County travel claims are audited, after they are paid by the county, for compliance with State laws governing travel reimbursement for Extension employees. Travel should be reported on the Certificate of County Expenditures in the month and fiscal year in which it was paid. A copy of the travel claim and a copy of the county purchase order must be attached to the Certificate of County Expenditures. If during an audit of the travel claim, it is determined that an overpayment was made, the overpayment amount must be deducted from the next travel claim, and the line that says, “less amt disapproved on previous claims – month disapproved_________” should be completed. This process may overlap into another fiscal year.

This form is used for in-state and out-of state travel. In-state and out-of-state trips may be combined on the same claim.

Completion of the County-Paid Travel Claim Form

1. TITLE OF CLAIMANT: Enter claimant’s job title.

2. NAME OF CLAIMANT: Enter claimant’s full name as it appears on Social Security card.

3. CAMPUS WIDE ID NUMBER: Indicate the claimant’s CWID # number. We can no longer use SS#’s.

4. NATURE OF OFFICIAL BUSINESS: Enter a general description of duties of claimant. The statement “Meetings” is not acceptable.

5. LICENSE NO.: Enter the car tag number of the personal vehicle used.

6. DATE: Enter last two digits of the calendar year.

7. TRAVEL STATUS POINTS: Always list all travel points (began, visited and ended).

8. MONTH/DAY: Enter month and day of each trip.

9. MILEAGE CLAIMED: List actual direct mileage under “map” and list any excess miles under “vicinity” on all trips.

10. TRAVEL STATUS HOUR: Show time entered (should not exceed 24 hours before the first meeting began) and time ended (should not exceed 24 hours after the last meeting ends). This information must be provided on all trips.

11. ALLOWABLE NO. OF DAYS/HOURS: List the number of days and/or hours in travel status if there is an overnight stay.

12. PER DIEM RATE: Enter the applicable per diem rate. The rates for in-state and out-of-state locations are found at the website:

perdiem.htm (if a location is not listed, the standard CONUS rate applies):

13. PER DIEM AMOUNT: Per diem is allowed only if travel included an overnight stay.

NOTE: There is now a Per Diem Calculations Sheet to help you with allowable per diem. This sheet will figure the per diem after you enter the # of meals in registration/meals at no cost, the Per Diem Rate, the # of Days, and the # of Hours. This sheet is found at the bottom of your travel claim Excel spreadsheet. The first sheet is labeled “Claim”, the second sheet is labeled “Addendum”, the third sheet is labeled “Mtg. Times” (this one is also new – see #15), and the fourth sheet is “Cal.PerDiem”.

In computing reimbursement for meals, a day shall be a period of 24 hours. Reimbursement for each one-fourth (1/4) day (6 hours) or major fraction thereof (more than 3 hours) may be made providing the claimant is in overnight travel status.

PER DIEM IN LIEU OF SUBSISTENCE: Claimants may claim per diem in lieu of subsistence (and therefore claim no lodging). Add $10 to the applicable per diem rate for meals. Type “in lieu of subsistence” in the comment box at the bottom of the form.

14. LODGING AMOUNT: Enter lodging amount for each night’s stay.

List lodging amount (do not claim more than the maximum allowed). Attach a copy of the receipt (receipt must include claimant’s name, all itemized daily charges, motel name and address, and room rate per night). If the claimant shared a room with a non-state employee, you must show the single room rate. If the claimant shared a room with another state employee, write the name and the county or the T# of the other state employee on the receipt. The receipt must show a zero (“0”) balance or attach the credit card receipt to show payment was made. Credit card receipts alone will not be accepted.

Documentation must be provided for a Designated Conference Site (such as a letter stating Headquarters Hotel name & rate or stating that a block of rooms has been obtained for that particular meeting and also attach an agenda). The single room rate and tax on lodging will be paid for a designated conference site.

NOTE: If you stay the night and the distance from your office to the destination is less than 60 miles, you must attach a letter approved by the County Extension Director and District Extension Director to the travel claim explaining the overnight stay. The CED and DED must approve this before the trip.

15. MEETING TIMES: This section now has a separate sheet (Mtg. Times) which will allow you to show the meeting times of more than one trip. The Mtg. Times sheet must be completed for all out-of-state trips, in-state trips with an overnight stay, and in-state trips where a registration fee was paid.

16. MILEAGE RATE: Complete the current mileage rate. This rate changes annually on January 1.

17. MODE OF PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AND AMOUNT CLAIMED: Used primarily on Out-of-State trips for airfare.

18. ITEMIZED LOCAL TRANSPORTATION COSTS: Used on Out-of-State trips for taxi, shuttle or bus. You CANNOT be reimbursed for taxi, or rental cars on in-state claims.

19. ITEMIZED MISCELLANEOUS COSTS: Registration fees may be reimbursed when supported by written receipts. However, the claimant must determine the number of meals included in the registration charges and exclude ¼ day for each meal from the per diem amount. If the employee is not entitled to claim meal expenses because overnight travel was not involved, no adjustment is required and the registration cost may be claimed in full. The State does not reimburse membership fees or dues on travel vouchers. Telephone and fax charges are paid only upon justification for their use. Parking receipts are not required unless they are $25 or more; turnpike fees should be listed by date and indicate if the class is other than Class 2; miscellaneous supplies receipts are required and you must explain the reason for the supplies.

20. TOTAL AMOUNT: The total amount is automatically calculated when the Excel spreadsheet form is completed. Otherwise, totals must be calculated and entered in the appropriate places. NOTE: On out-of-state trips if the travel claim amount exceeds the Out-of-State Request by $50 or more, the claimant must attach a memo explaining the difference, and have it approved by their District Director.

21. LESS AMT DISAPPROVED ON PREV CLAIMS & MO. DISAPPROVED: If an overpayment was made on a previous travel claim, the overpayment should be deducted here stating from which month the overpayment was made.

22. AMOUNT DISAPPROVED: Leave blank. This space is for the Extension Finance auditor(s) use.

23. SIGN HERE: The claimant must sign his or her own travel claim.

24. COUNTY APPROVAL: The County Extension Director should approve all travel claims except his/her own.

25. DISTRICT APPROVAL: The District Director should approve all claims.


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