Australian College Veterinary Scientists






Perusal time: 15 minutes

Time allowed: TWO (2) Hours after perusal

Answer FOUR (4) from the six (6) questions ONLY.

All questions are of equal value

Subsections of Questions are of equal value unless stated otherwise


Answer FOUR (4) from six (6) questions only

1. Discuss the pathophysiology and non-surgical treatment of acute spinal cord injury. (25 marks)

2. The Salter Harris classification system of growth plate (physeal) fractures is used commonly for communicating information between clinicians about fractures in young animals.

a) Describe in words and/or illustrations the Salter-Harris classification system. (8 marks)

b) Discuss the relevance of the system as a prognostic indicator for limb function after naturally occurring growth plate injuries in small animal patients. (17 marks)

3. Discuss the role of antibiotics in veterinary surgery and implications of their use. (25 marks)

4. Describe the clinical features and pathophysiology of ALL FOUR (4) of the following conditions in dogs:

a) Tracheal collapse (6 marks)

b) Perineal hernia (6 marks)

c) Prostatic abscess (6 marks)

d) Extrahepatic portosystemic shunt (7 marks)

5. Discuss the pathophysiology of gastric dilation-volvulus in the dog. (25 marks)

6. a) Discuss the rationale behind peri-operative pain relief. (10marks)

b) Discuss the following with regards to peri-operative pain relief:

i. opioid analgesics (5marks)

ii. non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) (5marks)

iii. local anaesthetic (5marks)






Perusal time: 15 minutes

Time allowed: TWO (2) Hours after perusal

Answer FOUR (4) from six (6) questions only.

All questions are of equal value.

Subsections of Questions are of equal value unless stated otherwise


Answer FOUR (4) from six questions only

1. Write notes in short point form on each of the following topics (25 marks):

a) Diagnosis and treatment of a canine sialocoele.

b) The pathogenesis and management of a cervical dermoid sinus in a five-month-old Rhodesian ridgeback dog.

c) Treatment of stranguria due to a urethral calculus in a male dog.

d) The principles of arthrodesis.

2. You are presented with a 12-year-old female Labrador with one firm, non-painful mass of about 2cm in diameter palpable in her most caudal (5th) left mammary gland. The owners are uncertain how long the lump has been there. The dog was entire until six months ago when she was diagnosed with pyometron, and underwent an ovariohysterectomy.

a) Describe how you would investigate this case. (10 marks)

b) Assuming the lump was confirmed as a malignant mammary adenocarcinoma (moderately differentiated, ductula , with some invasion of local lymphatics), what treatment would you recommend? (5 marks)

c) What prognosis would you give for this case? (10 marks)

3. Describe the technique of feline perineal urethrostomy. Discuss the expected outcome and the possible complications. (25 marks)

4. You are presented with six-year-old desexed male cat that was hit by a car about twelve hours ago. The cat shows significant swelling around the head, cannot shut his mouth and has an obvious dental malocclusion. There are no neurological abnormalities. The cat is not in shock and there are no other major injuries. Further examination and radiographs reveal that the cat has suffered a left sided temporo-mandibular joint dislocation, a mandibular symphyseal fracture and severe contusion of the soft tissue around the face and mouth.

Outline your treatment plan for this case. Include in your answer:

a) Any clinical treatment and support necessary from the time of the cat’s admission until the time of the cat’s discharge from your hospital.

(15 marks)

b) A discussion of techniques that you might employ to treat the temporo-mandibular joint dislocation and symphyseal fracture (10 marks)

Continued over/Small Animal Surgery Paper 2/2007

Continued/Small Animal Surgery Paper 2/2007

5. An exuberant three-year-old male Labrador with a severely comminuted, closed fracture of the mid-diaphysis of its left tibia is presented for treatment. The owners are very committed to the dog, but confess that they will struggle to keep the dog quiet post-operatively.

a) Discuss the factors that influence fracture healing and how you would use these in assessing the treatment options for stabilising this fracture in this patient. (10 marks)

b) What method(s) of fixation might you recommend for this fracture and why? (10 marks)

c) Describe in point form, your post-operative care instructions for this dog from the time of his discharge. Include in your answer any medications, rechecks, and follow-up radiographs that you might recommend.(5 marks)

6. Write notes in short point form on each of the following topics (25 marks):

a) The treatment and prognosis of a three-month-old Bernese mountain dog with a femoral capital physeal fracture.

b) Clinical signs associated commonly with brachial plexus avulsion injury.

c) Diagnosis and treatment of chylothorax in the dog.

d) Diagnosis and treatment of septic arthritis in a dog that has not used its leg for five weeks following an extracapsular stabilisation with nylon De Angelis sutures for cranial cruciate ligament injury.



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