Overview of the Performance Management Process

Step One Performance Management – Planning and Goal Setting Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Overview of the Performance Management Process PAGEREF _Toc299109583 \h 1What is the Planning and Goal Setting Process? PAGEREF _Toc299109584 \h 2Why is Planning and Goal Setting Important? PAGEREF _Toc299109585 \h 2What are the main steps? PAGEREF _Toc299109586 \h 2Key Considerations and Tips PAGEREF _Toc299109587 \h 2Preparing for Planning and Goal Setting – Employee PAGEREF _Toc299109588 \h 4Preparing for Planning and Goal Setting – Supervisor PAGEREF _Toc299109589 \h 4More Resources PAGEREF _Toc299109590 \h 5Overview of the Performance Management Process Performance management is intended to be an on-going process. For University Libraries, the process has four steps. Step one: performance planning and establishing goals / AugustStep two: providing coaching and feedback / November Step three: providing coaching and feedback / March Step four: completing an annual review / July Through the performance management process, we intend to establish an even higher performance culture and instill even more commitment to The Ohio State University. Why do we have performance management?Coach, guide, develop and evaluate performanceEvaluate performance fairly and consistently across the Libraries Provide verbal and written recognition of accomplishments Align expectations and behaviorswith the Libraries Strategic Themes with University goalswith University valuesPlan for the futureRewards: monetary, professional development and new projects opportunities Optimize human resources and increase productivitySet goals and support professional developmentDocumentation for business purposesWhat is the Planning and Goal Setting Process? Planning and Goal Setting is the processes of establishing clear understanding of: University Values University Goals Libraries Strategic themes The new performance management process StepsTimelines Available resources Why is Planning and Goal Setting Important? It sets agreed upon goals and performance expectationsIt creates an understanding of what support the employee needs It provides a listing of what support can be provided It guides how the job is accomplished It describes how the results will be evaluated What are the main steps? Review the performance management materialsUnderstand the new process Create at least 3 SMART performance related goals Performance goals may include special projects, areas to focus on, or areas improvement Tie them to OSUL strategic themes Create 2 SMART developmental goalsNote the desired results Complete the Step One Form Original stays with supervisorCopy to employeeCopy to AD Key Considerations and Tips Establish Major Position Responsibilities ExpectationsFor many positions, the supervisor and direct report know the major position responsibilities and the expectations for them. However, it’s always good to make sure you both have the same understanding. The information below can be used to help assure that both understand the major position responsibilities and the performance expectations for them. Use your position description’s critical job functions and list. What function does your job provide to the libraries and the constituents? Is it administrative support, technical assistance, customer service, supervision, housekeeping services, and/or project management, etc.? List all major functions: And then, consider who is served by this position? Is it students, faculty, staff, parents, vendors, and/or public agencies, etc.? List all major constituents: Once the above is completed, identify the key tasks that are needed to deliver the major position responsibilities and standards of performance for each task. Some tasks may require more than one standard. Some standards may not apply to all tasks. Standard(s) associated with tasks may include quality, quantity, timeliness, cost. Setting Goals Use the SMART method to set Individual goals and align them with University goals, University Libraries’ strategic themes /or the employee’s career aspirations. If you’re unclear about goal setting and relating it to OSUL strategic themes, check with your supervisor or AD. Specific – focus on specific results that are easily identified when they are achieved and when they are notMeasurable – include times, quality, quantity orientedAction-Oriented – make it challengingRealistic – assure that it’s attainableTime-Bound – provide deadline or timelinePreparing for Planning and Goal Setting – Employee Use the performance management Step One resources for more information. Review the University goals, values and the Libraries strategic themes. Review your previous goals: Where have you made improvements? What have been your major achievements? Where could you continue to improve, and how? Look ahead and ask yourself, “In the coming year…How can I continue to support the strategic themes? How can I continue to achieve desired results? What would I like to learn?”How can my supervisor help me be more successful?”What resources do I need to do my job better?”What responsibilities would I like to take on?”Review your previous performance evaluation. What expertise and areas of excellence can you leverage and emphasize? Where could you continue to improve?Preparing for Planning and Goal Setting – Supervisor Use the performance management Step One resources as necessary. Review and understand the new performance management process. Review the employee’s job description – consider its accuracy.Review the employee’s attendance record – does it accurately reflect what occurred and are there any concerns? Review the University goals, values and the Libraries strategic themes. Review any previous performance standards, if appropriate. Review prior goals.Determine areas of excellence and plan to discuss these.Determine areas for improvement and develop specific suggestions.Reflect on the University goals, values and the Libraries strategic themes.Consider how the employee’s responsibilities support /align with the themes. Develop a list of suggested activities and goals.Consider employee development opportunities / training to the support the activities. Develop a list of questions to engage your employee in the discussion. For example:Do you understand the new process? Do you understand the University goals, values and the Libraries strategic themes? What do you like best about your job? Least?What do you think are your strengths? Areas for improvement?Considering last years accomplishments, how can we continue to leverage these and assure they’re aligned to the strategic themes? Considering last years improvement areas, how can we work together to address them? How can I help you optimize your performance?Is there anything that gets in the way of your performance?What would you like to learn?Give your employee advance, personal notice of the planning meeting. Give your employee the Preparing for the Planning Meeting checklist above to help prepare. Remind your employee of the value of reviews to both of you.During the Planning and Goal Setting meeting, use Step One Planning and Goal Setting form to document the conversation. Sign, and copy to employee and supervisory files. Since one objective of the performance management process is to align individual goals to the strategic themes, forward to the AD for approval. More Resources HYPERLINK "" Performance Management tip sheet HYPERLINK "" Preparing for the Planning Conversation tip sheet HYPERLINK "" Goal Setting tip sheet HYPERLINK "" Frequently Asked Questions tip sheetPerformance Planning conversation guide ................

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