Hunter-Gatherers and Ancient Mesopotamia Study Guide

Hunter-Gatherer and Mesopotamia Study Guide Answers

1. What did hunter-gatherers discover to help them adapt to their environments?


2. As seasons changed what were hunter-gatherers forced to do because of the lack of food?

migrate as nomads, always on the move

3. Name two reasons hunter-gatherers traveled in bands of 30 or more members.

Safer, search for food easier, get more food, not get killed

4. Where did the first civilizations settle?

river valleys

5. Which two geographic features gave Mesopotamia its name?

Tigris and Euphrates River- land between 2 rivers

6. Due to hot temperatures in Mesopotamia and no rainfall averages for months during the hot season, how did the people of Mesopotamia deal with agriculture?

used irrigation ditches, canals, and reservoirs to get water to crops.

7. Why was flooding such a problem for the people of Mesopotamia?

Unpredictable springtime floods could wipe out their crops.

8. What kind of climate is Mesopotamia?

hot and dry (desert)

9. How did the geography of Mesopotamia affect trade?

able to use the power of the rivers to float goods downstream

10. Why was specialization important?

trading began and there was a need for new tools, utensils, etc.

11. What invention will help you and your fellow farmers protect yourself against the floods?


12. What did good irrigation techniques lead to in Mesopotamia?

Surplus (lots of) of crops

13. What is Sumerian writing called? Cuneiform

14. Give three reasons why cuneiform was developed.

1. - keep track of when the floods came each year to predict future floods

2. - keep track of how much they had (how many sheep born/died), keep track of trade

3. - write down legends and myths

15. What did the Sumerians invent that is an example of technology?

the wheel

16. What did Mesopotamian city-states do to protect themselves from enemies?

built walls around the city-state for protection

17. How are architecture and religion reflected in the culture of Mesopotamia?

Ziggurats were large buildings/structures built high in the middle of the city.

18. Why were priests placed high in the social structure of Mesopotamia and considered so important?

direct communication with the gods

19. “If someone destroys the eye of another person, then his eye will be destroyed.” Which of the following people would have written this quote in his code of law?


20. How is social order reflected in the Code of Hammurabi?

People in lower classes received harsher punishments for committing the same crimes as those in higher classes.

21. How is religion reflected in the Code of Hammurabi?

gods told Hammurabi to write the laws to destroy the wicked and protect the weak

24. What is the relationship between farming and the growth of towns?

development of farming helped establish permanent settlements

27. Cause – People settled where crops could grow. Give two effects of this cause.

The population grew.

Villages and cities formed.

28. What is “divine kingship”? kings were chosen by the gods

Venn Diagram

Directions: Read each statement in the list below, then match each statement with the letter in the corresponding spot on the Venn diagram. Think carefully about each statement.

27. fished (Both)

28. migrated regularly (H & G)

29. farmed, raised animals, and traded (CS) Hunter-Gatherers Both City-States

30. lived in villages (CS)

31. made farming tools (CS)

35. discovered how to use fire (H & G)

36. lived in small groups of nomads (H & G)

37. practiced specialization (CS)

38. Draw and label the social order for Mesopotamian city-states.







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