Practice report for Website

Dr Marshall & Partners Patient Participation Report 2014

The annual practice survey has now been completed. We are fortunate to have a proactive Patient Reference Group which was set up in 2011 in line with an NHS initiative to help practices be more responsive to patient and local health needs. The Group was actively involved in giving input into the content of this year’s Practice Survey.

Membership is always open to the Patient Reference Group and we welcome and encourage anyone who has expressed an interest to join so that the Group would be as representative as possible of the practice. Information regarding the Patient Reference Group is widely advertised by

1. Posters displayed in the Health Centre.

2. Information given on the counterfoil section of prescriptions issued

3. Information given on the Practice website

4. Information on new patient leaflets

5. Leaflets giving more information made available from Reception

6. Letters were sent targeting hard to reach groups, those in care homes and those with learning difficulties

(Please see appendix 1 for copies of above)

There are currently 25 members in the PRG of an age range 18 – 84, which is made up of 11 men and 14 women. The ethnic distribution of the practice is predominantly White British and this is reflected in the PRG membership. Ethnic minority participation was actively solicited by the practice. In addition to the usual methods described above, patients of BME group were specifically invited to join the PRG. We currently have four representatives from the BME group. We are constantly trying to invite more representation from this group and from the younger age groups in general. Younger people often lead busy lives and this is often cited as a reason for not wanting to participate. The other reason often cited is that patients are generally very satisfied with the way services are run and do not feel it is important to ‘change’ the status quo. Advertisements were placed in baby clinics, health visitor’s clinics and mail shots were done targeting younger people. We are happy to have more young people in our group this year especially in our virtual group. The group also includes carers, those with long term conditions and learning difficulties. Patients in care and residential homes, carers and those with learning difficulties were hard to reach. However, we tried our best to engage them by sending out messages on their repeat scripts, sending out letters, speaking to them during consultations and contacting them directly.

The PRG met earlier this year in November 2013 & December 2013 and discussed various issues. Please refer to the anonymised minutes of the meetings dated 4th November 2013 & Monday 9th December 2013 at the end of this report. (Appendix 2 & 2.1). Patient priorities, practice priorities including themes from complaints, planned practice changes and Care Quality Commission related issues were discussed at the meeting. Views were sought from all members present and consensus reached as to the priority areas to be included in the survey. The group agreed that the General Practice Assessment Questionnaire (GPAQ) format used in previous years could be used. Sections to capture patients comments were included as in the 2013 survey as the doctors and nurses found the feedback very helpful.

The Patient Reference Group proposed a few new areas to be explored in the Survey and these suggestions were incorporated into the survey questionnaires (Questions 47-50) which were widely distributed. Appendix 3

A total of 1800 Questionnaires were sent out or handed out and 306 were returned. The responses on the Questionnaires were collated and analysed by, CMI Publishing, a company licensed to analyse GPAQ data and the Practice Survey Reports were produced. The responses to the questions proposed by the Patient Reference Group are listed in the Appendix – Additional Questions section after the main body of the report

Appendix 4 – Summary Report.

Appendix 5 – Detailed Report.

Appendix 6 – Additional questions report

The Results of the Survey were discussed at a further meeting of the Patient Reference Group on February 24th 2014 (anonymised minutes of this meeting are attached. Appendix 7) and actions proposed by the PRG are listed after the Survey Reports as Action Plan 2014 (Appendix 8). Also attached is a report on completed tasks from the 2013 Action Plan (Appendix 9)

The Results of the Survey and PRG Discussions and Action Points will be forwarded to the Essex Area Team and will be discussed further with them if required.

There is a poster in the surgery advertising that the survey report is available for all to peruse. It also highlights that the report can be accessed online at filed under practice survey 2014.

If you wish information regarding joining the Patient Reference Group please contact our Practice Manager, Mrs Sheila Mclean at the Health Centre.

Health Centre Opening Times

As part of this Practice Report we would like to remind patients of the Health Centre Opening Times and means of accessing services. This information is available on the Practice Website but is duplicated here for convenience.

