Volume 27, No. 4 Volume 29, No. 3 March, 2016

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TELEPHONE 314-962-6011

FAX 314-962 -4810




7:45 TO 11:45 A.M.














Lenten Midweek Suppers

A dinner is served on the Wednesday nights of March 2 and 9 at 6:00 p. m. A main dish is served as well as salad and dessert.

On March 16 a St. Patrick's meal will be served with corned beef and the fixings to go with it.

Come for the meal and the fellowship. A free will offering is taken each evening.

Lenten Midweek Worship

The Wednesday nights of March 2, 9, and 16 worship using the drama series "Half-baked Lent" is offered at 7:00 p. m. The worship includes a brief spoken liturgy, a play, meditation on the theme, and hymns. Play titles are "The Case of the Missing Donut," "Lenten Love," and "Moldy Bread." The scriptural themes are the Parable of the Prodigal Son, the story of Jesus appointing John to care for his mother, Mary, and the thief on the cross who is promised salvation.

Maundy Thursday

Our worship on Maundy Thursday, March 24, will begin at 7:00 P. M. At the service we will receive forgiveness of sins, ritual washing, and Holy Communion. We strip the altar to bring us into Good Friday.

Good Friday

Two services mark the day of Good Friday, March 25. At noon we worship with our partner congregation, Emmanuel Episcopal, at their location at Bompart and Lockwood. With meditation we join the crowd who watched Jesus go through his trial, sentencing, and crucifixion.

At 7:00 P. M. our two congre-

March, 2016

gations meet at Christ Lutheran. We hear from Scripture of the death of our Lord. Our choir helps us meditate on the meaning of the death of Jesus as we hear them sing the cantata, "Return to Me," by Terry York and Taylor Davis. It is based on the Stations of the Cross.


On Easter, March 27, worship is at the regular hours of 8:00 and 10:30 A. M. At both services the choir will invite volunteers from the worshipping congregation to sing Handel's "Hallelujah Chorus" with them. Holy Communion will be observed on this joyous day.

An Easter breakfast will be served beginning at 9:00 A. M. in Fellowship Hall. The junior and senior high youth will serve the meal. Free will donations will support the high school trip to the Group Work Camp in Hammond, Indiana.

At 9:30 A. M. there will be an Easter egg hunt on the front lawn of the church. Line up at the gate, and children will be admitted by age group. The community is invited to the hunt. (2014 Egg Hunt shown below.)


Happy Birthday to You ... And Happy Anniversary, Too Wear your birthday hat and get ready to celebrate March birthdays and anniversaries on Sunday, March 6th after each service in the Fellowship Hall. Come for food, games & fellowship!

March Fellowship Happenings All are welcome to join us on Wednesday evenings, March 2, 9 and 16, for Lenten dinners. Dinner begins at 6:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall followed by a Lenten service at 7:00 p.m. in the sanctuary. There are still volunteer opportunities to cook or provide part of these meals. A sign-up sheet is hanging up or you can call Jadee Lauer at 314-647-6452, if interested. Also, on Sunday March 13, you are invited to a St. Patrick's Day party at the home of Joan and Bob O'Brien. Delicious corned beef and breads will be provided but you are asked to bring a side dish, appetizer or dessert to share and your favorite beverages.. The party will go form 3:00 to 7:00 p.m. Look and listen for more details in the weekly bulletin or during church announcements.

Humanitri Childcare Saturday March 12 Basketball Hoop Needed

Adults, families and teens are invited to help provide childcare at Trinity Lutheran Church School, 1805 S. 8th St. in St. Louis (Soulard) for children ages infant to 6th grade from 9 a.m. to noon on Sat., Mar. 12. The children love playing in the gym but there is no basketball hoop. If someone has a portable, adjustable hoop it would greatly enhance their play. Or would you like to help contribute to a new hoop? Please let Pastor Penny know if you do (314-952-9146).

Volunteers can meet at the site, Trinity Lutheran School (next to church) at 8:45, or come to Christ at 8:15 for a ride to Trinity. If you need a ride contact the church office (314 -962-6011) or contact Pastor Penny (314-9529146).

Future dates to help are: May 14, July 9, September 10 and November 12. Volunteers care for younger children in the nursery and older children in the gym. We could also use loans of play equipment like whiffle balls, rubber playground balls, hula hoops, jump

robes and donations of crafts supplies. Donations of cookies and healthy snacks are much appreciated.

These children have lived in homeless shelters and now have temporary housing through Humanitri, a local non-profit with Lutheran roots, and are in need of care while their parents are in support sessions with Humanitri staff.

Two Children Prepared for Holy Communion

Two young children, Luther Ciorba and Hannah Lauer, prepared for Holy Communion by attending sessions led by Pastor Penny using the Augsburg Fortress materials "Fed and Forgiven." They took Holy Communion for the first time Sunday, February 21.

Last year the church council authorized children under third grade to receive Holy Communion, with age-appropriate instruction, if their parents felt they were ready to do so. In the past, children received instruction in third grade at Christ. Luther is in kindergarten. As there are no children in third grade and Hannah is the only child in fourth grade, she joined the class as well.

