Quality Report- ‘Country name’


| | |


(according to Commission Regulation (EC) No 1322/2007 of 12 November 2007, published in OJ L294, 13.11.2007, p.5)







E-MAIL ADDRESS: lavinia.balteanu@insse.ro; cristina.avram@insse.ro

TELEPHONE NUMBER: 004021 317 77 69




1. Accuracy and Reliability / Geographical coverage

1.1 Coverage of data sources* (part 1)

|Name of data source |Type of data source used (1) |Frequency of the data source (2) |Time lag in months(2)(3) |Schemes covered (please indicate which |

| |(see regulation point |(see regulation point |(see regulation point |scheme numbers are covered by this data |

| | | | |source) |

| | | | |(see regulation point |

|National House of Public Pensions (CNPP)|Administrative data: stock data at 31st of December |Monthly data collection at the |One month |Scheme 21 (SPP): |

|– (former National House of Pensions and|Estimates based on Household Budget Survey |administrative data source level | | |

|Other Social Insurance Rights) and | | |Stock data at 31st of December for |Scheme regarding the public system of |

|Ministry of Culture | | |previous year (N-1) is available at |pensions and other social other social |

| | | |the end of January current year (N). |insurance rights |

| | | |All necessary information for | |

| | | |computing the estimates is available | |

| | | |in the same time. | |

|Pensions House of Lawyers |Administrative data: stock data at 31st of December |Monthly data collection at the |One month |Scheme 22 (PAVOC): |

| |Estimates based on Household Budget Survey |administrative data source level | | |

| | | |Stock data at 31st of December for |Scheme regarding the pension system of |

| | | |previous year (N-1) is available at |lawyers |

| | | |the end of January current year (N). | |

| | | |All necessary information for | |

| | | |computing the estimates is available | |

| | | |in the same time. | |

|Ministry of Defence, Ministry of |Administrative data: stock data at 31st of December |Monthly data collection at the |One month |Scheme 23 (PMIL): |

|Interior and Administration, Romanian |Estimates based on Household Budget Survey |administrative data source level | | |

|Intelligence Service | | |Stock data at 31st of December for |Scheme regarding the pensions of state |

| | | |previous year (N-1) is available at |military |

| | | |the end of January current year (N). | |

| | | |All necessary information for | |

| | | |computing the estimates is available | |

| | | |in the same time. | |

|Ministry of Labour, Family and Social |Administrative data: stock data at 31st of December |Monthly data collection at the |One month |Scheme 38 (PENSOC): |

|Protection, National House of Public |Estimates based on Household Budget Survey |administrative data source level | | |

|Pensions (CNPP) (former National House | | |Stock data at 31st of December for |Minimum guaranteed social pension |

|of Pensions and Other Social Insurance | | |previous year (N-1) is available at | |

|Rights) | | |the end of January current year (N). | |

| | | |All necessary information for | |

| | | |computing the estimates is available | |

| | | |in the same time. | |

| | | | | |

* Please be exhaustive by mentioning all pension schemes

1. Please specify: "Administrative data", "Register based data", "National Accounts", "Survey", "Census", "Other". For category "Other", please specify the type

2. Please specify: "12 months" or "6 months", etc.

3. The time lag is the period between the reference date (in this collection 31st of December 2009 or 1st January 2010) and the moment in which data sources are available

1.1 Coverage of data sources (part 2) – please note that part 1 and part 2 is in fact one table and have only been separated to facilitate the completion of the table

|Name of data source |Any additional information regarding this data source (i.e. reports on problems -including |Geographical coverage (i.e. which parts of the country are covered|

|(Please indicate the same data sources as in table 1.1 |delays- which lead to estimation of data) (4) (see regulation point |by this data source) (5)(see regulation point 1.2.1) |

|part 1) | | |

|Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Protection, National|Scheme 21 (SPP): |Full coverage: |

|House of Public Pensions (CNPP) (former National House of |Scheme regarding the public system of pensions and other social other social insurance rights |Scheme 21 (SPP): |

|Pensions and Other Social Insurance Rights) and Ministry | |Scheme regarding the public system of pensions and other social |

