[Pages:49]"NOT ANOTHER BULL MARKET IN MY LIFETIME" - Marc Faber 1/26/16 "OIL WILL NOT TRADE BACK ABOVE $44 IN MY LIFETIME" - Dennis Gartman 1/26/16

"I am more hedged than ever." Carl Icahn 8/17/16

Under no circumstances does the information in this document represent a recommendation to buy or sell stocks or funds. It should not be assumed that the methods presented in this letter will be profitable or that they will not result in losses. Past results are not necessarily indicative of future results. This document is for educational and entertainment purposes only.

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FYI- After my 16-month mini-retirement, I'll get my juices flowing again and will return to "work" in 2018. I'm not ready to do a grand re-launch of , but I will be mentoring a small group of investors.

Membership will continue to be $10,000 per year w/ a holiday discount before 12/31/17. There's also an additional discount for past members. If interested in working together in 2018, shoot an email to worldforty@ with information about yourself, trading style, and whatever else suits your fancy.



"Hold on to your hats, folks... There exists a perfect mix of conditions that could send stocks on a ride up, up, and up.... Could possibly force an explosion higher... There's only one way to go -- up... Get ready."

Merry Christmas Friends and Family! Greetings from Bali, indonesia.

What a market it's been since I stepped away 16 months ago! The conditions required for momentum stocks has rarely been better. We're seeing some stocks move 500%-1,000% PER DAY! When I saw LFIN move from $4.69 to $143 within 2 days last week, I just about lost it. The action has been completely insane. Let's call it "Blocksanity"!

Speculative high-beta stocks have been crushing safe low-betas, speculation in penny stocks and micro-caps is literally off the charts, retail investors are about as bullish as they've ever been, and our good friends at our favorite investment banks are telling us to buy stocks hand-over-fist because of the tax cut. Conditions have never been better for traders. I hope you're enjoying the action. Times like these do NOT last forever.

In "The Last Letter" on 09/03/16, in regards to my next "Mini-Retirement", we left things at.....

"....So I intend to take a step back, slow things down, pursue some hobbies that I've been putting off, reconnect with friends and family, and spend some time living abroad. Depending on market conditions, my plan is to return to the market sometime in 2018."

Unfortunately, I can't say that I pursued too many hobbies. During my entire adult life, my main hobby has been the market. I find it extremely difficult to pursue new hobbies while there are so many charts that need to be looked at. Perhaps one day I'll pursue professional counseling for this issue.

Fortunately, I was able to reconnect with quite a few friends and family and I was definitely able to break free and travel to quite a few interesting places. I've spent much of the past 16 months in the Czech Republic, Myanmar, Finland, Sri Lanka, Germany, Indonesia, Slovakia, Nicaragua, Estonia, The UK, Thailand, Austria, Lithuania, Canada, Poland, Denmark, Malaysia, Canada, France, Mexico, and Costa Rica.

At times, I felt like JIm Rogers in his book "Investment Biker" as I seem to be constantly on the alert for investment opportunities. If you want to build a 2-room guesthouse for $6,500 and consistently charge $100 per night, Ella, Sri Lanka would be the place to do so.

If you want to invest in real estate in a world-class metropolis, Kuala Lumpur is THE place. As far as I'm concerned, KL is the #1 big city in the world in terms of investment potential. I'll be heading back there soon to spend a few weeks looking at property. I'd love to build a Real Estate empire there:) Here are some notes I jotted down when I was there last month.



When I returned from Central America last February after my first big round of travels, I struggled personally for a bit. Upon returning, I moved from a fantastic riverfront pad to a high-end concrete box in the sky which didn't have a patio or windows that opened. Hey, but it had a fancy concierge! I ended up buying a Lazy Boy chair, a 70-inch flat screen TV, and watched cable TV regularly for the first time in many, many years. I also started binging on crap like Netflix.

Shortly after moving to my new condo, I decided to try the Tim Ferriss "Slow Carb Diet" to get down to 6%-7% body fat. The popular Slow-Carb diet restricts high glycemic carb intake for 6 days and allows you to go crazy on your "Cheat Day" as you shock your system and jump-start depleted hormones- mainly insulin. The diet worked well at first, but eventually the "Cheat Day" got the best of me.

The first thing I would do on my cheat day was to grab a 6-pack of a highly glycemic beer (usually something that sticks to the lips like an IPA). After getting a MASSIVE carb rush, I'd

move on to pizza, desert and/or whatever else suited my fancy. Does any of this sound healthy to you?

Unfortunately, once you get on the glycemic roller coaster, it's VERY, VERY difficult to get off and to stabilize your insulin level once again. Long story short, the Saturday or Sunday "Cheat Day" would often bleed into Monday, Tuesday, and sometimes even into Wednesday!

To make matters worse, a few weeks into the crazy diet, I suffered a ligament injury during a 13 mile run (I definitely wasn't ready to run 13 miles at that point). The bum knee put me out of commission for the next couple of months.

I didn't realize it at the time, but I look back at this period and realize that because of the "diet", general lack of movement (injury,TV,cable/Lazy Boy,comfort of being home) and boredom, I was definitely depressed.


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