IEEE Pittsburgh Section

IEEE Pittsburgh Section - Executive Committee Meeting Minutes

6:30 – 8:30 PM Meeting

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Panera Bread

400 Penn Center Boulevard

Pittsburgh, PA 15235

(412) 816-5820

Participants: Lou Hart, Dave Vaglia, Jim Beck, Frank Pietryga, Mey Sen, Phil Cox, Joe Kalasky, Ajay Ogirala, Ramana Vinjamuri, Joe Cioletti, Bob Brooks, Russ Dudek., Karl Muller, Tom Dionise, Kal Sen (via phone)

General ExComm meeting

1. Review /Amend/Approve February Agenda.

Moved: Bob B.

Second: Karl M.

Approved: Unanimous

2. Approve Minutes from Previous Meeting.

Moved: Joe K.

Second: Joe C.

Approved: Unanimous

3. Officer Reports:

a. Chair – Louis Hart

1) PACE report Region 2, 18/20 sections had projects, Joe Kalasky may amplify

• Pace report Region 2 confirmed by Joe Kalasky

2) Bylaws reviewed PES/IAS reimbursement - no guidance

• Minimum information available regarding travel reimbursement

3) Consultants Network

• See notes on consultants network under Vice-Chair-Jim Beck

4) Schedule for Engineer's Day

• Everything set and on schedule for Engineer’s Day

5) 2012 meeting schedule reviewed by ExComm? New proposal-April meet at CAL U

• Lou will work with Roy to have a technical presentation for April section meeting at Cal U

• March meeting, Panera in Cranberry, April meeting, Cal U, May meeting, Panera in Monroeville, June meeting, Panera in Wilkins, July meeting, Panera in Cranberry, August meeting, Panera in Wilkins, September meeting, Oakland, October meeting, WVU, November meeting, Panera in Monroeville

6) Senior member development meeting plan

• See notes under Membership Development-Karl Muller

7) Nominating committee to start forming

• Bob B. to assemble nominating committee

b. Vice-Chair – Jim Beck

1) Email from Norm to Jim regarding consultants network:

I have attached a copy of the charter we submitted to the IEEE ExComm Pittsburgh a while back.  I was out of the country for that meeting but David Malfara introduced it on our behalf.  My understanding was that the Excomm approved it.  I also understood that the next step would be to organize a first meeting for consultants by inviting them through the monthly newsletter – and there was some discussion of using the IEEE email system to reach out to all Pittsburgh IEEE registries  - but I’m a bit nebulous on what the consensus on that was.

Either way, David and I became crazy busy and it appears that it slipped through the cracks.  I have not spoken to David in a while on our next steps – but I see no reason why we should not rekindle this if the exComm is still good with it.

• Include Norm on all correspondence and see what happens in 3 months

• Norm should set up meeting to organize consultant’s network

• Jim to speak to Norm regarding these items

c. Treasurer – Mey Sen

1) I have attended the Treasurer’s online training

2) I will be authorized to sign checks on Thursday 2/16/2012.

3) Section’s expenses incurred so far are L50 reconciliation meeting ($202.00), January Excom meeting ($129.43), January PES/IAS meeting ($218.18), Treasurer’s mailing expenses ($111.52), 2 February Communications & EMBS meeting ($113.42), 8 February Communications meeting ($90.00).

d. Secretary – Frank Pietryga

1) IEEE Website updated with new officers for 2012

• Double check IEEE website for correct officers for Components, Packaging, and Mfg. Technology / Electron Devices

• Ask Jerry to update PACE chair info on website and talk to Phil about updating Bulletin with new PACE chair info

• Get David Graham back on agenda for monthly ExComm meetings

e. Immediate Past Chair – Bob Brooks

No report

f. Upper-Mon Subsection – David Graham

No report


1. Student Activities – Rajiv Garg

No report

2. PACE– Joe Cioletti

Westinghouse contributed $200 toward the robot car race and will bring the check to the meeting

• Joe provided a $200 check from Westinghouse towards robot car race

• PACE meeting on May 4, 2012 in Cincinnati, Joe should attend

3. Bulletin – Phil Cox

No report

4. Website – Gerry Kumnik

No report

5. Membership Development – Karl Muller

• Have 1 meeting per year to speak with new senior members

• New senior members should show up to meetings and make themselves known

• Valuable references should be aligned to senior candidates such that both have like technical backgrounds

• References should meet and talk to senior candidates

• Regarding Mike Cross (potential new senior member), Elena Schreiber, Jian Chen, Tom D. and Joe C. are potential references

6. Publicity – Tom Dionise

We have 9 teams from 6 schools.  We could possibly have a 3rd team from one school, if no other schools register.

Carson (2) - Ann Hilty

Central Valley (2) - Jennifer Glover

St. Edmunds Academy (2 possibly 3) - Elizabeth Harbist

Redeemer Lutheran (1) - Carol Schumacher

N. Pgh. Catholic Home Schools (1) - Tom Natali

Kane Area School District (1) - Mary Filjones

Westinghouse and possibly Converteam (now part of GE Energy) will sponsor the event.  Will have signs made to honor the corporate sponsors.

