Stem Plot and Dot Plot Practice - Walton Math Pages

QuantitativeCategoricalData that uses values from several possible categories.Examples:Data for which arithmetic operations, such as ____________________ or _____________________, makes sense. Examples: When looking at Data, we can describe it using graphs. The type of data tells us the type of graphs we can use. Here are examples of the different types of graphs: QuantitativeCategoricalHistogramDot PlotBox Plot StemplotBar ChartPie ChartCategorical Variables and Two Way TablesA researcher suspects there is a relationship between people’s preferences in movies and their preferences in pizza. A random sample of 100 people produced the following results:Favorite Movie \ PizzaMeatCheeseVeggieThe Fault in Our Stars5713Wolverine2085Finding Dory822121.Find the totals for the table above.2.What percent of the people who preferred Wolverine liked cheese pizza the best?3.What percent of the people who preferred veggie pizza liked Finding Dory the best?4.Calculate the conditional distributions in percents of favorite movie. What can you conclude?Favorite Movie \ PizzaMeatCheeseVeggieThe Fault in Our StarsWolverineFinding Dory5.Calculate the conditional distributions in percents of favorite pizza. What can you conclude?Favorite Movie \ PizzaMeatCheeseVeggieThe Fault in Our StarsWolverineFinding Dory6.Construct a segmented bar graph to show all the conditional distributions of favorite pizza among Do you believe there is a relationship between people’s preferences in movie and their preference in pizza? If so, what is it? Is this a causal relationship or could there be possible lurking variables to explain an association between pizza and movie preference? If yes, what are they? favorite movie.Mean SalariesA business has two types of employees: managers and workers. Managers earn either $100,000 or $200,000 per year. Workers earn either $10,000 or $20,000 per year. The number of male and female managers at each salary level and the number of male and female workers at each salary level are given in the table below.ManagersWorkersMaleFemaleMaleFemale$100,0008020$10,0003020$200,0002030$20,0002080Investigate the three statements below (see if they are true or false) and see if you can see what is happening.The mean salary of female managers is $40,000 greater than that of male managers.There are more females employed by this company than males.The mean salary of females is greater than that of males for both managers and workers, indicating that the mean salary of female employees in general is greater than that of male employees in general.Stem Plot and Dot Plot PracticeA restaurant’s last 9 health scores are: 89, 94, 60, 78, 80, 82, 84, 81, and 92Find the median, upper and lower quartiles, range, and the interquartile range. Sketch a Stem plot Sketch a dot plot.What is different about these two graphs?How are they similar?Why might these graphs not be good graphs for this data?Histogram PracticeListed below are two sets of scores that are supposed to be heights (in inches) of randomly selected adult males. One of the sets consists of real heights actually obtained from randomly selected adult males, but the other set consists of numbers that were fabricated. Use your calculator to sketch a histogram for each data set, and based on your histograms choose the set of data that you believe to be false and justify your decision. DATA SET A DATA SET B7073707270737072717371677166747668726772687567687173727071776669726871717267777571736973667676777166776773746967Frequency Tables and HistogramsHere is data representing the speeds of 31 vehicles on Peachtree Parkway recorded by an observer between 8:00 and 9:00 am on July 6, 2006.40485436354764312344376359322645435053344254605831445155394050Answer the usual questions about this data:Who:What:When:Where:Why:How:By whom:Fill in the frequency table below and then draw the histogram:SpeedsFrequency20 – 2526 – 31 32 – 37 38 – 43 44 – 49 50 – 55 56 – 61 62 – 67 Write a brief description of the histogram in the context of the problemA.P. Statistics Review: Analyzing Quantitative DataHere are the weights (in pounds) of 20 steer on an experimental feed diet from a farm in Tuscaloosa, Alabama:183140136142172153172156701671921661131711781591291121351741. Describe the data completely.2. Make a stem plot of the data.3. Why is a stem plot more appropriate for this data than a dot plot?4. Completely describe the distribution of the variable in context.5.Use your graphing calculator to make a histogram of the data using Zoom Stat. Sketch the graph below. How does this distribution appear different from the one shown in the stem plot? Why?Here are the numbers of international airline passengers (in thousands) for the each month in 1954, starting with January:2041882352272342643022932592292032296.Draw