11.26.2018 BOS meeting minutes .us

November 26, 2018The monthly meeting of the Penn Township Board of Supervisors (BOS) was held on Monday November 26, 2018 at 7:00 pm in the Penn Township Municipal Building with Chairman Kyle Loder, Vice-Chairman David Himmelberger, Member Mathias, and Secretary/Treasurer Audrey Kirkhoff in attendance. Also in attendance were Planning Commission members Fred Russell, Carmen Chiumento (Penn Township Tax Collector), Seth Fisher, and Nick Duchan. General public attendees included Ken Gehris and Richard Burkey, Mt. Pleasant Fire Marshall. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Chairman Loder.The Board of Supervisors began the meeting by first reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by Chairman Loder moving to the next matter of business on the BOS November 2018 meeting agenda. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – Comments on the agendaChairman Loder asked the public if anyone in attendance had any questions or comments pertaining to the agenda items. No agenda comments were raised by the meeting attendees.APPROVAL OF MINUTESVice Chairman Himmelberger made a motion to approve the minutes from the Board of Supervisors meeting held on October 29, 2018. Chairman Loder seconded the motion and it passed by majority vote, with Member Mathias abstaining.UNFINISHED BUSINESSAdvertise Public Hearing - Ordinance 2018-2 Regulating and Restricting Outdoor Fires in the TownshipChairman Loder highlighted the modification made to Ordinance 2018-2, based on feedback received from the public at the October 29, 2018 BOS meeting. Under Section 5.G. of the Exceptions, it allows for a resident to set a fire for leaf waste, in an approved container on lots not less than 1 acre and not more than 2 acres during specified months of the year, with 48 hours advance notice to the Fire Marshal, and requiring an annual permit and permit fee of $25. Vice Chairman Himmelberger made a motion to authorize Hartman, Valeriano, Magovern & Lutz to advertise for the public hearing for Ordinance 2018-2. Chairman Loder seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.NEW BUSINESSAdvertise Proposed 2019 Penn Township BudgetVice Chairman made a motion to ratify approval (granted during the 2019 Penn Township Budget Workshop) for the Township Secretary/Treasurer to advertise the proposed 2019 budget for public review, effective November 21, 2018.Member Mathias seconded the motion and it passed by the majority.Advertise the 2019 BOS, PC and Elected Auditor Meeting DatesVice Chairman Himmelberger made the motion to authorize the Township Secretary to publicly advertise the 2019 BOS and Planning Commission reorganizational and monthly meeting dates/times, and the elected auditors’ meeting date/time. Member Mathias seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.Waiver Request - Hoffman SubdivisionVice Chairman made a motion, based on the PC’s recommendation, to approve the waiver request relating to the Hoffman Subdivision 2 (Swissdale Road) Subdivision Plan, from section 4.21 of the Penn Township SALDO. The Plan was prepared at a scale of 1” = 30’ to provide better clarity (SALDO requires 1” = 50’ plan scale), and the Context Map/Location Scale was prepared at a scale of 1” = 800’ to show the entire parent tract and surrounding areas (SALDO requires 1” = 400’ Context Map/Location Scale). Member Mathias seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously by the BOS.PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – BUSINESS FROM THE FLOORChairman Loder asked if there was any business from the public attendees of the meeting. PC Member Nick Duchan raised an issue that was discussed at the October 2018 PC meeting. He recommends the BOS consider amending the Township’s SALDO to require lot lines to be plotted in advance of selling lots from a development that is more than a total of two acres in size. With the development of Penn Hills Phases 3 and 4 on the horizon, he believes it would be prudent to amend the SALDO so that the Township does not repeat an issue that occurred in a prior development. Secretary Kirkhoff informed Mr. Duchan that this issue was discussed at the November 2018 PC meeting, in his absence. Mr. Poff and Ms. Mayfield are working on gathering information to propose an amendment for the Township to consider.ENGINEERS’ REPORTSChairman Loder commented that the November 2018 Codes and Zoning/Engineering reports, and the engineer’s Review Letter for the Estimate of Costs to construct required improvements for Penn Hills Phases 3 & 