InReach Updates Here's looking at you, baby! Let's have some fun this spring with our "Who's That Baby?" contest. Send in your baby pictures by March 6th (scan and email to ciorbafamily@ or leave in the InReach mail box). Make sure you label the photo. Prizes will be awarded to members who can identify the most photos and for the member who is the hardes to identify as a baby! Do you avoid wearing your name tag?While you may feel "silly" wearing a name tag to our church, we have heard from visitors, new members and from the youth that it helps them feel more welcomed and more encouraged to say, "hello" if they know your name. Do our community a favor, and wear your name tag loud and proud! Online Church Directory--Need to make a change in your church directory information? Want to update your picture? Could you use a hard copy? Wish you could get access online? Please contact Katie Ciorba at ciorbafamily@ or 314-775-9517.



The Adult Forum meets on Sunday mornings during the Education Hour, 9:15-10:15 a.m., in the Fellowship Hall on the lower level of the church building.

March 6, 13, 20 and April 3 "The Death of the Messiah" Peggy Schaefer, Associate in Ministry and a member of Trinity Lutheran Church, Chesterfield, will show how the four Gospels present differing theological and sociological perspectives in Jesus' passion an death. She will use Raymond Brown's commentary "The Death of the Messiah" as her basis to examine Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, his trials in the Sanhedrin and before Pilate, and his crucifixion.

There are no Education sessions, Sunday School, Confirmation, Youth or Adults, on Easter Sunday, March 27.


Sunday Morning Discussion Group We have a light month in March 6 we will finish

our discussion of Susan Isaac's Angry Conversations with God: A Snarky but Authentic Spiritual Memoir. We are taking off March 13 and March 20 for Spring Break and March 27 for Easter. See you in April!

Tuesday Morning Bible Study This group meets from 10:00 to 11:15 a.m. on Tuesdays in the Fellowship Hall. Beginning March 1 we will discuss a concise biography of Martin Luther by Lutheran theologian, Martin Marty. They will also use a study guide, "Martin Luther's Ninety-Five Theses," edited by Stephen J. Nichols. You are welcome to join in at any time without prior knowledge or reading. Questions? Contact Carolyn Crowe, 314-277-2164.

Wednesday Morning Bible Study This class meets from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. on Wednesdays in the 3rd floor lounge of the Laclede Groves senior living community at 701 S. Laclede Station Road. The pastors lead a study on the lessons from the Revised Common Lection for the upcoming Sunday.

EGG-Stravaganza 2016!! On Saturday, March 19, from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. Nancy and Keith Lissant will once again host and sponsor the EGG-Stravaganza-- an Easter egg decorating workshop for family members of all ages. Children under 10 must be accompanied by a parent or adult. For more than two decades the Lissants have been decorating eggs with many methods from around the world. And they have shared these techniques with members of Christ Lutheran. There will be blown egg shells to decorate with paper, decals, embroidery flow, small rosettes and much more. Sign up in the Fellowship Hall or in the church office so we can have enough materials.

Christ Lutheran ? Our Holy Redeemer


Catholic Upcoming Dialogs

As part of the ongoing celebration of the

500th Anniversary of the Reformation, a dozen

Lutheran and Roman Catholic congregations

are pairing to dialog during the Lenten and

Easter season. The book written as a basis for

discussion, One Hope, will be used as a discus-

sion starter.

The discussions between Christ Lutheran and Our Holy Redeemer are scheduled for the four Tuesday evenings in April for 90 minutes each. If you are interested in being on such a discussion team, please inform one of the pastors or the church office.

Workshop Teaches Way to Reduce Hunger Saturday, March 12

The local Bread for the World organization is offering a free workshop on Saturday, March 12, 10a.m. to 4 p.m., to give people the knowledge and skills to influence government leaders on the issues of hunger and justice, called `Justice for All.' The workshop will be held at Third Baptist Church, 620 N. Grand Blvd, one block from the Fox Theater, in St. Louis.

Workshop leaders will share information and skills in addressing hunger in this country and the world and improving our criminal justice system. Pastor Penny plans to attend. You can register online at goo.gl/ forms/OFmkolvR2r or contact Pr. Penny. if you are interested in attending with her.


"Hope in An Unlikely Place"

As I eat my full bowl of cereal in a warm, safe house I think of Syrian refugee families braving dangerous waters to get away from bombs. I think of inner-city mothers opening empty cupboards. I feel sad and helpless. So I pray, of course, and give money where I can, but there is one more thing that gives me hope: I have a voice in the way billions of dollars are spent by our government. With the stroke of a pen in Washington, policies are made that redirect millions of dollars and affect millions of lives. That's where I have found Bread for the World, a Christian lobby for the hungry, to be so helpful. Through its monthly newsletter I learn what bills to encourage my congress members to get behind when I e-mail, phone or write them, bills that will relieve the suffering in the world.

