Periodic Trends - Science with Mr. Louie

Periodic Trends

Directions: Graph the periodic trends using the table and graphs below. Afterwards, answer the questions on the back.

|Atomic |Element |Group |Atomic Mass |Atomic |

|Number |Symbol | |(amu) |Radius (pm) |

|Period 1 |

|1 |H |1A |1.01 |37 |

|2 |He |8A |4.00 |31 |

|Period 2 |

|3 |Li |1A |6.94 |152 |

|4 |Be |2A |9.01 |112 |

|5 |B |3A |10.81 |85 |

|6 |C |4A |12.01 |77 |

|7 |N |5A |14.01 |75 |

|8 |O |6A |16.00 |73 |

|9 |F |7A |19.00 |72 |

|10 |Ne |8A |20.18 |71 |

|Period 3 |

|11 |Na |1A |22.99 |186 |

|12 |Mg |2A |24.31 |160 |

|13 |Al |3A |26.98 |143 |

|14 |Si |4A |28.09 |118 |

|15 |P |5A |30.97 |110 |

|16 |S |6A |32.07 |103 |

|17 |Cl |7A |35.45 |100 |

|18 |Ar |8A |39.95 |98 |

|Period 4 |

|19 |K |1A |39.10 |227 |

|20 |Ca |2A |40.08 |197 |

Atomic Mass Trends


Atomic Radius Trends



1. How did the atomic mass change as you move from left to right on the periodic table? ______________________

2. How did the atomic mass change as you move from top to bottom on the periodic table? ____________________

3. How did the atomic radius change as you moved from left to right on the periodic table? ____________________

4. How did the atomic radius change as you moved from top to bottom on the periodic table? __________________


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