Public Health Education - University of Maryland School of ...

Curriculum Vitae Notarization. I have read the following and certify that this curriculum vitae is a current and accurate statement of my professional record.Signature_____________________________________Date__April 25, 2015________________I. Personal InformationI.A. UID, Last Name, First Name, Middle Name, Contact InformationUID: 107656704Carter-Pokras, Olivia, DeniseDepartment of Epidemiology and BiostatisticsUniversity of Maryland School of Public Health2234G SPH BuildingCollege Park, Maryland I.B. Academic Appointments at UMD2007-PresentAssociate Professor (tenure), Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, University of Maryland College Park School of Public Health (formerly College of Health and Human Performance), College Park, MD2002-PresentAssociate Professor (2002-2006); Secondary Associate Professor (2007-Present); Department of Epidemiology and Public Health (was Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine), University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore MD.I.C. Administrative Appointments at UMDI.D. Other Employment1997-2002Director, Division of Policy and Data, Office of Minority Health, Department of Health and Human Services, Rockville MD (Promoted to GS15).1996-PresentAssociate faculty member, Department of Epidemiology, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD.1991-1997Public Health Analyst, Division of Policy and Data, Office of Minority Health, Department of Health and Human Services, Rockville, MD.1982-1991Health Statistician, Medical Statistics Branch, Division of Health Examination Statistics, National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Hyattsville, MD (Entered as GS9).1979-1981Peace Corps Volunteer, Kisii Kenya.I.E. Educational Background1994The Johns Hopkins University, EpidemiologyPh.D.Dissertation: “Detection of heavy alcohol drinking: evaluation and application of biochemical tests”1982The Johns Hopkins University, BiostatisticsM.H.S.1979Tulane University, BiologyB.S.I.F. Professional Certifications and LicensesII. Research, Scholarly and Creative Activities^ designates the author with intellectual leadership on jointly authored papers # are co-authors mentored as undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, faculty research assistants, and junior faculty.II.A. Books II.A.1. Books Authored Zambrana RE^, Carter-Pokras O, Valdez RB, Villarruel AM, #Nunez NP. Drawing from the Data: Working Effectively with Latino. A Guide for Health and Family Support Practitioners. American Academy of Pediatrics and Family Support America. 2004.II.A.2. Books Edited II.A.3. Books Translated (as translator) II.A.4. TextbooksII.A.5. Major Reference WorksII.A.6. Exhibition CatalogsII.A.7. OtherII.B. ChaptersII.B.1. BooksCarter-Pokras O^, #Fischer A. Chapter 3. Improvements in Latino Health Data. In: Health Issues in Latino Males: A Social and Structural Approach. Rutgers University Press. May 2010. ISBN-10: 0813546044, ISBN-13: 978-0813546049.Carter-Pokras O^, #Kanamori M. Chapter 14. An Overview of Latino Males’ Health Status. In: Health Issues in Latino Males: A Social and Structural Approach. Rutgers University Press. May 2010. ISBN-10: 0813546044, ISBN-13: 978-0813546049.Carter-Pokras O^, Delisser H. Introduction. In: Hark L, DeLisser H, Morrison G (eds). Achieving cultural competency: a case-based approach to training health professionals. Wiley-Blackwell. 2009. (ISBN-10:1405180722; ISBN-13:9781405180726). §Also Associate EditorCarter-Pokras O^. Zambrana RE. Chapter 2: Latino Health Status. In: Health Issues in the Latino Community. Jossey-Bass. 2001.Carter-Pokras O^. Chapter 3: Health Profile. In: Molina C, Aguirre-Molina M (ed) Latino Health in the U.S.: A Growing Challenge. American Public Health Association: Washington DC, 1994.Ramirez A^, Valdez R, Carter-Pokras O. Chapter 8: Cancer. In: Molina C, Aguirre-Molina M (ed) Latino Health in the U.S.: A Growing Challenge. American Public Health Association: Washington DC, 1994.Carter-Pokras O^. Appendix: Using Vital Statistics to Assess Health Status. In: Molina C, Aguirre-Molina M (ed) Latino Health in the U.S.: A Growing Challenge. American Public Health Association: Washington DC, 1994.Nigg HN^, Beier RC, Carter O, Chaisson C, Franklin C, Lavy T, Lewis RG, Lombardo P, McCarthy JF, Maddy KT, Moses M, Norris D, Peck C, Skinner K, Tardiff RG. "Exposure to Pesticides" In: Baker SR, Wilkinson CF (ed). The Effect of Pesticides on Human Health. Advances in Modern Environmental Toxicology. Princeton NJ: Princeton Scientific Pub Co, Inc. 1990.II.B.2. CollectionsII.B.3. EncyclopediaZambrana RE^, Carter-Pokras O. Latino Health and Behavior. In: Anderson NB (Ed). Encyclopedia of Health and Behavior. Sage Publications. January 2004.II.B.4. SeriesII.B.5. Research PaperII.B.6. Other Carter-Pokras O^. Chapter 1. Cultural Competence Rationale, Context, and Definition. In: Cultural Competency in the Medical Profession. InforMed. 2008, 2013.Carter-Pokras O^. Chapter 2. Patterns of Health Disparities and Strategies to Eliminate Them. In: Cultural Competency in the Medical Profession. InforMed. 2008, 2013.Carter-Pokras O^. Toward a Healthy Hispanic Population: Healthy People 2010. In: Bond ML, Jones ME, Ashwill J (eds). Crossing Borders in Hispanic Health Care: Implementing and Evaluating Cultural Competence in the Health Workforce. University of Texas at Arlington, School of Nursing, Arlington, Texas. 2000.II.C. Articles in Refereed Journals#Kanamori M^, Carter-Pokras O, Madhavan S, Lee S, He X, Feldman R. Associations Between Orphan and Vulnerable Child Caregiving, Household Wealth Disparities, and Women’s Overweight Status in Three Southern African Countries Participating in Demographic Health Surveys. Maternal and Child Health Journal. 2015 Jan 29. [Epub ahead of print]#Kanamori M^, Beck K, Carter-Pokras O. Understanding How Social Network and Mass Media Factors Can Influence Cigarette Smoking among Asthmatic Adolescents. Journal of School Health. 2015 Mar;85(3):155-62. doi: 10.1111/josh.12238.Goode TD^, Carter-Pokras O, Horner-Johnson W, Yee S. Parallel tracks: reflections on the need for collaborative health disparities research on race/ethnicity and disability. Medical Care. 2014 Oct;52 Suppl 3:S3-8. doi: 10.1097/MLR.0000000000000201. PMCID: PMC4166530.#Martinez-Garcia G^, Carter-Pokras O, Atkinson N, Portnoy B, Lee S. Do Latino youth really want to get pregnant?: Assessing pregnancy wantedness among male and female Latino youth. American Journal of Sexuality Education. 2014;9(3):329-346.#Kanamori M^, Carter-Pokras O, Madhavan S, Feldman R, He X, Lee S. Orphan/vulnerable child caregiving moderates the association between women’s autonomy and their BMI in three African countries. AIDS Care. 2014;3:1-10.Wallen J^, Randolph S, Carter-Pokras O, Feldman R, #Kanamori M. “Every year I say I’m going to stop:” Engaging African Americans in smoking cessation programs. American Journal of Health Education. 2014;45:151-157.#Okafor MT^, Carter-Pokras O, Zhan M. Greater Dietary Acculturation (Dietary Change) is associated with Poorer Current Self-rated Health among African Immigrant Adults. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 01/2014; DOI:10.1016/j.jneb.2013.11.015 #Carvajal DN^, Ghazarian SR, Crowne SS, Brown PB, Pokras OC, Duggan AK, Barnet B. Is Depression Associated with Contraceptive Motivations, Intentions, and Use Among a Sample of Low-Income Latinas. Womens Health Issues. 2014 January - February;24(1):e105-e113. doi: 10.1016/j.whi.2013.10.003. PMID: 24439935. ?< S, Carter-Pokras O, Dover G, Cheng TL^. A Call to Invest in Latino and Immigrant Child Health. Journal of Pediatrics;2013 Nov;163(5):1240-1241.#Okafor M-TC^, Carter-Pokras OD, Picot SJ, Zhan M. The Relationship of Language Acculturation (English Proficiency) to Current Self-rated Health among African Immigrant Adults. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. 2013 Jun;15(3):499-509. doi: 10.1007/s10903-012-9614-6.Carter-Pokras O^, #Offutt-Powell TN, Kaufman JS, Giles WH, Mays VM. Epidemiology, Policy and Racial/Ethnic Minority Health Disparities. Annals of Epidemiology. 2012;22:446–455. PMCID: PMC3724931Davis F^, #Peterson C, #Bandiera F, Carter-Pokras O, Brownson R. How do we more effectively move epidemiology into policy action? Annals of Epidemiology. 2012;22:413–416.Vargas-Bustamante A^, Fang H, Garza J, Carter-Pokras O, Wallace SP, Rizzo J, Ortega A. Variations in Healthcare Access and Utilization Among Mexican Immigrants: The Role of Documentation Status. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. 2012;14:146–155. PMCID:BPMC3256312Lie D, Carter-Pokras O^, Braun B, Coleman C. What Do Health Literacy and Cultural Competence Have in Common? Calling for a Collaborative Health Professional Pedagogy. Journal of Health Communication: International Perspectives. 2012;17(Sup 3):13-22. PMCID: PMC4263028.Carter-Pokras O^, #Jaschek G, Martinez IL, Brown P, Mora S, Newton N, Luciani I. Perspectives on Latino Lay Health Promoter Programs: Maryland, 2009. American Journal of Public Health. 2011;101:2281–2286. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2011.300317. PMCID:PMC3222417Carter-Pokras O^, Feldman RH, #Kanamori M, Rivera I, #Chen L, Baezconde-Garbanati L, Nodora J, Noltenius J. Barriers and Facilitators to Smoking Cessation among Latino Adults. Journal of the National Medical Association. 2011;103:423-431.Voorhees CC^, #Ye C, Carter-Pokras O, MacPherson L, #Kanamori M, Zhang G, #Chen L, Fiedler R. Peers, Tobacco Advertising, and Secondhand Smoke Exposure Influences Smoking Initiation in Diverse Adolescents. American Journal of Health Promotion 2011 Jan-Feb;25(3):e1-e11.Carter-Pokras OD^, Johnson TM, #Bethune LA, #Ye C, Fried JL, #Chen L, Fiedler R. Lost opportunities for smoking cessation among adults with diabetes in Florida (2007) and Maryland (2006). Prev Chronic Dis 2011;8(3). PMCID: PMC3103556Carter-Pokras O^, #Bereknyei S, Lie D, Braddock CH for the National Consortium for Multicultural Education for Health Professionals. Surmounting the unique challenges in health disparities education: a multi-institution qualitative study. Journal of General Internal Medicine 2010;25(Suppl 2):S108-14. PMCID: PMC2847111.Gryczynski J^, Feldman R, Carter-Pokras O, #Kanamori M, #Chen L, Roth S. Contexts of tobacco use and perspectives on smoking cessation among a sample of urban American Indians. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved. 2010;21:544-558.Zambrana RE^, Carter-Pokras O. Role of Acculturation Research in Advancing Science and Practice in Reducing Health Care Disparities Among Latinos. American Journal of Public Health 2010 Jan;100(1):18-23. PMCID: PMC2791264.Dogra N^, # HYPERLINK "" Reitmanova S, Carter-Pokras O. Teaching cultural diversity: current status in U.K., U.S., and Canadian medical schools. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2010;25(Suppl 2):S164-8. PMCID: PMC2847109.Carter-Pokras O^, Acosta DA, Lie D, #Bereknyei S, DeLisser H, Haidet P, Gill A, Hildebrandt C, Crandall S, Kondwani K, Glick S. for the National Consortium for Multicultural Education for Health Professionals.??Curricular Products from the National Consortium for Multicultural Education for Health Professionals. MDNG: Focus on Multicultural Healthcare. 2009.Martinez IL^, Carter-Pokras O, Brown PB. Addressing the Challenges of Latino Health Research: Community-based approaches in an emergent urban community. Journal of the National Medical Association 2009 Sep;101(9):908-14.#St. Charles M^, Weiss SR, Beardsley R, Fedder D, Carter-Pokras O, #Cross RK. Gastroenterologists Prescribing of Infliximab for Crohn’s Disease: A National Survey. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 2009 Oct;15(10:1467-75. Carter-Pokras O^, Spirtas R, #Bethune L, Mays V, Freeman V, Cozier Y. The Training of Epidemiologists and Diversity in Epidemiology: Findings from the 2006 Congress of Epidemiology Survey. Annals of Epidemiology 2009 Apr;19(4):268-75.? Carter-Pokras O^, #Bethune L. Social Science and Medicine Commentary. Response to article: Defining and Measuring Acculturation: A Systematic Review of Public Health Studies with Hispanic Population in the United States. Social Science and Medicine 2009 doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2009.06.042 [Invited]Dogra N^, # HYPERLINK "" Reitmanova S, Carter-Pokras O. Twelve tips for teaching diversity and embedding it in the curriculum. Medical Teacher. 2009; 31(11): 990-993. PMCID: PMC2967223.#Johnston-Briggs B^, Liu J, Carter-Pokras O, Barnet B. Effect of partner relationships on motivation to use condoms among adolescent mothers. Journal of the National Medical Association. 2008;100(8):929-935.#Ryder PT^, #Wolpert B, Orwig D, Carter-Pokras O, Black SA. Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use Among Older Urban African Americans. Journal of the National Medical Association. 2008;100(10): 1186-1192.Carter-Pokras O^, Brown PB; Martinez I, Solano H, Rivera MI, #Pierpont Y. Latin-American Trained Nurse Perspective on Latino Health Disparities. J Transcultural Nursing 2008 Apr;19(2):161-6.Carter-Pokras O^, Zambrana RE, Yankelvich G, #Estrada M, Castillo-Salgado C, Ortega AN. Health status of Mexican-origin persons: Do proxy measures of acculturation advance our understanding of health disparities? Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. 2008 Dec;10(6):475-88. #Donovan M^, #Lunney K, Carter-Pokras O, #Cross R. Prescribing Patterns and Awareness of Adverse Effects of Infliximab: A Health Survey of Gastroenterologists. Digestive Diseases and Sciences; 2007 Apr 7 [Epub ahead of print]Carter-Pokras O^, Zambrana RE, Mora SE, Aaby KA. Emergency preparedness: knowledge and perceptions of Latin American immigrants. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved; 2007;18:465-481. Reprinted in: Carter-Pokras O^, Zambrana RE, Mora SE, Aaby KA. Emergency preparedness: knowledge and perceptions of Latin American immigrants. In: Brennan VM (Ed). Natural Disasters and Public Health: Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Wilma. Baltimore MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press. 