The surgery is open between 8 am and 7.15 pm Monday to Thursday, 8 am to 6.30 pm on Friday and 8.45 am to 12.45 pm on Saturday.

Routine surgeries are held between the hours of 08.50 am - 12.00pm and from 3.00pm - 5.50pm.There are sit and wait appointments for emergencies in addition to the above and slots for telephone consultations.

There are also four bookable Extended Hours evening surgeries per week, between 6.30pm and 7.10pm and also on Saturday mornings 9am – 12.25 pm.

(These are intended mainly for patients who may have difficulty getting to normal surgeries because of work commitments.)

Appointments can be made by telephone (01268 546411), in person or bookable online.

Dr A. Pereira



Develop a structure that gains the views of patients and enables the practice to obtain feedback from the practice population, e.g. a Patient Reference Group

|AGE |No. of members |No. of patients in this |% represented at PRG|No. of members engaged|No. of members engaged with |

| | |age group on your list | |Face to Face i.e. |remotely e.g. by letter, |

| | | | |meetings |telephone, email |

|25 – 34 years old |2 |1876 |0.10% |2 |2 |

|35 – 44 years old |3 |1701 |0.17% |0 |3 |

|45 – 54 years old |2 |1756 |0.11% |2 |2 |

|55 – 64 years old |2 |1478 |0.13% |2 |2 |

|65 and over |14 |2138 |0.65% |14 |14 |

|Total members |25 |10472 |0.23% | | |

|GENDER |No. of members |No. of patients on your |% represented at PRG|No. of members engaged|No. of members engaged with |

| | |list aged 16 and over | |Face to Face i.e. |remotely e.g. by letter, |

| | | | |meetings |telephone, email |

|Males |11 |5012 |0.21% | | |

| |25 |10472 |0.23% | | |

|ETHNICITY |No. of members |No. of patients in this |% represented at PRG|No. of members engaged|No. of members engaged with |

| | |group on your list | |Face to Face i.e. |remotely e.g. by letter, |

| | |aged 16 and over | |meetings |telephone, email |

|Any other White background |0 |209 |0% |0 |0 |

|Mixed | | | | | |

|White & Black Caribbean |0 |48 |0% | | |

|White & Black African |0 |33 |0% |0 |0 |

|White & Asian |0 |10 |0% |0 |0 |

|Any other Mixed background |0 |63 |0% |0 |0 |

|Asian or Asian British | | | | | |

|Indian |2 |46 |4.3% |1 |1 |

|Pakistani |0 |33 |0% |0 |0 |

|Bangladeshi |0 |32 |0% |0 |0 |

|Any other Asian background |0 |42 |0% |0 |0 |

|Black or Black British | | | | | |

|Caribbean |0 |62 |0% |0 |0 |

|African |2 |73 |2.7% |0 |2 |

|Any other Black background |0 |42 |0% |0 |0 |

|Chinese or other Ethnic Group | | | | | |

|Chinese |0 |21 |0% |0 |0 |

|Any other |0 |0 |0% |0 |0 |

|OTHER GROUPS |No. of members |No. of patients in this |% represented at PRG|No. of members engaged|No. of members engaged with |

| | |group on your list | |Face to Face i.e. |remotely e.g. by letter, |

| | |aged 16 and over | |meetings |telephone, email |

|Carers |1 |235 |0.42% |1 |1 |

|Learning Disabilities |1 |74 |1.3% |1 |1 |

|Long Term Conditions |9 |5131 |0.17% |9 |9 |

Our population size of patients 16 years and over is 10472.

Details of the PRG members are available to NHS England on request.

The data for ethnicity composition of our practice population is based on data we have already collected or documented on incoming patients records.

