STORMY WEATHER (1929-1936)

Our Century: Stormy Weather (1929-1936)DIRECTIONS: FILL IN THE BLANKS, ANSWER QUESTIONS, OR ANSWER ANY TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS BY CIRCLING T OR F.What were thousands of vets called that asked for the war bonus? The Bonus ArmyMany Americans were desperate & American system of government was in danger. T/FWhat signed the beginning of the Depression? The stock market crash of October, 1929The depression affected everyone!T/FPeople rushed to banks, but many had failed/closed. T/FMany were forced to sell their homes, furniture – everything!T/FMost people blamed the government.T/FAid by the government was not available.T/FWhat were 3 escapes for people during the Depression? Going to the theater, dancing/jazz music, listening to the radioWhat was the new type of jazz called? SwingWhat environmental disaster affected the farms on the plains? Drought/Dust BowlMany fled to the plain to the Promise Land of “California.”There was fear of Revolution, strikes, and protest. T/FHoover did nothing to help with the Depression and some Americans left for Russia. T/FThe Depression affected Germany and other countries in Europe as well. T/FWho offered hope to the German people? Adolf Hitler, leader of the Nazi MovementIn 1932, Hoover became associated with failure.Shanty towns became known as HoovervillesOld newspapers became known as HooverblanketsEmpty pockets became known as HooverflagsWho won the Presidency in 1932 & promised a “New Deal”? Franklin D. RooseveltBy 1933 16 million (#) were unemployed or 25% of the work force.FDR said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”Name 3 things FDR did in his first 100 days as President to help the people. a. Restored confidence in the country’s financial system by closing the nation’s banks and ordering the Treasury to rush them $2 billion in new currency. When banks reopened, deposits exceeded withdrawals b. Regulated business c. Helped farmers Labor was given the right to unionize. T/FWho became a political threat to FDR by redistributing the wealth of America and promised a house, car, & radio to all Americans? U.S. Senator and former Louisiana Governor Huey Long (aka “the kingfish”)Name 2 programs of FDR’s 2nd One Hundred Days (2nd New Deal). a. Social Security Programs b. Welfare for the Poor c. Works Progress AdministrationMany felt FDR was a godsend & he saved our democracy. T/FBy 1937, the Depression had ended.T/FIn Germany, Hitler had ended the Depression. T/FHow did Hitler do this? Rearmament What other promise did Hitler make to the German people? - To build a new German empire – one that would last thousands of years ................

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