Minutes for Executive Committee September 22, 1993 meeting.



(From the meeting held on

Wednesday, September 22, 1993)


Mayor J. Reimer Mayor J. Reimer

Alderman J. Bethel Alderman J. Bethel

Alderman L. Chahley Alderman L. Chahley

Alderman R. Hayter

Alderman S. McKay Alderman S. McKay


Alderman A. Bolstad*

Alderman T. Cavanagh*

Alderman T. Gomberg*

Alderman B. Mason*

Alderman M. Phair*

R. Picherack, City Manager

R.L. Ardiel, Acting City Manager

D. Edey, Office of the City Clerk

* Present for part of the meeting.


Mayor Reimer called the meeting to order at 1:37 p.m.


MOVED Alderman McKay:

That all the D and E Items be brought forward at this time.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Chahley, McKay. CARRIED

ABSENT: Alderman Hayter.


MOVED Alderman McKay:

That the following revised dates be approved:

| Item No. | Report Title | Department | Revised |

| | | |Due Date |

|D.3.a. |Alderman McKay re: New Appointment of Peter Fernandes |City Manager |Oct 6/93 |

|D.3.b. |Report on S.P.C.A. |Finance |Oct 20/93 |

|D.3.c. |Breakdown on Professional Services Contract |Finance |Oct 6/93 |

|D.3.d. |Capital Projects at the Edmonton Art Gallery |Finance |Oct 6/93 |

|D.3.e. |Report on Harry Wiede |Finance |Oct 6/93 |

|D.3.f. |Regulations, Guidelines & Bylaws that Govern Outdoor |Finance |Oct 6/93 |

| |Activities | | |

|D.3.g. |Community Based Bylaw Enforcement |Finance |Oct 6/93 |

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Chahley, McKay. CARRIED

ABSENT: Alderman Hayter.


MOVED Alderman McKay:

That the following items be deleted from the agenda:

E.01. Proposed resolution to declare that a condition on land or premises municipally described as 18816 - 86A Avenue, Edmonton AB, is in an untidy and unsightly condition

E.02. Proposed resolution to declare that a condition on land or premises municipally described as 11919 - 127 Street, Edmonton AB, is in an untidy and unsightly condition

E.04. Proposed resolution to declare that a condition on land or premises municipally described as 13015 - 114 Street, Edmonton AB, is in an untidy and unsightly condition

E.05. Proposed resolution to declare that a condition on land or premises municipally described as 10928 - 92 Street, Edmonton AB, is in an untidy and unsightly condition

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Chahley, McKay. CARRIED

ABSENT: Alderman Hayter.

E.03 Proposed resolution to declare that a condition on land or premises municipally described as 17007 - 94 Street, Edmonton AB, is in an untidy and unsightly condition


Mayor Reimer asked if there was anyone present to speak to this item.

J. Tidridge, Bylaw Enforcement Section, Finance Department; G. Stewart-Palmer, Office of the City Solicitor; and W. Whalen, registered owner of the property, answered the Committee's questions.

|The Executive Committee of The City of Edmonton orders that: |City Manager |

| |Finance |

|1. The property legally described as: PLAN 8022148, BLOCK 8, LOT 159, Edmonton, Alberta, is in an untidy | |

|and unsightly condition. | |

| | |

|2. Prior to October 6, 1993, the registered owners of the said property, Warren J. and Donna Whalen, are | |

|required to: remove any obstruction from the walkway and any other material causing or contributing to | |

|the untidy and unsightly condition of the property. | |

| |Cont'd. |

|3. In the event that the owners fail, neglect or refuse to comply with this Order within the time period | |

|set forth herein, the Director of the Investigation/ Enforcement Unit of the Finance Department and his | |

|appointees shall be hereby authorized to enter upon the property in order to effect such work as may be | |

|necessary to prevent or abate the nuisance, and the cost of that work shall be charged to the owners of | |

|the land. | |

| | |

|4. In default of payment within twenty-one (21) days of the said work being done, the cost incurred | |

|therein shall be charged as a debt due to the municipality and may be charged against the land concerned | |

|as taxes due and owing in respect of the land and may be recovered as such by the municipality. | |

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Chahley, McKay. CARRIED

ABSENT: Alderman Hayter.