We have provided numbers based on what information we already have and what we know of the local population composition from Census Data. We hope that this gives a reasonable picture of the practice population but there could be minor unavoidable inaccuracies

Which of the following methods were used to recruit to the Patient Reference Group?

|X |Mailshot to patients |X |Posters in waiting/consulting room |

|X |Discussed when patient attended surgery |X |Leaflets distributed in Practice |

|X |Discussed with patient by telephone | |Email to patients |

|X |Via the Practice Website |

‘Patient Reference Group’ poster is on display in the waiting area and in the health education room, where baby clinic and baby massage takes place to try and encourage young / new parents to join the group. There are also leaflets on the reception desk. Periodically, a message is printed on the back of prescriptions inviting people to join the group. Doctors welcomed patients from hard to reach groups and ethnic minorities during consultations. Letters were sent to care homes, homes of people with learning difficulties and those from other minority groups. Doctors and Practice Manager personally invited teenagers, young mums, working age patients, those from minority groups etc to join the PRG via telephone and in person. We have a more balanced PRG this year as a result of targeting these groups.

Agree areas of priority with the Patient Reference Group

|X |Asked patients attending practice |

|X |Emailed patients/PRG |

|X |Asked for priorities on the practice website |

|X |Other – please provide details below |

We tried to get a wide variety of ideas and views of patients as to their key priorities which we could use for the patient survey. Doctors, Practice Nurses and receptionists asked patients for their views on key priorities. The virtual PRG were emailed for their ideas. A poster in reception also sought people’s views. We asked the members of our Patient Participation Group for ideas for improvements or changes that they would like to see at the practice . Please see the minutes dated Monday 4th November 2014.(Appendix 2)

We also handed out a ‘Patient Priority Form’ at reception and uploaded it on the practice website. Approximately 150 forms were handed out. Please see sample form below.


Dr Marshall & Partners

Dear Patient

We are planning our next annual survey and to ensure that we ask the right questions, we would like to know what you think should be our key priorities when it comes to looking at the services we provide to you and others in the practice.

What do you think are the most important issues on which we should consult our patients?

Clinical care

Getting an appointment

Reception issues

Opening times


Practice premises

Other suggestions or comments:

Collate patient views through the use of a Survey

We decided to use a paper questionnaire as we had a good response the last 2 years.

To ensure that we captured views from a wide group of patients:-

• we handed out surveys in reception

• forms handed out after a Dr’s consultation

• forms were uploaded on the practice website-Appendix 10

• posted to patients in nursing homes and homes for people with learning difficulties

• sent to random patients on our practice list

The survey was issued on Monday 16th December until Monday 27th January. 306 completed surveys were returned. The surveys were then sent off to ‘CMI Publishing Ltd’ to analyse the findings.

See Appendix 11 Patient Survey

See Appendix 3 Questions devised be the patient reference group

Provide the Patient Reference Group with an opportunity to discuss survey findings and reach agreement on changes to services

A further meeting was arranged on Monday 24th February to discuss the findings of the survey with the members of the Patient Participation Group. The analysed reports were sent to the members prior to the meeting so that they had time to read through them. The reports were also sent via email to our virtual members so that that could also give feedback which could be reviewed at the meeting. Please see appendix 7.

The general consensus was that overall the practice had done very well. With regards to the questions which had been devised by our patients, the results are as follows:

What is your experience of booking online? 19.5% of patients did not know that you can book regular appointments online.

Action: Dr’s will remind patients in surgery and a member of staff will move the posters to a more prominent position.

Would patients like to be reminded of their appointment via a text? 49.1% of patients would like a text reminder. The group felt that this would be in the best interest of the practice.

Action: We will trial the service on Saturday morning surgery.

Would you accept using the height, weight and blood pressure monitor as an alternative to booking an appointment for a routine blood pressure check? 50.2% of patients agreed. The members of the group felt that the reason for this was the location of the machine, being situated in the waiting area, some people may feel uncomfortable measuring their weight when the waiting area is busy.

Action: The Practice Manager will discuss with the Doctors to see if there is an alternative location for the machine.

We offer a range of services at the health centre. Do you think we advertise them well enough?

58% Yes

42% No

Action: Posters up in the health centre to promote these services and advertise them on the website.

Agree action plan with the Patient Reference Group and seek Patient Reference Group agreement to implementing changes

At the meeting on the 24th January, we read through the survey results and discussed the findings in detail. We discussed areas where we could have done better and explored how to improve upon this and action plans were put in place. Please see appendix 8.

