Monthly Expenses


Monthly Expenses

Name: [pic]Period: [pic]


1. Salary

a) Salary Range per Year [pic]to [pic]

b) Salary Range per Month [pic]to [pic] 

c) Salary Range per Hour [pic]to [pic]

d) Profession: [pic] 

e) Median Yearly Income: [pic]

f) Actual Monthly Wage: [pic]

g) Actual Hourly Wage: [pic]


2.  Taxes

a) Percent of Income Taxed [pic]Estimated Yearly Income Tax:[pic]

b)  Yearly Salary After Taxes: [pic]

c)  Monthly Salary After Taxes: [pic]


3. Housing

a)  Rent/Mortgage:[pic] Type:[pic] # Rooms:[pic]

b)  Property Taxes Per Year:[pic] Property Taxes Per Month:[pic]

c)  Yearly Home Insurance: [pic]  Monthly Home Insurance: [pic]

d)  Total Monthly Home Cost: [pic]


4. Vehicle Costs

a)  Vehicle Model:[pic] Type:[pic] Cost:[pic]

b)  Taxes on Vehicle :[pic] Total Cost:[pic]

c)  Yearly Car Payment Interest Rate:[pic]  Monthly Car Payment:[pic]  

d)  Gas for Vehicle:[pic]  

e) Car Insurance:[pic]

f)  Total Monthly Vehicle Cost: [pic]


5. Utilities:

a) Electric: [pic]Gas and Water:[pic] Cable:[pic]  Telephone:[pic]Internet:[pic]

b)  Total Monthly Utilities Cost: [pic]





6.  Living Expenses

a) Food: [pic]Cell Phone:[pic]

Health Insurance:[pic] Clothing: [pic]Entertainment:[pic]

Emergency Fund:[pic]  Miscellaneous: [pic]

Accountant: [pic]

Other_________________: [pic]Other_________________: [pic]

Other_________________: [pic]Other_________________: [pic]

b)  Total Monthly Living Expenses: [pic]


7.  Total Monthly Budget

a)  Total Monthly Earnings: [pic]  Accounting Income ______________________: [pic]

b)  Total Monthly Expenses: [pic]                                              Names

c)  Savings Amount Per Month: [pic]


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