|of Culture |Not available data by gender and age groups for performing the transfer of number of |other social insurance rights |

| |beneficiaries of disability pension over the standard retirement age from disability function | |

| |to old age function. | |

| |In order to compute estimates, data from Household budget survey used. | |

|Pensions House of Lawyers |Scheme 22 (PAVOC): |Full coverage: |

| |Scheme regarding the pension system of lawyers |Scheme 22 (PAVOC): |

| | |Scheme regarding the pension system of lawyers |

| |Not available data by gender and age groups for performing the transfer of number of | |

| |beneficiaries of disability pension over the standard retirement age from disability function | |

| |to old age function. | |

| |In order to compute estimates, data from Household budget survey used. | |

|Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Interior and |Scheme 23 (PMIL): |Full coverage: |

|Administration, Romanian Intelligence Service |Scheme regarding the pensions of state military |Scheme 23 (PMIL): |

| | |Scheme regarding the pensions of state military |

| |Not available data by gender and age groups for performing the transfer of number of | |

| |beneficiaries of disability pension over the standard retirement age from disability function | |

| |to old age function. | |

| |In order to compute estimates, data from Household budget survey used. | |

|Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Protection, National|Scheme 38 (PENSOC): |Full coverage: |

|House of Public Pensions (CNPP) (former National House of |Minimum guaranteed social pension |Scheme 38 (PENSOC): |

|Pensions and Other Social Insurance Rights) | |Minimum guaranteed social pension |

| |Pension provided to the insured persons, beneficiaries of schemes 21, 22 and 23 of who’s | |

| |level of pensions is below 350 RON (300 RON until October 2009). | |

| | | |

| |This is determined as difference between the pension level in payment for those beneficiaries | |

| |and the amount above received by the target group. | |

| | | |

| |Not available data by gender and age groups for performing the transfer of number of | |

| |beneficiaries of disability pension over the standard retirement age from disability function | |

| |to old age function. | |

| |In order to compute estimates, data from Household budget survey used. | |

| |     | |

| | | |

4. Please fill in this column only in cases of: delays, data source contains estimates, incomplete coverage for some schemes. In cases of schemes not complete covered, please, specify the number of the scheme and the code of the item for which no data are available and estimations are needed.

5. Please indicate "Full coverage" if the data source covers the whole country. If the data source contains data for some regions only, please specify the region.

1.2 Geographical comparability* (see regulation point 2.2)

|Degree of coverage in terms of schemes(6) |Degree of coverage in terms of beneficiaries |Cases of non-application of the ESSPROS methodology in the form of a |

|(if there are cases of schemes, to be potentially included in ESSPROS |(whether for the schemes included that data provided are exhaustive or |comprehensive list |

|that are completely or partially missed or not available) |if a number of pension beneficiaries are not available (partial return) |(whether there are cases (both schemes and benefits) of possible |

| | |non-adherence with the ESSPROS methodology: provision from specific |

| | |sources, for example, could imply the use of definitions and |

| | |methodologies not in line with our Manual) |

|Scheme 21 (SPP): |Exhaustive data for all schemes from primary data source. |No |

|Scheme regarding the public system of pensions and other social |See also item 2.1 of quality report. | |

|insurance rights - covered | | |

| |Exhaustive data for all schemes from primary data source. |No |

|Scheme 22 (PAVOC): |See also item 2.1 of quality report. | |

|Scheme regarding the pension system of lawyers- covered | | |

|Scheme 23 (PMIL): |Exhaustive data for all schemes from primary data source. |No |

|Scheme regarding the pensions of state military- covered |See also item 2.1 of quality report | |

|Scheme 38 (PENSOC): |Exhaustive data for all schemes from primary data source. |No |

|Minimum guaranteed social pension - covered |See also item 2.1 of quality report. | |

| | | |

* Please note that this table is referred to coverage and consistency with ESSPROS methodology of final figures.

6. If a scheme is completely missed in final figures please specify its number in the first column and in the second column specify "Missing". If only some items are missing, please specify in the first column the number of the scheme and in the second column the items that are missing.

