Graphing Periodic Trends

Graphing Periodic Trends

The Periodic Table is arranged according to Periodic Law. The Periodic Law states that when elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number, their physical and chemical properties show a periodic pattern. These patterns can be discovered by examining the changes in properties of elements on the Periodic Table. The properties that will be examined in this lesson are: atomic size, ionic radius, electronegativity and ionization energy.


In your groups, graph each of the properties listed. Note-each group member must complete at least 2 graphs. For those with fewer than 4 in a group, members will have to produce more than 2 graphs each.

Graph 1

For elements 3-38 make a graph of atomic radius as a function of atomic number. Plot atomic number on the X-axis and the atomic radius on the Y-axis. Use a colored pen or pencil to draw a vertical line that represents the beginning of each period.

Graph 2

For elements in Group 1, make a graph of atomic radius as a function of atomic number. Make a second line on the same graph that will represent Group 2.

Graph 3

For elements 3-38, make a graph of the ionization energy. Plot atomic number on the X-axis and energy on the Y-axis. Use a colored pen or pencil to draw a vertical line that represents the beginning of each period.

Graph 4

For elements in Group 1, make a graph of ionization energy as a function of atomic number. On the same graph make a second line to represent Group 2.

Graph 5

For elements 3-38, make a graph of the ionic radius. Plot atomic number on the X-axis and the ionic size on the Y-axis. Use a colored pen or pencil to draw a vertical line that represents the beginning of each period.

Graph 6

For elements in Group 1, make a graph of ionic size as a function of atomic number. Make a second line on this same graph that will represent Group 2.

Graph 7

For elements 3-38, make a graph of the electronegativity. Plot atomic number on the X-axis and the electronegativity on the Y-axis. Use a colored pen or pencil to draw a vertical line that represents the beginning of each period.

Graph 8

For elements in Group 1, make a graph of the electronegativity as a function of atomic number. Make a second line on this same graph that will represent Group 2.


1. For each property, give the group trend (what happens to the property as you go down a group)?

2. For each property, give the periodic trend (what happens to the property as you go from left to right across the period)?

3. For elements in the same group, what is similar about the electron configurations of each of the elements? What is different?

4. For each of the elements in a period, what is similar about the electron configuration of each of the elements? What is different?

Computer directions

1. Turn on computer, log onto the network, start the program Microsoft Excel.

2. Create column headings for the data to be listed. Enter the data from the periodic table into columns. Enter the data for elements 1-56. If any of the elements are missing data, simply leave them blank-do not enter zero-and continue down the list.

3. Select the data in the column to be graphed first by clicking on the top cell and dragging down to the bottom of the cell. Click on the graph (chart) wizard button to produce a graph.

4. Select a line graph with a connecting line, click “Next>” to see the appearance of the graph.

5. Click “Next>” to go to step 2. Click on the “Titles” tab and fill in the “Category (x) axis” and “Category (y) axis” labels including units if known. IMPORTANT: Type your name as part of the Chart title.

6. Click “Next>” and select “As new sheet”. Click “Finish” and the graph will appear as a new sheet in your spreadsheet workbook.

7. Click on the “Sheet 1” tab near the bottom of the screen, select the next set of data to be graphed and repeat for the rest of the graphs.


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