
Week 10. Telles, Edward. 2004. Race in Another America: The Significance of Skin Color in Brazil. Princeton University Press. pp. 78-106, 139-172 [33 pages]1.According to Telles, what are the three systems of racial classification used in Brazil?2.In Telles' account, what are the mechanisms of racial discrimination that operate in Brazil's education, labor-market and patronage systems?Week 10. Bailey, Stanley R, Mara Loveman and Jeronimo O Muniz. 2013. "Measures of “Race” and the Analysis of Racial Inequality in Brazil." Social Science Research 42(1):106-19. [14 pages]3.According to Bailey et al., what are the six different ways to capture racial classification in Brazil?4.Bailey et al. show that the size of Brazil's ethnoracial categories changes depending on different measurements of race. What is the lowest and highest percentage of whites, browns and blacks when different measurements of race are employed? ................

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