2. Methodologies and assumptions used in the treatment of double counting and in estimates (please give details for all cases)

2.1 Estimates for schemes on which no data are available (see regulation point 2.1.2)

|Schemes |Items (7) |Type of estimate (8) |Summary of estimation procedure |

|Scheme 21 (SPP): |1131111 |- based on a survey |According to the ESSPROS methodology, the number of pension beneficiaries who receive|

|Scheme regarding the public system | | |disability pension, but who are over the standard retirement age have to be included |

|of pensions and other social | | |under old age function. |

|insurance rights | | |Data by age groups is not available. This is the reason for which some estimates had |

| | | |to be performed while calculating the number of pension beneficiaries who receive |

| | | |disability pension, but who are over the standard retirement age. |

| | | |The following estimation method was used: |

| | | |extracting from Household Budget Survey data on number of pension beneficiaries by |

| | | |types of pensions and by age groups; |

| | | |computing, from the above mentioned selection, the number of disability pensioners |

| | | |over the standard retirement age out of the total number of disability pensioners; |

| | | |applying the proportion mentioned-above to the number of disability pensioners |

| | | |collected from administrative data source and after |

| | | |- making the transfer of the value obtained from disability function to old age |

| | | |function. |

|Scheme 22 (PAVOC): |1131111 |- based on a survey |The same estimation method used for Scheme 21. |

|Scheme regarding the pension system | | | |

|of lawyers | | | |

|Scheme 23 (PMIL): |1131111 |-based on a survey |The same estimation method used for Scheme 21. |

|Scheme regarding the pensions of | | | |

|state military | | | |

|Scheme 38 (PENSOC): |1132111 |-based on a survey |This pension is determined as difference between the pension level in payment for the|

|Minimum guaranteed social pension | | |insured persons, beneficiaries of schemes 21, 22 and 23 whose level of pensions is |

| | | |below 350 RON (300 RON until October 2009) and the amount above received by the |

| | | |target group. |

| | | | |

| | | |According to the ESSPROS methodology, the number of pension beneficiaries who receive|

| | | |disability pension, but who are over the standard retirement age have to be included |

| | | |under old age function. |

| | | |Data by age groups is not available. This is the reason for which some estimates had |

| | | |to be performed while calculating the number of pension beneficiaries who receive |

| | | |disability pension, but who are over the standard retirement age. |

| | | |The following estimation method was used: |

| | | |extracting from Household Budget Survey data on number of pension beneficiaries by |

| | | |types of pensions and by age groups; |

| | | |computing, from the above mentioned selection, the number of disability pensioners |

| | | |over the standard retirement age out of the total number of disability pensioners; |

| | | |applying the proportion mentioned-above to the number of disability pensioners |

| | | |collected from administrative data source and after |

| | | |making the transfer of the value obtained from disability function to old age |

| | | |function. |

7. Specify only the codes of the items concerned. In cases of breakdowns, please specify: "breakdown of a total by gender", or "breakdown of a total between MT and NMT pensions", etc.

8. Specify one of the following estimation methods: "based on known distributions", "based on previous data", "based on a hypothesis", "based on a survey", "based on extrapolation", and "other". For category "other", please specify the method.

2.2 Information on the treatment of double counting (please indicate all types of double counting occurring in your country and specify the treatment, if any, for each of these cases) (see regulation point 2.1.2)

(a) for a pension category inside a single scheme

|Item |Scheme |Treatment |Type of treatment(9) |Summary of the treatment |

| | |(yes or not) | | |

|1121111 |- |No |- |- |

|1121112 |- |No |- |- |

|1122111 |- |No |- |- |

|1122112 |- |No |- |- |

|1131111 |- |No |- |- |

|1131112 |- |No |- |- |

|1131113 |- |No |- |- |

|1132111 |- |No |- |- |

|1132112 |- |No |- |- |

|1132113 |- |No |- |- |

|1141111 |- |No |- |- |

|1141112 |- |No |- |- |

|1161113 |- |No |- |- |

|1162113 |- |No |- |- |

9. Specify one of the following methods: "using a personal identification number", "using micro level data", "estimation based on previously known data", "estimation based on a hypothesis", "estimation based on a survey", "other". For category "other", please specify the method.

