CIT112 Syllabus

Pennsylvania College of TechnologyCIT112 – Introduction to Gaming and Simulation2019-2020 SyllabusINSTRUCTOR: Debra LindnerEMAIL: Room: 112Office Hours: Monday 12:00 – 12:30; ,Tuesday & Friday 11:30 - 12:30 COURSE TIMESMonday - Friday 10:53 - 11:33COURSE DESCRIPTIO-NIntroductory topics include gaming industry history, game development processes, game genres, interface design, game play, the psychology of game design, and professionalism. Study provides overall view of the gaming and simulation components. Practical hands-on application includes using a simple game design environment to design and write simple games. 3 Cr. (3 Lecture - 0 Lab). (STS). Fall Only.REQUIRED STUDENT OUTCOMESUpon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to:discuss the history current state of the gaming and simulation industry; describe and explain steps involved in a game program development life cycle; identify the major components of interactive and engaging programs; use one of the simple game engines to write simple game or simulation; and perform and present research on topics in gaming and simulation to find out how it has affected aspects of society such as economics, health, personal lives, public lives, education, and commerce.REQUIRED MATERIALSTextbookGame Development Essentials w/DVD, 3rd ed. by Jeannie Novak ISBN: 978-1-111-30765-3SoftwareOffice 2007 or higher, or OpenOffice (word processor, presentation, spreadsheet)The instructor is unable to open OpenOffice documents. You MUST save in a format compatible with Office 2007 or higher.GameMaker Studio 2: Free trial can be obtained at taking paraphernalia (e.g., pencil or pen, paper).GRADING POLICYGrade Distribution90 – 100 A80 – 89 B70 – 79 C0 – 69 FNOTE: There is NO “D” gradePoint DistributionCourse POLIcies and ProceduresQuests (aka Homework)About Quests: Throughout the semester there will be various quests to complete. These quests allow you to practice the concepts discussed in class. Unless otherwise stated by the instructor, your work will be submitted using a Plato Dropbox before the deadline. You are responsible for knowing when quests must be completed by. See Plato for all due dates. Absence does not excuse work from the deadline. There are NO extensions for any quests.Group Quests: Some of this work will be completed as a group. Whenever any group work is completed, each student will be required to complete a Group Evaluation Form providing insight into both their OWN work efforts and those of the other group members. Not completing the Group Evaluation Form will result in a ZERO for the assignment. A copy of the Group Evaluation Form is located in Plato, inside the General Course Files Folder.Technical Note: A computer issue, a loss of Internet connection, etc. will not be an acceptable excuse for not completing a quest. I do not accept technology related excuses, with the exception of PLATO, college network, or similar difficulties that last longer than 12 hours. The following are not an acceptable reason for missing a quest deadline: 1) Trying to submit at the last minute and not having an Internet connection; 2) Computer crashed and/or ‘Lost’ work; 3) Not having a computer plete Your Own Work: The instructor encourages peer study groups; however, this does not mean you complete your assignments using the copy/paste method. You may utilize other students for learning assistance (e.g., discuss concepts, comment on thought processes, brainstorm issues). Teaching a concept to another is the best way to deepen your own understanding. Thus, the mantra with respect to original work is – Learn by questioning/teaching, not by copying/pasting. Furthermore, you may not submit work completed for another class without instructor approval. Note - such approval will include major modifications of or extensions to the initial work.Quest Grading: Please note that I strive to return all quest feedback by the next class period, a week at the latest. Please refer to Plato for your grade, rubrics, and feedback; this information will be posted as soon as the grading is complete.Skill Checks (aka EXAMS and Quizzes)About Skill Checks: There will be two major skill checks (exams) given during class time. Exams cover those concepts discussed in class, reading, and class prep work. Study Guides are located in Plato. No makeup exams are permitted. Failure to be present when an exam is given or failure to complete on an online quiz or exam in a given timeframe will result in a ZERO for that exam grade. Smaller skill checks (quizzes) are given to complete outside of class and follow the reading. No makeup quizzes are allowed. There will be at least one extra credit quiz.Attendance (10%) and Participation (10%)About Attendance: All students are expected to be in class for each session and are to arrive on time. Attendance will be taken every day. Arriving after the instructor has taken attendance will result in an unexcused absence. The attendance portion of this grade will be based on the percentage of classes you attend. For example, if you attend all classes, you earn a 100% for attendance. If you attend only half of the classes, you earn a 50%. I take attendance at the beginning of class so you will be marked as absent if you are tardy.Situations may arise that can cause you to miss a class. If you must miss class, please inform the instructor AHEAD of time whenever possible. Simply send an e-mail using Plato. Failure to notify the instructor will result in an unexcused absence. You are allowed two absences before your participation grade is penalized. Failure to show up for class regularly is grounds for being dropped from class. If you miss the 2 consecutive classes I will drop you from the course unless you have a legal, documented reason for missing class. I must receive notification (email will suffice) of this reason within 48 hours of the last class missed.About Participation: Your input, ideas and questions are important to your instructor and can help to clarify, as well as build upon the topics being discussed. You will be asked to complete in-class assignments individually and in groups, therefore it is essential that you come to class and take an active role in class. Else, you may be asked to leave and you will be counted absent and receive a ZERO for any in-class activity. The participation portion of this grade will be based on both the instructor’s evaluation and any InClass Evaluation Form completed during class. Also, it will not be possible to make up work that was completed