MOVED Alderman Chahley:

That the balance of the Executive Committee agenda for the September 8, 1993 meeting be adopted with the addition of the following items:

G.3.a. Appointment of Legal Counsel for the City of Edmonton

G.8.i. Sale of Land to 513303 Alberta Ltd. for $177,120; located East of 170 Street and South of 100th Avenue

G.8.j. Sale of Land for $443,000.00 to The Summit on Terwillegar Hill Ltd. or Nominee located South of 26 Avenue and East on 42 Street

G.8.k. Sale of Land to 572127 Alberta Ltd. for $175,000; located South of 98 Avenue and West of 96 Street, Cloverdale

G.8.l. Sale of Land for $5,000 at 117 Street and 110 A Avenue to Rodney John Murray and Mary Anita Murray

G.8.m. Sale of Land to Brydor Business Enterprises Ltd. for $4,320; Located East of 76 Street and South of 123 A Avenue

G.8.n. Sale of Land to Bischoff General Contracting Ltd. for $14,215; Located East of 76 Street and South of 123A Avenue

G.8.o. Sale of Land for $12,000.00 to Kenny J. Wong, Keith F. Wong, Rex T. Wong, and Terry J. Wong; Located South of 118 Avenue and West of 58 Street

G.8.p. Sale of Land for $3,000 Located at 92 Avenue and 156 Street to William Rodger Davidson and Joan Kathleen Davidson

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Chahley, McKay. CARRIED

ABSENT: Alderman Hayter.

MOVED Alderman Chahley:

That the following item be deleted from the agenda:

G.5.o. C - Early Repayment of Water Debentures

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Chahley, McKay. CARRIED

ABSENT: Alderman Hayter.


MOVED Alderman Bethel:

That the Minutes of the September 8, 1993 Executive Committee Meeting No. 21, be adopted.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Chahley, McKay. CARRIED

ABSENT: Alderman Hayter.

MOVED Alderman Chahley:

That the following persons be heard:

1. John Horboway Item G.5.c

2. John Campbell Item G.5.e.

3. Scott Mitchell Item G.5.g.

4. Matthew Mercredi Item G.5.h

5. Bryan Goulet Item G.5.k

6. Michael Farris Item G.8.g.

Ary de Moor

7. Connie Doherty Item H.04

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Chahley, McKay. CARRIED

ABSENT: Alderman Hayter.


MOVED Alderman Chahley:

That the following items be exempted for debate:

G.5.c, G.5.e, G.5.g, G.5.h, G.5.k, G.5.m, G.5.n, G.6.a, G.8.a, G.8.b, G.8.g, G.8.h, H.02 and H.04; and

G.3.a. Appointment of Legal Counsel for the City of Edmonton


|That the appointment of Mr. W. Hurlburt, Q.C., be approved as outside counsel to assist in the defence, on|City Manager |

|behalf of the City of an application to the Court of Queen's Bench to quash the Mill Rate Bylaw, at an |City Solicitor |

|estimated fee of $30,000.00. | |

G.5.a. Open Tenders and Consultant Appointments Pending Report dated September 01, 1993


|That the September 01, 1993 Finance Department report be |City Manager |

|received as information. |Finance |

G.5.b The Edmonton Knights of Columbus Minor Hockey Association, regarding application to the Alberta Local Authorities Board for exemption of property located at 13160 - 137 Avenue


|That the City Assessor be directed to notify the Local |City Manager |

|Authorities Board, that the City of Edmonton objects to the granting of an exemption for this property. |Finance |

G.5.d. Letter dated June 30, 1993 from Ricardo Lartiga requesting a refund of property taxes re: 385 Burton Road, Edmonton, Tax Roll No. 3765831


|That the Assessor be authorized under Section 64 of the |City Manager |

|Municipal Taxation Act to correct the 1992 Supplementary |Finance |

|Assessment Roll and to rebate the resulting taxes in the | |

|amount of $761.02 to Ricardo Lartiga re: Tax Roll No. 3765831. | |

G.5.f. Letter (3322) dated July 16, 1993 from Michael Freckleton Tax Roll No. 4118915


|That the request for cancellation of penalties due to late payment of 1992 and 1993 property taxes be |City Manager |

|denied. |Finance |

G.5.i. Letter dated July 5, 1993 from Stephen Wan requesting refund to taxes on 1752 - 48 Street, Tax Account No. 9810466


|That the Assessor be authorized under Section 64 of the |City Manager |

|Municipal Taxation Act to correct the 1991 and 1992 assessment rolls and rebate the resulting taxes in the|Finance |

|amount of $126.40 plus any penalties to Stephen Wan of 1752 - 48 Street (Tax Account No. 9810466). | |