Rajiv will order the trophies and medals.  Same type and categories as last year.

Gerry will order the T-shirts.  Gerrry will put sponsor logos on the T-shirts.

We will meet for the last time on Sat. Feb. 11 at 2PM at my office at Eaton in Warrendale.  Purpose is to become familiar with the NXTs and make final plans.  All are welcome to attend.

Phil is finishing up the new Pitt manual.  If possible, we will email it in advance to the Pitt Johnstown students and other volunteers.

Tom will arrange for the meal vouchers with Carnegie Science Center.

• Everything is on schedule and enough volunteers are signed up to help

• 8 – 12 students from UPJ are signed up to help out with robotic car race

Chapter Reports:

1. Communications – Phil Cox, Ajay Ogirala

This month, the communication society sponsored two seminars, one by Dr. Weber and the other by Dr. Mohanram. Dr. Weber's talk was on communication of brain machine interface and its application in high end prosthesis. Dr. Mohanram's talk was on intra-chip communications in ambi-MOSFET design using graphene and carbon nano-tubes. Also working on organizing two more seminars in March, one of them is by Dr. Xiaoyu Liu, who will be talking about RFID in knee implants.

• 75 students participated in these meetings

• Phil C. submitted L31s for both meetings

2. Components, Packaging and Mfg Technology / Electron Devices – Russell Dudek

• Russ needs members names – check SAMI database

• Budget is $500

3. Computer – Ralph Sprang

No report

4. Engineering in Medicine and Biology – Zhi-Hong Mao/Bob Brooks

• Ramana asked if IEEE will sponsor some bio seminars

• Engineering & Health Care Conference, 6/25/2012, have 24-30 speakers, 300-400 attendees

• Registration fees, faculty - $100, students - $25

5. Electromagnetic Compatibility – Mike Oliver

• Kal S.’s company will sponsor Mike’s EMC conference in terms of donating Kal’s

time at the conference, pending final approval after Kal’s submission of a package describing the activities of the conference.

6. Industry Applications/Power Engineering Society – Dave Vaglia

January 18, 2012 - the PES/IAS joint chapter held a meeting in cranberry woods, Westinghouse office building. The meeting was about powering the data center and fundamentals of high-availability power systems.  Our presenter Alan French drove in from Columbus Ohio.  Alan was very warmly received by 34 meeting attendees. 24 were IEEE members 10 were not IEEE members. A light dinner of pizza, salad and soft drinks was served to the attendees.  The technical presentation started at 7:00 PM and ran until 8:30 PM. $20 was collected from nonmember payment for professional development hours. Seth Peasley was responsible for the procurement of the food items. He will be submitting a request for reimbursement of expenses shortly. We will record the $20 collected on the books but most likely use of to offset food item expenses for our next meeting

Our next meeting is February 22, 2012. The meeting will be a tour of the support systems/facilities serving the data center and the data center itself at the Westinghouse headquarters building in Cranberry Township. The tour is limited to 20 people due to the security required by Westinghouse. The tour will be split into two groups of 10. After a short presentation about the system architectures one half of the group will go on the tour of the facilities while the other half goes on the tour of the data center. The two groups will then switch tours.

7. Magnetics – Jimmy Zhu

No report

8. Nanotechnology – Minhee Yun

No report

9. Robotics – Guy Nicoletti

I have finalized a presentation by a graduate student in the field. I'll need to have a venue. The date will be finalized shortly.

10. Signal Processing – Ramana Vinjamuri

No report

11. Society of Social Implications of Technology – Joe Kalasky

• Presently looking for replacement chair

• E-Waste Tour last fall was a great success

• Focus on Sustainability for a couple of meetings this year modeling from the

Australian chapter.

• Potential meeting ideas include: tour of casinos, Tesla & Faraday historical talks,

online privacy, partial humans partial machines, ethics, wind power and solar power

Affinity Reports:

1. Consultant’s Network – Dave / Norm

No report

2. GOLD –Mike Hollis

No report

• Lou to contact Mike regarding participation in ExComm meetings

3. Life Member – Bob Grimes

• Bob looking for a replacement

4. Women in Engineering (WIE) group – OPEN

• Lou to speak with Jennifer M. (helping with robotic car race) regarding her

interest in this position

New Business:


Public and Member Comments:

• The ExComm committee voted on a motion by Joe K. to reimburse an expense

report submitted by a member for a recent IEEE training trip to Florida. A second for this motion was provided by Joe C. and the committee approved this unanimously.

Action Items:


Next Meeting:

March 15, 2012 at the Panera in Cranberry, 7:00PM to 9:00PM

Dinner at 7:00PM with meeting to begin at 7:30PM


Motion: Phil C.

Second: Bob B.

Approved: Unanimous


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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