2009. Carter-Pokras O^, Zambrana RE, #Poppell CF, #Logie LA, Guerrero-Preston R. The Environmental health of Latino children. Journal of Pediatric Health Care 2007;21(5):307-314. PMCID: PMC2967224. [Review article]#Amin S^, #Hanley C, Carter-Pokras O. Indomethacin Use for the Management of Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Preterms: A Web-Based Survey of Practice Attitudes Among Neonatal Fellowship Program Directors in the United States. Pediatric Cardiology; 2007 Apr 24; [Epub ahead of print]Zambrana RE^, Ayala C, Carter -Pokras O, #Minaya J, Mensah GA. Disparities in hypertension-related mortality among selected Hispanic subgroups and non-Hispanic White women ages 45 years and older--United States, 1995-1996 and 2001-2002. Ethnicity and Disease 2007;17(3):434-440. Ortega A^, Fang H, Perez V, Rizzo J, Carter-Pokras O, Wallace S, Gelberg L. Health Care Access, use of services and Experiences among Undocumented Mexicans and Other Latinos. Archives of Internal Medicine 2007;167(21):2354-2360. #Williams-Brown S^, Muntaner C, Carter-Pokras O, Oliver MN. Eliminating Cancer Disparities by Race/Ethnicity: An Analysis of State Comprehensive Cancer Control Plans. Journal of the Association of Academic Minority Physicians 2006;16(1):21-27.Carter-Pokras O^, #McClellan L, Zambrana RE. Surveying Free and Low-Cost Survey Software. Journal of the National Medical Association 2006 Jun;98(6):881-6. PMCID: PMC2569391.#Tolea M^, Black S, Carter-Pokras O, Kling M. Depressive Symptoms as a Risk Factor for Osteoporosis and Fractures in Older Mexican American Women. Osteoporosis International 2007 Mar;18(3):315-22. Martinez I^, Carter-Pokras O. Assessing Health Issues and Barriers in a Heterogeneous Latino Community. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 2006;17(4):899-909. Carter-Pokras O^, Kelley E, Mora S, Crespo C. Supporting physical activity among Latina adolescents. Journal of Latino-Latin American Studies 2006 Dec;2(2):33-47. #Jovel M^, Carter-Pokras O, Ho S, Hirshon JM. Racial and ethnic variation in Maryland hospital admissions from home. Journal of the Association of Academic Minority Physicians 2006;17:61-67.Dogra N^, Carter-Pokras O. Stakeholder views regarding cultural diversity teaching outcomes: a qualitative study. BMC Med Educ 2005 Nov 1;5:37. PMCID: PMC1291368.Carter-Pokras OD^, Solano H, Brown PB, Rivera I, Martinez I, Nieves C, Luciani I. General health assessment of Latinos in Baltimore. Am J Epidemiol 2005;161(Suppl):S139.# HYPERLINK "" Tolea M^, #Ling H, # HYPERLINK "" Poppell C, Li J, Carter-Pokras O. Self-reported sleep problems and sleep hygiene practices among peri- and post-menopausal women. Gerontologist 2005;45(Sp. Iss. 2):257-258. ?? Scharf SM^, Seiden L, DeMore J, Carter-Pokras O. Racial Differences in Clinical Presentation of Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Sleep and Breathing. 2004 Dec;8(4):173-83.Zambrana RE^, Carter-Pokras O. Improving Health Insurance Coverage for Latino Children: A Review of Barriers, Challenges and State Strategies. Journal of the National Medical Association 2004;96(4):508-523. PMCID: PMC2594984. [Review Article]Baquet C^, Carter-Pokras O, Bengen-Seltzer B. Healthcare Disparities and Models for Change. The American Journal of Managed Care 2004;10(1):SP5-SP11.Carter-Pokras O^, O’Neill MJF, #Cheanvechai V, #Menis M, #Fan T, Solera A. Providing linguistically appropriate services to persons with Limited English Proficiency: A Needs and Resources Investigation. The American Journal of Managed Care 2004;10(1):SP29-SP36. [Review Article]Flores G^, Fuentes-Afflick E, Barbot O, Carter-Pokras O (4th)… (total of 15 authors). The health of Latino children: urgent priorities, unanswered questions, and a research agenda. Findings of the Latino Consortium of the American Academy of Pediatrics. JAMA 2002; Vol 288(1):82-90.Carter-Pokras O^, Baquet C. What is a health disparity? Public Health Reports 2002;117:426-432. PMCID: PMC1497467. Flores G^, Fuentes-Afflick E, Barbot O, Carter-Pokras O (4th)… (total of 13 authors). Why ethnicity and race are so important in child health services research today. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine. 2001 Oct;155:1178-9. Zambrana RE^, Carter-Pokras O. Health data issues for Hispanics: implications for public health research. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved. 2001;12(1):20-34. [Review Article] Crespo CJ^, Smit E, Carter-Pokras O, Andersen R. Acculturation and leisure-time physical inactivity in Mexican American adults: results from NHANES III, 1988-1994. American Journal of Public Health. 2001;91:1254-1257. PMCID: PMC1446756Crespo CJ^, Smit E, Andersen R, Carter-Pokras O, Ainsworth B. Race/ethnicity, social class and their relation to physical inactivity during leisure time: Results from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination survey, 1988-1994. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2000 Jan;18(1):46-53.Carter-Pokras O^, Woo V. Health profile of racial and ethnic minorities in the United States. Ethnicity and Health 1999;4(3):117-120. [Invited]Montgomery LE^, Carter-Pokras O. Health status by social class and/or minority status: implications for environmental equity research. Toxicology and Industrial Health. 1993;9(5):729-773. [Review article, Invited]Carter-Pokras O^, Gergen P. Reported asthma among Puerto Rican, Mexican-American and Cuban children: HHANES, 1982-84. American Journal of Public Health. 1993;83(4):580-582. PMCID: PMC1694490.Carter-Pokras O^, Najjar MF, Billhymer BF, Shulman IA. Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels in Hispanics. Ethnicity and Disease. 1993;3:176-180. Kutz FW^, Cook BT, Carter-Pokras O, Brody D, Murphy RS. Selected pesticide residues and metabolites in urine from a survey of the U.S. general population. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. 1992;37:277-291.Carter-Pokras O^, Pirkle J, Chavez G, Gunter E. Blood lead levels in 4-11 year old Mexican-American, Puerto Rican, and Cuban children: HHANES, 1982-84. Public Health Reports 1990;105(4):388-393. PMCID: PMC1580082.Carter O^, Haynes S. Prevalence of scoliosis in U.S. adults: results from the first National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES I). International Journal of Epidemiology 1987;16(4):537-544.II.D. Published Conference ProceedingsII.D.1. Refereed Conference ProceedingsII.D.2. Non-Refereed Conference ProceedingsII.D.3. Historical Conference Proceedings (10+ years ago)II.D.4. OtherII.E. Conferences, Workshops, and TalksII.E.1. Keynotes Beyond cultural awareness: a unified approach to better outcomes and reduced health disparities. Institute for Healthcare Advancement’s 12th Annual Health Literacy Conference. Irvine, CA. 5/10/13.Disparities in Tobacco Use Behaviors by Adult and Youth Minority Populations in Maryland. MDQuit's Smoking and Diversity Workshop. 10/08.Keynote speaker. Johns Hopkins University Programa Salud Student Leadership Conference. 4/10/04.II.E.2. Invited TalksInternational Invited TalksDiscussant for film Screening & Discussion of “Unnatural Causes: Is Inequality Making Us Sick?” at 10th anniversary conference of Community-Campus Partnership for Health, Toronto, Canada. 4/12/07.National Invited TalksLessons learned from applying epidemiology, cultural competency and health literacy research to address health disparities. FDA Science Forum. White Oak, MD. 5/27/15. Provider Factors. NIH-ACS Symposium on Surgical Disparities Research. Bethesda, MD. 5/6/15.Factors Affecting Policies that Influence Minority Health. American College of Epidemiology’s Minority Affairs Committee Workshop. Silver Spring, MD. 9/15/14.Intersection Between Professional Development, Datasystems And Hispanic Health. Hispanic Serving Health Professions Schools’ Professional Development and Data Systems Workshop. Bethesda, MD. 7/24/14.Public Health Education. Implications of Health Literacy for Public Health: A Workshop. Institute of Medicine Roundtable on Health Literacy. Irvine, CA. 11/21/13.Measuring Acculturation and Legal Status. How to Assess Child Health Disparities in Research. Pediatric Academic Societies. Mini Course. Washington, DC. 5/7/13. Current state of research on racial and ethnic disparities in health and healthcare. Expert perspectives: key issues in the racial and ethnic health equity field; Key issues in the disability health equity field. Project Intersect: Health disparities research at the intersection of race, ethnicity, and disability: a national conference. Washington, DC. 4/25/13.Intersection of Science and Policy in Eliminating Health Disparities. 2012 Science of Eliminating Health Disparities Summit. National Harbor, MD. 12/19/12. (moderator)Hispanic Paradox: Building on Community Assets to Promote Immigrant Health. National Immigrant Integration Conference. Baltimore, MD. 9/23/12. Translating Epidemiologic Research into Policy: What Are the Implications for Our Profession? American College of Epidemiology. Chicago, IL. 9/10/12.Factors Impacting the Translation of Epidemiological Findings into Policies Affecting Health Disparities. American College of Epidemiology’s Minority Affairs Committee workshop. Chicago, IL. 9/8/12.Hispanic Populations. National Cancer Institute Cancer Fellowship Program. Rockville, MD. 7/26/12.The role of genomics in reducing health disparities: an epidemiologist perspective. Why we can’t wait: conference to eliminate health disparities in genomic medicine. University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. Miami, FL. 5/31/12.US Latinos: Multiple prevention challenges. Health Disparities and Health Equity: Aiming for a New Anthem (plenary session). Society for Public Health Education Midyear Meeting. Nashville, TN. 4/14/12.Burden of Pain. Relieving Pain in America: IOM Pain Presentation (plenary session). American Academy of Pain Medicine. Palm Springs, CA. 2/25/12.An Epidemiologist Perspective. NIH Careers in Public Health–workshop. NIH Postbaccalaureate Program, Office of Intramural Training and Education. Bethesda, MD. 11/15/11.Hispanics and Cancer. National Cancer Institute Cancer Fellowship Program. Rockville, MD. 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011Academic Writing Panel. Kellogg Health Scholars Program Annual Meeting. Washington, DC. 6/2/11.Cultural Competency. Module 11 - Health Literacy and Cultural Competency (9/30/10). Methods and approaches used to assess progress in eliminating health disparities. Module 2 - Application of Data, Measurement Models and Evaluation Methods in Addressing Population Health and Health Disparities (9/21/10). NIH/NIMHD Translational Health Disparities Course. National Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities. Bethesda, MD. Placing Equity in the Context of Health Care Quality. Charting a Course for Health Care Quality Improvement: Data-Driven Strategies for Eliminating Health Disparities. National Press Club. Washington, DC. 3/25/10.Hispanics and Cancer. National Cancer Institute Cancer Fellowship Program. Rockville, MD. 2009.Hispanics and Cancer. National Cancer Institute Cancer Fellowship Program. Rockville MD. 8/1/08.Cultural specificity in the delivery of healthcare services-language, culture, economics. National Center for Health Statistics. 10/10/07.Hispanics and Cancer. National Cancer Institute Cancer Fellowship Program. Rockville MD. 7/07.Working with Minority Communities. American Cancer Society Mission Delivery Summit. Atlanta, GA. 6/14/06.The Importance of Standardized Data in Reporting Racial and Ethnic Disparities. 19th National Conference on Chronic Disease Prevention and Control. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Atlanta GA. 3/1/05.Latino Disparities in Health Care. National Legal Aid and Defenders Association. Washington DC. 12/2/04.Measures of Race, Ethnicity, Racism and Discrimination. Fourth National Conference on Quality Health Care for Culturally Diverse Populations: Integrating Community Needs into the National Health Agenda. Washington DC. 9/29/04.The Use of Race and Ethnicity in Science Policy and Regulations. American College of Epidemiology. Boston MA. 9/11/04.Regional/State/Local Invited TalksLatino Panel. Morgan State University. Introduction to Public Health and Health Disparities class. 11/24/14.Cultural Competency. Delaware Cancer Consortium. Dover, DE. 9/17/12.Latinos in Maryland: Multiple Prevention Challenges. Johns Hopkins University Health Disparities Seminar Series. Baltimore, MD. 3/12/12. Maryland Latino Lay Health Promoter Programs. In: How to Build a Local Model Public Health Program. Summit on Childhood Obesity. University of Maryland. Baltimore, MD. 11/16/11.Cultural Competency and Health Literacy Training Resources:? Primer Overview. Maryland Health Disparities Conference, Maryland's Health Workforce: Promoting Diversity and Strengthening the Pipeline. Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene’s Office of Minority Health and Health Disparities. Hyattsville, MD. 10/4/11.Measurement of race and ethnicity, and improving race/ethnicity health data. Johns Hopkins University General Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine Fellows Seminar. Baltimore, MD. 3/9/11.Grand Rounds: Strategies for decreasing health disparities. Washington Adventist Hospital. 10/22/10.Cultural Competency. Clinical Practice Updates. Delaware Technical and Community College. Nursing Department. Georgetown, DE. 10/21/10.Health Equity and Effective Cultural Communication. Delaware Cultural Competency Education Series. Delaware Division of Public Health and the National Medical Association First State Chapter. Delaware State University. Dover, DE. 4/1/10.Grand Rounds: Strategies for Decreasing Health Disparities. Shady Grove Adventist Hospital. 10/29/09.Providing Care to Diverse Populations:?A New Trend. Delaware Cultural Competency Series. Delaware Division of Public Health in partnership with the Delaware Nurses Association and the Delaware Academy of Family Physicians. Wilmington, DE. 3/6/09.Grand Rounds: Strategies for Decreasing Health Disparities. Shady Grove Adventist Hospital. 