Language Arts I (Pre-IB)

Language Arts 4-IB

Literature and Composition

Mrs. Fenstermaker



(714) 996-4970 x10409

Room 409

Course Description: Language Arts 4-IB (LA 4-IB) is an advanced course that provides a detailed, in-depth study of language, literature, and composition skills. The course emphasizes elements of study and skills necessary for success on the IB Essay Exam, the Oral Commentary as well as the Advanced Placement English Literature and Composition exam. Passing the IB or AP exam may result in college credit; please check with your college choice to verify their policies on this. District and state guidelines emphasize British literature for all Language Arts 4 courses. We will analyze many works of British and world literature, focusing on themes, social/cultural/historical values, author’s techniques, genre studies, as well as literary devices such as character, tone, and diction, criticism, and conventions as we relate themes of literature to our lives and society. We will demonstrate the ability to think critically in preparation for college and the world of work through writing, discussions, cooperative learning, and presentations.

Course Outline

I. Writing: The major focus of composition at this level are the IB essays focusing on analysis of poetry, prose, and interpretation of a major literary work. Skills necessary include engaging introductions, well-organized paragraphs, detailed and thoughtful support, and interesting conclusions. Students will be writing an in-class essay approximately once a week unless otherwise stated.

II. Literature: The senior year is the 2nd year of the IB English course. The student’s junior year covered sections 1 and 4, the senior year covers sections 2 and 3

SECTION 2 – Detailed Study

Hamlet (William Shakespeare)

Poetry of John Donne

Heart of Darkness (Joseph Conrad)

(see my website for specific editions)

SECTION 3 – Genre Study (The Novel)

The Mayor of Casterbridge (Thomas Hardy)

Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen)

The Sun Also Rises (Ernest Hemingway)

The Handmaid’s Tale (Margaret Atwood)

Other literary works such as Much Ado About Nothing (William Shakespeare) and The Importance of Being Earnest (Oscar Wilde) as well as other short stories or poems may be included at the teacher’s discretion and as time allows.

In addition to these literary works, students will read and refer to How to Read Literature Like a Professor by Thomas Foster, Perrine’s Sound and Sense edited by Thomas R. Arp and Greg Johnson, and Understanding Poetry edited by Cleanth Brooks and Robert Penn Warren.

It is beneficial for students to have their own copies of the works since they will be annotating; however, if

that is not possible, books will be provided for them and they can use alternate forms of annotating. Students should be aware that reading means a close reading and not a superficial reading like one may do just to understand plot. Students should read slowly and carefully not only to understand what the author says, what he means (or doesn’t mean) by those words, and but also to analyze how he/she says it.

III. Vocabulary: Students will study and prepare for the college placement and SAT exams through the weekly

study of vocabulary. New vocabulary lists will be posted online at my and Ms. Walker’s website

each month and will cover 3 exams. Reviews of the three lists are given as time allows.

IV. Oral Participation: Since part of the IB assessments for the senior year include the Oral Commentary,

students will be given many opportunities to participate in discussions, to present material, and to

participate in group presentations. Daily points are given for participation. Students who are absent from class will not receive points for that days discussion.

Student Expectations

• Students must be prepared for class and participate in discussions.

• Respect one another. Respect the materials/texts in class.

• All electronic devices must be turned off and be placed out of sight in the classroom. Students may NOT telephone, send or check voice or text messages, play games, take pictures, listen to music, audio or video record or use these devices in any other way during the class period without the teacher’s expressed consent. Using these devices during class will result in disciplinary action.

• All backpacks, purses, book bags need to be under the desks during class.

Attendance Policy

• VHS attendance policy will be strictly enforced. In addition, the third tardy or truancy will result in detention. Also, if you are absent, it is your responsibility to check the calendar and to make up work within a few days.