Though we hear a lot about stalemate in Congress and Washington doesn't seem to inspire hope, many in Congress have a heart for those in need. People at Bread for the World, including a personal friend, Steve Hitchcock, who addressed our adult forum recently, assure us that when we e-mail or call a government leader in favor of a bill to help the hungry, our requests get tallied and when we write letters (handwritten is best) our voices get spe-

cial attention. Congress listens to its constituents, es-

pecially when their voices come together around one bill or issue. Bread for the World, started by a Lutheran pastor in 1974, is a highly respected lobby and has helped shape important hunger-fighting legislation for more than 40 years by giving people the inside track to Congressional actions and providing an annual Offering of Letters campaign.

I believe there are several members of Bread for the World at Christ Lutheran. I hope many of you who are not will consider becoming members. You can learn more at . I will be going to a workshop in St. Louis on March 12, called "Justice for All," conducted by our local branch of Bread for the World and I would love to have others join me for all or part of the day to learn more. Please see the separate article on the workshop. And please continue to pray and to share your resources as you are able. In spite of all the suffering in the world, we know there is reason for hope in Christ. We are the hands, feet and voice of our Savior and we have been promised his Spirit for strength!

--Pastor Penny

What's the Plan for Children's Ministry?

The committee looking at Sunday School for next year is gathering information and recruiting teachers. Once they have that information, they, along with the new staff, will begin curriculum planning.

It is a calling and a privilege to be a part of faith formation in children. Remember you don't need kids in Sunday School to experience the joy of teaching. Please let someone on the committee know if you can join the staff

Committee members are Pastor Penny, Kersten Horn, Sarah Bender, Suzie McIntyre and Brent Wood.

Stewardship 2016 Pledge Cards Coming By Mail Soon

Stewardship is about what we do after we say "I believe". It's about using all of our resources to show God and our neighbors that we love them. The offerings we make every Sunday are the only funds we have for reaching out and helping others, something we believe in strongly at Christ Lutheran.

Please help us give back to God and our community by filling out the pledge card you will receive in the mail in the coming month.


from your Christian Service Ministry Team

ROOM-AT-THE-INN March's Green Envelope charity is Room-at-theInn. Room-at-the-Inn, sponsored by the Sisters of Divine Providence, provides emergency shelter and a stabilizing support system to homeless women and families in St. Louis County using a collaborative interfaith effort of congregations throughout the St. Louis region. On any given day, up to 20 clients (up to 10 at any one site) are provided overnight shelter and meals, using the facilities of around 60 congregations. First Congregational Church of Webster Groves has been a part of this program for 20 years, using their facilities and volunteers on the 4th Friday-Saturday of each month. Because this program requires a significant number of volunteers, Christ Lutheran agreed in July 2008 to supply volunteers on an every other month basis. We have had a number of faithful volunteers, but since this program provides a very meaningful service experience, we wish to remind everyone of this opportunity to serve. The opportunity is a win-win! Dates to still participate are April 22-23, May 27-28, July 22-23, September23-24, and November 25-26. The areas of service include the following:

Drivers to bring the clients from the day site near DePaul Hospital on Friday evening at 6 p.m. and return them on Saturday morning around 7:30-8 a.m., using the church van or personal cars.

Dinner preparation and servers--an individual or small group. Food may be prepared at home or at 1st Congregational. Dinner is served around 6 p.m. for up to 10 clients, 2 innkeepers and the preparer/servers.

Innkeeper--spends the night along with a 1st Congregational member.

Breakfast preparers and servers--an individual or small group. Breakfast is served around 7 a.m. for up to 10 clients, 2 innkeepers and preparers/servers.

Launderer--washes and dries the sheets, pillow cases and towels.

If you would like to volunteer or require additional information, call one of the coordinators--Sandy Hoyer (314-422-7715) or Vic Saeger (314-222-8884). Green envelope gifts this month benefit Room-At-The-Inn--please mark your check made payable to Christ Lutheran with Room-At-The-Inn on the memo line. Thank you.


Carolyn Crowe, Faith Community Nurse and Director of Senior Adult Ministries, will do blood pressure and blood sugar screenings on Sunday, March 6. You can find her in the Fellowship Hall after each worship service. If these dates or times do not work, you can also make an appointment with Carolyn for a blood pressure or blood sugar check up, by calling her at either the church, 314-962-6011, or her by cell phone 314-277-2164.


MARCH, 2016

APRIL, 2016

Canned chicken

Canned Turkey

Boxed macaroni & cheese

Brown rice or Plain Instant Potatoes

Canned green vegetable, loW sodium

Canned corn, low sodium or no salt

Bag of Apple chips or dried fruits

Applesauce in plastic, no sugar added

Powdered milk/shelf-stable boxed milk/soy milk Powdered milk/shelf stable boxed milk/soy milk

Return to Church by Sun.,

Return to Church by Sun.,

MARCH 20, 2016

APRIL 17, 2015

A meal a month for you, a meal a month for your neighbor. Please fill a yellow shopping bag or two (available in the Fellowship Hall) with food items and return them to CLC. Any donation is appreciated. Thank You for remembering your neighbors throughout the year.


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