Publicise actions taken and subsequent achievement

The survey report in on the website, a link to the practice website advertising the survey report is on NHS Choices websites, there are hard copies on reception for patients without access to the internet, the virtual PRG have email copies and the members of the PRG have been sent the reports. There is a poster out in reception advertising the survey results. There is a message on the website signposting the survey report.

Appendix 1

This is a sample of a letter sent to the local residential home





Appendix 2

Minutes of Patient Reference Group

Dr Marshall and Partners

Date: Monday 4th November 2013

Venue: Conference Room, Laindon Health Centre

Time: 2 pm


Dr Pereira Partner

Sheila Mclean Practice Manager

Ruth McCarthy Assistant Practice Manager










|1. |Welcome |

| |Dr Pereira thanked everyone for coming today. |

|2. |Minutes |

| |February 2013 minutes were read and agreed. |

| | |

| |Dr Pereira gave the members a progress report on the survey findings. |

| | |

| |Are you aware that repeat prescriptions can be ordered over the phone? |

| |No 42.1% |

| |A slip went out with all repeat prescriptions informing patients of the number. There is also a poster in |

| |reception. Message was uploaded to the website. |

| | |

| |Do you find the website helpful? |

| |66.6% did not know about the website |

| |Notes have been given out at the reception desk; also posters have been put up in the reception area. Patients |

| |were handed slips at their consultations advertising the website address. The address was also attached to repeat |

| |prescriptions. |

| | |

| |Have you ever used the website for repeat prescriptions? |

| |No 91.1% |

| |Posters were put up in the reception area and slips went out with repeat prescriptions. The repeat prescription |

| |online service is now being used much more. |

| | |

| |The car park underneath the Health Centre needs upgrading, which is most important? |

| |Unfortunately, nothing has happened. The building and car park are now owned by NHS Properties and they are only |

| |doing essential jobs. |

| |The pot holes in the shopping centre car park were filled in over the summer. This has made a huge difference for |

| |our staff and patients who access the Health Centre via the car park. |

|3. |Practice priorities |

| |A developer is looking to redevelop Laindon shopping centre. This will not affect our building. There are concerns|

| |over parking for patients and staff though. |

| | |

| |GR - In the press it states that developers are in discussion with Health Centre bosses at the practice. Is this |

| |true? Sheila Mclean clarified that developers would need to speak to the health centre landlords – NHS England |

| |with regards to developing the health centre site |

| | |

| |We have a number of new members of staff, they are: |

| |Dr Dhanjal has now become a Partner. |

| |Dr Shah is a salaried GP. |

| |Lisa Johnson is our new Practice Nurse. |

| |Connie Payne is our new Health Care Assistant. |

|4. |Patient priorities |

| |Questions for the practice survey |

| | |

| |This was discussed in detail .SM fedback to the group re patient priorities, themes from complaints and Care |

| |Quality Commission related issues. Following a lively discussion the following questions were shortlisted as the |

| |‘additional questions’ which could go out in the survey.RM was responsible for collecting patients views regarding|

| |these questions and feed back to the group at the next meeting. |

| | |

| |Would you like to be able to book a routine Doctors appointment online? |

| | |

| |Would you like to be reminded of your appointment via a text to your mobile phone? |

| | |

| |There is a height / weight and Blood Pressure monitor machine in the waiting area which we now use for monitoring |

| |patients. Do you think that you would use the machine? |

| | |

| |Do you think we advertise the services we offer well enough? |

|5. |Any other business |

| |RH is now a member of the Clinical Commissioning Group PRG. He is also a member of the Basildon & Thurrock Cancer |

| |Services User Group. |

| | |

| |A couple of members of the group commented on how the reception staff could respond better to patients waiting at |

