Wisconsin Awana Bible Quiz Rules Quizzing Objectives To proclaim God’s wonderful grace and salvation through Bible quiz questions. Parents and friends may then see their need of becoming a Christian and be challenged to accept Christ as Savior. To promote and encourage young people in Bible memorization and review of their Awana handbooks.To provide a competitive atmosphere in which participants can display their Bible knowledge and gain a sense of accomplishment. To give young people a greater love for- and working knowledge of – the Bible.To build quiz leader-participant relationships.Authorization All Awana Bible Quiz meets must be authorized by Awana Event Specialist. If Awana registered churches are interested in a regional Bible Quiz meet, they should contact their area Awana Event Specialist.Quiz Format OverviewAwana Bible Quizzing incorporates the following formatsIndividual Multiple-ChoiceThe multiple-choice segment allows participants to perform in a low-key competitive atmosphere. Participants from each book are given an opportunity to answer a series of multiple-choice questions. HuddleIn the huddle quizzing segment clubbers from each book compete against other teams in the same book. There is a series of questions per book. All teams will be read the same question, and then each team will write their answer on a dry erase board. Team SpeedIn the speed quizzing segment clubbers from each book compete against other teams in the same book. There is a series of questions per book. All teams will be read the same question, and the first team to respond is allowed to answer the question. Totaled scores from each format are used to determine the anizationThe organization of the regional Bible Quiz meets depends on the number of churches and teams participating. A team consists of one to six members per handbook. Up to 4 quizzers will be allowed on the platform at one time. Substitutions can be made after question 4 of the round. A team refers to the participants in each book. . . not to a total group of clubbers representing a church.RegistrationEach Bible Quiz meet must include a minimum of three churches.Each meet must have three teams quizzing in each book to qualify as an official Bible Quiz meet. Teams must register online. Early registration could guarantee participation in situations when many churches register.Teams are accepted on a “First paid” basis. The church may register for any or all books, but is not required to enter all books. The registration fee is set by the Awana Event Specialist to help defray the cost of the quiz. General InformationTeam Each Clubber must quiz from the handbook they are working in for the present Awana year.Cheering and applauding are encouraged after each answer is given. Informality helps relax quiz participant and motivates them as they compete.Substitutes must be in the same book as the one for whom they are substituted.Clubbers who have quizzed out may not return as a substitute.Substitutions may be made at the halfway point of the multiple choice round. ApparelAwana emphasizes the importance of modesty, neatness and cleanliness in the apparel worn by both leaders and clubbers of all ages.Quiz Questions and AnswersAll questions will be taken from the material in the latest edition of the Awana handbooks. Participants are not expected to interpret the materials.The Awana Event Specialist will determine the quiz material covered.Questions may be asked on any part of the books assigned, including verses, Bible readings, definitions, etc.The quizmaster prefaces each question with the word “Question.” No talking is allowed from the word “Question” until the answer is given.Should the quiz master read a question improperly, the question may be discarded and a new one selected.All Bible verses must be quoted word-perfect according to the latest edition of the Awana handbook. If requested, the quotation must include the complete reference.No recording of the questions is allowed. No writing them down and no video recording of them is allowed. Help from the audience counts as a wrong answer, even if the answer is correct.Use of Handbooks, Bibles etc…Once the Bible quizzing has begun, no further studying of handbooks, Bible or other materials is allowed.Time-outsThe quizmaster is the only official who can declare a time-out.Coaches Each team is allowed only one official coach during the quiz meet.The team coach may talk to their teams while the teams rotate for the quiz or during team substitutions. Appeals Only the official coach may appeal a question or an answer. The coach does this by calling out “Question.” The immediate preceding question is the only one that may be appealed by the coach. All appeals are directed to the head judge. When recognized, the coach confers privately with the head judge. After the coach voices the question, the coach must return to his or her seat while a decision is being made. The head judge may consult with quiz judges before making a decision. In all cases, the decision of the head judge is final.Once the quizmaster says “Question,” to being the next question no appeals will be accepted. Schedule Teams are to be checked in by their coach at the time stated by the Awana Event Specialist.Coaches will submit the names of their quizzers on the quiz roster sheet/score sheet when they check in for the quiz meet. Rules