during in-class activities that result in a grade.GENERAL CLASS WORKINGS3 B4 Me – Learning to learn from other students and other resources outside of class is a critical skill for any college student. Prior to asking the instructor, utilize at least 3 other sources to find your answer. These sources include: textbooks, class notes, other students, and the always available Google.You can expect the instructor to be available to response to email questions, Monday thru Friday from 9:00am to 5:00pm, excluding the time I am teaching. Any other responses will be hit-or-miss, based on my availability and Internet access. Please allow 24 hours for a response. Be sure to include your name and the course name or number somewhere in the message. Do NOT Ask What You Missed during Class using Email - The instructor will not repeat information already covered, during or after class. Find a peer within the class you can ask such questions. Also be aware that something important is covered every day. Every class is important!Develop Peer Study Groups - Learn by questioning/teaching, not by copying/pasting.Take Notes – Bring the proper equipment necessary to record information during class time. Professionalism – In the corporate world, each person is expected to exercise a certain level of professionalism. Lack of professionalism can result in punitive measures or dismissal. In this class, I expect nothing less. You may not ‘surf the net’, shop on Amazon, chat, use Hangout, Facebook, email, etc. or other personal use of the computer during class. If I see you using your computers for anything unrelated to class I will ask you to stop this behavior. If it happens a second time I will ask you to leave. Please silence all cell phones. Texting, recording of audio and/or video during class is prohibited. Use of headphones during class is prohibited, unless the instructor says otherwise.Respect all – We are all unique. Do not misinterpret the instructor’s seemingly informal learning environment as an excuse to show disrespect to classmates and/or the instructor. While we may not always agree, we all have the right to express our opinions in a constructive ways and to be heard. Academic Honesty - Cheating on assignments or exams will result in a zero for any parties involved. Instructor will utilize Turnitin to check for plagiarism. A second cheating offense will result in a FAILING grade for the course. Refer to the policy: ACCESS TO All students of Penn College have access to the LinkedIn Learning online subscription library that teaches the latest software tools and skills through high-quality instructional videos taught by recognized industry experts. It is important that you only access using the following to avoid logon problems. Madigan Library websitePLATO homepageACCOMMODATION FOR DISABILITYAny student, who feels she/he may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability, should contact Kay Dunkleberger in the Disability Services Office to discuss the steps necessary to coordinate reasonable accommodations for approved and documented disabilities. If you have an accommodation approved by Disability Services, you must personally contact the instructor ASAP to discuss your needs. The Disability Service’s online communication regarding your needs does not mean the instructor has been appropriately informed. Also, you are required to plan and schedule with her personally regarding any extended testing requirements at least 2 days prior to exam.I am continually attempting to make my materials accessible. If you are not able to access a given course resource (e.g. lecture notes, handouts, in-class exercise files) in a manner that works for you, please let me know.LEARNING STRUCTUREThe instructor utilizes a learning concept called ‘flipped learning’. The definition of flipped learning is a “pedagogical approach in which direct instruction moves from the group learning space to the individual learning space, and the resulting group space is transformed into a dynamic, interactive learning environment where the educator guides students as they apply concepts and engage creatively in the subject matter.” What does that mean to you? 1) Flexible environment – students are allowed a variety of modes of learning and means of assessment. 2) Learning culture – student-centered communities of inquiry rather than instructor-centered lecture. 3) Intentional content – basically this means placing content in the most appropriate context (direct instruction prior to class for individual use, video that’s accessible to all students, etc.). 4) Professional education – being a reflective, accessible instructor who collaborates with other educators and takes responsibility for perfecting one’s craft. The outcome from the type of learning structure is “a generation of learners who are confident, competent problem-solvers who have the abilities and the desire to learn new things on their own, throughout their lives.”1You can expect to: 1) Prior to Class - Prepare independently by reading articles and/or textbooks, watching videos, completing online tutorials. 2) In Class – Participate to the fullest by asking/answering questions, and/or complete group activities/presentations. 3) After Class – Complete homework assignments, as defined.ScheduleThe course schedule is subject to change. See Plato for all changes. Weekly skill checks/quizzes should be expected for each chapter. Smaller quests/homework assignment will also be given throughout the semester. Consult Plato for all due dates. Week #Text TopicsGameMaker Topics1Syllabus/Course Outline (Intro)Introduction/Mini-Quest 12CH1 - HistoryIntroduction/Mini-Quest 13CH2 - Platform/Player ModesIntroduction/Mini-Quest 14CH3 - Goals/GenreAdventure Game/Mini-Quest 25CH4 - PlayersCH5 - Story & Character DevelopmentAdventure Game/Mini-Quest 26CH6 - GameplayAdventure Game/Mini-Quest 27CH7 - LevelsMajor Quest: Group Non-Digital Game DueNo topic – focus on non-digital game8Skill Check: MIDTERMCH1,2,3,4,5,6,7No topic – exam prep9ReviewNo Class on Thursday – Fall Break10CH11 - Production & Management BrickBreaker/Mini-Quest 311CH8 - InterfacesTank Wars!/Mini-Quest 412CH12 - MarketingTank Wars!/Mini-Quest 413CH10 - RolesNo topic – focus on digital game14No Class – Thanksgiving Break – No class on ThursdayNo topic – focus on digital game15CH9 - AudioNo topic – focus on digital game16Major Quest: Group Digital Game DueNo topic – focus on digital game17Skill Check: FINAL EXAM ................

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