Comments on this type of double counting:

No double counting: a person is not entitled (allowed) to receive more than one pension in the same time.

The only case of receiving two pensions is the case of beneficiaries of scheme 38 (PENSOC). The pension granted on the base of scheme 38 is provided to the insured persons, beneficiaries of schemes 21 or 22 or 23 whose level of pensions is below 350 RON. The exact number of pension beneficiaries entitled to scheme 38 (PENSOC) and also one of scheme 21, 22, 23 is known. Thus, no treatment of double counting needed but in order to avoid the double counting at total level, the number of beneficiaries of scheme 38 was not included (once again) in total schemes.

For 2009, only some beneficiaries of scheme 21 had pensions below the established level.

(b) between schemes (a pension category for all schemes):

|Item |Schemes |Treatment |Type of treatment(10) |Summary of treatment |

| | |(yes or not) | | |

|1121111 |- |No |- |- |

|1121112 |- |No |- |- |

|1122111 |- |No |- |- |

|1122112 |- |No |- |- |

|1131111 |- |No |- |- |

|1131112 |- |No |- |- |

|1131113 |- |No |- |- |

|1132111 |- |No |- |- |

|1132112 |- |No |- |- |

|1132113 |- |No |- |- |

|1141111 |- |No |- |- |

|1141112 |- |No |- |- |

|1161113 |- |No |- |- |

|1162113 |- |No |- |- |

10. Specify one of the following methods: "using a personal identification number", "using micro level data", "estimation based on previously known data", "estimation based on a hypothesis", "estimation based on a survey", "other". For category "other", please specify the method.

Comments on this type of double counting:

No double counting: a person is not entitled (allowed) to receive more than one pension in the same time.

The only case of receiving two pensions is the case of beneficiaries of scheme 38 (PENSOC). The pension granted on the base of scheme 38 is provided to the insured persons, beneficiaries of schemes 21 or 22 or 23 whose level of pensions is below 350 RON. The exact number of pension beneficiaries entitled to scheme 38 (PENSOC) and also one of scheme 21, 22, 23 is known. Thus, no treatment of double counting needed but in order to avoid the double counting at total level, the number of beneficiaries of scheme 38 was not included (once again) in total schemes.

For 2009, only some beneficiaries of scheme 21 had pensions below the established level.

(c) between non-means-tested and means-tested

|Item |Double counting |Treatment |Type of treatment (11) |Summary of treatment |

| |(yes or not) |(yes or not) | | |

|1121111 - 1122111 |No |No |- |- |

|1121112 - 1122112 |No |No |- |- |

|1131111 - 1132111 |No |No |- |- |

|1131112 - 1132112 |No |No |- |- |

|1131113 - 1132113 |No |No |- |- |

|1141111 - 1142111 |No |No |- |- |

|1161113 - 1162113 |No |No |- |- |

11. Specify one of the following methods: "using a personal identification number", "using micro level data", "estimation based on previously known data", "estimation based on a hypothesis", "estimation based on a survey", "other". For category "other", please specify the method.

Comments on this type of double counting:

No double counting: a person is not entitled (allowed) to receive more than one pension in the same time.

The only case of receiving two pensions is the case of beneficiaries of scheme 38 (PENSOC). The pension granted on the base of scheme 38 is provided to the insured persons, beneficiaries of schemes 21 or 22 or 23 whose level of pensions is below 350 RON. The exact number of pension beneficiaries entitled to scheme 38 (PENSOC) and also one of scheme 21, 22, 23 is known. Thus, no treatment of double counting needed but in order to avoid the double counting at total level, the number of beneficiaries of scheme 38 was not included (once again) in total schemes.

For 2009, only some beneficiaries of scheme 21 had pensions below the established level.