| |the desk. |

| |This matter will be addressed at the next staff training meeting |

|5. |Date and time of next meeting |

| |Date: Monday 9th December 2013 |

| |Time: 2pm |

| |Venue: Conference Room, Laindon Health Centre |

Appendix 2.1

Minutes of Patient Reference Group

Dr Marshall and Partners

Date: Monday 9th December 2013

Venue: Conference Room, Laindon Health Centre

Time: 2 pm


Dr Pereira Partner

Sheila Mclean Practice Manager

Ruth McCarthy Assistant Practice Manager






Apologies: JN & JN

|1. |Welcome |

| |Dr Pereira thanked everyone for coming today and introduced Mr S, a new member to the group. |

|2. |Minutes |

| |November 2013 minutes were read and agreed. |

|3. |Patient priorities |

| |Online Appointments |

| |Appointments are now available to book online. This will not affect patients who do not use the internet. |

| |Accident & Emergency will have access to a number of appointments. Members agreed that this is a good idea. |

| | |

| |Would you like to be reminded of your appointments via text? |

| |The members of the group agreed that this is a good idea especially for double appointments with the Diabetic |

| |Nurse. |

| |A poster will be put up in the waiting area reminding patients to notify the surgery if they change their mobile |

| |numbers. |

| | |

| |Blood pressure/weight/height monitor in the waiting area |

| |We are encouraging patients to use this machine before their appointment. Some patients suffer from ‘white coat |

| |hypertension’ so this reading is more reliable. |

| |PRG members do not like where it is situated. Feedback to Drs that that the group unanimously think it is in the |

| |wrong place. |

| | |

| |Do we advertise our services well enough? |

| | |

| |Examples of patient friendly reception area would include, Computer terminal in the health centre for patients who|

| |do not have access to a computer. |

| |Leaflets for new patients advertising what services are offered at the health centre. |

| |‘Information Space’, there is an area in Basildon Hospital which has a range of leaflets advertising Cancer |

| |helplines / groups, hospices, falls prevention service etc. |

|4. |Final questions for the practice survey |

| | |

| |Would you like to be able to book a routine Doctors appointment online? |

| | |

| |Would you like to be reminded of your appointment via a text to your mobile phone? |

| | |

| |There is a height / weight and Blood Pressure monitor machine in the waiting area which we now use for monitoring |

| |patients. Do you think that you would use the machine? |

| | |

| |Do you think we advertise the services we offer well enough? |

|5. |Any other business |

| |RH and NR have both been invited to join the CCG (Clinical Commissioning Group) PRG. Their meeting is the first |

| |week of February, they will feed back information at our next meeting. |

|5. |Date and time of next meeting |

Appendix 3

Q41 Would you like to be able to book a

routine Doctors appointment online?

(1 Yes

(2 No

(3 Don’t know

Q42 Would you like to be reminded of your

appointment via a text to your mobile phone?

(1 Yes

(2 No

(3 Don’t know

Q43 There is a height / weight and Blood

Pressure monitor machine in the waiting area.

Do you think this is a good idea?

(1 Yes

(2 No

(3 Don’t know

Q44 Do you think we advertise the

services we offer well enough?

(1 Yes

(2 No

(3 Don’t know

Appendix 4


Appendix 5





















Appendix 6


Appendix 7

Minutes of Patient Reference Group

Dr Marshall and Partners

Date: Monday 24th January 2014

Venue: Conference Room, Laindon Health Centre

Time: 2.30 pm


Dr Pereira Partner

Sheila Mclean Practice Manager

Ruth McCarthy Assistant Practice Manager










Apologies: DB, AP, RP, JN, JN, JW and JF

|1. |Welcome | |

| |Dr Pereira thanked everyone for coming today and introduced a new member to the group, Miss N. | |

|2. |Minutes | |

| |December 2014 minutes were read and agreed. | |

|3. |Patient Survey Summary and Report | |

| |Dr Pereira asked if the members if there was anything on the report which they would like to discuss or if | |

| |they had any concerns. | |

| | | |

| |RJ felt that overall the practice came out particularly well. | |

| | |RJ |

| |EF pointed out that a high percentage (22.25) would like the surgery open on a Saturday. | |