G.5.j. Letter (3289) dated July 19, 1993 from Gregorio P. Riego, re: 10718 - 92 Street


|That the Assessor be authorized, under the authority of |City Manager |

|Section 106 of the Municipal Taxation Act, to abate a portion of the 1993 property taxes on the subject in|Finance |

|the amount of $198.94 to Gregorio P. Riego, re: 10718 - 92 Street. | |

G.5.l. Letter (3357) dated August 19, 1993 from Warren Lougheed, 15229 - 67 Street, Edmonton, T5C 3N9, re: Tax Roll #1047406


|That the request for cancellation of penalties in the amount of $97.41 due to late payment of 1993 |City Manager |

|property taxes be denied from Warren Lougheed, 15229 - 67 Street, Edmonton (Tax Roll #1047406) |Finance |

G.8.c. C Bylaw 10519 - A Bylaw to approve the purchase of a 30 year Easement from The Governors of the University of Alberta in a portion of S.W. ¼ 19-52-24-W4 located on 122 Street north of 63 Avenue for the sum of $1.00


1. That the purchase of a 30 year Easement in a portion of S.W. ¼ 19-52-24-W4 containing 0.021 hectares of land from The Governors of the University of Alberta for the sum of $1.00 be approved.

2. That Bylaw 10519 be forwarded to City Council for appropriate readings.

G.8.d. Encroachment Agreement - Brian David Gerdes


|That a Standard Form Encroachment Agreement be authorized |City Manager |

|between the City and Brian David Gerdes at a price of |Planning |

|$1,874.00 permitting the encroachment of wooden planters and retaining walls municipally located at 10635 |City Solicitor |

|- 74 Street onto City property. | |

G.8.e. Purchase of Utility Right-of-Way located at 4656 - 126 Avenue from Keith J. Trueman


|That the purchase of a Utility Right-of-Way as shown on |City Manager |

|Plan 912 1585 on Lot 11A, Block 24, Plan 792 1455 from Keith J. Trueman at the price of $5,747.40 be |Planning |

|approved. | |

G.8.f. Sale of Lots 21, 22 and 23, Block 6, Plan RN23 (XXIII) to Edmonton City Centre Church Corporation for the sum of $133,000.00 Located South of 104 Avenue, East of 95



|1. That the sale of Lots 21, 22 and 23, Block 6, Plan RN23 (XXIII) to Edmonton City Centre Church |City Manager |

|Corporation for $133,000.00 be approved subject to the terms and conditions as outlined in Enclosure I |Planning |

|of the September 2, 1993 Planning & Development Department report. |City Solicitor |

| | |

|2. That the Agreement of Purchase and Sale shall be in a form acceptable to the City Solicitor and in | |

|contents acceptable to the General Manager of the Planning and Development Department. | |

G.8.i. Sale of Land to 513303 Alberta Ltd. for $177,120; Located East of 170 Street and South of 100 Avenue


|That the sale of a portion of Lot 9, Block 10, Plan 9020257 to 513303 Alberta Ltd. for $177,120 be |City Manager |

|approved subject to the terms and conditions as outlined in Enclosure I of the September 13, 1993 Planning|Planning |

|& Development Department report. | |

G.8.j. Sale of Land for $443,000.00 to The Summit on Terwillegar Hill Ltd. or Nominee Located South of 26 Avenue and East on 42 Street


|That the City of Edmonton sell to The Summit on Terwillegar Hill Ltd. or Nominee, Lot 24, Block 35, Plan |City Manager |

|802 1676 for $443,000.00 subject to the terms and conditions as outlined in Enclosure I of the September |Planning |

|13, 1993 Planning & Development Department report. | |

G.8.k. Sale of Land to 572127 Alberta Ltd. for $175,000; located South of 98 Avenue and West of 96 Street, Cloverdale


|That the sale of Lot 18 and East ½ of 17, Lots 19, 20 and 21, Block 4, Plan 1226 A.Q. to 572127 Alberta |City Manager |