(d) between categories in aggregation:

To obtain functions at "all schemes" level

|Item |Double counting |Treatment |Type of treatment (12) |Summary of treatment |

| |(yes or not) |(yes or not) | | |

|1120111 – 1120112 |No |No |- |- |

|1130111 – 1130112 – 1130113 |No |No |- |- |

To obtain the totals of survivors and old age pensioners and the total of pensioners in the country

|Item |Double counting |Treatment |Type of treatment (12) |Summary of treatment |

| |(yes or not) |(yes or not) | | |

|1190110 |No |No |- |- |

|1120110 - 1130110 - 1140111 - 1160113 |No |No |- |- |

12. Specify one of the following methods: "using a personal identification number", "using micro level data", "estimation based on previously known data", "estimation based on a hypothesis", "estimation based on a survey", "other". For category "other", please specify the method.

Comments on this type of double counting:

No double counting: a person is not entitled (allowed) to receive more than one pension in the same time.

The only case of receiving two pensions is the case of beneficiaries of scheme 38 (PENSOC). The pension granted on the base of scheme 38 is provided to the insured persons, beneficiaries of schemes 21 or 22 or 23 whose level of pensions is below 350 RON. The exact number of pension beneficiaries entitled to scheme 38 (PENSOC) and also one of scheme 21, 22, 23 is known. Thus, no treatment of double counting needed but in order to avoid the double counting at total level, the number of beneficiaries of scheme 38 was not included (once again) in total schemes.

For 2009, only some beneficiaries of scheme 21 had pensions below the established level.

3. Revision of statistics (In the first column, please indicate the scheme involved, in the second column, the items involved, then thick with an 'X' the column that corresponds to the type of the revision and, where it is the case, please describe in the last column each revision with a few words, specifying if it is extraordinary (very rare) or ordinary (it can happen regularly).

(see regulation point 2.1.3)

|Scheme |Items |Type of revision |Details on the revision |

| | |Changes in the |Changes in the |Revisions of data due |Revisions of data due to |Other revisions | |

| | |data sources |methods used |to conceptual |availability of final |of data (e.g. due| |

| | |used(13) |for estimating |adjustments(15) |statistics(16) |to quality review| |

| | | |data(14) | | |actions) | |

|Scheme 22 |1120111, 1120112, |No revision. |No revision. |No revision performed |No revision performed this|No revision |No revision performed this data collection. |

| |1121111 , 1121112, | | |this data collection. |data collection. | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| |1130111, | | | | | | |

| |1130112, | | | | | | |

| |1130113 | | | | | | |

| |1131111, 1131112, | | | | | | |

| |1131113, | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| |1140111, | | | | | | |

| |1141111, | | | | | | |

| |1141112 | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

|Scheme 23 |1120111, 1120112, |No revision |No revision |No revision performed |No revision performed this|No revision |No revision performed this data collection. |

| |1121111 , 1121112, | | |this data collection. |data collection. | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| |1130111, | | | | | | |

| |1130112, | | | | | | |

| |1130113, | | | | | | |

| |1131111, 1131112, | | | | | | |

| |1131113, | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| |1140111, | | | | | | |

| |1141111, | | | | | | |

| |1141112 | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

13. E.g. changes in the set of the data sources (new data sources, disappearing of an old one); additional information supplied by certain data sources; other changes in data sources.

14. E.g. changes in the methods used: to put in line information supplied by data sources with the ESSPROS methodology; to estimate the missing breakdown (or part of schemes) or other changes in methods.

15. E.g. changes in the ESSPROS methodology; in the social protection system; in classifications or definitions other than ESSPROS; etc.

16. E.g. final figures are provided by the data sources; or provisional estimation are replaced by information that was missing in the last data collection; etc.

4. Other information related to quality

4.1 Dissemination policy in the country*

|Are these data published in |At what timeliness? |State any specific publication (and eventually the link) |Are they part of regular publications? |

|your country?(17) |(in months)(18) | |(yes or not) |

|Yes, but not in the ESSPROS |3 months and |Publication: Number of pensioners and the average pension (the number of pensioners is disseminated |yes |

|format |12 months |only as average number; the breakdown is performed by type of pension and type of pension system). | |


17. Please specify "yes everything", "yes, only the following part…", "yes, but not in the ESSPROS format" or no". In case of "yes, but not in the ESSPROS format", please explain.

18 Please specify how many months after the period of reference the data are published (the period of reference for this collection was 31st December 2009/1st January 2010).

4.2 Other information



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