10/29/09.Accessing Hispanic Health Data: Puerto Ricans and Cancer. Grand Rounds. Department of Community and Preventive Medicine, Mount Sinai School of Medicine. New York City, NY. 11/21/08.Health Disparities. Special Administrative Grand Rounds. Sinai Hospital. Baltimore, MD. 12/8/08.Disparities in Tobacco Use Behaviors by Adult and Youth Minority Populations in Maryland. Diversity and Smoking Workshop. Clinton, MD. 10/3/08.Limitations of Hispanic Data and Conducting Community Surveys. DE. 1/26/08.Examples of cultural competency education and training tools in Maryland. Workforce on cultural diversity: a public health forum. The Maryland State Council on Cancer Control & the Maryland Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan. 4/24/07.Cultural specificity in the delivery of healthcare services-language, culture, economics. Dialogue on Diversity. 2006 Health Care Symposium, Washington DC. 8/23/06.Making a difference in the health of Hispanics/Latinos. University of South Carolina School of Public Health. Columbia, SC. 4/7/06.Health Disparities are No Myth. Maryland’s Third Annual Statewide Minority Health Disparities Conference: A State Agency Action Agenda for Ending Health Disparities. Baltimore, MD. 5/16/06.Hispanic Health Data. Puerto Ricans and Cancer: the unequal burden. San Juan, Puerto Rico. 5/11/06.Disparities and Children with Disabilities. Parent’s Place of Maryland. Glen Burnie, MD. 3/11/06.Barriers and Challenges to Improving Latino Health in Maryland. Latino Immigrants in Maryland: What are Current health and Social Issues? Panel Discussion. Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. Latin Student Network and Students for Health and Human Rights. 3/3/06.General Health Assessment of Latinos in Baltimore. The 3rd Annual Scientific Forum on Cancer and Other Tobacco-Related Diseases. Baltimore, MD. 6/6/05.The Latino Health Initiative: A Model for Combating Disparities in Latino Communities. Bridging the Racial Divide in Health Care: Eliminating Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Status. University of Maryland School of Law, Law and Health Care Program. Baltimore, MD. 3/11/05.Cultural Competency Today in Health Care. 7th Annual Minority Pre-Health Conference. Johns Hopkins University. Baltimore, MD. 2/26/05.Measuring Health Care Disparities. Morgan State University. Baltimore MD. 12/6/04.II.E.3. Refereed PresentationsInternational ConferencesSuurmond JL, Carter-Pokras O. Culturally Competent Medical Education (C2ME)– outline of a European project. Ottawa/CCME 2014 Conjoint Conference. Ottawa, Canada. 4/27-29/14.Carter-Pokras O. Lessons Learned Across All 8 Cases. In: Translating Epidemiologic Research into Policy: What are we Learning Across Diverse Topics in Public Health? 3rd Congress of Epidemiology. Montreal, Canada. 6/23/11. Carter-Pokras O. Assessing Attitudes Towards Cultural Diversity Among Asthma Care Providers. In: NHLBI Cultural Competence and Health Disparity Academic Award Program for Pulmonary Medicine. American Thoracic Society International Conference. San Francisco, Ca. 5/20/09.U.S. Perspective. International perspectives on cultural competence training: assessment and evaluation of cultural competence education in the UK, US and Canada. Discussion of Theory and Practice. 12th International Ottawa Conference on Clinical Competence. New York City, NY, 5/23/06 (speaker and discussant leader)Yankelvich G, Carter O. Tiene el nivel socioeconomico efecto sobre el estado de salud? Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico. 8/3/04.Yankelvich G, Carter-Pokras O. Health improvement vs health achievement. IUAES Inter-Congress: Mega urbanization, multi-ethnic society, human rights and development. Calcutta India. 12/12-15/04.National ConferencesUsing reflective pedagogy to teach about and assess unconscious bias that impacts health outcomes. American Public Health Association annual meeting. 11/17/14. (moderator and organizer of roundtable).Carter-Pokras O, Chen J, Bloodworth R, Kohrt B, & Pomerantz S. Do Online FDA Consumer Materials Meet Information Needs of People Living With HIV/AIDS? Presented at the Society for Public Health Education Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD. 3/20/14.Kanamori M, Carter-Pokras O, Feldman R. Emergence of overweight problems among orphan and vulnerable child caregivers in southern Africa. American Public Health Association. Boston, MA. 11/4/13. Cultural Competency and Health Literacy: Informing the Policy Cycle. 2012 Science of Eliminating Health Disparities Summit. National Harbor, MD. 12/17/12. (speaker and organizer of panel) Carter-Pokras O. Epidemiologists, Policy, and Racial/Ethnic Health Disparities. American Public Health Association. San Francisco, CA. 10/29/12. (speaker and organizer of session: “The Practice of Epidemiology: Intersection of Science, Service, and Policy”) Strategies to Ameliorate the Effect of Bias and Stereotyping on Health Outcomes. Eighth National Conference on Quality Health Care for Culturally Diverse Population. Oakland, CA. 3/13/12. (moderator and organizer of panel)Martinez-Garcia G, Atkinson N, Carter-Pokras O, Lee S, Portnoy B, Sawyer R, Kattar C, Galeas S. What drive pregnancy intentions among Latino youth? American Public Health Association. Washington, DC. 11/2/11.Carter-Pokras O. Public Health Significance of Pain: a report from the Institute of Medicine. American Public Health Association. Washington, DC. 11/1/11.Dogra N, Reitmanova S, Carter-Pokras O. Teaching cultural diversity: current status in U.K., U.S., and Canadian medical schools – meeting the common challenges. Cultural competence training:? What should it be and how it should be taught? DiversityRx Quality Health Care for Culturally Diverse Populations Conference. Baltimore, MD. Baltimore, MD. 10/20/10. Carter-Pokras O, Jaschek G, Martinez IM, Brown P, Mora S, Newton N, Luciani I. Perspectives on Implementing Successful Health Promoter Programs Serving the Maryland Latino Population. Community Health Workers: Strategies, outcomes and lessons learned-A Peer-to-Peer Practice Advancement Session. DiversityRx Quality Health Care for Culturally Diverse Populations Conference. Baltimore, MD. Baltimore, MD. 10/19/10. Carter-Pokras O, Lie D, Nunez A, Haidet P, Braddock C. What can Health Professions teams do to improve Cross-cultural Communication between Patients, Families & Providers? Preconference Intensive Training Session.? DiversityRx Quality Health Care for Culturally Diverse Populations Conference. Baltimore, MD. 10/18/10. (organizer, moderator)Feldman RH, Carter-Pokras O, Kanamori M, Ye C, Valliant R, Zhang G, Fiedler R. What motivates former smokers and current smokers to quit in Maryland. American Public Health Association 137th annual meeting. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 11/09. Lee S, Lok JK, Sharma E, Wang Y, Ulpe R, Carter-Pokras O. Psychosocial, cultural, and environmental predictors of tobacco use among Asian Americans in Maryland. American Public Health Association 137th annual meeting. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 11/09. Abstract: Background: Few data exist that thoroughly examine smoking behaviors of Asian American (AA) subgroups in Maryland. Existing survey data on tobacco use among aggregated AAs in Maryland are too general and lack specificity. Objective: To investigate cultural, psychosocial, and environmental factors influencing tobacco use among four major AA communities in Maryland. Methods: Four focus groups (total of 43 participants) were conducted in Asian Indian, Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese communities to collect qualitative data on cultural, psychosocial, and environmental factors that influence tobacco use behaviors. Recommendations for the development of community-specific smoking cessation programs were discussed. We used MAXQDA to code emergent themes and analyze data. Results: Social smoking was described as an essential cultural component among all communities. There was a remarkable pattern of gender differences, where smoking among females was perceived to be a stigma. Military participation and war significantly influenced smoking behavior in Korean and Vietnamese communities. The knowledge and use of other tobacco products such as bidis and hookahs was more prevalent among Asian Indians and younger generations. In the Chinese community, respondents revealed the significance of cigarettes as a tradition and status symbol. In general, participants were unaware of available smoking cessation programs through the state or other providers. Most smokers in these communities did not seek external help for smoking cessation and preferred quitting independently. Recommendations: Community- and faith-based organizations and other community specific media were recommended as ideal communication channels. Participants suggested future smoking cessation programs be more linguistically appropriate and culturally sensitive. Ye C, Valliant R, Zhang G, Kreuter F, Carter-Pokras O, Fiedler R. Item Nonresponse and Weighting Adjustments in a Telephone Survey of Tobacco Use, 63rd Annual AAPOR Conference. 5/09.Williams S, Carter-Pokras O. Washington Adventist Hospital: Helping Others Breath Better. Third National Leadership Summit on Eliminating Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health. National Harbor, MD. 2/27/09.Carter-Pokras O. Understanding Federal Data Systems: an Overview of the Collection, Analysis and Reporting of Race and Ethnicity Data. Third National Leadership Summit on Eliminating Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health. National Harbor, MD. 2/26/09.Carter-Pokras O. Lost Opportunities for Tobacco Cessation: Diabetics in the Maryland Adult Tobacco Survey. 20th National Conference on Chronic Disease Prevention and Control. National Harbor, MD. 2/23/09.Carter-Pokras O, Voorhees C, Kanamori M, Ye C, Valliant R, Zhang G, Fiedler R. Disparities in Tobacco Use Behaviors by Youth Minority Populations in Maryland. NIH Summit: the science of eliminating health disparities. National Harbor, MD. 12/16/08.Jaschek G, Mora S, Montes H, Carter-Pokras O, Botello-Harbaum MT, Palacios C, Pezo E. Developing a Latino health agenda through a community-based participatory process: The experience of the Latino Health Initiative in Montgomery County, Maryland. American Public Health Association. San Diego, CA. 10/28/08 (prepared abstract). Pezo E, Montes H, Bianchi FT, Carter-Pokras O, Jimenez M, Jaramillo E, Palacios C, Mora S, Jaschek G, Saenz C, Fernan-Zegarra P. How To Deal With Latino Data: A Guide for Montgomery County Service Providers. American Public Health Association. 11/7/07 (prepared abstract and slides).Applying Epidemiologic Methods in the Hispanic Community Health Study - Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL). Minority Affairs Committee Scientific Workshop, American College of Epidemiology. Ft. Lauderdale, FL, 9/15/07 (speaker and organizer)NHLBI Cultural Competency & Health Disparities Education Collaborative. DiversityRX. Seattle, WA, 10/18/06 (speaker and organizer)The Role of Epidemiologists in Cultural Competency Training for Medical Students. Congress of Epidemiology. Breakfast roundtable. Seattle, WA, 6/24/06 (discussant leader and organizer)NHLBI Cultural Competency and Health Disparities Education Collaborative (Braddock C). Best Practices in Cultural Competence Education and Research. National Leadership Summit on Eliminating Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health: Embracing a Common Destination: Improving Health Outcomes for All Americans. DHHS Office of Minority Health. Washington DC. 1/9/06. (organizer)JP DeMore, L Seiden, O. Carter-Pokras, SM Scharf. Long-term CPAP compliance in a racially diverse population. ATS.Carter-Pokras O. Health of Latino Immigrants in Baltimore. American Public Health Association. Philadelphia, PA. 12/12/05.Carter-Pokras O, Braddock C, Lie D. Best Practices in Cultural Competence Education. Just Doctoring: How Can Medical Education Address Racial & Ethnic Disparities in Health Care? 10/7/05 (Organizer and Speaker)Tolea M, Black S, Kling M, Carter-Pokras O. Depressive symptoms as a risk factor for osteoporosis and fractures in older Mexican American women. Gerontological Society of America. Washington DC. 11/22/04. How to talk to your legislators. Helen Rodriguez-Trias Latino Caucus breakfast. American Public Health Association. Washington DC. 11/9/04. (Moderator and Organizer).Latino Health Initiative: A Model for Change. American Public Health Association. Washington DC. 11/8/04. (Moderator and Organizer).Donnay A, Sattler B, Carter-Pokras O. Breathprints of exhaled chemicals as biomarkers of disease and environmental exposure. NCEH/ATSDR International Conference on Biomarkers for Toxicology and Molecular Epidemiology: New Tools for 21st Century Problems. Atlanta, GA. 3/04.II.E.4. Refereed AbstractsBowen L, Carter-Pokras O, Kohrt B. Health Literacy and Cultural Competency of FDA Consumer Materials. Annals of Epidemiology. September 2014;24(9): 688. #Cross RK, #Donovan M, #Lunney K et al. Prescribing patterns and awareness of adverse effects of infliximab: a health survey of gastroenterologists. Gastroenterology. 2 Apr 2006;130(4):A207 Suppl.#Tolea M^, Kling M, Carter-Pokras O, et al. Depressive symptoms as a risk factor for osteoporosis and fractures among older Mexican American women. Gerontologist. 1 Oct 2004;44 (Sp Iss):607. II.E.5. Refereed PostersFix J, Ramsey L, Carter-Pokras O. Improving Health Literacy and Cultural Competency of FDA Consumer Materials on Cardiovascular Disease. FDA's 2015 Office of Regulatory Science and Innovation (ORSI) Science Symposium. Food and Drug Administration. White Oak, MD, 4/27/15.Jaschek G, Carter-Pokras O. Association of Life Events and Depressive Symptoms among Puerto Rican Youth. American Public Health Association annual meeting, New Orleans, LA. 11/19/14.Bowen L, Carter-Pokras O, Kohrt B. Health Literacy and Cultural Competency of FDA Consumer Materials. American College of Epidemiology annual meeting. Silver Spring, MD. 9/14.Carter-Pokras O; Bowen L; Kohrt B; Khan N, Aldoory L, Bookeloo B, Braun B, Chen J. Improving Health Literacy and Cultural Competency of FDA Consumer Materials: Lessons Learned for Epidemiologists. Hispanic Serving Health Professions School’s Professional Development and Data Systems Workshop. National Institutes of Health. Bethesda, MD. 7/14.Carter-Pokras, O., Aldoory, L., Pomerantz, S., Bloodworth, R., Kohrt, B. K., Braun, B., & Boekeloo, B. Improving health literacy and cultural competency of FDA consumer materials. Health Literacy Research Conference, Washington, DC. 10/29/13.Carter-Pokras O, Chen J. Racial and ethnic disparities in utilization of physical therapy among working age adults with chronic low back pain. AcademyHealth 2013 Annual Research Meeting. Baltimore, MD. 6/23/13.Epidemiology, Policy, Racial/Ethnic Minority Health Disparities. 