Lesson Plan Note: InTASC Model Core Teaching Standard Alignment in redGUIDING FRAMEWORKName: Tyler RungeDate: 10/23/17Grade: 12Grouping Formats: __X__ Whole Group __X___ Small Group __X___ Individual: _____ (check all that apply)Total number of students: __8___Individualized Learning Goals (specify for each identified student): Instructional Context: Student shave knowledge about Nazi Germany, and the war fought. Most students have very little knowledge about how the Nazi’s were able to gain and maintain power. This lesson is the foundation to build scaffolding to high level thinking about how dictatorships can arise. Central Focus: Students will know the methods used by Nazi Germany to gain and maintain power in Germany. Title of Lesson: Nazi powerState Curriculum Standard(s): SS.H.3.9-12 Evaluate the methods utilized by people and institutions to promote change.Theme:Global Connections Learning Objective(s): Students will know how propaganda and laws played into the Nazi Party keeping power in Germany and if they relate to our modern day world.Assessments: Exit slipAcademic Language: Nuremburg LawsFuhrerHitler YouthPropagandaInstructional Materials: Nazi LawsNazi Laws AnalysisNazi PropogandaInstruction: Attention Getter:To start the students will be paired up and given a piece of Nazi Propaganda. The students will have a couple minutes to analyze the propaganda. Once finished, all the groups will write on the board what they found out about their piece of propaganda. Once everyone is done, I will put the propaganda up on the projector and the pair will explain what it is they found out about their propaganda. We will repeat this until done and discuss questions like:How did they get away with publishing this?Why did people follow the Nazi’s? Could this happen today?Once finished, we will move onto the lesson.Lesson:To transition from propaganda to laws, we will quickly discuss generally how a law gets passed, and how an anti-semetic or racist law gets passed. Once done discussing, I will hand out two laws/events that happened in the early rise of the Nazi party to each student. The student will fill out a handout about each law. While analyzing the law, they will ask questions like:What does this law do?Who benefits from this law?Who suffers from this law?Is there a hidden meaning behind this law?How could this law influence the German people?Why would the Nazi’s pass this law?Once each student has these questions answered for each of their laws, we will work our way around the table discussing each students laws and what they found.Conclusion:To conclude this lesson we will do an exit slip that wraps up what we have discussed today. There is also a question about the Hitlre Youth, our topic during the next lesson, to get the students thinking. The last question is an analytical question where they apply what they learned today to their real lives.Analysis of Student Learning & Next Steps (Post Conference): Using the assessment at the end of the lesson about Hitler Youth, and connecting that the laws and propaganda, I will determine if the students fully grasped the concept of how the Nazis maintained power. If the students do not fully comprehend, we will spend more time going over the material in our next lesson. If they show comprehension, we will move onto the next lesson and build upon what we learned in this lesson.Created by Georgia State University College of Education and Human Development Name_______________Nazi Law AnalysisWhat does this law do?Who benefits from this law?Who suffers from this law?How could this law influence the German people?Why would the Nazi party pass this law?Is there hidden meaning behind this law?Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor of September 15, 1935Article 11. Marriages between Jews and subjects of the state of German or related blood are forbidden. Marriages nevertheless concluded are invalid, even if concluded abroad to circumvent this law.2. Annulment proceedings can be initiated only by the state prosecutor.Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor of September 15, 1935Article 3Jews may not employ in their households female subjects of the state of German or related blood who are under 45 years old.Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor of September 15, 1935Article 41. Jews are forbidden to fly the Reich or national flag or display Reich colors.2. They are, on the other hand, permitted to display the Jewish colors. The exercise of this right is protected by the state.Reich Citizenship Law of September 15, 1935Article 21. A Reich citizen is a subject of the state who is of German or related blood, and proves by his conduct that he is willing and fit to faithfully serve the German people and Reich.2. Reich citizenship is acquired through the granting of a Reich citizenship certificate.3. The Reich citizen is the sole bearer of full political rights in accordance with the law.Addition to the Reich Citizenship Law November 14, 1935Article 41. A Jew cannot be a Reich citizen. He has no voting rights in political matters; he cannot occupy a public office.2. Jewish officials will retire as of December 31, 1935Addition to the Reich Citizenship Law November 14, 1935Article 51. A Jew is a person descended from at least three grandparents who are full Jews by race . . . .2. A Mischling [someone of mixed background] . . . is also considered a Jew if he is descended from two full Jewish grandparents . . . .Oath of Reich Officials and of German Soldiers, of 20 August 19348Article 21. The oath of loyalty of public officials will be: “I swear: I shall be loyal and obedient to Adolf Hitler, the Führer of the German Reich and people, respect the laws, and fulfill my official duties conscientiously, so help me God.”2. The oath of loyalty of the soldiers of the armed forces will be: “I swear by God this sacred oath: I will render unconditional obedience to Adolf Hitler, the Führer of the German Reich and people, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, and will be ready as a brave soldier to risk my life at any time for this oath.”Article 3Officials already in service must swear this oath without delay according to Article 2 number 1.Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service, April 7, 1939Article 3Civil servants who are not of Aryan descent are to be retired; if they are honorary officials, they are to be dismissed from their official status.Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service, April 7, 1939Article 41. Civil servants whose previous political activities afford no assurance that they will at all times give their fullest support to the national State, can be dismissed from the service. . . .Amendment to the Administration of the Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service of 11 April 1933Regarding Article 2:Unfit, are all civil servants who belong to the communist party or communist aid or supplementary organization. They are, therefore, to be discharged.Amendment to the Administration of the Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service of 11 April 1933Regarding Article 3:1. A person is to be regarded as non-Aryan, who is descended from non-Aryans, especially Jewish parents or grandparents. This holds true even if only one parent or grandparent is of non-Aryan descent. This premise especially obtains if one parent or grandparent was of Jewish faith.3. If Aryan descent is doubtful, an opinion must be obtained from the expert on racial research commissioned by the Reich Minister of the Interior.Law Concerning the Hitler Youth of December 1, 1936Article 1The entire German youth within the borders of the Reich is organized in the Hitler Youth.Law Concerning the Hitler Youth of December 1, 1936Article 2It is not only in home and school, but in the Hitler Youth as well that all of Germany’s youth is to be educated, physically, mentally, and morally, in the spirit of National Socialism, to serve the nation and the racial community.Law Concerning the Hitler Youth of December 1, 1936Article 3The task of educating the entire German youth is entrusted to the Reich Youth Leader of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. He thus becomes the “Youth Leader of the German Reich.” His office shall rank with that of a ministry. He shall reside in Berlin, and be responsible directly to the Führer and Chancellor.Law Against the Establishment of Parties, 14 July 1933Article IThe National Socialist German Workers’ Party constitutes the only political party in Germany.Article 2Whoever undertakes to maintain the organization of another political party or to form a new political party shall be punished with penal servitude of up to three years or with imprisonment of between six months and three years, unless the act is subject to a heavier penalty under other regulations. ................

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