Skoolbag - School to Parent Smartphone Communication

1st Week Back at School NEWS - from Year 1 and 2It was so lovely to see all our Year 1 and 2 kids come back to school this week We have had a great time seeing our kids; the kids seeing each other and everyone remembering how the school routines go. Drop-offs and pick-ups have gone pretty smoothly and the kids are becoming “professional” at knowing how they get home.Mrs Graham at her new favourite place “The Red Letterbox”A message for kids that come more than 1 day a weekThe teachers need to let you know that we are doing our best to cover the content on the Weekly Checklist. However, we are finding it hard to complete:1 - Art at school (this week it was fruit art). We just don’t have the correct resources at school. If you have the resources at home – great. If not, then maybe your child could do a drawing following a YouTube lesson or just a free drawing with their pencils/textas.2 – Mathletics and Reading Eggs. With the hygiene/safety procedures that are in place it is hard to “share” devices between children. We would really appreciate it if you could try and complete Reading Eggs and Mathletics at home (if you can).Things that we have noticed this week that we can “fix up” for next week are:*bring recess, lunch, Crunch and Sip?and even a little extra snack – some kids have eaten all their food by lunch and have nothing to eat at fruit break and are saying “But, I’m still hungry”*water bottle – the bubblers should not be used at this stage*hat – there aren’t any in lost property (so they should all be at your homes?)*jumper – it’s cold in the mornings*raincoat – just in case!*home readers to swap – on your colour day*library books to swap – on your colour day*mentals book – every time you come to school *writing book – every time you come to school*checklist (the 2-page document with an overview of what to do in the week) – every time you come to schoolX – there is no need to print out the Learning Pack (the big document with lots of pages to print out). We are teaching the children with the lessons on the SmartBoard. They do NOT need to have an extra copy of this – and it saves on paper and ink! What have you loved about coming back to school?1G:I actually get to see my friends with my real faceI like seeing people other than the ones just in my familyI missed the teachers1M:I’m getting more stronger because I can write more at schoolI get to learn new stuffI think it’s good because I’m making new friends1S:I get to learn more at school I get to spend time with my friendsI can play soccer at lunch again1/2K:I like things going back to normalI like playing games at lunch, with like . . . proper teamsI love seeing our beautiful gardens again2HC:I like getting back to school because I’m learning more. I don’t really learn so much at home I love learning the strategies. This week it was the Split StrategyI really like seeing my friends and teachers again2M:I like seeing my friends againI’m happy to be back. I can see my teachers and friends and I can learn againI really like going to music. It’s not the same at homeSee everyone again next week The Year 1 and 2 teachers ................

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