Budget and Financial Policies - CSMFO

(Source: City of Peoria, AZ, Annual Program Budget, Fiscal Year 2000)

Budget and Financial Policies

To ensure the long-term economic stability of the organization, the City of Peoria has developed a series of financial and budgetary policies. Using both operational guidelines and quantitative standards, these policies strive to maintain a stable and a positive financial position for the foreseeable future. Moreover they provide guidelines to the Management Services Department in planning and directing the City's day-to-day financial affairs, and in developing recommendations to the City Manager and Council. The overall debt management policy of the City is to ensure that financial resources of the City are adequate in any general economic situation to not preclude the City's ability to pay its debt when due.

The following outline provides an overview of the fiscal management policies followed within the City of Peoria:

|Fund Balance Objectives |

|General Fund Undesignated Fund Balance |Will be maintained to provide the City with sufficient working capital and a |

| |comfortable margin of safety to address emergencies and unexpected declines in |

| |revenue without borrowing. |

| |Should not be used to support recurring operating expenditures. |

| |The upper goal for the fund balance is 10%, but not less than 5% of the average |

| |actual General Fund revenues for the preceding five fiscal years. |

| |Funds in excess of upper goal may be considered to supplement "pay as you go" capital|

| |outlay expenditures or prepay existing debt. |

|One Half Cent Sales Tax |Maintain an undesignated fund balance equal to 10% of the average actual One Half |

| |Sales Tax Fund revenues for the preceding five fiscal years. |

| |$1,000,000 fund balance to be set aside to support debt service of the MDA and I.D. |

| |financing. |

|Enterprise Funds |Operating cash reserves are maintained to provide the City with sufficient working |

| |capital and to offer a comfortable margin of safety to address emergencies and |

| |unexpected declines in revenue. |

| |The goal for each enterprise fund reserve is 20% of the average actual operating |

| |revenues for the preceding five fiscal years. |

|Contingency Appropriation |

|Annual Budget |Each operating budget will include a contingency appropriation sufficient t(, provide|

| |for temporary financing of unanticipated needs of an emergency I nature for that|

| |year. |

|Fund Balance Objectives |

|Insurance Reserves |Shall be maintained at a level that will adequately indemnify the City's capital assets |

| |and its officers and directors against loss. |

| |A bi-annual study of potential liability areas shall be the basis for determining |

| |minimum self-insurance reserves. |

| |The upper goal for the fund balance is 10%, but not less than 5% of the average actual |

| |General Fund revenues for the preceding five fiscal years. |

| |Funds in excess of upper goal may be considered to supplement "pay as you go" capital |

| |outlay expenditures or prepay existing debt. |

|Replacement Funds |Provisions will be made in annual operating budgets for sufficient maintenance and |

| |replacement dollars to ensure that all capital acquisitions computer hardware and |

| |software, and other equipment are properly maintained and replaced in accordance with |

| |approved capital and equipment replacement schedules |

|Capital Improvements |

|Long-Range Planning |A five year long-range financial forecasting system will be used that incorporates both |

| |revenue and expenditure estimates for all City funds. The long-range forecast will be |

| |updated annually. |

| |A five year capital improvement program will be updated annually and include the cost of|

| |construction and operating expenditures. No capital improvement projects will be |

| |authorized until full cash funding has been established to finance the project. |

| |Operating cost of new capital will be reviewed as part of the five-year capital |

| |improvement program. Annual expenditure increases will include the cost of maintaining |

| |and operating new capital improvement projects brought on-line during the previous |

| |fiscal year. |

|Control Measures and Compliance |

|Disclosure |The City's annual financial statements and bond representations shall fully disclose all|

| |significant events and financial and related issues as provided by the departments to |

| |the Director of Management Services |

| |Accounting and Budgeting functions will comply with standards issued by the Governmental|

| |Accounting Standards Board, the National Council on Governmental Accounting, and |

| |American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, and the Government Finance Officers |

| |Association. |

| |Annual rate and impact fee reviews will be conducted for all funds as part of its annual|

| |budget program. |

| |The City shall comply with all state and federal regulations concerning financial |

| |management and reporting. |

|Fund Balance Objectives |

|Insurance Reserves |Shall be maintained at a level that will adequately indemnify the City's capital assets |

| |and its officers and directors against loss. |

| |A bi-annual study of potential liability areas shall be the basis for determining |

| |minimum self-insurance reserves. |

| |The upper goal for the fund balance is 10%, but not less than 5% of the average actual |

| |General Fund revenues for the preceding five fiscal years. |

| |Funds in excess of upper goal may be considered to supplement "pay as you go" capital |

| |outlay expenditures or prepay existing debt. |

|Replacement Funds |Provisions will be made in annual operating budgets for sufficient maintenance and |

| |replacement dollars to ensure that all capital acquisitions computer hardware and |

| |software, and other equipment are properly maintained and replaced in accordance with |

| |approved capital and equipment replacement schedules |

|Capital Improvements |

|Long-Range Planning |A five year long-range financial forecasting system will be used that incorporates both |

| |revenue and expenditure estimates for all City funds. The long-range forecast will be |

| |updated annually. |

| |A five year capital improvement program will be updated annually and include the cost of|

| |construction and operating expenditures. No capital improvement projects will be |

| |authorized until full cash funding has been established to finance the project. |

| |Operating cost of new capital will be reviewed as part of the five-year capital |

| |improvement program. Annual expenditure increases will include the cost of maintaining |

| |and operating new capital improvement projects brought on-line during the previous |

| |fiscal year. |

|Control Measures and Compliance |

|Disclosure |The City's annual financial statements and bond representations shall fully disclose all|

| |significant events and financial and related issues as provided by the departments to |

| |the Director of Management Services |

| |Accounting and Budgeting functions will comply with standards issued by the Governmental|

| |Accounting Standards Board, the National Council on Governmental Accounting, and |

| |American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, and the Government Finance Officers |

| |Association. |

| |Annual rate and impact fee reviews will be conducted for all funds as part of its annual|

| |budget program. |

| |The City shall comply with all state and federal regulations concerning financial |

| |management and reporting. |

|Debt Management Policy |

|Objectives |To improve the City's current underlying bond ratings with the major municipal rating |

| |services. |

| |To maintain regular contact with rating agencies through meetings and visits on and |

| |off-site. |

| |To secure ratings on all bonds issued if economically feasible. |

| |To develop a balanced "pay-as-you-go" and "pay-as-you-use" capital improvement program |

| |as an element of the annual budget process. |

| |To update the City's Five Year Capital Improvement Program in conjunction with the |

| |annual budget development process |

| |To retire new debt as quickly as possible if it does not place an undue strain on the |

| |budget. (Standard is to not fall below 5 0% retired within 10 years.) |

| |To annually review existing water and sewer rates and charges and to recommend changes |

| |in order to maintain bonded debt coverage of at least 1.75 times (without consideration |

| |of expansion fee revenue.) |

| |To develop and maintain with the assistance of the City's Financial Advisor a "Financial|

| |Indicator Analysis" to be used to track financial trends and warning signals. |

| |To develop and maintain an assessment of the debt management key ratios for the purpose |

| |of comparing with other local governments and rating agencies credit criteria. |


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