
1. The mind of God

2. The state of mankind

3. The way of salvation

4. The doom of the sinner

5. The happiness of the believer.

It is-

1. Milk for babes

2. Meat for strong men

3. Medicine for sick people.

It furnishes-

1. Light to direct

2. Food to support

3. Comfort to cheer.

It is the-

1. Traveler’s map

2. Pilgrim’s staff

3. Pilot’s compass

4. Soldier’s sword

5. Christian’s charter.

It will-

1. Fill the memory

2. Rule the heart

3. Guide the feet

4. Reward the labor

5. Condemn the carnal.

What to do with the Bible?

1. Know it in the head

2. Stow it in the heart

3. Show it in the life

4. Sow it in the world

5. Read it to be wise

6. Believe it to be safe

7. Practice it to be holy.

Read it-

1. Slowly

2. Frequently

3. Prayerfully

4. Reverently

5. Dig it up

6. Write it down

7. Pray it in

8. Live it out

9. Pass it on.


[1] Christian Worker’s Magazine (1916), pg. 703 (later became Moody Monthly).


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