SV Cyber Service Frequently Asked Questions

Seneca Valley School District

124 Seneca School Road Harmony, PA 16037

Phone: 724-452-6040 Fax: 724-452-6105

Website: E-mail: svcoa@

SV Cyber Service Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions:

How would my child benefit from attending the Seneca Valley Cyber Program? In the Seneca Valley Cyber Program, your child will remain a Seneca Valley student with the capability of choosing the program of study that works best for them. This means that your child can blend traditional school with cyber classes or be a full-time cyber student working at home or at school. Your student now has the opportunity to create their own schedule. Most importantly, your child will graduate with a Seneca Valley High School diploma.

Is my child eligible to enroll in Seneca Valley Cyber Service? What grade levels are available? Any student in grades K-12 living in the boundaries of the Seneca Valley School District can apply. If your child has an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), a team meeting must be held prior to enrollment.

Is there a cost to attend Seneca Valley Cyber Service? No. As a public school, Seneca Valley students can attend cyber classes completely free of charge during the school year.

How do I enroll my student in the Seneca Valley Cyber Service programs? Students can enroll by completing the online application found on our website. A shortcut to the Academy of Choice webpage can be found on the main page of the SVSD website. Please select the appropriate application for your child's grade level.

What if my child is not comfortable on the computer? Can he or she still participate? Is there support? Seneca Valley teachers and support staff will be able to provide assistance to your child. The teachers are able to assist students with questions about course content and the technology involved in online learning. Additionally, we have available online tutorials that address many of the questions and concerns students have so that they can be successful online learners.

Who will help my child when they have difficulties? Your first point of contact is your classroom teacher. You may reach them through the online system, via email, or via telephone. Additionally full-time cyber students are assigned a CEA (Cyber Education Advisor). The CEA is also one of your child's online teachers and will be the lead person helping you to maximize your child's success in the

Seneca Valley School District

124 Seneca School Road Harmony, PA 16037

Phone: 724-452-6040 Fax: 724-452-6105

Website: E-mail: svcoa@

online environment. You may additionally contact the Cyber Office at 724-452-6040, extension 1015, any time that you encounter difficulties or have questions.

Will there be opportunities for social activities for my student in Seneca Valley Cyber Service? Since all cyber students are enrolled in the Seneca Valley School District, they have the ability to join any clubs or activities offered in our schools. Seneca Valley Cyber Service will also offer various organized social opportunities throughout the school year.

Who will supervise my child's instruction in the Seneca Valley Cyber Service program? All instruction in Seneca Valley Cyber Service programs are supervised by Seneca Valley School District professional employees who are highly qualified and certified to teach the courses in which your student is enrolled. Additionally, the Seneca Valley School District provides administrative, guidance, and support services to all students enrolled in the program.

What is the difference between a full-time, part-time, and hybrid student? A full-time cyber student completes all of their coursework via the cyber service program. Coursework can be completed at home or in a computer lab on our campus. If students choose to complete coursework on campus, they will receive a special student ID card and daily transportation will be provided at the beginning and end of the school day.

A part-time cyber student completes some of their coursework, generally their electives, in traditional classes while completing core coursework at home via the cyber service program. This arrangement provides a great deal of flexibility for students who participate in extra-curricular activities or need a flexible schedule for other reasons.

A hybrid student completes one or more of their courses via the cyber service at school during the regular school day while remaining enrolled in traditional courses for the remainder of their day.

Please contact your child's guidance counselor to determine the schedule that is most appropriate for your child.

My family may have to move to a different district or out of state. Can my child still be enrolled in Seneca Valley Cyber Service? Your child could remain a Seneca Valley Cyber student with two options:

Your family could pay tuition to attend Seneca Valley and receive a Seneca Valley diploma through the Seneca Valley Cyber Service program.

You can contact your new school district and ask about their participation in Seneca Valley's OPT partnership program.

Seneca Valley School District

124 Seneca School Road Harmony, PA 16037

Phone: 724-452-6040 Fax: 724-452-6105

Website: E-mail: svcoa@

Academic Questions:

Is the Seneca Valley Cyber Service curriculum accredited? Yes, our online curriculum mirrors that of traditional courses and is aligned with PA State Standards and our high school is accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools.. Through our Seneca Valley Cyber programming, we are able to offer additional classes online that are not offered in our traditional classrooms.

How much time will my child spend doing school work during the day/year? All Pennsylvania students are required to attend school 990 hours for grades 7-12, and 900 hours for elementary students. All courses are created based on this requirement. To meet the annual hour requirements, a daily calendar for work is established that will enable students to remain on target for both attendance and completion of the courses..

How many courses are offered in the Seneca Valley Cyber Service program? The Seneca Valley Cyber Service program currently offers more than 240 different courses that students are able to select. Courses are available for core content, enrichment, interest, remediation and credit recovery.

