Performance development review - Careers Portal

Apprentice Building Surveyor

CV's will not be accepted, you must complete the application form

Your details

|Full Name (in capitals) | |

|Previous or other surnames used | |

|Preferred title | |

|Home address | |

|Postcode | |

|Phone (home) | |Phone (mobile) | |

|Email address | |

|(We will contact you regarding your | |

|application by email if one is provided) | |

Age Band 16-18 19-23 24 +

Education and qualifications

Please list your educational history, include any overseas qualifications as well. Please give the full name of any qualification, grade achieved and the awarding body.

If you are currently studying for a qualification, please list the qualification and your predicted grade.

|Qualification |Grade |Date | |Qualification |Grade |Date |

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Please list any specialist training courses you have attended that are relevant to your preferred area of work. Include any in house training and NVQs. Use a separate sheet if necessary.

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|Do you have a current driving licence? | |If yes what Class/Type: | |


Please provide details for references. If you are currently working we will need a reference from your current employer and if applicable previous employer. If you have not been in employment, preferably a reference from an educational establishment, i.e. college.

We reserve the right to contact any previous employer to provide a reference and not just those notified by the candidate. Referees will be asked to provide details of any formal or informal disciplinary action against you.

Referees are normally asked for references prior to interview.

|Reference 1 | |Reference 2 |

|Name: | | |Name | |

|Company | | |Company | |

|Job Title: | | |Job Title | |

| | | | | |

|Address | | |Address | |

|Postcode | | |Postcode | |

|Phone | | |Phone | |

|Email | | |Email | |

|Relationship: | | |Relationship: | |

|Can we get a reference now? | | |Can we get a reference now? | |


Please list your most recent employment first. All periods since leaving full-time education must be accounted for, such as training, unemployment or time taken out of paid employment due to caring responsibilities.

|Date to/from |Employer’s name |Job title |Salary |Reason for leaving |

| |and address | | | |

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About you

1. Describe why you are the right person for this job. You need to demonstrate why you are suitable against each of the points described in ‘who is the person’ on the job description. This might be through qualifications or descriptive examples from your work / personal experience, which clearly illustrates what you did and the effect it had.

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2. Why do you want to become a Chartered Building Surveyor?

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3. What do you consider to be your key strengths?

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4. Why do you want to work for Portsmouth City Council?

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5. How do you think you will balance work and studying at the same time?

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Further information

Asylum and Immigration Act 1996

If invited to an interview you will be required to show documents to prove your identity and your eligibility to work and live in the UK. Only original documents, not copies, are acceptable.

|National Insurance number | |

Restrictive covenants

Please tell us if you are covered by any restrictive covenants, such as you are not entitled to work within a particular location for a specified time due to a previous contract of employment.

|Are you free to work for us? | |

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|If ‘no’, please give details. |

The Equality Act 2010 protects disabled people - including those with long term health

conditions, learning disabilities and so called "hidden" disabilities such as dyslexia. If you tell us

that you have a disability we can make reasonable adjustments to ensure that any selection

processes - including the assessment and interview - are fair and equitable and make any provisions should you be invited in for assessment/interview.

Do you consider yourself to have a disability?

♦ Yes

♦ No

♦ I do not wish to disclose this information

Please state the type of impairment which applies to you. People may experience more than

one type of impairment, in which case you may indicate more than one. If none of the

categories apply, please mark ‘other’.

♦ Physical impairment ♦ Learning Disability/Difficulty

♦ Sensory impairment ♦ Long-standing illness

♦ Mental health condition ♦ Other

Portsmouth City Council will process your personal information appropriately and legally in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998, the National Fraud Initiative (details of which can be found at and other relevant legislation. The details you provide will be held in a secure system or database and will only be shared with other organisations where the law allows.

The Portsmouth Information Sharing Framework which sets out the conditions under which we will share information with other organisations is available on the council's website.  The Council may share your information with relevant departments to help develop new services or improve existing services.

You should be aware that we may be required to disclose your personal information without your consent for the purposes of preventing or detecting crime/fraud or apprehending and prosecuting offenders (for example to the Police, Audit Commission or Department for Work and Pension or as part of the National Fraud Initiatives) or where we have a statutory duty to do so.

Please note that providing false information is an offence and could result in the application being rejected or summary dismissal if you are appointed to the post.

Applications from job seekers who require Tier 2 sponsorship to work in the UK are welcome and will be considered alongside all other applications. However, non-EEA candidates may not be appointed to a post if a suitably qualified, experienced and skilled EU/EEA candidate is available to take up the post as the employing body is unlikely, in these circumstances, to satisfy the Resident Labour Market Test. The UK Border Agency requires employers to complete this test to show that no suitably qualified EEA or EU worker can fill the post. For further information please visit UK Border Agency website.

I declare that I am not related to, or in a relationship with, any Councillor or employee of Portsmouth City Council.



The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 requires applicants to give details of any convictions that are not spent. Failure to disclose such convictions could result in disciplinary action or dismissal. For more information on this act follow link to Ministry of justice webpage for some posts this may be followed up with a basic check with Disclosure Scotland.

• Do you have any previous convictions? No

• If yes, please detail offence(s) including date(s) and sentences(s)

Declaration of interests

When you start work with us, all staff are required to sign a declaration of interests, which will include amongst other interests membership of closed organisations, such as Freemasons and Independent Order of Buffaloes.


The information you give us may be stored on a computer and used for the purposes of human resources, employee administration and benefit fraud detection. It will be treated as strictly confidential and will not be disclosed to any unauthorised person.

I declare that the information given in making this application is, to the best of my knowledge, correct. I understand that canvassing of any councillor or employee of Portsmouth City Council, or giving any false information or leaving out important information, will make my application unacceptable. If I am appointed any such actions may lead to my dismissal or removal from the internal agency.

|Signed | |Date | |

If you send us this form by email you will be able to sign it at your interview.

Please return your completed form to: Recruitment, Portsmouth City Council, Floor 1, Core 5, Civic Offices, Guildhall Square, Portsmouth, PO1 2EP.

You can also email the completed form to:


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