|Ltd. for $175,000, be approved subject to the terms and conditions as outlined in Enclosure I of the |Planning |

|September 14, 1993 Planning & Development Department report. | |

G.8.l. Sale of Land for $5,000 Located at 117 Street and 110A Avenue to Rodney John Murray and Mary Anita Murray


|That the sale of Lot 304, Block 18, Plan 2674 H.W. to Rodney John Murray and Mary Anita Murray for $5,000 |City Manager |

|be approved subject to the terms and conditions as outlined in Enclosure I of the September 8, 1993 |Planning |

|Planning & Development Department report. | |

G.8.m. Sale of Land to Brydor Business Enterprises Ltd. for $4,320. Located East of 76 Street and South of 123A Avenue


|That the sale of a portion of Lot 3U, Block F, Plan 2614 KS to Brydor Business Enterprises Ltd., for |City Manager |

|$4,320 be approved subject to the terms and conditions as outlined in Enclosure I of the September 7, 1993|Planning |

|Planning & Development Department report. | |

G.8.n. Sale of Land to Bischoff General Contracting Ltd. for

$14,215.00 Located East of 76 Street and South of 123A Avenue


|That the sale of a Portion of Lot 3U, Block F, Plan 2614 KS to Bischoff General Contracting Ltd. for |City Manager |

|$14,215 be approved subject to the terms and conditions as outlined in Enclosure I of the August 24, 1993 |Planning |

|Planning & Development Department report. | |

G.8.o. Sale of Land for $12,000.00 to Kenny J. Wong, Keith F.

Wong, Rex T. Wong and Terry J. Wong. Located South of

118 Avenue and West of 58 Street


|That the sale of the north 14 feet in uniform width throughout of Lots 10 and 11, Block 20, Plan 707 H.W. |City Manager |

|to Kenny J. Wong, Keith F. Wong, Rex T. Wong and Terry J. Wong for $12,000.00 be approved subject to the |Planning |

|terms and conditions as outlined in Enclosure I of the September 9, 1993 Planning & Development Department| |

|report. | |

G.8.p. Sale of Land for $3,000 Located 92 Avenue and 156 Street

to William Rodger Davidson and Joan Kathleen Davidson


|That the sale of Lot 29U, Block 30, Plan 2315KS to William Rodger Davidson and Joan Kathleen Davidson for |City Manager |

|$3,000 be approved subject to the terms and conditions as outlined in Enclosure I of the September 7, 1993|Planning |

|Planning & Development Department report. | |

H.01 New City Hall Steering Committee Report #22: City Hall Status Report - August 17, 1993


|That the August 17, 1993 City Hall Status Report be received as information. |City Manager |

| |NCH Cttee |

H.03 New City Hall Steering Committee Report #22: Potential Locations for Installation of Pictures of Former Mayors at City Hall


|That the March 24, 1993 Public Works Department report be received as information. |City Manager |

| |Public Works |

| |NCH Cttee |

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Chahley, McKay. CARRIED

ABSENT: Alderman Hayter.



F.1.a. Alderman Chahley on Managerial Performance Reviews


|At the recent meeting with Members of Council, the City Manager indicated that the existing Management |City Manager |

|Performance Review Process does not accurately reflect an individual's true performance or ability and | |

|that these performance reviews are classically and irrevocably wrong. Since these reviews have been | |

|accepted by Council as an honest appraisal of a person's ability and form the cornerstone for measuring |Due: Nov 3/93 |

|the performance of a Manager, will the City Manager please provide the Executive Committee with a report | |

|for the November 3, 1993 meeting that addresses the following concerns: | |

| | |

|1. What specifically is wrong with the current process? | |

| | |

|2. How long have you been aware this review process is flawed and does not provide accurate measurement of| |

|Managerial Staff? | |

| | |

|3. Why were no corrective measures taken as soon as it was realized a problem existed? | |

|4. What actions are you now planning that will correct this situation? |Cont'd. |

| | |

|5. When and how will a new Managerial Performance Review Program be introduced and how will it differ from| |

|the current program? | |

F.1.b Alderman Bethel on Project Management Control


|On January 14, 1992 Council requested that the Auditor General undertake a corporate wide review of the |City Manager |

|Project Management Control. In other words, to develop a comprehensive management policy and related |Auditor General |

|procedures. That has been done by the Auditor General and I am wondering when that will come forward to | |

|Council. It was done because we had several major projects that failed to meet the objectives as to cost,|Due: Nov 17/93 |

|time and quality, and it was a way of assisting the Administration to develop a comprehensive project | |

|management policy. So, I would like to know what has happened to that and why it hasn't been to Council. | |

|It's almost two years later. | |



G.5.c. Correspondence dated August 4, 1993, from John Horboway re: Mary and Steve Horboway, 8710 Meadowlark Road NW Senior Citizens Property Tax Reduction Benefit - 1992


