

|Mission Improbable: Using Fantasy Documents to Tame Disaster |Clarke |1999 |University of Chicago Press |1 |

|National Infrastructure Protection Plan |DHS |2005 |U.S. Government |1 |

|National Planning Scenarios |Homeland Security Council |2005 |U.S. Government |1 |

|National Preparedness Guidelines |DHS |2007 |U.S. Government |1 |

|Natural Disasters |Abbott |2004 |McGraw-Hill |1 |

|Natural Hazard Mitigation |Godschalk, et al. |1999 |Island Press |1 |

|New Rational Manager |Kepner |1997 |Trepner Kepner |1 |

|Night Fall |DeMille |2004 |Time-Warner |1 |

|Nine Minutes, Twenty Seconds |Pomerantz |2001 |Three Rivers Press |1 |

|North American Emergency Response Guidebook |U.S. DOT |2008 |U.S. Government |1 |

|Occupational Safety and Health in the Emergency Services |Angle |2004 |Thompson/Delmar |1 |

|PDR Guide to Biological and Chemical Warfare Response |Sifton |2002 |Thomson |1 |

|Perils of a Restless Planet: Scientific Perspectives on Natural|Ezembrowski |1997 |Cambridge University Press |1 |

|Disasters | | | | |

|Plan B 3.0: Mobilizing to Save Civilization |Brown |2008 |Norton Books |1 |

|Planning for the Unplanned: Recovering from Crisis in |Inam |2005 |Routledge |1 |

|Megacities | | | | |

|Power Down |Heinberg |2004 |New Society Publishers |1 |

|Preparing for Terrorism |Buck |2003 |Thomson/Delmar Learning |1 |

|Principles of Emergency Planning and Management |Alexander |2002 |Oxford University Press |1 |

|Public Administration Review - Special Issue: Dedicated to the |PAR |2002 |PAR |1 |

|Public Servants, Citizens and Friends of Democracy Who Lost | | | | |

|Their Lives on September 11, 2001 | | | | |

|Public Administration Review - Special Supplementary Issue |PAR |2007 |PAR |1 |

|(Volume 67): Administrative Failure in the Wake of Katrina | | | | |

|Public Health Management of Disasters: The Practice Guide |Landesman |2005 |American Public Health Association |1 |

|Publication Manual Of the American Psychological Association |American Psychological Association |2005 |American Psychological Association |1 |

|Reflections on Homeland Security and American Federalism |Nivola |2002 |Brookings |1 |

|Responding to Crisis: A Rhetorical Approach to Crisis |Miller & Health |2003 |Lawrence Erlbaum |1 |

|Communication | | | | |

|Rising From the Ashes: Development Strategies in Times of |Anderson & Woodrow |1998 |Lynne Renner Publishers |1 |

|Disaster | | | | |

|Risk Communication: A Handbook for Communicating Environmental,|Lundgren & McMakin |2004 |Battelle Press |1 |

|Safety and Health Risks | | | | |

|Rules and Tools for Leaders |Smith |2002 |Perigree Books |1 |

|Securing Utility and Energy Infrastructures |Ness |2006 |Wiley |1 |

|Shared Risk: Complex Systems in Seismic Response |Comfort |1999 |Pergamon |1 |

|Shelter from the Storm: Repairing the National Emergency |Waugh |2006 |Sage |1 |

|Management System after Hurricane Katrina | | | | |

|Social Theories of Risk |Krimsky & Golding |1992 |Praeger Publishers |1 |

|State and local emergency management websites |State and local government | |State and local government |1 |

|Strategic Planning for Public and Nonprofit Organizations |Bryson |2004 |Jossey-Bass |1 |

|Target Capabilities List |DHS |2007 |U.S. Government |1 |

|Teamwork: What Must Go Right/What Can Go Wrong |Larson & LaFasto |1989 |Sage |1 |

|Terrorism and Homeland Security |Purpura |2007 |Butterworth-Heinemann |1 |

|Terrorism and Homeland Security |White |2006 |Wadsworth Thomsen Learning |1 |

|Terrorism and Public Health: A balanced Approach to |Levy & Sidel |2007 |American Public Health Association |1 |

|Strengthening Systems and Protecting People | | | | |

|Terrorism Today |Simonsen & Spindlove |2007 |Pearson/Prentice Hall |1 |

|The BCI Good Practice Guidelines |Business Continuity Institute |2007 |Business Continuity Institute |1 |

|The Emerging Role of the Public Sector in Managing Extreme |Kapucu & Van Wart |2006 |Administration & Society |1 |

|Events: Lessons Learned | | | | |

|The Environment as Hazard |Burton, et al. |1993 |Guilford |1 |

|The Federal Response to Hurricane Katrina: Lessons Learned |White House |2006 |U.S. Government |1 |

|The Gendered Terrain of Disaster: Through Women's Eyes |Enarson & Morrow |1998 |Praeger Publishing |1 |

|The Great Deluge: Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans, and the |Brinkley |2006 |William Morrow |1 |

|Mississippi Gulf Coast | | | | |

|The Future of Life |Wilson |2002 |Vintage Books |1 |

|The Hammer Rings Hope |Detweiler |2000 |Herald Press |1 |

|The Loma Prieta Earthquake |Wilson |1991 |International City/County Management |1 |

| | | |Association | |

|The Looming Tower |Wright |2005 |Knopf |1 |

|The Mathematics of Natural Catastrophes |Woo |1999 |World Scientific Publishing Company |1 |

|The National Strategy for Homeland Security |DHS | |U.S. Government |1 |

|The Next Catastrophe: Reducing Our Vulnerabilities |Perrow |2005 |Princeton University Press |1 |

|The Professional Emergency Manager |Drabek |1987 |University of Colorado Natural |1 |

| | | |Hazards | |

|The Resilient Enterprise: Overcoming Vulnerability for |Sheffi |2004 |MIT Press |1 |

|Competitive Advantage | | | | |

|The Security Handbook |Purpura |2002 |Butterworth-Heinemann |1 |

|The Social Amplification of Risk |Pidgeon, Kasperson & Slovic |2003 |Cambridge University Press |1 |

|The Storm |Van Heerden |2006 |Penguin Group |1 |

|The Structure of Scientific Revolutions |Kuhn |1996 |University of Chicago Press |1 |

|The United States Department of Homeland Security |Collins & White |2005 |Pearson Custom Publishing |1 |

|The Vulnerability of Cities: Natural Disaster and Social |Pelling |2003 |Earthscan Publications |1 |

|Resilience | | | | |

|Unconquerable Nation: Knowing Our Enemy, Strengthening |Jenkins |2006 |RAND Corporation |1 |

|Ourselves | | | | |

|Unconventional Crises, Unconventional Responses: Reforming |Kagadec |2007 |Johns Hopkins University Press |1 |

|Leadership in the Age of Catastrophic Crisis and | | | | |

|Hypercomplexity | | | | |

|Understanding Public Policy |Dye |2007 |Prentice Hall |1 |

|Understanding Research Methods, An Overview of the Essentials |Patten |2007 |Pyrczak Publishing |1 |

|Understanding Terrorism: Challenges, Perspectives, and Issues |Martin |2006 |Sage |1 |

|Unnatural Disasters |Abramovitz |2001 |Worldwatch Institute |1 |

|Weapons of Mass Destruction & Terrorism |Forest |2008 |McGraw Hill |1 |

|What is a Disaster? |Perry & Quarantelli |2005 |Xlibris Corporation |1 |

|When Disaster Strikes |Raphael |1986 |Basic Books |1 |

|When Disaster Strikes Home |Beren |2004 |EPEI Publishing |1 |

| | | | | |


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