How will my child's progress be monitored? A student's progress is monitored on a weekly basis. Parents receive daily e-mails that show a visual report of your child's progress and students can access real-time progress reports by using our Parent Portal. Students are able to view their progress each time they log-in to the system.

How do you monitor cyber attendance? Attendance is monitored through our cyber service platform, e2020. We are able to calculate the exact amount of engaged time as well as a student's idle time. Based on the student's progress report and data provided from e2020, the school district may recommend that your child work on their courses in the Seneca Valley Cyber Lab to help them be successful online learners. The lab is staffed with certified teachers who can assist and guide student learning.

How will my child receive cyber credit for physical education? Students are able to obtain their Physical Education credit online through our Seneca Valley Cyber Physical Education courses. Students will complete online assignments and they will keep a fitness log of their activities.

What am I required to do if my child attends Seneca Valley Cyber? We require a parent to be present in the home with any elementary and middle school students if the student is enrolled in full-time cyber education in the home. We do not require that a parent be present in the home for students in grades 9-12. It is possible for any full-time cyber student to complete their day at school in an on-campus cyber lab.

Seneca Valley School District

124 Seneca School Road Harmony, PA 16037

Phone: 724-452-6040 Fax: 724-452-6105

Website: E-mail: svcoa@

Will my child have the option of learning a world language? Several world language courses are offered to all students including Spanish, German, French, and Chinese.

How will my child's grades be determined? Similar to traditional courses with multiple measures of student progress, our cyber courses assess student progress in a variety of ways. Some examples of the assessment tools used include journal entries, quizzes, tests, homework assignments, and written projects. Students do have the ability to redo all work until the student reaches mastery. Teachers will assess the assignments and provide timely feedback.

Will my child be required to participate in standardized testing? Yes, all students in the Seneca Valley Cyber Service program are required to participate in district and state standardized testing. Students in select grades are required to participate in Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) in the areas of Reading, Math, Writing, and Science. Additionally, most students in grades 5-11 will participate in the district's benchmark assessment, Northwest Evaluation Association's Measures of Academic Progress (NWEA MAP) assessment several times during the year. Students will be notified of testing dates and will come to campus to participate in these assessments.

What are the requirements for graduation? All students must obtain 24 credits and fulfill the other Seneca Valley graduation requirements (see below).

What is the graduation project? Pennsylvania requires all students enrolled in public schools to complete a graduation project. Students will work on their Graduation Project during their junior and senior years. Please refer to our Seneca Valley Senior High School Senior Project web page for complete up-to-date details.

Will my child receive a diploma? Is there a graduation ceremony? Students who participate in the Seneca Valley Cyber Service program will be eligible to receive a Seneca Valley Senior High School diploma and are eligible to participate in graduation ceremonies with all graduating Seneca Valley students. Students are also able to request transcripts through the guidance office as needed to support college and work endeavors.

Seneca Valley School District

124 Seneca School Road Harmony, PA 16037

Phone: 724-452-6040 Fax: 724-452-6105

Website: E-mail: svcoa@

Special Education Questions:

Does the Seneca Valley Cyber Program have a gifted program? Seneca Valley Cyber follows Chapter 16 of the Pennsylvania State Code regarding gifted students. We meet those guidelines by enriching our students through various activities and events. Goals delineated in a student's GIEP will be supported through Seneca Valley Cyber and by our professional staff.

Is there a special education program? Yes. We follow all federal and state regulations and standards for special education students. As a public school, we implement Chapter 14 for special education and Chapter 15 for 504 Protected Handicapped Students. All goals delineated in a student's IEP will be supported through the Seneca Valley Cyber and by our professional staff, including appropriately certified special education teachers.

Can my child participate in Vo-Tech while attending Seneca Valley Cyber? We encourage students to pick the path that best fits their learning needs. Vocational Technical students who wish to enroll in Seneca Valley Cyber may participate in either cyber or traditional courses when they return to campus from the Butler County Vo-Tech each day.

What opportunities are available for post-secondary programs to students in the Seneca Valley Cyber Service program? We have an online post-secondary career program through Penn Foster. This provides the opportunity for students to achieve multiple certifications and diplomas while still in high school. For example, students can participate in courses and programs in the areas of Health (e.g., Anatomy and Physiology, Animal Care, Certified Personal Training, Pharmacy Technician, Optician), Business (e.g., Bookkeeping, Child/Day Care Management), Technology, or the Trades (e.g., Electronics, HVAC Technician, Plumbing).

OPT for SV Cyber Questions:

What is the OPT for SV Cyber program? OPT for SV Cyber is a program that allows Seneca Valley to partner with other public school districts to provide a flexible cyber education for their students in a fiscally responsible manner through the Seneca Valley cyber program. More information on the OPT for SV Cyber program is available at .


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