U.S. Facility Grant Application

The Caterpillar Foundation provides program support in the areas of basic human needs, environmental sustainability and access to education.

Please submit completed grant applications as an e-mail attachment and send to your local contact with “Organization Name Grant Application” in the subject line.


1. Tax ID Number:

2. Organization Legal Name:

AKA Name:

3. Address:

Mailing Address (If different from Street Address):

4. City:

5. State:

6. Postal Zip Code:

7. Telephone Number:

8. Fax Number:

9. Website Address:

10. Name of Executive Director:

11. Mission Statement/Principal Purpose of Organization:

12. Board Members - Please list in each of your Board Members and their affiliations:

13. Annual Report - Please include a copy of your most recent annual report and/or other published description of the organization's activities as a web link:

14. Audited Financial Statements - Please include a copy of your organization's most recent externally or internally audited financial statements as a web link e-mail attachment: 


15. Current Fiscal Year End - Include current FYE budgeted revenue and expenses:

Current FYE Budgeted Revenue:

Current FYE Budgeted Expenses:

16. Prior Fiscal Year End - Include prior FYE revenue and expenses:

Prior FYE Revenue:

Prior FYE Expenses:


17. Request Date:

18. Amount Requested:

19. Program Title:

20. Program Start Date:

21. Program End Date:

22. Program Location - Where are your programs located? (e.g. Aurora, Illinois, USA):

23. Program Budget - Include all program expenses and revenues in U.S. dollars, including the source of revenue and the amount:

24. Program Overview - Please describe the community need and how your program meets that need:

25. Alignment to the Caterpillar Foundation mission - Explain how your program aligns with the Caterpillar Foundation’s mission:

26. Recent Gifts - Please list the most recent gifts received from Caterpillar Inc., Caterpillar Dealers, or the Caterpillar Foundation:

27. Caterpillar Employees - Please enter the name of any Caterpillar employee or retiree and their involvement in this project:


28. People Served - Please include the number of people being served by this project:

29. Ethnic Groups Served - Please indicate the ethnic groups to be served by this project. Enter whole numbers only, total must equal 100%:

|Percentage % |Ethnic Groups Served |

| |African American |

| |Asian/Pacific Islander |

| |Caucasian |

| |Hispanic |

| |Native American |

| |Other |

|100% |Total Percentage |

30. Age Groups Served - Please indicate the age group that your project will serve:

|X |Age Groups Served |

| |0-4 years (Preschool) |

| |5/18 years (K-12) |

| |18-25 years (Young Adults) |

| |26-65 years (Adult) |

| |65+ years (Mature Adult) |

31. Gender Served - Please indicate the gender(s) being served by this project:

|X |Gender |

| |Female |

| |Male |

32. Income Group Served - Please select the income group served by your project:

|X |Income Group Served |

| |Under $20,000 |

| |$20,000 - $35,000 |

| |$35,001 - $50,000 |

| |$50,001 - $75,000 |

| |$75,001 - $100,000 |

| |Over $100,000 |


33. Program Goals & Outcomes Overview:

Please use the table (next page) when describing your proposed outcomes. Feel free to add rows to the table below with additional program goals.

We encourage you to utilize a format that includes specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely goals and procedures to meet those goals when describing your objectives.

How will your organization measure the effectiveness of activities and the expected results by end of the funding period?

• Goal - What is the problem you are trying to solve? (e.g. Stop hunger and provide noon meal to disadvantaged students.)

• Activity - What are you doing to accomplish the goal? (e.g. Provide noon meal to disadvantaged students.)

• Outputs - Number & percentage of clients served (e.g. Survey shows 80% of all teachers feel their class is more attentive. 75% of students show an increase in academic performance. School attendance improved from 70% to 85% for all patrons.)

• Outcomes - Clients’ change in knowledge of behavior (e.g. 500 people per day are no longer hungry, and are able to improve their lives via job search, focusing in school, etc.)

• Number of Beneficiaries – (e.g. 30 staff trained and educated, impacting 500 clients each day)

• Measurement & Reporting Tools – How do you determine goal achievement? (e.g. Teacher surveys, student academic evaluations, attendance records, pre and post-assessment surveys, weekly and quarterly conversations with clients, etc.).

• Evaluation Process - How often are the assessments? And what is the feedback process for staff? (e.g. Teacher surveys, student academic evaluations, attendance records, pre and post-assessment surveys, weekly and quarterly conversations with clients, etc.)


Organization Name: ABC Organization

|Program Title: District School Feeding Program |

|Program Goal: Provide one nutritious meal per day to students |

|Activity |Outputs |Outcomes |Number of Beneficiaries |Location |Measurement tools |Evaluation Process |

|Provide nutritious noon meal to |20,000 meals served |Survey shows 80% of teachers |60 disadvantaged |Aurora,   |Teacher surveys indicate that |Surveys conducted quarterly, and |

|disadvantaged students |during 2011 school |demonstrate their class is more |children ages 5-18 |Illinois, USA |students are concentrating in class|results are shared with all |

| |year at 6 community |attentive. | | |more, |teachers through newsletter. |

| |schools | | |District #123 |attendance records show less | |

| | |75% of students show an increase in | |1. Aurora High |absences,  | |

| | |academic performance | |2. Aurora Middle |pre and post‐ | |

| | |(50 students have increased their | |3. Aurora Grade, etc. |assessment surveys,  | |

| | |grade point average from 2.0 to 3.0, | | |weekly and quarterly measures | |

| | |10 students have increased their | | |reading levels  | |

| | |grade point average from 1.0 to 2.0).| | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | |School attendance for all 60 students| | | | |

| | |improved from 70% to 85%. | | | | |

Organization Name:

|Program Title: |

|Program Goal: |

|Activity |Outputs |Outcomes |Number of Beneficiaries |Location |Measurement tools |Evaluation Process |

|1 | | | | | | |

|2 | | | | | | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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