| |The practice is open for bookable appointments on Saturday morning. |EF |

| |Action: Advertise the Saturday morning appointments in the surgery. This information is already on the | |

| |website | |

| | | |

| |RH pointed out that the results for Q11 would you be happy to see this Doctor / Nurse again, were very good.| |

| | | |

| |Doctor 99% and Nurse 98.4% |RH |

| |Nurses results across the board are not as good as the Doctors but 98.4% is still a very respectable result.| |

| |Action: SM to speak to nurses to see how to improve on this | |

| | |RH |

| | | |

| |Q47 What is your experience of booking online? | |

| |19.5% did not know about it. | |

| |Can we have posters displayed in the waiting area advertising this service. | |

| |This service is just 1 month old and there is already 800 people registered. This will quickly grow. | |

| |Action: Dr’s to remind patients in surgery and RM to move posters to a more prominent position. | |

| | | |

| |Q48 Would you like to be reminded of your appointment via a text? |EF |

| |YES 49.1% | |

| |NO 50.9% | |

| |Action: The group felt that this would be in the best interest of the practice. We will trial the service on| |

| |Saturday morning surgery. | |

| |All new patients will be asked for consent when they register. | |

| | | |

| |Q49 Would you accept using the Height and Blood Pressure monitor machine as an alternative to booking a | |

| |Doctor’s appointment for a routine blood pressure check? | |

| |YES 50.2% | |

| |NO 49.8% | |

| |The machine can be used as a simple height and weight machine, however if you get a token from reception, | |

| |you can also have your blood pressure and BMI checked. Posters in the waiting area to encourage patients to | |

| |use this machine. | |

| |The members of the group feel that it is located in the wrong position. Some members admit to watching | |

| |people use the machine as there is nothing else to focus on. | |

| |Action: SM to discuss with Doctors re an alternative location for the machine. | |

| | | |

| |Q50 Do we advertise the services we offer well enough? | |

| |YES 58% | |

| |NO 42% | |

| |We will go ahead and advertise via posters and on the website. | |

| |Action: RM to do | |

| | | |


| |Q10 Do you have confidence that the Doctor will keep your information confidential? | |

| |92.1% agreed. The members felt that this was a very good result | |

| | | |

| |Q12 Are the receptionists helpful? | |

| |67.7% Very | |

| |28.9% Fairly | |

| |2.4% Not very | |

| |Both Elaine and Bob said that they find the receptionists and switchboard staff helpful and polite. | |

| |Action: SM to reinforce this information at the next staff meeting and work on improving these results. | |

| | | |

| |Q15 If you need to see a Doctor urgently, can you normally get seen the same day? | |

| |58.3% Agreed | |

| |Action: AP will liaise with Doctors re making more urgent appointments available. | |

| | | |

| |Q20 If you want to see a particular Doctor, how quickly do you get seen? | |

| |22.4% Same day or next day | |

| |Does this reflect reality? Patients can be seen on the same day if they need an appointment. Some patients | |

| |would rather wait up to a week to see their preferred GP. | |

| | | |

| |Q24 How long did you wait for your most recent consultation to start? | |

| |58.1% 10 minutes or less | |

| | | |

| |Q25 How do you rate how long you waited? | |

| |89.2% Satisfactory or better | |

| |The members felt that this was a very good result. |AP |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |RH |

|4. |Any other business | |

| | | |

| |RH, EF & NR attended the ‘Patient Engagement Group Meeting’ on Tuesday 4th February 14. RH outlined the | |

| |reason for the meeting & NR brought along the minutes for the PRG to look through (I have a copy on file if | |

| |anyone would like me to send it to them – Ruth ) | |

| | | |

| |This is currently the Laindon Health Centre logo, however the GPs would like a new updated logo. | |

| |[pic] | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |It was designed by a school child through a competition about 20 years ago. How do you think we should | |

| |design a new logo? Ask the local schools to take part in a competition again? Any ideas? | |

| |Please email Ruth – Ruth.upminster@ | |

|5. |Date and time of next meeting | |

| | | |

| |To be confirmed | |

Appendix 8

Action Plan 2014

EF pointed out that a high percentage (22.25%) would like the surgery open on a Saturday.