a time plot of the data. Identify and major patterns present and give an explanation for the patterns.7.The following back to back stem plot compares the percent change in population for the two regions of the United States (based on census figures from 1990 and 2000). The fastest growing states were Nevada and Arizona at 66% and 40% respectively. Write a few sentences describing the difference in the growth rates for the two regions of the United States.NE/MW StatesS/W States6 66554 4 033 0012 62 0011341 578 21001 001134444 999988766550 6999 44310 1Box Plots and more…In a constant effort to improve service, asks its clients to rate their online shopping experience by giving it a rating from 1 star to 10 stars. A rating of 1 star represents a poor experience, and a rating of 10 stars represents an excellent experience. The ratings for one day last month are shown below: The distribution above represents data. The distribution above is _______________. a) Find the mean and median of the data set. b) Let’s also find the following information from our data: Use them to describe the distribution. Lower QuartileQ2 (Median)Upper QuartileInterquartile RangeOutlier boundaries: c) Create a Box Plot for this dataAnother way to describe the data is to calculate the measures of spread. d) Range:_________ What it tells us: e) IQR:_______What it tells us: f) Standard Deviation:________What it tells us: Remember this example:89, 94, 60, 78, 80, 82, 84, 81, and 92.Sketch a box-and-whisker plot and a modified box-and-whisker plot.Poverty in Eastern StatesThe poverty rates for states east of the Mississippi have been divided into northern and southern states, according to the geographic divisions used by the Census Bureau. Below is the data reported for these states in 1999.Southern StatePoverty Rate (%)NorthernPoverty Rate (%)Alabama12.5Connecticut6.2Delaware6.5Illinois7.8Florida9.0Indiana6.7Georgia9.9Maine7.8Kentucky12.7Massachusetts6.7Maryland6.1Michigan7.4Mississippi16.0New Hampshire4.3North Carolina9.0New Jersey6.3South Carolina10.7New York11.5Tennessee10.3Ohio7.8Virginia7.0Pennsylvania7.8West Virginia13.9Rhode Island8.9Vermont6.3Wisconsin5.6Create side-by-side boxplots of the two region’s poverty rates on your calculator and draw an accurate graph of your display below. Be sure to label completely. Write a brief comparison (shape, center & spread) of the two displays. Calories in Cereal: Consider the question: How many calories are in a bowl of breakfast cereal? Refer to the table below giving the calorie count for 22 different cereals to answer the questions below:CerealCaloriesCerealCaloriesKellogg’s All Bran74Kixx109Quaker 100% Natural121Nabisco Bran74Bran Flakes88Total Raisin Bran89Fruited Fiber86Wheaties105Honey Smacks113Rice Krispies110Quaker Puffed Rice111Fruit Loops113Product 19112Kellogg’s Raisin Bran89Post Raisin Bran84Frosted Mini-Wheats99Mueslix Bran87Life104Total Corn Flakes110Honey Nut 102Cheerios106Apple Jacks116Using your calculator, create a boxplot of the calories in cereal. Sketch the boxplot below and describe the distribution you see. What does the graph seem to tell you about the calories in cereal?Create a histogram of the calories in cereal using a class size of 5. Sketch the histogram below. Describe the distribution of calories in cereal as it appears in the histogram. Is there anything that is evident from the histogram that is not evident in the boxplot and vice versa?Look at the 5-number summary as well as the mean and standard deviation of the calories. Write a short description of the distribution, the center, and the variation in the number of calories in cereal.Chapter 1 Free Response Practice (1997 #1)Show all your work. Indicate clearly the methods you use, because you will be graded on the correctness of your methods as well as on the accuracy of your results and explanation.The table of data provides the cumulative proportions for the United States population at selected ages for the years 1900 and 200 (projected). For example, 0.344 or 34.4 percent of the population was at or under age 15 in 1900, while only 0.209 or 20.9 percent will be at or under age 15 in the year 2000. The graph below shows the cumulative proportions plotted against age for the years 1900 and 2000(projected). The data and graph are to be used to compare the age distribution for the year 1900 with the projected age distribution for the year 2000. Age DataAge1900200050.1210.066150.3440.209250.5400.344350.7000.480450.8220.643550.9060.781650.9590.870Approximate the median age for each distribution.Approximate the interquartile range for each distribution.Using the results from parts a and b, write a sentence or two for a history textbook comparing the age distributions for the years 1900 and 2000. ................

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