2012 Science of Eliminating Health Disparities Summit. National Harbor, MD. 12/18/12.Jaschek G, Carter-Pokras O. Association between Residential Mobility and Depressive Symptoms among Latino Young Adults: The Role of Current Mother's Support. American Public Health Association. San Francisco, CA. 10/30/12.Kanamori M, Akankunda D, Abate T, Eshetu N, Carter-Pokras O. Association of migration and climate changes on health and food access of HIV/AIDS impacted orphan/vulnerable children and their families in Ethiopia. American Public Health Association. San Francisco, CA. 10/30/12.Carter-Pokras O, Vargas C, Rivera MI, Gesker R. Oral Health of Latino and Ethiopian Children and Their Mothers. 4th AADR Fall Focused Symposium: Oral Health Disparities Research and the Future Face of America. 11/3/11. Kanamori M, Eshetu N, Carter-Pokras O, Feldman RH. Health, Nutritional and Societal Factors Associated with Ethiopian Orphan and Vulnerable Children's School Performance. American Public Health Association. Washington, DC. 10/31/11. Noltenius J, Giachello A, Baez-Conde Garbanati L, Nandi C, Carter-Pokras O. Addressing social justice in tobacco prevention and control: the National Latino Tobacco Control Network. American Public Health Association. Denver, CO. 11/9/10. Kanamori M, Eshetu N, Carter-Pokras O, Correa J. Adapting a social network model for social reintegration of vulnerable children due to HIV/AIDS in Ethiopia. American Public Health Association. Denver, CO. 11/8/10.Carter-Pokras O, Vargas C, Chen L, Rivera MI. Oral health of Latino and Ethiopian Young children and their mothers. American Public Health Association. Denver, CO. 11/7/10. Braun B, Carter-Pokras O. Health literacy: what does it have to do with cultural competency? DiversityRx Quality Health Care for Culturally Diverse Populations Conference. Baltimore, MD. Baltimore, MD. 10/20/10. Carter-Pokras O, Jaschek G, Martinez I, Brown PB, Mora S, Newton N, Luciani I. Perspectives on Lay Health Promoter Programs Serving the Latino Population. Partnering to Improve Health: the Science of Community Engagement. Association for Prevention Teaching and Research. Arlington, Virginia. 5/10. Martínez-García G, Atkinson N, Lee S, Carter-Pokras O, Portnoy B, Sawyer R. Using Community Partnerships to Address Latino Teen Pregnancy. Partnering to Improve Health: the Science of Community Engagement. Association for Prevention Teaching and Research. Arlington, Virginia. 5/10. Carter-Pokras O, Vargas C, Rivera I, Chen L, Focht C, Gesker R. Focus Groups On Oral Health Of Latino And Ethiopian Children And Their Mothers. Partnering to Improve Health: the Science of Community Engagement. Association for Prevention Teaching and Research. Arlington, Virginia. 5/10. Carter-Pokras OD, Feldman RH, Kanamori M, Rivera I, Chen L, Baezconde-Garbanati L, Nodora J, Noltenius J. Barriers and Facilitators to Smoking Cessation among Latino Adults. Partnering to Improve Health: the Science of Community Engagement. Association for Prevention Teaching and Research. Arlington, Virginia. 5/10. Voorhees C, Ye C, Carter-Pokras O, Zhang G, Kanamori K, Fiedler R. Social and Environmental Predictors of Smoking Initiation in Diverse Maryland Adolescents. American Public Health Association 137th annual meeting. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 11/09. Kanamori M, Beck K, Carter-Pokras O. Understanding the Relationship between Social Networks and Mass Media with Cigarette Smoking Among Asthmatic Latino Adolescents. American Public Health Association 137th annual meeting. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 11/09. Abstract: Context: Asthma is the most common chronic disease among youth. Tobacco companies spend around $37 million per day on mass media advertisement. Latino cultural values, such as familialismo and simpatia, could potentially favor the dissemination of pro-tobacco messages in Latino social networks. We analyzed the association between social networks and mass media messages on asthmatic Latino youth current cigarette smoking. Methods: Data from the 2006 Maryland Youth Tobacco Survey for 388 asthmatic Latino youth (< 18 years old) were analyzed by smoking status, social network and media exposure variables using bivariate statistics, and logistic regression controlling for demographic variables. Analytic weights accounting for jurisdiction and high school/middle school were used. Results: The percentage of smokers among asthmatic Latino youth was higher compared to Latino non-asthmatic youth (14.5% vs. 11.9% respectively). Social Networks: asthmatic Latino youth smoking was associated with cigarette offers from best friends (OR=161.22), having a friend who was a smoker (OR=18.78), and exposure to second hand smoke in cars (OR=7.17). Mass Media: Lack of knowing about the smoking quitline “1-800-QUIT-NOW” (OR=7.82), exposure to smoker athletes on TV (OR=2.86), exposure to tobacco promotional objects (OR=7.16) and intention to use/buy tobacco promotional products (OR=3.30) were also associated with cigarette smoking. Conclusions: Tobacco prevention and control strategies should capitalize on friends and athletes as positive role models. Regulations targeting youth should prohibit broadcasting smoker athletes on TV, distributing pro-tobacco marketing products, cigarettes access, and second hand smoke in cars. The quitline service should continue to be promoted in the Latino community. Kanamori M, Beck K, Carter-Pokras O, Fiedler R. Association of Social Networks and Mass Media with Cigarette Smoking Among Asthmatic Adolescents. American Public Health Association 137th annual meeting. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 11/09. Abstract: Introduction: Asthma is a common chronic disease for youth. Tobacco companies are spending around $37 million per day on media advertisement. This study analyzes whether social actors and mass media are associated with cigarette smoking among asthmatic youth. Methods: Data from the 2006 Maryland Youth Tobacco Survey for 10,481 asthmatic youth (< 18 years old) were analyzed by smoking status, social network, media exposure and sociodemographic variables using bivariate statistics, and logistic regression. Results: Overall, the odds of being a smoker were greater for asthmatic youth (OR = 1.33) compared to non-asthmatic youth. It was also greater regardless of gender, race/ethnicity (with exception of Hispanics and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islanders), education, weekly income and self perceived health status. Current smoking was associated with cigarette offers from best friends (females OR=114.48, males OR=38.88), having a friend who was a smoker (females OR=7.80, males OR=4.35), and exposure to second-hand smoke in rooms (females OR=4.63) or cars (females OR=1.77, males OR=3.17). Smoking allowed inside the home (OR=1.73), and receipt of advice from a dentist not to smoke was associated with current smoking among females (OR=2.16). Cigarette smoking was associated with media exposure to smoker actors for females (OR=1.43) and with smoker athletes for males (OR=2.35). Exposure to tobacco promotional objects (females OR=2.92, males OR=2.96) was also associated with smoking. Conclusions: Tobacco prevention and control policies, regulations and programs should address asthmatic smoker friends, second-hand smoke and exposure to tobacco promotional objects. Educational campaigns should capitalize on athletes, actors and peer leader as role models. Feldman R, Carter-Pokras O, Kanamori, M., Roth, S and Gryczynski, J. Social and Cultural Factors Associated with High Tobacco Use among American Indians in Maryland. 2009 National Conference on Tobacco or Health. Phoenix, AZ. 6/10-12/09. Carter-Pokras for the National Consortium for Multicultural Education for Health Professionals. Advances in curriculum: The National Consortium for Multicultural Education for Health Professionals. 14th Ottawa Conference on the Assessment of Competence in Medicine and the Healthcare Professions. Miami, Florida. 5/10. Gottlieb J, MacPherson L, Carter-Pokras O, Voorhees C, Kanamori M, Ye C, Valliant R, Zhang G, Fiedler R. Disparities in flavored and smokeless tobacco use behaviors by youth minority populations in Maryland. Joint Conference of SRNT and SRNT-Europe. Saggart, Co. Dublin, Ireland. 4/27-30/09. Feldman R, Carter-Pokras O, Kanamori, M., and Rivera, I. Understanding the barriers to the access and use of community resources to promote smoking cessation among Latinos. American Academy of Health Behavior. Hilton Head, SC. 3/8-11/09. Carter-Pokras O, Feldman R, Kanamori M, Ye C, Valliant R, Zhang G, Fiedler R. Disparities in Tobacco Use Behaviors by Adult Minority Populations in Maryland. NIH Summit: the science of eliminating health disparities. National Harbor, MD. 12/16/08.Ryder PT, Carter-Pokras O, Gruber-Baldini A, Zhan M, Muntaner C. Neighborhood, Racism and Health of Urban Black Elders. Gerontological Society of America. 11/17/07.Donovan M, Lunney K, Carter-Pokras O, Cross R. Prescribing Patterns and Awareness of Adverse Effects of Infliximab: A Health Survey of Gastroenterologists. Digestive Disease Week, Los Angeles, CA, 5/20-25/06.?Carter-Pokras O, Solano H, Brown P, Rivera I, Martinez I, Nieves C, Luciani I. General Health Assessment of Latinos in Baltimore. Society of Epidemiologic Research. Toronto ON. 6/30/05. II.E.6. Refereed PanelsII.E.7. Non-Refereed PresentationsII.E.8. Non-Refereed AbstractsII.E.9. Non-Refereed PostersII.E.10. Non-Refereed PanelsII.E.11. SymposiaII.E.12. WorkshopsLearning Institute: From Zero to Published in One Morning: A Hands-On MedEdPORTAL Publications Workshop. American Public Health Association annual meeting, New Orleans, LA. 11/16/14 (organizer).Issues of Disparity in Health and Wellness. Maryland Student Affairs Conference. University of Maryland College Park. College Park, MD. 2/11/11.Cultural Competency. Clinical Practice Updates. Delaware Technical and Community College. Nursing Department. Georgetown, DE. 10/21/10.Carter-Pokras O. Bereknyei S, Lie D. What can Health Professions teams do to improve Cross-cultural Communication between Patients, Families & Providers? Preconference Intensive Training Session.? DiversityRx Quality Health Care for Culturally Diverse Populations Conference. Baltimore, MD. 10/18/10.Carter-Pokras O. Health Equity and Effective Cultural Communication. Delaware Cultural Competency Education Series. Delaware Division of Public Health and the National Medical Association First State Chapter. Delaware State University. Dover, DE. 4/1/10.Carter-Pokras O. Providing Care to Diverse Populations:?A New Trend. Delaware Cultural Competency Series. Delaware Division of Public Health in partnership with the Delaware Nurses Association and the Delaware Academy of Family Physicians. Wilmington, DE. 3/6/09.Carter-Pokras O, Acosta D, Lie D. Advances in Curriculum: the National Consortium for Multicultural Education for Health Professionals (A2). Sixth National Conference on Quality Health Care for Culturally Diverse Populations. DiversityRX. Minneapolis, MN. 9/21/08.Led discussion of video “Unnatural Causes: Bad Sugar” during a pre-meeting workshop of the American College of Epidemiology’s Minority Affairs Committee: "Research Ethics in Studying Genes and the Environment in Diabetes among Ethnic Minorities". Tucson, AZ. 9/13/08. Health Disparities. New England Public Health Leadership Institute. Providence, RI. 10/15/07.Health Disparities in Prevalence, Treatment and Management in the U.S. and in Baltimore and Culturally Competent Practice. Plan of No Attack:? An Interdisciplinary Approach to Managing Childhood Asthma in the Face of Health Disparities. University of Maryland School of Social Work. 1/06.IUPLR Latino Health Research Workshop. Overview of Latino Health Research: Current trends, hot topics and research pitfalls; Integration of national datasets to inform local research projects; Health Disparities Research 101. Inter-University Program for Latino Research. Notre Dame. 7/13/05.Race and Ethnicity Categories and the Influence of Socioeconomic Status on Health. Hampton University Nuts and Bolts of Research Series. 4/23/04.Resource Person. Health Professional Education. Closing the Health Care Divide: Eliminating Disparities for Racial and Ethnic Minorities. Maryland Statewide Conference. 6/8/04.II.E.13. Colloquia II.E.14. Historical Conferences, Workshops, Talks (10+ years ago)Invited talks, etc.Health status of minority populations: focus on Hispanics. The National Conference on Cholesterol and High Blood Pressure Control. Washington DC. 4/91.Hispanic health issues. National Image Inc. 1992 training conference and convention. Albuquerque, NM. 5/92.Latino Mortality: Confronting the 10 leading causes of death in our community. National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials. Santa Fe, NM. 6/92.Panelist: Latino Research--where are we now and where are we going? American Public Health Association. San Francisco, CA. 10/27/93.Baquet C, Carter-Pokras O. Beyond health insurance coverage: barriers to access and utilization of health services. Eastern Sociological Society. Baltimore, MD. 3/19/94.Minority health policy issues. American Medical Student Association/Foundation 1994 Washington Health Policy Fellowship Program. Washington, DC. 7/22/94.Race-Ethnicity classification issues. State Centers' for Health Statistics Directors Meeting. National Center for Health Statistics. Washington, DC. 11/17/94.Healthy People 2000: Midcourse Review Changes for Minority Populations. American Public Health Association. Washington, DC. 11/28/94.Collecting and using race and ethnicity data for health program evaluation and policy development. Society for Applied Anthropology. Albuquerque, NM. 3/30/95. Multiracial classification of events. Association for Vital Records and Health Statistics. San Francisco, CA. 5/9/95.Keynote: Minority Health Data Issues. Summer Minority Public Health Institute, University of North Carolina. Chapel Hill, NC. 6/18/95.Race, ethnicity and socio-cultural data from the Department of Health and Human Services. Study Group on Immigrant Health, Committee on Health Services Research, Medical Care Section. American Public Health Association. San Diego, CA. 10/29/95.Why collect race and ethnicity data? Summer Minority Public Health Institute. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC. 6/21/96.Federal Government Perspective on Minority Health Data Needs. Summer Minority Public Health Institute. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC. 6/27/97.Minority Cross-cutting Reviews: Healthy People 2000. Public Health Conference on Records and Statistics and Data Users Conference. Washington, DC. 7/28/97.Hispanic Healthy People 2000 Progress Review. American Public Health Association. Indianapolis, IN. 11/11/97.Race, Class and Ethnicity in Health Care. Families USA. Washington, DC. 3/98.Measurement of Race and Racism. Summer Minority Public Health Institute. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC. 7/14/98.Data Challenges for Healthy People 2010: Racial and Ethnic Minorities. Healthy People 2010 regional meetings. New Orleans, Chicago, Seattle. 10/98-12/98.Racial and Ethnic Data Issues. Minnesota Health Data Conference. Minnesota. 10/19-20/98.Eliminating Health Disparities: A Look at Proposed Healthy People 2010 Objectives for Racial and Ethnic Minorities. American Public Health Association. Washington DC. 11/16/98.HIV/AIDS Data Policy. Racial Ethnic Populations Subcommittee, Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS. Washington, DC. 11/17/98.Implications of the Change in the U.S. Standard for Age-Adjusting Death Rates: Impact of Presentation of Race/Ethnic Differentials. American Public Health Association Washington, DC. 11/18/98. Making Cultural Competence an Institutional Priority. Massachusetts Division of Medical Assistance Hospital Cultural Competence Technical Assistance Forum: Strategies for mobilizing your organization to improve cultural competence. Worcester, MA. 4/13/99.Minority Health Data. Rhode Island Office of Minority Health. Providence, RI. 4/14/99.Racial and Ethnic Data. National Conference on Health Education and Health Promotion and the AAHE Summer Institute. Washington, DC. 6/2/99.Classification of Race. Summer Minority Public Health Institute. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC. 7/14-15/99.Eliminating Disparities for Healthy People 2010. National Conference on Health Statistics. Washington, DC. 8/4/99.Minority Health Data: What Do We Know? What Do We Need to Know?. The Health of Minorities in New Jersey: Part One “The Black Experience”. New Jersey Office of Minority Health. Princeton, NJ. 9/21/99.Toward a healthy Hispanic population: Healthy People 2010. Crossing Borders in Hispanic Health Care: Implementing and Evaluating Cultural Competence in the Health Workforce. Center for Hispanic Studies in Nursing and Health, Arlington School of Nursing, University of Texas. Arlington, TX. 2/25/00.The Power of Healthy Lifestyles. U.S. Administration on Aging Symposium: Building the Network on Aging Toolkit. Chicago, IL. 5/23/00.Race and Ethnicity: Categories and the Influence of SES on Health. Summer Minority Public Health Institute, University of North Carolina. Chapel Hill, NC. 6/13/00.Keynote speaker: Healthy People 2010: Eliminating Disparities. Public Health Nursing Forum V. PHNs in Action: Eliminating Health Disparities. Washington, DC. 7/18/00.Unique needs of non-English speaking populations. Outreach to Diverse and Hard-to-reach populations session. Tri-regional ORT meeting. Administration on Aging. Philadelphia, PA. 9/12/00.Keynote speaker: Ensuring Health Care Quality for an Increasingly Diverse Population. Association of Health Facility Survey Agencies training conference. Nashville, TN. 10/16/00.National efforts to eliminate health disparities. Ohio Society for Public Health Education training conference. Cambridge, OH. 10/24/00.Research and Policy Efforts to Improve Immigrant Health in the United States. Metropolis conference. Vancouver, Canada. 11/16/00.National Efforts to Eliminate Health Disparities. Intercultural Cancer Council. Washington, D.C. 2/4/01. Conceptualization, Classification and Measurement of Race and Ethnicity: Challenges and Controversies. Summer Minority Public Health Institute, University of North Carolina. Chapel Hill, NC. 6/19/01.Getting Data: Creating your own database v.s. tapping into existing data sets. Kellogg Fellows’ Summer Symposium. National Medical Fellowships. Warrenton, VA. 6/24/01.Eliminating Disparities. New England Public Health Leadership Institute. Albany, NY. 7/27/01.Health Policy: How policy is developed and how research is used. Center for the Advancement of Health and W.K. Kellogg Foundation Scholars in Health Disparities. Washington, DC. 9/24/01.Race and Ethnicity: Part II. New England Public Health Leadership Institute. Rhode Island. 11/6/01.Exploring the Collection, Use and Analysis of Data on Race and Ethnicity in Genetic Research and Genetic Testing. Secretary’s Advisory Committee on Genetic Testing (SACGT). Washington, DC. 2/14/02.Racial and Ethnic Data Issues. Summer Minority Public Health Institute, University of North Carolina. Chapel Hill, NC. 6/18/02.Health Disparities Policy. Center for the Advancement of Health and W.K. Kellogg Foundation Scholars in Health Disparities. Leesburg, VA. 6/21/02.American Cancer Society’s Minorities and Medically Underserved Policy Review Group. Washington DC. 8/12/02. A policy perspective on using multi-racial/ethnic categories deployed in the Year 2000 census. American Public Health Association. Philadelphia PA. 11/12/02.Federal Standards for Racial and Ethnic Data. New England Coalition for Health Equity. Boston MA. 12/6/02.Do we need data to address health disparities? Minority Health Disparities in Kansas: A Statewide Summit. Wichita KS. 12/11/02.Collecting Racial and Ethnic Data to Support Elimination of Health Care Disparities (Paper discussant). Committee on National Statistics. Washington DC. 12/12/02.Implementing Federal Standards for Racial and Ethnic Data. University of North Carolina’s 25th Annual Minority Health Conference. Chapel Hill NC. 2/28/03.What is a health disparity: an exploration of the various definitions of the term “health disparity.” Cancer Disparities and Intervention Research Program at the Greenbaum Cancer Center. Baltimore MD. 3/18/03.Health Disparities. Howard University Cancer Center/Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center Joint Scientific Symposium. Washington DC. 4/3/03.Latino Children and Access to Health Care. Children’s Defense Fund 2003 National Conference. Washington DC. 4/11/03.Latino Children’s Health and The Policy Environment—A National Perspective. Susan B. Meister Child Health Policy Initiative Symposium on Latino Children’s Health Policy. Ann Arbor MI. 4/15/03. Panelist: Career Opportunities for Minorities in Public Health. Eliminating Health Disparities: Focus on Minorities in the Public Health Professional Corps Symposium. Kellogg Health Disparities Scholars Program and the Center for Urban Health Research. Morgan State University, Baltimore MD. 4/25/03.Conducting Research with Hispanics/Latinos. UIC-Midwest Regional Conference on Hispanic/Latino Health and Human Services: Celebrating Our Past and Building Our Future. UIC-JACSW-Midwest Latino Health Research, Training and Policy Center. Chicago. 6/5/03.Racial and Ethnic Data Issues for Epidemiologic Studies. Summer Minority Public Health Institute. University of North Carolina. Chapel Hill, NC. 6/10/03.Minority and Health Disparities Policy and EO. W.K. Kellogg Foundation Health Scholars Symposium. Washington DC. 6/24/03.Secondary Data Sources. Introduction to Clinical Research at UMB. Baltimore MD. 7/24/03.Hispanics and Cancer. National Cancer Institute Cancer Fellowship Program. Rockville MD. 7/30/03.Workshop Training Led by O. Carter-PokrasState of Hispanic adolescent physical health, State of Hispanic adult physical health. Hispanic Health Leadership week. Sponsored by COSSMHO and the Kellogg Foundation. Kennedy School at Harvard: Boston, MA. 7/90.Montgomery LE, Carter-Pokras O. Health status by social class and/or minority status: implications for environmental equity research. EPA/NIEHS/ATSDR Workshop on Equity in Environmental health: Research Issues and Needs. Research Triangle Park, NC. 8/24-25/92.Public health implications of lack of data. New York regional workshop of the Surgeon General's National Hispanic/Latino Health Initiative. Newark, NJ. 4/15/93.Are studies of racial and ethnic differences in health racist? Workshop given at the Boston American Medical Students Association regional conference. Boston, MA. 10/21/94.Collecting, analyzing, and reporting racial and ethnic data: a view from the Office of Minority Health. Regional Network for Data Management and Utilization (RNDMU) Workshop and Family Planning Directors Meeting. Asheville, NC. 9/26/95.HHS Efforts to Further Racial and Ethnic Data Policy. Collecting, Using and Disseminating Health Data on Minority Populations: A Tri-Regional Workshop. Portland, OR. 3/5/02.Resources for community health assessment. The Mid-Atlantic Cumulative Risk Workshop: How Can Cumulative Risk Assessment Be Used To Achieve Environmental Justice? Environmental Protection Agency. Philadelphia. 5/28/03.Proffered CommunicationsCorrelates of early liver disease. American College of Epidemiology. Atlanta, GA. 11/91.Staes C, Matte T, Carter-Pokras O. Blood lead levels of Hispanic children six months to three years of age. American Public Health Association. Atlanta, GA. 11/91.Lessons from HHANES. American Association for the Advancement of Science. Chicago, IL. 2/92.Montgomery LE, Carter-Pokras O. Vulnerable children: implications for environmental health equity. American Public Health Association. San Francisco, CA. 11/94.State multiracial legislation. American Public Health Association. NY, NY. 11/19/96.Woo V, Jacobs J, Carter-Pokras O. Can health insurers and health maintenance organizations collect racial and ethnic data? American Association of Health Plans Conference. Atlanta, GA. 4/6/00.HHS Efforts to Further Racial and Ethnic Data Policy. American Statistical Association annual meeting. Atlanta, GA. 8/01.Merriweather SP, Carter-Pokras O, Rouse B. Improving Racial and Ethnic Data Policy. American Public Health Association. Philadelphia PA. 11/11/02.Carter-Pokras O, Crespo C, Jaschek G, Kelly E, Mora S, Rivera I. Physical Activity Among Latina Adolescents. American College of Epidemiology. Chicago, IL. 9/03(Moderator and Organizer). The Emergent Majority: Will we have the data we need? American Public Health Association. Philadelphia PA. 11/17/03.II.E.15. OtherII.F. Professional PublicationsII.F.1. Reports and Non-Refereed MonographsMcCann M, Carter-Pokras O^, Braun B. Cultural Competency and Health Literacy Primer: A Guide for Teaching Health Professionals and Students. Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene’s Office of Minority Health and Health Disparities, University of Maryland School of Public Health, and Herschel S. Horowitz Center for Health Literacy. March 2013. Available at: O^, et al (2008). Exploring Cultural, Psychosocial, and Environmental Factors Influencing Tobacco use among Asian Americans, Hispanics, African Americans and American Indians in Maryland, December 2008. Report prepared for the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene under contract OPASS-8-9738G. Available at: Carter-Pokras O^, #Ye C, Voorhees C, Valliant R, Zhang G, #Kanamori M, Wallen J, Fielder R. (2008). Report on Disparities in Tobacco Use Behaviors by Middle and High School Minority Youth in Maryland, 2006. College Park, Maryland: University of Maryland College Park School of Public Health. Report prepared for the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene under contract OPASS-8-9738G. Available at: Carter-Pokras O^, #Ye C, Feldman R, Valliant R, Zhang G, #Kanamori M, Fieldler R. (2008). Report on Disparities in Tobacco Use Behaviors by Adult Minority Populations in Maryland, 2006. College Park, Maryland: University of Maryland College Park School of Public Health. Report prepared for the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene under contract OPASS-8-9738G. Available at: #Kanamori M^, Randolph S, Carter-Pokras O, Wallen J. (2008). Maryland Tobacco Use Prevention and Cessation Logic Models. College Park, Maryland: University of Maryland College Park School of Public Health. Report prepared for the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene under contract OPASS-8-9738G. Available at: Lie D^, Carter-Pokras O, Cleveland E. Tool for Assessing Cultural Competence Training (TACCT) Resource Guide. AAMC. Available at: Keppel K^, Pamuk E, Lynch J, Carter-Pokras O, Kim I, Mays V, Pearcy J, Schoenbach V, Weissman JS. Methodological Issues in Measuring Health Disparities. National Center for Health Statistics. Vital Health Stat 2(141). 2005.Carter-Pokras O^. Implications of New Age Adjustment Standard on Racial/Ethnic Health Disparities. In: Closing the Gap newsletter. HHS Office of Minority Health: Washington DC, Hispanic Agenda for Action issue, October 1998. Najjar M, Carter-Pokras O^. Clinical Chemistry Profile Data for Hispanics, 1982-84. National Center for Health Statistics. Vital and Health Statistics 11(241). 1992.Burnam MA^, McMillan MM, Carter OD, Haynes SA. Validity of the H-HANES Acculturation Measure for Mexican Americans. RAND Publications. P-7391, 1987.II.F.2. Pre-Print/Working Paper (Not Work in Progress)II.F.3. Legal BriefsII.F.4. Policy BriefsII.F.5. OtherII.G. Book Reviews, Notes, and Other ContributionsII.G. 1. Book ReviewsCarter-Pokras O. Montgomery L. Health in Context: Social Epidemiology. Public Health Reports. (Book Review) 2002;116(2):173-175.II.G. 2. EssaysII.G. 3. Notes II.G. 4. Manuals II.G. 5.Other Carter-Pokras O^, Zambrana R. Collection of legal status information: Caution (letter to the editor). Am J Public Health. 