The practice is open for bookable appointments on Saturday morning.

Action: Advertise the Saturday morning appointments in the surgery. This information is already on the website. There is now a poster in reception advertising this


RH pointed out that the results for Q11 ‘Would you be happy to see this Doctor / Nurse again’, were very good.

Doctor 99% and Nurse 98.4%

Nurses results across the board are not as good as the Doctors but 98.4% is still a very respectable result.

Action: SM to speak to nurses to see how to improve on this. Review at next PRG meeting. Time frame-4 months

Q47 What is your experience of booking online?

19.5% did not know about it.

Can we have posters displayed in the waiting area advertising this service.

This service is just 1 month old and there are already 800 people registered. This is increasing everyday..

Action: Dr’s to remind patients in surgery and RM to move posters to a more prominent position. Review response in the 3 months. SM

Q48 Would you like to be reminded of your appointment via a text?

YES 49.1%

NO 50.9%

Action: The group felt that this would be in the best interest of the practice. We will trial the service on Saturday morning surgery.

All new patients will be asked for consent to be texted when they register.

ACTIONED. Will be reviewed in 3 months. AP

Q49 Would you accept using the Height and Blood Pressure monitor machine as an alternative to booking a Doctor’s appointment for a routine blood pressure check?

YES 50.2%

NO 49.8%

The machine can be used as a simple height and weight machine, however if you get a token from reception, you can also have your blood pressure and BMI checked. Posters in the waiting area to encourage patients to use this machine.

The members of the group feel that it is located in the wrong position. Some members admit to watching people use the machine as there is nothing else to focus on.

Action: SM to discuss with Doctors re an alternative location for the machine. Report back to PRG at the next meeting in 3 months. Time frame-4 months

Q50 Do we advertise the services we offer well enough?

YES 58%

NO 42%

We will go ahead and advertise via posters and on the website.

Action: RM to do. Review in 6 months

Q12 Are the receptionists helpful?

67.7% Very

28.9% Fairly

2.4% Not very

Both EF and BH said that they find the receptionists and switchboard staff helpful and polite.

Action: SM to reinforce this information at the next staff meeting and work on improving these results. Report back to PRG at the next meeting. Time frame-4 months

Q15 If you need to see a Doctor urgently, can you normally get seen the same day?

58.3% Agreed

Action: AP will liaise with Doctors re making more urgent appointments available. AP to discuss at next Practice meeting. Time frame 1 month

Appendix 9

Updated Action Plan 2013

Are you aware that repeat prescriptions can be ordered over the phone?

No 42.1%

A slip went out with all repeat prescriptions informing patients of the number. There is also a poster in reception. Message was uploaded to the website. More patients are now using the service.

Do you find the website helpful?

66.6% did not know about the website

Notes have been given out at the reception desk; also posters have been put up in the reception area. Patients were handed slips at their consultations advertising the website address. The address was also attached to repeat prescriptions. We have had a good response to online messages and more than 700 patients are currently registered for online appointment bookings and repeat prescribing.

Have you ever used the website for repeat prescriptions?

No 91.1%

Posters were put up in the reception area and slips went out with repeat prescriptions. The repeat prescription online service is now being used much more.This is advertised on the website as well.See answer above.

The car park underneath the Health Centre needs upgrading, which is most important?

Unfortunately, nothing has happened. The building and car park are now owned by NHS Properties and they are only doing essential jobs.

The pot holes in the shopping centre car park were filled in over the summer. This has made a huge difference for our staff and patients who access the Health Centre via the car park.

Appendix 10

Top of Form

Annual Practice Patient Survey

If you would like to take part in the annual Practice Patient Survey please click on the following link to download and print the questionnaire. Please return the completed questionnaires to the Health Centre.  2014 Practice Patient Survey Questionnaire & Questions devised by the Patient Reference Group

Thank-you for your participation.


If you wish to read the results of our previous practice Survey please click on the links below

Practice Survey  2012 

 Practice survey 2013




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