Classwork and Homework Policy

• All assignments are due at the beginning of class and must be in black or blue ink and neat, legible, and clean, unless otherwise stated. Assignments must also include the proper MLA heading in the upper left hand corner:

Joe Student (Student’s name)

Mrs. Fenstermaker (Teacher’s name)

Language Arts 4-IB Period 2 (Class and Period)

7 September 2013 (Date)

• Make-up work is only for excused absences. Homework will be accepted late up to one day for 50% credit. Students who do not have homework ready when it is due will be asked to leave the class during the discussion of the assignment and will not receive participation points for that activity. Students who will be missing school due to school business / field trips and were told due dates for assignments MUST turn in assignments the day they are due.

• Students are welcome to email assignments to the teacher; HOWEVER, email at your own risk. Teachers are not responsible for emails or attachments that do not come through. Also teachers will not print assignments that are emailed. It is the students’ responsibility to bring in a hard copy even if they have successfully emailed the assignment.

• There are some assignments which must be printed in order to receive full credit. Students should plan in advance if they will be printing on campus. The teacher will not print assignments for the student.

• Make-up work is only for excused absences. Students with unexcused absences or who fail to make up their

• VHS plagiarism policy / Honor Code will be strictly enforced (see IB Student Handbook)

Grading Policy

Students are graded on a weighted scale. Grading is cumulative; the semester grade is based on the percentage of the total points earned in each category. All assignments will be given a point value. At the end of the quarter/semester, students will be assigned grades based on the percentage of the total points that they earn in each category. A variety of assignments, including tests, essays, projects, homework, and vocabulary provide the student with ample opportunity for success. Students should know in advance that opportunities for extra credit points are rare. Students, however, can and should check their academic progress regularly. It is the student’s responsibility to periodically check their grade on Aeries. The students’ grades for Language Arts 4-IB will be weighted according to the following categories:

|Vocabulary |10% |

|Compositions |40% |

|Tests and Quizzes & Final Exams |35% |

|Oral Participation |10% |

|Miscellaneous (Practice AP Multiple Choice Exams, annotations, etc) |5% |

I reserve the right to change this as needed.

My conference period is 2nd period. Students should make an appointment to ensure my availability.

Language Arts IV - IB

Mrs. Fenstermaker

Valencia High School

Student/Parent Feedback Form

After reading the general information and class rules, please check the box below, write any comments or questions you may have, and then sign and return this form tomorrow. Your signatures indicate that you understand students are financially responsible for any books checked out from the classroom library that are later lost and/or stolen. A parent signature on this form also provides your permission for students to watch the following PG and PG-13 movies, which may be shown in class throughout the year:

Hamlet (various productions: 1990-starring Mel Gibson, PG; 1996-Kenneth Branaugh, PG-13; 1948-starring Laurence Olivier; 1980-starring Derek Jacobi; 1990-starring Kevin Kline.)

❖ The Mayor of Casterbridge (2003-starring Ciarán Hinds; 1978-starring Alan Bates)

❖ Frankenstein (1931-starring Boris Karloff; 2004-starring Luke Goss & Alec Newman)

❖ Young Frankenstein (1974-starring Gene Wilder & Peter Boyle)

❖ Pride & Prejudice (2005-starring Keira Knightley, PG; 1995-starring Colin Firth & Jennifer Ehle; 1940-starring Laurence Olivier & Greer Garson)

Saturday Night Live: The Best of Will Ferrell (satire unit)

❖ The Simpson’s (satire, allusions, Hamlet & Lord of the Flies units)

❖ Much Ado About Nothing (1993-starring Kenneth Branaugh & Emma Thompson; PG-13) & (2013-by Josh Weadon)

( I (we) have read and understand the general information and class rules for Language Arts IV-IB.

Comments or Questions: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Date: _______________________ Period: ______

Student Name:_________________________________ Signature: _________________________________

(Please Print)

Parent Name: _________________________________ Signature: _________________________________

(Please Print)

Contact Info: Home: ____________________________ Parent email:________________________________

Parent Work: ____________________________ Cell: ____________________________________


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