2006 Mar;96(3):399. PMCID: PMC1470510.Lie D^, Carter-Pokras O, Cleveland E. Tool for Assessing Cultural Competence Training (TACCT) Resource Guide. MedEdPORTAL; 2006.??Available from: , ID = 325. Carter-Pokras O^, Baquet C, #Poppell C. Four-Year Review Of The Use Of Race And Ethnicity In Epidemiologic And Public Health Research (letter to the editor). American Journal of Epidemiology 2004 Aug 15;160(4):403-4.Flores G^, Fuentes-Afflick E, Barbot O, Carter-Pokras O, et al. Health Risks of Latino Children (letter to the editor). JAMA 2002; Vol 288(16):1983.Carter-Pokras O^, Harrison R. Lead poisoning among Hispanics (letter to the editor). American Journal of Public Health. 1996;10:1479-80. PMCID: PMC1380667.Selective bibliography of HHANES publications. American Journal of Public Health 1990;80(Suppl):71-72.Trevino F, Carter O^. Gallstone size and the risk of gallbladder cancer (letter to the editor). Journal of the American Medical Association 1984;251(32):3080-81.II.H. Completed Creative WorksII.H.1. Digital Media (e.g., CDs, DVDs) II.H.2. DatasetsII.H.3. Constructed ProjectsII.H.4. DemonstrationsII.H.5. Inventions II.H.6. Original Plans and DesignsII.H.7. Photography II.H.8. Software and Applications II.H.9. Websites Maryland’s Approach to Cultural Competency in Healthcare. Available at: . Developed with funding from the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute. Website was developed to help health professionals, public health practitioners and students find information on cultural competency and health disparities. Library webpage to support epidemiology courses - (Updated website: )Canvas/Blackboard websites to support EPIB 610, EPIB 620 and EPIB 623 coursesII.H.10. Exhibitions and Installations II.H.11. Curatorial PracticeII.H.12. Performance or Interpretation – Performing ArtsII.H.13. Direction - Performing Arts II.H.14. Production - Performing ArtsII.H.15. Costume, Stage, Multimedia, and Theatrical DesignII.H.16. Artistic and Graphic DesignII.H.17. DramaturgyII.H.18. ArtworkII.H.19. ChoreographyII.H.20. Playwriting, Screenwriting, and Musical Composition II.H.21. Works of Creative WritingII.H.22. Performance or Interpretation - Film, Video, and Multimedia II.H.23. Direction - Film, Video, and MultimediaII.H.24. Production - Film, Video, and Multimedia II.H.25. Citations and ReviewsII.H.26. Historical Completed Creative Works (10+ years ago)II.H.27. OtherII.I Significant Works in Public MediaII.I.1. Explanatory, Investigative, or Long-Form Journalism II.I.2. Other Significant JournalismII.I.3. Commentary/AnalysisII.I.4. Interactive Online DatabaseII.I.5. OtherII.J. Sponsored ResearchII.J.1. GrantsExtramural Funding, Funded as Principal Investigator:2R13MD00605-04: National Consortium for Multicultural Education for Health Professionals Annual Meeting, NIMHD/NIH, 7/10/14-6/30/15, $49,999.2R13MD00605-03: National Consortium for Multicultural Education for Health Professionals Annual Meeting, NIMHD/NIH, 9/1/12-8/31/13, $48,765Co-Investigator: Bonnie Braun, University of Maryland School of Public Health2R13MD00605-02: National Consortium for Multicultural Education for Health Professionals Annual Meeting, NCMHD/NIH, 9/1/11-8/31/12, $50,0001R13MD006056-01:National Consortium For Multicultural Education For Health Professionals Annual Meeting. NCMHD/NIH, 7/1/10-6/30/11, $25,000. 1R21HD060294-01A2: Oral Health of Latino and Ethiopian Children and Their Mothers, NICHD/NIH, 09/30/08 – 08/31/10, $316,701 (2 yrs).Co-Investigators: Clemencia Vargas, University of Maryland School of Dentistry; Cheryl Focht, Donna Grant-Mills, Maria Rivera, Mary’s CenterOPASS-8-9738G: Tobacco Program Evaluation MOU, Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, 11/1/07-12/30/08, $389,000.Co-Investigators: Cong Ye, Mariano Kanamori, Rajiv Ulpe, Lu Chen, Robert Feldman, Carolyn Voorhees, Sunmin Lee, Guangyu Zhang, Jacquie Wallen, Suzanne Randolph, Richard Valliant, Frauke Kreuter from the University of Maryland College Park.1 K07 HL079255-01: Cultural Competency and Health Disparities Academic Award, Maryland's Approach to Cultural Competency in Healthcare. NHLBI/NIH, 9/30/04-9/29/09, $537,516 (5 yrs). Co-Investigators: Donna Parker, Jon Mark Hirshon, Ligia Peralta, Carol Scott, Rachel Smith, Clemencia Vargas, Jordan Warnick, Fadia Shaya, University of Maryland Baltimore; Pamela Brown, Baltimore Medical SystemsPO6646110107Perceptions of the Latino Community of Montgomery County Maryland about Emergency Preparedness, Montgomery county government, 2006, $55,440.Paper and Special Journal Issue: Reducing Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Care: What Actions Now?, HHS Office of Minority Health, 2003-2004, $41,378 direct costCo-Investigator: Claudia Baquet, University of Maryland BaltimoreExtramural Funding, Funded as Co-Investigator:539536-LLP-1-2013-1-NL-ERASMUS-EQR (Suurmond): Culturally Competent Teachers in Medical Education. European Commission.10/1/13-9/30/15. 16,999 Euros (subcontract)R24 (Mullins): University of Maryland PATient-centered Involvement in Evaluating the effectiveNess of TreatmentS (PATIENTS), Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 9/30/13 - 9/29/18, $1 million per year for 5 years. 2 R01 DA018730-04 (MacPherson): Stage II Trial of Novel Behavioral Activation Intervention for Smoking Cessation, National Institute of Drug Abuse, 7/1/10-6/30/14, $250,000 (first year).1 U48 DP001929 (Boekeloo): University of Maryland Prevention Research Center, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 9/30/09 - 9/29/14, $343,026 (first year pilot and center).088 CFDA No. – 93.884 (Bichell): Training in Primary Care Medicine and Dentistry, HRSA, 7/1/05-6/30/08.1K30 HL04518 (Roghmann, Morris): Clinical Research Curriculum Award, NIH, 9/1/05-12/31/06.PD60 MD00532-01 (Wilson): Community Outreach and Information Dissemination (COID) Core, NIH National Center for Minority Health and Health Disparities, 2003-2006, $814,942 direct costs.D55HP0018-04-00 (Duggan): Maryland Family Medicine Fellowship Program. HRSA, 2004-2007, $798,336.K30 HL04518 (Roghmann):NIH Clinical Research Curriculum Award, Development of Training Infrastructure for Clinical Investigators, 2000-2005, $185,128. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (Baquet): Paper and Special Journal Issue: Reducing Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Care: What Actions Now?, 2003-2004, $16,605 direct costs. Intramural Funding, Funded as Principal Investigator (2003-Present):2014Improving Health Literacy and Cultural Competency of FDA Consumer Materials. University of Maryland Center of Excellence in Regulatory Science and Innovation. Innovations in Minority Health Award. $20,833 direct costs.2014Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Utilization of Physical Therapy among Adults with Chronic Low Back Pain. University of Maryland ADVANCE Program for Inclusive Excellence. ADVANCE Interdisciplinary and Engaged Research seed grant. $20,000.2013Improving Health Literacy and Cultural Competency of FDA Consumer Materials. University of Maryland Center of Excellence in Regulatory Science and Innovation. Innovations in Minority Health Award. $31,4342012Improving Health Literacy and Cultural Competency of FDA Consumer Materials. University of Maryland Center of Excellence in Regulatory Science and Innovation. Innovations in Minority Health Award. $25,000.2004General Health Assessment of Latinos in Baltimore. University of Maryland Statewide Health Network. $50,000.2003Supporting Physical Activity for Latina Adolescents. University of Maryland Statewide Health Network. $20,000.2003Provision of Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services. University of Maryland Statewide Health Network. $10,000II.J.2. ContractsExtramural Funding, Funded as Collaborator or Consultant:2007Consultant, Office of Minority Health Resource Center. $1,500.2005-2006Consultant. American Medical Association. TACCT Online Resource Guide Development. $1,500.2002-2003Expert Consultant, NCVHS Subcommittee on Populations?Report on Health Data Collection and Racial and Ethnic Disparities. National Center for Health Statistics. $10,800.II.J.3. OtherII.K. Fellowships, Gifts and Other Funded ResearchII.K.1. FellowshipsII.K.2. GiftsII.K.3. OtherII.L. Submissions and Works in ProgressII.L.1. Current Grant ApplicationsUniversity of Maryland Center for Community Engagement, Environmental Justice, and Health (CCEEJH). (Co-Investigator, 25% effort). July 2015-June 2020.Examining Immigration Status as a Social Determinant of Health. County Health Rankings Research Grants. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. July 2015-June 2016. $100,000.II.L.2. Manuscripts in Preparation#Demarco M^, Carter-Pokras O, He X, Kessel W. Factors associated with HPV vaccine completion among Hispanic girls.Mackey S^, Carter-Pokras O, Farrar J, Inturrisi C. President’s Message.Carter-Pokras O^, Hutchins S, #Veeranki SP, Gaudino JA, Lurie P, Weiser T, #Khan N, Cordero JF. Role of Epidemiology in Informing Immunization Policy.#Kohrt B^, Carter-Pokras O, #Bowen LM, #Pomerantz S, Aldoory L. Internet Health Information Seeking Behavior amongst Persons Living with HIV/AIDS: A Systematic Review of Studies 2000-2013. #Nothwehr A^, Carter-Pokras O, He X, Powell-Wiley TM. Associations among Food Insecurity And Dietary Sodium and Potassium Intake Levels: A Cross-Sectional Study Based on NHANES 2007-2010 data.Carter-Pokras O^, Logie LA, Zambrana R. Assessing Complementary/Alternative Medicine (CAM) and Over-the-Counter (OTC) use among Central and South American Immigrants by Gender Carter-Pokras O^, Vargas C, Rivera I, #Chen L. Focus Groups on Oral Health of Latino and Ethiopian Children and Their Mothers II.L.3. Manuscripts under Review (indicate status: submitted or revising to resubmit)#Okafor M-T C^, Picot SF, Carter-Pokras OD, Zhan M, Hurley KM. What is the Relative Explanatory Power of Language and Dietary Acculturation in Relation to the Self-Rated Health and Health Behavior of African Immigrant Adults? Ethnicity and Health (revising to resubmit)Carter-Pokras O^, Nunez A, #Gingold G. Bad Sugar: A Discussion Guide for Health Professional Students to Explore Health Disparities in the United States. MedEdPortal. (revising to resubmit)#Kanamori M^, Carter-Pokras O, Madhavan S, Lee S, He X, Feldman R. Overweight status of the primary caregivers of orphan and vulnerable children in 3 Southern African countries: a cross sectional study. BMC Public Health (submitted).#Jaschek G^, Carter-Pokras O, He X, Lee S, Canino G. Association of Types of Life Events with Depressive Symptoms among Puerto Rican Youth. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease (submitted).II.L.4. Working Papers in PreparationII.L.5. Designs in PreparationII.L.6. OtherII.M. Centers for Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities II.M.1. Centers Established II.M.2. Centers DirectedII.M.3. Symposia Organized (through center)II.M.4. OtherII.N. PatentsII.N.1. DeviceII.N.2. OtherII.O. Other Research/Scholarship/Creative ActivitiesIII. Teaching, Mentoring and Advising.III.A. Courses Taught EPIB 610 Foundations of Epidemiology – Spring 2015 (n=7), Spring 2014 (n=30), Fall 2013 (n=25), Summer I 2013 (n=12), Spring 2013 (n=22), Fall 2012 (n=23), Summer I 2012 (n=7), Spring 2012 (n=23), Fall 2011 (n=36), Summer I 2011 (n=14), Spring 2011 (n=22), Summer II 2010 (n=4), Fall 2009 (n=37)EPIB 623 Epidemiology of Health Disparities – Fall 2010 (n=2), Spring 2010 (n=7), Spring 2009 (n=9), Spring 2008 (n=5)EPIB 620 Chronic Disease Epidemiology – Spring 2015 (n=9), Spring 2014 (n=15), Spring 2013 (n=6), Spring 2012 (n=11), Spring 2011 (n=7), Spring 2010 (n=11), Spring 2009 (n=9), Spring 2008EPIB 612 Epidemiologic Study Design – Fall 2007 (n=2)EPIB 611 Intermediate Epidemiology – Fall 2007 (n=2)III.B. Teaching InnovationsIII.B.1. Major Programs EstablishedIII.B.2. Education Abroad Established III.B.3. Software, Applications, Online Education, etc. III.B.4. Instructional Workshops and Seminars EstablishedIII.B.5. Course or Curriculum Development New course:EPIB 623 Epidemiology of Health Disparities EPIB 611 Intermediate Epidemiology EPIB 612 Epidemiologic Study Design EPIB 610 eMPH courseSubstantial revision:EPIB 610 Foundations of EpidemiologyEPIB 620 Chronic Disease Epidemiology III.B.6. Historical Innovations (10+ years ago)III.B.7. OtherIII.C. Advising: Research or ClinicalIII.C.1. UndergraduateKendrick Gwynn – 2004-2005 UMB-SOM summer research preceptor. Placement: Primary care resident at Emory University School of Medicine Alexander Fischer – supervised 2008-2009 research internship. Placement: Applying for graduate programsChris Daniels – 2009 public health internship preceptor. Placement: Employed by consulting companyKanokphan Rattanawatkul – 2009 McNair Scholars preceptor, 2010 independent studies advisor. Placement: Enrolled and graduated from UMCP-SPH MPH-Epidemiology program Veena Katikineni – 2011 Maryland Summer Scholars Program preceptor. Placement: Entered University of Maryland School of Medicine in Fall 2012Margaret Dorr – supervised independent study on cultural competency and health literacy in Fall 2012. Placement: Applying for graduate programs.Isaiah Bell – 2013 McNair Scholars preceptor. Placement: Entering Junior year of undergraduate degree program in Behavioral and Community Health.Jonathan Fix – supervised independent study in Spring 2015, and CERSI/FDA project involvement. Placement: Junior year of undergraduate epidemiology and ethics degree program.III.C.2. Master’s Chair, MPH-Epidemiology Thesis Committee:Sonja Williams. “Effects of birthplace, language and length of time in the U.S. on receipt of asthma management plans among U.S. adults with current asthma.” MPH Thesis. Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. 2009. Placement: Health Scientist at National Center for Health Statistics.Lisa Bethune. “Survey on Horse-Related Injuries and Safety Practices in Maryland and Virginia.” MPH Thesis. Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. 2010. Placement: enrolled in Tufts University veterinary school in Fall 2011(cochair) Lu Chen. “Overweight and acculturation among Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese Americans.” MPH Thesis. Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. 2011. Placement: Entered doctoral program at the University of WashingtonMaria Demarco. “Factors associated with completion of the Human Papillomavirus Vaccine series among Hispanic and non-Hispanic white adolescent girls in the united states.” MPH thesis. Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. 2011. Placement: working at Organization of American States, enrolled in UMSP-SPH PhD-Epidemiology program in Fall 2012.Janet Gingold. “Independent and Joint Effects of Parental Attitudes and Special Health Care Needs on Physical Activity and Screen Time among children and adolescents in the United States.” Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. 2012. Placement: Community Quality Improvement Coach, Goldberg Center at Children's National Medical Center.Kanokphan Rattanawatkul. “Compliance with Age at Initiation of Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Series by Socioeconomic Status, Race/Ethnicity, and Health Insurance Coverage among 13-17 Year-Old Females Who Received At Least One HPV Vaccine Shot: United States, 2011.” Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. 2014. Placement: Promoted to GS-11 Management Analyst, National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering.Ann Nothwehr. “Associations Among Food Insecurity, Dietary Sodium and Potassium Intake Levels, And Hypertension: A Cross-Sectional Study Based on NHANES 2007-2010 Data.” Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. 2014. Placement: Shady Grove Adventist Hospital.Jessica Bermudez. “Comparative Analysis of the Effectiveness and Safety of Drug-Eluting Versus Bare-Metal Coronary Stents among Patients Registered in the Multi-Payer Claims Database.” Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. In Progress (2013-2015).Chair, MPH-Epidemiology Project Committee:Stefan Livingstone. “An Exploratory Examination and Geospatial Analysis of the Relationship Between Selected Demographic Factors and Evidence of Malaria Infections (Parasitemia Levels): A Focus on Children in Missira, Mali.” MPH Project. Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. 2009. Placement: Associate, Decision Analytics, Booz Allen HamiltonGabby Molinolo. “Determinants of Breastfeeding Initiation and at Six Months for Hispanic Children by Nativity of Parents.” MPH Project. Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. 2012. Placement: Health Intelligence Analyst at iJET InternationalMember, MPH Committee:Haixiao Huang. Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. MPH-Biostatistics. 2008.Kristen Kamas. “Investigating the prevalence and distribution of pathogens in cantaloupes using Food and Drug Administration surveillance data.” MPH-Epidemiology Project. Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. 2012.III.C.3. Doctoral Chair, PhD Dissertation Committee:Kanamori. “The effects of orphan and vulnerable child (OVC) primary caregiving, household wealth, and female autonomy on women’s body mass index in Southern Africa.” School of Public Health, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. 2013. Placement: Post-doctoral student at Florida International University.Graciela Jaschek. Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. “Association of Life Events with Depressive Symptoms among Puerto Rican Youth.” School of Public Health, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. 2014. Placement: Instructor at University of Maryland School of Public Health.Member, PhD Dissertation Committee:Priscilla Ryder. “Racism, Place and Health of Urban Black Elders.” UMB School of Medicine, Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine. 2007. Meaghan Donovan St Charles. UMB School of Pharmacy, Pharmacoepidemiology. 2007.Laura Logie. “An Intersectional Gaze at Latinidad, Nation, Gender and Self-Perceived Health Status.” Department of Women’s Studies. (proposal defense). 2008.Margaret McDowell. “The association of acculturation, social support, and alcohol use among Mexican American adults.” School of Public Health, Department of Public and Community Health. 2008.Joann Kuo. “Development and Evaluation of New Accelerometer Cut Points for Adolescent Girls.” School of Public Health, Department of Kinesiology. 2009.Genevieve Martinez. “Sin Querer Queriendo": Exploring The Factors Associated With Pregnancy Prevention And Pregnancy Intention Among Latino Youth In Montgomery County.” School of Public Health, Department of Public and Community Health. 2010.Maria-Theresa C. Okafor. “The Effects of Acculturation (English Proficiency and Dietary Change) on Health Outcomes in African Immigrant Adults.” UMB School of Medicine, Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine. 2010.Steven Champaloux. “Chronic Health Conditions and Educational Attainment.” School of Public Health, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. 2013.Julia Joh Elliger, “Bureaucrat Politicking: An?Examination Of Local Health Officials And Their Local Health Departments. Department of Government and Politics.” 2014.Muneera?Alharbi. “Factors Associated with Obesity and Perceived Barriers to Weight Maintenance among 15-45 year old Saudi Women in Jeddah City.” Department of Nutrition and Food Science. (In Progress).Tahani Zareef. “Vitamin D Status in Relation to Dietary intake, Sun Exposure, Obesity, Life style factors and Bone Health among Saudi Premenopausal Women living in Jeddah city.” Department of Nutrition and Food Science. (In Progress).III.C.4. Post-doctoralIII.C.5. Other Research Directions (K-12 Interactions)III.D. MentorshipIII.D.1. Junior FacultyIII.D.2. OtherIII.E. Advising: Other than Research Direction Approximate number of students per year:Graduate: (2 in 2007, 3 in 2008, 9 in 2009, 9 in 2010, 11 in 2011, 12 in 2012, 10 in 2013, 9 in 2014, 6 in 2015)III.E.1. UndergraduateIII.E.2. Master’sMS – Epidemiology:Carolyn Poppell (2003-2005 at UMB-SOM, employed at Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene following graduation)MPH – Epidemiology Sonja Williams (2007-2009)Stefan Livingstone (2007-2009)Lisa Bethune (2008-2010)Lu Chen (2009-2011)Maria DeMarco (2009-2011)Kimberly Love (2010-2011)Janet Gingold (2010-2012)Gabby Molinolo-Combs (2009-2012)Ann Nothwehr (2011-2014)Kanokphan Rattanawatkul (2011-2014)Jessica Bermudez (2012-2015)Ellen Rigterink (2011-Present)Pamela Barainca (2012-Present)Lavisha McClarin (2013-Present)III.E.3. DoctoralPhD – EpidemiologyMariano Kanamori (2009-2013)Graciela Jaschek (2009-2014)Brad Kerridge (2009-2010)Ed Kim (2011-2012)Maria DeMarco (2012-Present)Jared Fisher (2012-Present)III.E.4. Post-doctoral III.E.5. Other Advising Activities Organized a John Snow commemorative event with MPH epidemiology and biostatistics students 9/07Obtained funding, planned and coordinated 40-hour medical interpretation training for undergraduate students at Johns Hopkins, and health professional graduate students at University of Maryland in May 2007III.F. Professional and Extension EducationIII.F.1. Professional Programs EstablishedIII.F.2. Major Extension ProgramsIII.F.3. WorkshopsIII.F.4. OtherIII.G. Other Teaching ActivitiesUniversity of Maryland College ParkIndependent Study/Fellowship: Maria DeMarco (2015, 2014), Pamela Barainca (2014), Graciela Jaschek (2010-2011), Mariano Kanamori (2009-2011)Conducted all-day seminar on public health, epidemiology and biostatistics for 18 Chinese physicians and public health practitioners from Heping District Health Bureau of Tianjin Municipality. 9/4/12.Delivered Keynote for Research Symposium: Serving the Health Information Needs of Latinas. Phillip Merrill College of Journalism. 5/9/anized workshop, and gave introductory lecture, on Community Based Participatory Research School of Public Health for 18 University of Minnesota undergraduate students, and UMCP faculty and students, 3/16/12.Conducted seminar for Maryland Population Research Center’s Immigration Working Group on “Lessons Learned from Community-Based Participatory Research with Latino Communities in Maryland” 10/7/10.Conducted seminar on epidemiologic study design and statistical methods for the Consortium on Race, Ethnicity and GenderUniversity of Maryland BaltimoreCommunity-Based Participatory Research lecture at the School of Medicine. 8/9/12.Conducted Student National Medical Association workshop on cultural competency at the School of MedicineDeveloped, coordinated and served as facilitator a small group session on Bidil (first race-based drug) for more than 150 2nd year medical studentsConducted seminars on race in biomedical research, and confounders, mediators and effect modifiers for primary care research fellows at the University of Maryland and Johns Hopkins University medical schools (pediatricians and family medicine physicians)Conducted Family Medicine Grand Rounds on cultural competency and health disparities in May 2007Conducted cultural competency seminar for family medicine interns in August 2007 Provided series of 3 lectures to first year dental students in Fall 2007, 2008, and 2009, and Spring 2011, and organized self-directed learning exercises on cultural competency and health disparitiesLectured first and second year medical students on cultural competency and health disparities topics in Fall 2007 and 2008.IV. Service and OutreachIV.A. Editorships, Editorial Boards, and Reviewing ActivitiesIV.A.1. Editorships2008-2009Associate Editor for case textbook: Hark L, DeLisser H, Morrison G (eds). Achieving cultural competency: a case-based approach to training health professionals. Wiley-Blackwell. 2009. (ISBN-10:1405180722; ISBN-13:9781405180726).IV.A.2. Editorial BoardsIV.A.3. Reviewing Activities for Journals and Presses 1990-Present Ad hoc reviewer for American Journal of Epidemiology, American Journal of Public Health, Ethnicity and Disease, Health Affairs, Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, Journal of Health and Social Behavior, Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Public Health Reports, Social Science and Medicine, Journal of the National Medical Association, Health Promotion Practice2004-2006Reviewer, American Journal of Health PromotionIV.A.4. Reviewing Activities for Agencies and Foundations 2002Reviewer of MCH task order project proposals for Health Care Financing Administration 2003-2004, 2009Anonymous reviewer, National Academy of Sciences reports2004Grant reviewer, NIH SBA2005, 2006Grant reviewer, NHLBI Cultural Competency and Health Disparities Academic Award program2012, 2013Grant reviewer, Disparities, Interventions and Social Participatory Research Study Section, Tobacco Related Disease Research Program, University of California Office of the PresidentIV.A.5. Reviewing Activities for ConferencesIV.A.6. Historical Editorships, etc. (10+ years ago)IV.A.7. Other IV.B. Committees, Professional & Campus Service IV.B.1. Campus Service - DepartmentUniversity of Maryland College Park2007Graduate Studies Director, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics2009-PresentMember, Comprehensive Examination Committee (2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014)2009Member, EPIB APT Progress Committee2010-PresentEPIB Merit Pay Committee (Chair: 2010-2013; Member: 2014)2011-2013Member, EPIB APT Committee (reviewed 5 promotion packages)2011-2013Chair, EPIB Admissions Committee2014-PresentMember, EPIB Epidemiology Curriculum CommitteeUniversity of Maryland Baltimore2002-2006Research Committee, Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine (DEPM), School of Medicine (Co-Chair 2004-2007, Member 2002-2004)2002-2006Member, DEPM Health Disparities Research Group2004-PresentAdjunct Faculty Member, School of Nursing2009-PresentDean’s Faculty, School of DentistryIV.B.2. Campus Service - CollegeUniversity of Maryland College Park2007Member, Biostatistics Faculty search committee2007Member, Maternal and Child Health Faculty search committee2007-2008Chair, Junior Biostatistics Faculty position search committee2007-2008Member, School of Public Health Self-Study Committee2007-2008UMCP representative, CTSA Research Design, Biostatistics and Research Ethics Subcommittee2008-2009Member, Epidemiology Faculty search committee2009- 2011Member, School of Public Health Community Research/Service Learning and Workforce Development Committees2010- 2011Member, EPIB chair search committee2010- 2011Member, MIAEH faculty position search committee2010- 2013Member, School of Public Health Diversity Council2011-2012 Member, EPIB Assistant/Associate epidemiology faculty search committee 2011-2013Member, Workforce Advisory Committee, Mid-Atlantic Public Health Training Center2011-2014Member, School of Public Health Communications Committee 2012-2013Member, Epidemiology Assistant faculty search committee (2 positions)2012-2013Member, Executive-MPH Committee2012-2014Member, School of Public Health Commencement committee2012-PresentAffiliate Faculty, Herschel S. Horowitz Center for Health Literacy2013-2014Chair, EPIB Assistant/Associate biostatistics faculty search committee (2 positions)2013-2014Member, Senate Executive Committee2014-PresentMember, Director’s Cabinet, Herschel S. Horowitz Center for Health Literacy2014-PresentMember, Public Health Science Steering Committee2015-PresentAffiliate Faculty, Maryland Center for Health EquityUniversity of Maryland Baltimore2002-PresentMember, Center for Health Policy/Health Services Research 2002-PresentMember, Program in Oncology2002-PresentMember, Greenbaum Cancer Center Cancer Disparities and Intervention Research Program2003-2006School of Medicine Faculty Representative for DEPM 2003-PresentRegular Member, Graduate Faculty of the Graduate School2007-PresentFull Member, Program in Minority Health and Health Disparities Education and ResearchIV.B.3. Campus Service - University2008-PresentFaculty Affiliate. Consortium on Race, Gender and Ethnicity2010-PresentFaculty Associate. Maryland Population Research Center 2011-PresentMember, McNair Scholars Program Faculty Advisory Board2011-PresentMember, Maryland Population Research Center Executive Committee2012, 2013Member, Ann G. Wylie Dissertation Fellowship Selection Committee2012, 2013, 2014Member, Flagship Fellowship Committee2014-2017Faculty Representative, University Senate2015-Elected member, Senate Executive Committee2015Interviewer for Banneker/Key ScholarshipIV.B.4. Campus Service - Special Administrative AssignmentIV.B.5. Campus Service - OtherIV.B.6. Offices and Committee Memberships IV.B.7. Leadership Roles in Meetings and ConferencesIV.B.8. Other Non-University Committees, Memberships, Panels, etc.1994-PresentAmerican Public Health Association: Member-At-Large (1994), Science Board member (2004-2006), W.K. Kellogg Foundation Grant 2006 Advisory Committee (2006-2007), elected Executive Board member (2006-2010), Education Board member (2010-2013); Science Board member (2013-Present). 