R.F. Ardiel & D. McLean, Finance Department; and J. Horboway answered the Committee's questions.

MOVED Alderman Chahley:

|That the City rebate an amount equivalent to the total of the 1992 Homeowners Grant plus the associated |City Manager |

|penalties. |Finance |

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Chahley, McKay. CARRIED

ABSENT: Alderman Hayter.

G.5.m. Letter dated July 8, 1993 from Moira Hamilton, Re: 1992 Seniors' Property Tax Benefit


R. Tennant, Finance Department, answered the Committee's questions.

MOVED Alderman Chahley:

|That the City rebate an amount equivalent to the total of the 1992 Homeowners Grant plus the associated |City Manager |

|penalties. |Finance |

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Chahley, McKay. CARRIED

ABSENT: Alderman Hayter.

H.04 Letter dated June 30, 1993 from Connie Doherty, Golden Rod Welding Ltd., Bay 5, 6309 - 76 Avenue, Edmonton, T6B 0A7, re: Tax Roll #9535808


C. Doherty, representing Golden Rod Welding Ltd., answered the

Committee's questions.

MOVED Alderman McKay:

|That the following motion made at the August 18, 1993 Executive Committee meeting be rescinded: |City Manager |

| |Finance |

|That the request for rebate of a portion of the 1991 and 1992 taxes in the amount of $2,991.06 be denied. | |

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Chahley, McKay. CARRIED

ABSENT: Alderman Hayter.

MOVED Alderman McKay:

|That the request for rebate of a portion of the 1991 and 1992 taxes in the amount of $2,991.06 be |City Manager |

|approved. |Finance |

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Chahley, McKay. CARRIED

ABSENT: Alderman Hayter.

G.5.e. Letter (3310) dated July 26, 1993 from John Campbell re: 9303 - 78 Avenue


Mayor Reimer vacated the Chair and Vice-Chair McKay presided.

Mayor Reimer left the meeting.

R.L. Ardiel & R. Tennant, Finance Department; and J. Campbell, answered

the Committee's questions.

MOVED Alderman Chahley:

That the request by Mr. John Campbell, 9303 - 78 Avenue, for cancellation of penalties in the amount of $196.52 imposed due to late payment of 1993 property taxes be denied.

FOR THE MOTION: Alderman Chahley. LOST

OPPOSED: Aldermen Bethel, McKay.

ABSENT: Mayor Reimer, Alderman Hayter.

MOVED Alderman Bethel:

|That a rebate in the amount of $222.70 imposed due to late payment of property taxes be approved. |City Manager |

| |Finance |

FOR THE MOTION: Aldermen Bethel, McKay. CARRIED

OPPOSED: Alderman Chahley.

ABSENT: Mayor Reimer, Alderman Hayter.

G.5.g. The Alberta Fish & Game Association application to the Alberta Local Authorities Board re: Exemption from assessment and taxation for a property located at 6922 - 104 Street N.W.


S. Mitchell, representing the Alberta Fish & Game Association, answered the Committee's questions.

MOVED Alderman Chahley:

|That the City Assessor be directed to notify the Local |City Manager |

|Authorities Board of the objection for granting an exemption for this property. |Finance |

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Alderman Chahley.

OPPOSED: Alderman McKay.

ABSENT: Aldermen Bethel, Hayter.

G.5.h. Letter (466) dated January 19, 1993 from Alberta Property Assessment Services, 1412 - 48A Street, Edmonton, T6L 6H9, re: Account #1233394, Waters Edge Tower Ltd.


R. Tennant & R. Forseth, Finance Department; and M. Mercredi, Alberta Property Assessment Services, answered the Committee's questions.

