Population Pyramid Assignment

Population Pyramid Assignment - Data Sheet

Percentage of Population By Sex and Age in Canada

|Age |1851 |

|1871 |3.7 |

|1891 |4.6 |

|1911 |4.7 |

|1931 |5.6 |

|1951 |7.8 |

|1961 |7.7 |

|1971 |8.1 |

|1981 |9.7 |

|1991 |11.6 |

|2001 |12.6 |

|2011 |14.1 |

Population Pyramid Assignment - Worksheet

Draw the pyramids on your sheet, answer questions on a separate sheet.

1. Draw all four population pyramids.

2. Looking at the pyramids, describe how the population structure of Canada has changed over time.

3. Why do you think these changes have taken place?

4. What is "dependency load"?

5. Look at the chart of Old Age Dependency Load. How has the percentage of people over 65 changed in Canada? What impacts does this trend have on health care, education, and old age pensions?

6. Based on the pyramids you have drawn, draw a rough sketch of what you think the pyramid for Canada will look like in 2026. Predict how this will affect people in your generation in terms of taxes, job opportunities, and family responsibilities.




| | | | | |

|Knowledge and |Data is not correct |Data is somewhat correct |Data is mainly correct |Data is correct within the |

|Understanding |within the graphs. There |within the graphs. There |within the graphs. There |graphs. There are no mistakes. |

| |are 6 or more mistakes. |are 4-5 mistakes. |are 2-3 mistakes. | |

|Thinking and Inquiry |Answers are attempted but|Answers demonstrate some |Answers demonstrate |Answers demonstrate significant |

| |lack effort and thought. |thought but are lacking |adequate thought, effort,|thought, effort, and reflection.|

| | |significant effort. |and reflection. | |

|Communication |Answers do not make sense|Spelling and grammar is |Spelling and grammar is |There are no |

| |and have poor spelling |OK but has many errors |good with only a few |spelling/grammatical errors. |

| |and grammar (8-10 |(5-8 mistakes) |mistakes (1-5 mistakes) | |

| |mistakes). | | | |

|Application |Either no colours are |There are 2 different |There are 2 different |There are 2 different colours |

| |used or more than 2. |colours used. One for |colours used. One for |used. One for males and one for |

| |Colouring is not neat. No|males and one for |males and one for |females. Colouring is very neat |

| |ruler. |females. Colouring is |females. Colouring is |and a ruler has been used. |

| | |done but not neat. No |neat and a ruler has been| |

| | |ruler. |used. | |








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