Manure Management Manual and/or Agricultural Erosion & Sedimentation

Workshop Evaluation

Please circle the number that best describes your level of awareness/knowledge of each topic before and after the workshop. (1=lowest; 5=highest)

1. Chapter 102 Regulations

Pre-workshop 1 2 3 4 5

Post-workshop 1 2 3 4 5

2. Manure Management Regulations

Pre-workshop 1 2 3 4 5

Post-workshop 1 2 3 4 5

3. Have you completed your manure management plan? (Circle one) Yes No

a. If yes, how many acres are included in the plan? ______

b. If you answered no, do you anticipate completing your manure management plan within:

o 1 month

o 6 months

o 1 year

o Never

4. Have you completed your agricultural erosion & sedimentation plan? (Circle one) Yes No

a. If yes, how many acres are included in the plan? ______

b. If you answered no, do you anticipate completing your agricultural erosion & sedimentation plan within:

o 1 month

o 6 months

o 1 year

o Never

5. Do you need further assistance from the conservation district to complete a plan? If so, please describe and include your name and phone number:

6. On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being low, 10 being high) how helpful was this workshop in creating

a manure management plan and/or agricultural erosion & sedimentation plan: ___________

7. How did you hear about this workshop? __________________________________________

8. Additional comments: _________________________________________________________

Funding Acknowledgement for Chesapeake Bay Counties:

“Financial support for this project is provided by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection through the Chesapeake Bay Implementation Grant, the Clean Water Fund and the Chesapeake Bay Regulatory and Accountability Program (CBRAP).”

Funding Acknowledgement for Counties not in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed:

“Financial support for this project is provided by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection through the Clean Water Fund.”


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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