Excel Assignment – Gala Raffle Sales

Excel Assignment – Gala Raffle Sales

Computers, Mr. Martin

March 2010

Prepare an Excel Worksheet with rows with the following headings: Grade, No. of Tickets, No. of Students, Tickets/Student, Percent of Total, $/Class and $/Student. You will use the ticket data sales for each class and the number of students in each class. You should present this data as shown in the image below.

Now, begin by first calculating the total ticket sales by highlighting the numbers in row 2 and then hit the Summation symbol on the standard tool bar. The summation symbol is the Greek Letter Epsilon ((). The sum of the numbers should appear in Cell K2. Next, calculate the total students in a similar manner. The sum of the students will go in Cell K3.

You should complete row 4 by diving the tickets by the students giving you the Tickets/Student (or Tickets per Student). You can do this by highlighting the blanks in row 4 through column K (that tells Excel where you want the answers), clicking on the calculator (to get the formula bar with the calculator go to view – formula bar), highlighting the numbers in row 2, click the division key on the calculator, highlight the numbers in row 3, and click the “Okay” button.

You will find the percent of total in row 5 by highlighting the blanks in row 5 up to column K (that tells Excel where you want the answers), clicking on the calculator, highlighting the numbers in row 2, clicking the division key on the calculator, enter the number in cell K2, and clicking okay.

To find the $/class multiply the ticket sales for each class by $5. To find the $ per student, divide the $/class by the number of students in each class. You should know how to do these two calculations by your work above.

Once you have completed the worksheet, make two column graphs showing (1) the ticket sales for each class, and (2) the tickets/student for each class. The classes or grades will be on the horizontal or x axis and the tickets will be on the vertical or y axis. Be sure to give each chart a title and label the x and y axes. Do not include the Legend. Save each chart as an object in sheet 1 and position them nicely so I can readily view each under the calculations.

Save you file as your grade, your last name, raffle. For example, 8smithraffle.xls. Turn the saved worksheet into the server folder for your class. (I.e. 8th grade in Class 2010, 7th grade in Class 2011, and 6th grade in Class 2012.)

As a separate and subsequent assignment, I will have you analyze you findings in a Word document.




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