on the Types of Quizzing Multiple-Choice Quizzing Quizzers from each team by book will be asked a series of multiple-choice questions. Questions and possible answers will be read once. There will be three answers to choose from. Quizzers will have five seconds to determine their choice of answers. Question may be read twice if the quizmaster deems necessary.During the reading of the questions, quizzers must look down at their paddles while deciding their answers. Until the quiz master says “Paddles up” looking anywhere other than at the paddle is automatic disqualification. When all the answers have been given, the quizmaster will say, “Select your answer.” After five seconds he will say “Paddles up,” all quizzers should raise their answers simultaneously.After the “paddles up” call has been made, no paddle may be exchanged for another paddle. If a participant’s paddle is raised late, the participant is disqualified from that question. At the “Paddles Down” command, all participants should lower their paddles and put them back for the next question. Teams are awarded 10 points for each correct answer; there is no loss of points for an incorrect answer. The format will be a specific number of questions or a timed portion.Team Huddle Quizzing1. Team Huddle Round will consist of 8 questions per team category.Up to 4 quizzers from each team may be on the platform at one time. Substitutions can be made after question 4 of the round.Teams will sit on chairs facing each other in a circle. Each team will have a white board, dry erase marker, and eraser.In this segment, a series of questions will be asked. Each question may be read twice. The team is allowed approximately 30 seconds to confer quietly and come up with one answer. This answer is then written on the white board (within 30 seconds). When the answer is recorded, the writer should raise the marker above his/her head to indicate that the team is ready.At the end of 30 seconds (or when all markers are raised), the quizmaster will call “Boards Up” and the quizzers will display their answers to the audience.If there is concern about the correctness of an answer, Judges will decide whether the answer is valid. Only a blank slate or everything marked out is a wrong-answer.Questions asked (other than Scripture quotations) may be answered in the participant’s own words, but must be close to what the handbook states. The Judges determine whether anything important to the meaning has been left out or altered.If the team successfully answers ALL 8 Huddle Questions correctly their team is awarded an extra 30 bonus points.Team Speed Quizzing One to four quizzers from each team may participate. The first team to signal in is acknowledged. The quizmaster stops at this point and the team is recognized. The team has 10 seconds to confer and begin its answer. Once the answer is begun, no help can be given. A team member cannot answer more than two consecutive questions for their team. If the first team answers correctly, the value of the question is added to its score. If the first team answers incorrectly, half the value of the question is deducted from its score. If the first team answers incorrectly the quizmaster will then recognize the team that signaled in second. The Quizmaster will reread the question. The team has five seconds to begin its answer and 30 seconds to complete their answer. If correct, the reduced value (half) is added to the team score.If incorrect, half of the reduced value is deducted from the team score.Any team answering five speed questions correctly “Quizzes Out” and is awarded 30 extra points.Score – Scorekeeping - AwardsEach correct multiple-choice question is worth 10 points; no points are deducted for incorrect answers. Each correct answer in Team-Huddle is worth 20 points; no points are deducted for incorrect answers. There will be a bonus of 30 points added to any team who correctly answers all 8 questions for Team-Huddle.In the event of a first place tie, 3 additional Huddle questions will be asked and the team that answers the most questions correctly will be declared the winning team.Each correct answer in Team-Speed is worth 20 points; incorrect answers will result in 10 points deducted from team score for the first team signaling in. If another team gets a speed question incorrect, the second team to answer will be awarded 10 points for a correct answer, incorrect answers will result in 5 points deducted from team score.There will be a bonus of 30 points added to any team who “Quizzes Out” during the Team-Speed.In the event of a first place tie, the teams will be given speed questions to break the tie. Whichever team answers two questions correctly wins the tie. The first team to signal is the only team to answer. Any questions about the score of a team should be brought up by the teams coach to the head scorekeeper. This must be done immediately. Awards will be handed out to all the quizzers and one team coach. Chain of Command Event Specialist QuizmasterHead JudgeJudges/Room Monitor/TimersScorekeepersTeam CoachesQuizzing Staff Each church must provide at least one worker who is acquainted with the quiz rules. Each volunteer must arrive at the time designated by the Awana Event Specialist. Each volunteer must fill out a “Day Volunteer Form.” ................

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