MOVED Alderman Bethel:

|That the request for rebate of a portion of the 1987 to 1989 tax levies in the amount of $65,390.45 be |City Manager |

|denied in accordance with the rebate policy approved June 25, 1991. |Finance |

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Chahley, McKay. CARRIED

ABSENT: Alderman Hayter.

G.5.k. Letter (3343) dated August 11, 1993 from Bryan Goulet, President re: Bailey's on Fourth - 6004 - 104 Street


D. Lopushinsky, Office of the City Solicitor; and R. Beeken, legal counsel for B. Goulet, answered the Committee's questions.

MOVED Alderman Chahley:

That this item be received as information and that a subsequent report come back after it has been dealt with by the Alberta Courts.


That a status report come back on what progress has been made in clearing up arrears.

FOR THE AMENDMENT: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Chahley, CARRIED


ABSENT: Alderman Hayter.


|1. That this item be received as information and that a subsequent report come back after it has been |City Manager |

|dealt with by the Alberta Courts. |Finance |

| | |

|2. That a status report come back on what progress has been made in clearing up arrears. |Due: Nov 17/93 |

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Chahley, McKay. CARRIED

ABSENT: Alderman Hayter.

Aldermen Bolstad, Gomberg, Mason and Phair entered the Council Chambers.

G.8.g. Sale of Land Located at 100 Avenue and 152 Street to Youth Emergency Shelter Foundation for $1.00


B. Mohr, Planning & Development Department; and M. Farris and A. de Moor, representing the Youth Emergency Shelter Foundation, answered the Committee's questions.

MOVED Alderman Bethel:

That this item be postponed until later in the meeting.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Chahley, McKay. CARRIED

ABSENT: Alderman Hayter.

MOVED Alderman Chahley:

That the Committee recess for five minutes.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Chahley, McKay. CARRIED

ABSENT: Aldermen Bethel, Hayter.

The Committee recessed at 3:55 p.m.

The Committee reconvened at 4:00 p.m.

Aldermen Bethel and Chahley were absent.

Pursuant to Section 119 of Bylaw #9999, as amended, (the Procedures & Committees Bylaw) Alderman Mason was appointed as a Member of the Committee in order to maintain a quorum.



N.5.a. Amalgamation of Administration of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) and Edmonton Fire Department (EFD)


Alderman Chahley entered the meeting. There being a quorum from Members of the Committee, Aldermen Mason's appointment ceased.

Alderman Bethel entered the meeting.

MOVED Alderman Chahley:

That Item N.5.a. be added to the agenda.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Chahley, McKay. CARRIED

ABSENT: Alderman Hayter.

MOVED Alderman Chahley:

That Item N.5.a. be dealt with in the public portion of the agenda, and the report not be released.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Chahley. CARRIED

OPPOSED: Alderman McKay.

ABSENT: Alderman Hayter.

Alderman Cavanagh entered the Council Chambers.

R. Picherack, City Manager; and Dr. H.A. Borkent, representing the Emergency Medical Services Advisory Board, answered the Committee's questions.

MOVED Alderman McKay:

That the Emergency Medical Services Department remain as a separate department.


OPPOSED: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Chahley.

ABSENT: Alderman Hayter.

MOVED Alderman McKay:

That this item be referred to the City Manager to address the concerns of the Emergency Medical Services Advisory Committee and others and report back to the October 6, 1993 Executive Committee meeting.

AMENDMENT MOVED Alderman Chahley:

That the report be brought back to the October 12, 1993 Council meeting.

FOR THE AMENDMENT: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Chahley, CARRIED


ABSENT: Alderman Hayter


|That this item be referred to the City Manager to address the concerns of the Emergency Medical Services |City Manager |

|Advisory Committee and others and report back to the October 12, 1993 Council meeting. | |

| |Due: Oct 12/93 |

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Chahley, CARRIED


ABSENT: Alderman Hayter



G.8.g. Sale of Land Located at 100 Avenue and 152 Street to Youth Emergency Shelter Foundation for $1.00


B. Mohr, Planning & Development Department, answered the Committee's questions.

MOVED Alderman Chahley:

That this item be referred to the Administration to work with the Youth Emergency Shelter Society to develop a proposal that can be brought back before Executive Committee.


That the words" and other alternatives" be added after the word "proposal".