4 (dated November 8, 2018) were included in the BOS packet for their review. A representative from Light Heigel & Associates, Inc. was not present. Chairman Loder asked the other Board members if they had any questions on the reports presented. Hearing none, Chairman Loder moved onto the next item of business on the agenda.SOLICITOR’S REPORTSolicitor from Hartman, Valeriano, Magovern and Lutz was not present at the meeting. No formal report was provided. ROADMASTER’S REPORTChairman Loder provided a verbal Roadmaster’s Report as follows:All road equipment has been switched around in preparation for the winter season.Cleaned up some roadway shoulders and road sign damage caused by previous storms.Plowed roads from snow event and subsequently cleaned up equipment.TREASURER’S REPORTSecretary/Treasurer Kirkhoff presented a balance sheet and profit and loss statement as of and for the period ending October 31st for the General, Liquid Fuels, Sewer and Light Funds. The reports for each fund compared current year activity to prior year activity and the profit and loss also compared actual revenues and expenses to the annual budget. Revenues net of actual expenses were as follows year-to-date through October 31, 2018, and cash balances as stated as of October 31, 2018:$67,958 surplus (net of Pension earnings/losses) of revenues over expenses for the General Fund (GF), with a cash balance of $435,315, excluding escrow, driveway, zoning, and storm water escrow liabilities as of October 31, 2018. YTD 2018 GF actual revenue over expenses is favorable to budgeted YTD by approximately $63k. This is primarily due to the following YTD netted revenues being $36.5k ABOVE budget expectations: Tax revenues more than budgeted by $8.5k, Comcast franchise fees exceeded by $3k, interest earnings exceeded by $4.2k, receipt of the $11k unbudgeted DGLVR grant fees, legal settlement fees of $2k, and charges for services exceeded by $6k. Total actual expenses were $27.5k BELOW budget due to the following: Audit fees of $3k, Secretary/Clerk expenses of $4.5k, engineering services of (-$7k), building & garage expenses of $3k, zoning and sewage enforcement expenses of $10k, vehicle operating expenses of $2.7k, public works of $6k, and health & hospitalization of $8.5k. $338 YTD surplus for the Light Fund, with a cash balance of $1,392. $114,702 YTD surplus for the Liquid Fuels Fund, with a cash balance of $160,725. $3,980 YTD surplus for the Sewer Fund, with a cash balance of $16,911.Ms. Kirkhoff also informed the BOS of the following matters:Prior to his passing, CPA William Maslo issued a signed audit opinion letter for the 2017 annual Township audit, dated October 19, 2018; however, the presented 2017 DCED report contained some errors in its presentation that were identified by the Township Secretary and communicated to CPA Maslo. CPA Maslo verbally agreed with the recommended changes. Ms. Kirkhoff noted that she has been in contact with Mr. Maslo’s office to resolve the reporting errors, but assistance has not been provided. She also called the PA DCED office to discuss alternatives with them, but had to leave a voice mail. Ms. Kirkhoff will attempt to call them again in order to get this report filed with the DCED and close this matter. She will report back to the board next month. PLGIT is also asking for a filed copy of the DCED audit report so that they can approve the continuance of the Township’s use of the PLGIT credit card.Bernville Borough will charge the Township $135 per quarter for 300 copies of the Bernville Borough Newsletter, with a two-sided insert for Penn Township news. The BOS was satisfied with this quarterly fee. Ms. Kirkhoff will move ahead to contact Penn Township businesses, the Mt. Pleasant Fire Company, and churches attended by Penn Township residents, to ask if they would display the newsletters at their facilities for two quarters of the year.Reminded BOS and public attendees that the Spotted Lanternfly education session is at the Bernville Fire Company on November 29th at 7 pm.PAYMENT OF BILLS AND PAYROLL BETWEEN MEETINGSOn a motion by Chairman Loder and a second from Vice Chairman Himmelberger, the Supervisors unanimously approved payment of the bills/payroll. On a motion by Chairman Loder, seconded by Vice Chairman Himmelberger, the meeting was adjourned at 7:32 PM, with the next scheduled meeting to be held on Monday December 17, 2018 at 7 pm. Motion passed unanimously.Respectfully Submitted,Audrey C. KirkhoffSecretary/Treasurer ................

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