Monster Genetics Lab - Mrs. Jain

Name: ____________________________ Period: Date: ___________

Monster Genetics (female)

Heredity is the passing on of traits, or characteristics, from parent to offspring. The units of heredity are called genes and different versions of the same gene are called alleles. The combinations of genes and their alleles for each trait occur by chance.

Important vocabulary:









P generation

F1 generation

F2 generation


Punnett square

Homologous Chromosome

Sex-linked Inheritance

Co-dominant Inheritance

Incomplete Inheritance

Mendelian Inheritance

After completing your pre lab you should be familiar with four patterns of inheritance: Sex-linked Inheritance, Co-dominant Inheritance, Incomplete Inheritance, Mendelian Inheritance.

In this investigation, you will create a monster and observe how based on various patterns of inheritance and different allele combinations certain traits are produce.

Part One: Make your Monster

1. Flip a coin twice to determine the genotype for each trait and record it in the data table.

Heads = allele 1, Tails = allele 2 (Example: if you flipped heads twice, your monster will have two copies of allele 1 for his genotype.)

2. Determine the phenotype resulting from the allele pair for each trait.

3. Repeat steps 1-2 for each trait and complete your monster.

4. Draw a picture of your monster in the space provided.

5. You have a Female Monster Give your monster a name.

Table 1: Genotypes & Phenotypes for Female Monster

Unless otherwise noted all traits result from Simple Mendelian Inheritance.

|Trait |Allele 1 |Allele 2 |Genotype |Phenotype |

|Eye |Two small eyes (E) |One large eye (e) | | |

|Eye Color (Incomplete) |Red (R) |White (R’) | | |

|Nose |Small (N) |Large (n) | | |

|Skin Color (Co-dominant) |Green (G) |Blue (B) | | |

|Hair on top of head |Yes (H) |No (h) | | |

|Body Shape |Oval (B) |Square (b) | | |

|Tail Shape |Curly (C) |Straight (c) | | |

|Tail Color (Sex-linked) |Purple (XP) |Orange (Xp) | | |

|Tail |Have tail (T) |No tail (t) | | |

|Teeth (Co-dominant) |Sharp (S) |Round (R) | | |

|Feet |Four toes (F) |Three toes (f) | | |

|Horn Color |Purple (W) |White (w) | | |

|Ear shape (Sex-linked) |Pointy (XA) |Round (Xa) | | |

|Ears |Four ears (E) |Two ears (e) | | |

|Claws (incomplete) |Long (L) |Short (L’) | | |

Monster Genetics (male)

Heredity is the passing on of traits, or characteristics, from parent to offspring. The units of heredity are called genes and different versions of the same gene are called alleles. The combinations of genes and their alleles for each trait occur by chance.

Important vocabulary:









P generation

F1 generation

F2 generation


Punnett square

Homologous Chromosome

Sex-linked Inheritance

Co-dominant Inheritance

Incomplete Inheritance

Mendelian Inheritance

After completing your pre lab you should be familiar with four patterns of inheritance: Sex-linked Inheritance, Co-dominant Inheritance, Incomplete Inheritance, Mendelian Inheritance.

In this investigation, you will create a monster and observe how based on various patterns of inheritance and different allele combinations certain traits are produce.

Part One: Make your Monster

1. Flip a coin twice to determine the genotype for each trait and record it in the data table.

Heads = allele 1, Tails = allele 2 (Example: if you flipped heads twice, your monster will have two copies of allele 1 for his genotype.)

For the sex linked traits heads = X chromosome with allele A, Tails = X chromosome with allele B

2. Determine the phenotype resulting from the allele pair for each trait.

3. Repeat steps 1-2 for each trait and complete your monster.

4. Draw a picture of your monster in the space provided.

5. You have a Male Monster Give your monster a name.

Table 1: Genotypes & Phenotypes for Male Monster

Unless otherwise noted all traits result from Simple Mendelian Inheritance.

|Trait |Allele 1 |Allele 2 |Genotype |Phenotype |

|Eye |Two small eyes (E) |One large eye (e) | | |

|Eye Color (Incomplete) |Red (R) |White (R’) | | |

|Nose |Small (N) |Large (n) | | |

|Skin Color (Co-dominant) |Green (G) |Blue (B) | | |

|Hair on top of head |Yes (H) |No (h) | | |

|Body Shape |Oval (B) |Square (b) | | |

|Tail Shape |Curly (C) |Straight (c) | | |

|Tail Color (Sex-linked) |A=Purple (XP), B= Orange (Xp) | Y | | |

|Tail |Have tail (T) |No tail (t) | | |

|Teeth (Co-dominant) |Sharp (S) |Round (R) | | |

|Feet |Four toes (F) |Three toes (f) | | |

|Horn Color |Purple (W) |White (w) | | |

|Ear shape (Sex-linked) |A=Pointy (XA), B= Round (Xa) | Y | | |

|Ears |Four ears (E) |Two ears (e) | | |

|Claws (incomplete) |Long (L) |Short (L’) | | |

Part Two: Making Monster Babies

The female and male monsters at each table are getting married and they plan to have baby monsters. They are interested in finding out the probabilities of which traits their offspring will have.

Complete Punnett squares to predict what traits would result from a cross between your two monsters. Write out the genotypic & phenotypic ratios for eyes, body shape, Tail, & horn color.

Eyes ________ x ________ Teeth

Genotypic ratio ________________

Phenotypic ratio ________________

Body Shape ________ x ________ Nose

Genotypic ratio ________________

Phenotypic ratio ________________

Tail ________ x ________ Feet

Genotypic ratio ________________

Phenotypic ratio ________________

Horn color ________ x ________ Hair

Genotypic ratio ________________

Phenotypic ratio ________________

Skin color eye color Tail color

1. How many different genotypes for horn color could be produced in your monsters’ offspring?

2. What is the probability of your offspring producing a female carrier for round ears?

3. Write out three possible parental crosses that could produce a child with a heterozygous genotype for tail shape (Cc).

Critical Thinking and Application: ANSWER IN COMPLETE SENTENCES!!!

1. How might it be possible for the baby monster to show traits that neither of the parents exhibit?

a. Could your Monsters produce offspring that had traits that neither of the parents exhibited? Which trait(s).

2. Do you think the baby monster could have some traits of the grandparents?

3. A small monster colony has a large amount of monsters that have an abnormal amount of horns. Why might this trait be so prevalent in this colony?

Using you’re the Punnett Squares you have made crossing the male and female monsters at your table draw an offspring on the designated paper. NOTE: you may need to complete a couple more Punnett squares in order to have one for every monster trait.

When you are finished drawing your monster baby compare your monster baby with the monster babies made using the same parent monsters at your table. While your monster babies may resemble each other they should not be identical. Which of Mendel’s Laws is demonstrated here? Explain

Female Monster

Male Monster


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