FOR THE AMENDMENT: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Chahley, CARRIED


ABSENT: Alderman Hayter.


|That this item be referred to the Administration to work with the Youth Emergency Shelter Society to |City Manager |

|develop a proposal and other alternatives that can be brought back before Executive Committee. |Planning |

| | |

| |Due: Nov 17/93 |

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Chahley, McKay. CARRIED

ABSENT: Alderman Hayter.

MOVED Alderman Chahley:

That the Committee recess for 5 minutes.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Chahley, McKay. CARRIED

ABSENT: Alderman Hayter.

The Committee recessed at 5:38 p.m.

The Committee reconvened at 5:45 p.m.

G.8.b. C Alderman Staroszik on Complaints on Illegal Basement Suites


M. Garrett, Planning & Development Department, answered the Committee's questions.

MOVED Alderman Chahley:

1. That the attached material (Enclosure II of the August 26, 1993 Planning & Development Department report) identifying the extent of the current problem, the costs of enforcement and the potential for impact be received as information.

2. That Council conduct a Public Hearing on the draft amending bylaw to the Land Use Bylaw (Enclosure I of the August 26, 1993 Planning & Development Department report).

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Chahley, McKay. CARRIED

ABSENT: Aldermen Bethel, Hayter.

Members of the Committee agreed that Items G.8.a and G.8.h be dealt with together.

G.8.a. C Neighbourhood Infrastructure Program Priorities


M. Garrett, Planning & Development Department, made a presentation and answered the Committee's questions.

MOVED Alderman Chahley:

1. That within the Capital Priority Plan, category 140 "replacement", the Neighbourhood Infrastructure Program be assigned the highest priority of any neighbourhood level projects in recognition that NIP is a corporate initiative.

2. That the Neighbourhood Infrastructure Program Planning Committee be directed to provide an annual status report to the Capital Priority Planning Committee.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Chahley. CARRIED

ABSENT: Aldermen Hayter, McKay.

G.8.h. C Infrastructure (1994-1998 Suburban Investment Strategy)


H. Crone & B. Stephenson, Planning & Development Department, made a presentation and answered the Committee's questions.

MOVED Alderman Bethel:

1. That the 1994-1998 Suburban Investment Strategy as outlined in Enclosure I of the August 26, 1993 Planning and Development Department report be considered as part of the 1994-1998 Capital Priority Plan preparation.

2. That future neighbourhood approvals by Council consider specifically the Principles and Actions arising from the City Council Infrastructure Follow-up report as contained in Enclosure II.

3. That the 1994-1998 Servicing Forecasts and Land

Development Scenario outlined in Enclosure III will be

received as information.

4. That the 1994-1998 Suburban Neighbourhood Deficiencies

and Infrastructure Growth Requirements Analysis outlined in Enclosure IV be received as information.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Chahley. CARRIED

ABSENT: Aldermen Hayter, McKay


G.6.a Alderman Bethel re: Civic Workforce under Contract for Full-Time Civic Positions


MOVED Alderman Bethel:

|That the September 7, 1993 Personnel report be received as information. |City Manager |

| |Personnel |

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Chahley. CARRIED

ABSENT: Aldermen Hayter, McKay.

MOVED Alderman Chahley:

That the Committee meet in private.

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Chahley. CARRIED

ABSENT: Aldermen Hayter, McKay.

The Committee recessed at 6:32 p.m.

The Committee reconvened at 6:37 p.m.



G.5.n. Sponsorship Contract Gray Beverage (Pepsi Cola Ltd.)


MOVED Alderman Chahley:

|That this item be postponed until the October 6, 1993 Executive Committee meeting: |City Manager |

| |Finance |

| |City Clerk |

| | |

| |Due: Oct 6/93 |

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Chahley. CARRIED

ABSENT: Aldermen Hayter, McKay.


H.02 New City Hall Steering Committee Report #22: City Hall Cafeteria


MOVED Alderman Chahley:

|That this item be postponed until the October 6, 1993 Executive Committee meeting: |City Manager |

| |Public Works |

| |NCH Cttee |

| |City Clerk |

| | |

| |Due: Oct 6/93 |

FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Reimer, Aldermen Bethel, Chahley. CARRIED

ABSENT: Aldermen Hayter, McKay.

The meeting adjourned at 6:48 p.m.

_______________________________ ________________________



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