2002-PresentAmerican College of Epidemiology: elected Fellow (2006-Present); elected Member (2002-2006); Secretary, Minority Affairs Committee (2005-2006); elected member of Board of Directors (2007-2010); Vice-chair, Minority Affairs Committee (2007-2009); Vice-chair, Policy Committee (2010-2012); Nominations Committee (2013); Chair, Policy Committee (2012-Present)2002-PresentKellogg Scholars in Health Disparities Program: advisor (2001-2005); Kellogg Health Scholars-Multidisciplinary Tract: advisor (2006-Present)2004-PresentAssociation for Academic Minority Physicians: elected Member 2008-2013National Latino Tobacco Control Network: Advisory Committee memberIV.B.9. Historical Committees, etc. (10+ years ago)IV.B.10. OtherIV.C. External Service and Consulting IV.C.1. Community Engagements, Local, State, National, International Community2002-2007Founding board member, Latino Providers Network, Baltimore MD (co-chair of Health Interest Group)2003Testimony. Montgomery County Board of Education. Latinos, Obesity, Diabetes and Vending Machines. December 9, 20032005-2006Founding Member, Latino Health Coalition, MidAtlantic Community Health Centers2006-PresentMember, Adventist HealthCare Inc’s Center for Health Equity and Wellness Advisory Board.2008Testimony. Montgomery County Council. Health Priorities for Latinos. December 4, 2008.2013Briefed Montgomery County Government’s Healthy Montgomery program on Improving Data for Latinos. July 9, 2013.State3/2003 State legislative briefing. Latino health issues in Maryland. 2/2007State legislative briefing. Community based participatory research with Latino communities in Maryland. 1/2008-2/2008Maryland state legislative testimony on trans fatty acids, flame retardants, MRSA, childhood obesity2/2012State legislative briefing. Partnership to Address Cultural Competency and Health Literacy in Health Professions Training Programs. 7/2/2013Briefed Governor’s Commissions on “Addressing Disparities Through Implementation of the ACA” (webinar)2/2014State legislative testimony on community health workers.3/2015State legislative testimony on cultural competency education and training requirements National:2000-2002 OMH Representative for Minority Health Work Group, Academic Medicine and Managed Care Forum2001-2003Member, Latino Child Health Consortium of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Center for Child Health Research 2006Panelist. How to Achieve Culturally and Linguistically Competent Healthcare. 4th Annual TriCaucus Minority Health Summit. 2011-2013Member, Community Advisory Board, Scientific Integrity in Community Based Participatory Research (R21 ES 020967)2013Invited expert panelist, Alliance for Aging Research’s Congressional briefing on Persistent PainIV.C.2. International Activities 2008Invited participant for first public health Project Interchange seminar in Israel2013Invited participant, International consultation on cultural competence education and training for Cochrane Systematic Review on the effects of cultural competence education interventions on patient-related outcomes by Victoria Department of Health.IV.C.3. Corporate and Other Board MembershipsIV.C.4. Entrepreneurial ActivitiesIV.C.5. Consultancies (to local, state and federal agencies; companies; organizations)2013-2015Expert consultant for professional development of Hispanic Serving Health professional School’s scholars and fellows (GTFP).IV.C.6. Historical External Service and Consulting (10+ years ago)Reviewing activities for agencies.1991-1994NCHS Minority Health Statistics Grant Program reviewer1995Chair, NCHS Minority Health Statistics Grant Program review panel1998Reviewer of task order contract proposals for PSC1999Asthma grant reviewer for National Heart Lung and Blood Institute2000, 2002Reviewer of MCH task order project proposals for Health Care Financing Administration 2004Grant Reviewer, NIH SBA2005Grant reviewer, NHLBI Cultural Competency and Health Disparities Academic Award programOther unpaid services to federal agencies1987-1991NCHS alternate member, Work Group of the Inter-Agency Task Force on Environmental Cancer and Heart and Lung Disease1992NCHS representative, Clearinghouse Subcommittee, Federal Task Force on Environmental Education1992Research and Data work group member, National Hispanic Health Policy Summit. Office of Minority Health1992Data Collection Strategies work group member. National Workshop on Hispanic/Latino Health: Implementation Strategies. Surgeon General's National Hispanic Health Initiative, Washington DC 1992-1996 Staff member, Subcommittee on Health Statistics for Minority and Other Special Populations of the National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics 1992-1994OMH representative, PHS Health Data Policy Committee1993Facilitator, Data Collection Strategies work group. New York regional workshop. Surgeon General's National Hispanic Health Initiative.1993-1994OMH representative, PHS Task Force on State and Community Data1994-1995Chair, PHS Working Group on Minority Data of the PHS Public Health Data Policy Coordinating Committee1994-1996OMH representative, PHS Public Health Data Policy Coordinating Committee1994-PresentOMH representative, Interagency Committee for the Review of Racial and Ethnic Standards1996-1997Principal Staff for HHS Data Council's Working Group on Racial and Ethnic Data1996-2002 Staff for OPHS representation on HHS Data Council1996-2002Staff for National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics' Subcommittee on Populations1997-2002Cochair for HHS Data Council's Working Group on Racial and Ethnic Data.2000-2002OMH Representative for HHS Data Council’s Data Strategy Work Group2002 Member, Community-Based Participatory Research Interagency Work GroupIV.C.7. OtherIV.D. Non-Research PresentationsIV.D.1. Outreach PresentationsIV.D.2 OtherIV.E. Media ContributionsIV.E.1. InternetIV.E.2. TVIV.E.3. RadioIV.E.4. Digital MediaIV.E.5. Print Media IV.E.6. BlogsIV.E.7. FeedsIV.E.8. OtherIV.F Community & Other Service Local Agencies2003-PresentMember, Data Workgroup, Montgomery County Latino Health Initiative, (Cochair 2014-Present)2003-PresentSteering Committee, Montgomery County Latino Health Initiative (Elected Cochair 2004-2006; Member 2003-2004 and 2006-Present) Primary Care Coalition, Expert Advisory Panel for Montgomery Cares2006-2007Technical Advisory Committee to establish Office of Minority Health, State Center for Health Statistics, DC-Department of Health2008 Developed, conducted and evaluated 4 training sessions for emergency department providers on national guidelines on treatment of asthma exacerbations and tools for culturally competent care in Spring 2008 with Adventist Healthcare Inc’s Center for Health Disparities and Montgomery County government.State Agencies2004-2005Cochair, Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene’s Measuring Disparities Task Force2012-2013Member, Maryland Health Quality and Cost Council’s Cultural and Linguistic Competency WorkgroupFederal Agencies2003Expert panelist, Discrimination in the Workplace, National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health2004Expert consultant, National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health.2004Expert Panelist, Race and Genetics Roundtable, National Human Genome Research Institute2004-2005Member, External Advisory Panel of the "Evaluation of Statistical Methods for Data Collection and Analysis on Racial and Ethnic Minorities and Other Hard-to-Reach Populations.” RAND Health for the Department of Health and Human Services.2004Expert Panelist, Immigrant Worker Conference, National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health2008Member, PhenX Demographics Working Group, Research Triangle Institute (RTI) for the National Human Genome Research Institute.2008Expert Panelist, “Understanding the Role of Genetics in Health Disparities: Toward a New Research Agenda workshop.” National Human Genome Research Institute, National Cancer Institute, and the National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities.2010-2011Committee Member, Advancing Pain Research, Care, and Education. Institute of Medicine.Related report: Committee on Advancing Pain Research, Care, and Education. Relieving Pain in America: A Blueprint for Transforming Prevention, Treatment, and Research. Washington DC: Institute of Medicine. 2011.2013Member, National Institute of Health’s Interagency Pain Research Coordinating Committee’s Population Research working group2014Testimony. Collection, analysis, and availability of demographic subgroup data for FDA-approved medical products. Part 15 Public Hearing. Food and Drug Administration. 4/1/14.V. Awards, Honors and RecognitionV.1. Research Fellowships, Prizes and Awards2013, 2014Merit Award, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, University of Maryland School of Public Health2008-2012Recognized at annual University-Wide Celebration of Scholarship and Research1990-1992Johns Hopkins Post Certified Student Scholarship 1988-1989NCHS Long-Term Training for Johns Hopkins1981-1982Public Health Service Training Grant1975-1979Full tuition scholarship to Tulane University1975Dorothy Reaves Music ScholarshipV.2 Teaching Awards V.3 Service Awards and Honors:1981Outstanding Young Woman of America1992NCHS Director's Award for EEO/Civil Rights Program Activities1993-2001Outstanding Performance Awards1993OASH Special Recognition Award: Hispanic Health Policy Summit Group1993Surgeon General's Certificate of Appreciation1995NCHS Minority Health Statistics Grants Program Certificate of Appreciation1998Latino Caucus of APHA Certificate of Appreciation1999Secretary’s Distinguished Service Award1999Assistant Secretary for Health Special Recognition Award1999NHLBI Certificate of Appreciation2000Secretary’s Distinguished Service Award2002Assistant Secretary for Health's Award for Superior Service2002Latino Caucus of APHA Distinguished Career Award2002Assistant Secretary for Health's Award for Superior Service2005Montgomery County Executive Certificate of Recognition & Appreciation2006Latino Health Initiative, Montgomery County recognition plaque2010American Public Health Association award for leadership and service on the APHA Executive Board 2006-20102010Governor’s Hispanic Heritage Month Awardee: Healthcare Champion2011American Public Health Association 2011 CoA Reception award for service on ACBI Advisory Committee2011Faculty Inductee, University of Maryland School of Public Health Gamma Zeta Chapter of Delta Omega, the Honorary Society in Public Health2013American Public Health Association award for service on the APHA Education Board 2010-20132013Jerry P. Wrenn Outstanding Service Award, University of Maryland School of Public Health2014Pioneer in Pain Award for service on the Institute of Medicine (IOM) Committee on Advancing Pain Research, Care, and Education. Western Pain Society.V.4 Recognition in MediaMaryland Professor Leads Effort to Develop Framework for Translating Epidemiology into Policy. ASPPH Friday Letter. April 16, 2015.Dr. Carter-Pokras Partners with European Consortium to Improve Cultural Competency of Health Professionals. ASPPH Friday Letter. February 13, 2015.Maryland Releases Cultural Competency and Health Literacy Guide. ASPH Friday Letter. May 9, 2013. Research Findings from O.D. Carter-Pokras et al Update Understanding of Diabetes. Diabetes Week. February 6, 2012School of Public Health Co-Sponsors Maryland's 8th Annual Minority Health Disparities Conference. (Conference news). States News Service. September 30, 2011.Brooks Phelps. Latinos Expected To Live Longer. December 4, 2010. La Voz Latina. Jason Lewis. Local health care services for Latinos might face major budget cuts. La Voz Latina. May-Summer 2010; V(3). Samuel Orozco. Línea Abierta : Reform: Healthcare, Immigration and the Census. Radio Bilingue (radio show). January 29, 2010.New UM Disease Prevention Effort to Launch on World AIDS Day. States News Service. November 30, 2009.Ray Suarez. Destination Casa Blanca (cable TV show). November 12, 2009.Andrea Alema?y. La FDA supervisará comercialización del tabaco: Ojo con last nuevas regulaciones al cigarillo. Washington Hispanic. July 24, 2009.Donna St. George. County Must Help Improve Latino Health, Report Says. The Washington Post. June 26, 2008.Krisberg, Kim. APHA asks Maryland to curb kids' obesity.(APHA ADVOCATES: Recent actions on public health by APHA). The Nation's Health. April 1, 2008 Names in the News. Baltimore Sun. August 25, 2006.APHA Governing Council to Vote for New Executive Board Members. The Nation’s Health. August 1, 2006. Andrew Green. Ehrlich cuts health care for children of immigrants ; Administration also weighs fate of funds for pregnant women. Baltimore Sun. June 22, 2005. Kelly Brewington. Health care options limited for many Baltimore Latinos. Baltimore Sun. November 15, 2004.Jen Degregorio. Fest offers a healthy dose of fun, education ; LatinoFest volunteers' aim is medical information. Baltimore Sun. June 27, 2004.Katherine Brewer. JHU holds Md. Health forum. The Johns Hopkins Newsletter. April 15, 2004.Health-U.S.: Lacking Data, Race Gap in Health Services Worsens. Inter Press Service English News Wire. November 8, 2001.Minority health videoconference. New Pittsburgh Courier. June 12, 1999.Larry Thompson. Examining the Health Status of Hispanics; Nation's Fastest-Growing Minority Lacks Access to Medical Care, Study Shows. The Washington Post. January 15, 1991.V.5 Other Special RecognitionVI. Other Information ................

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