Notes 3-24-03

Chapter 18-19 NotesI. MineralsA. InorganicB. Naturally occurringC. Definite chemical compositionD. Atoms are arranged in a specific pattern.II. Rock A. Combination of 2 or more mineralsB. IgneousC. SedimentaryD. MetamorphicIII. OresA. Contain economically desirable metals and nonmetalsB. Smelting: Heating and refining to extract ore.C. Characteristics of a desirable orei. Ductile: Pulled and stretched into wiresii. Malleable: Hammered and shaped without breakingiii. Conductors: Allows electricity and heat to pass through.iv. Luster: How shiny a material is. D. Examples: Iron ore, Copper ore, Gold ore, and Silver oreIV. Metals versus NonmetalsA. See graphic organizer and periodic tableB. atomic mass unit = 1.66053892 × 10-27 kilogramsC. Alloy: Combination of two or more metals or nonmetalsV. Surface MiningPanningUsing a pan to wash soil from mineralsSmallest amount in surface miningHydraulic MiningUsing high pressure water Washing the dirt and soil from a bankrunoff in sluice boxSluicingSluice box Put soil and rock in boxWash material on boxore is trapped in rifflesStrip Miningwhen large ore bodies are close to the surfaceuse giant shovels to remove oreproduce spoil pilesOpen pit miningwhen large ore bodies are deeper in the earthmined by bulldozers, trucks, power shovelsproduce spoil pilesDredging Involves scraping or vacuuming ore off the bottom of ocean floor, Lake Bottom, and streambeds.Mining Problems to the Environmenta. Centralia mine firesb. Acid mine drainagei. Reclamation: The process of restoring land that has been mined to a natural or economically usable purposeII. Soil A. A mixture of mineral particles, air, water, bedrock, living, and decaying organisms.B. Soil Profile: A vertical cross-section of soil layers from the ground surface down to the bedrock. C. Soil Horizon: A layer of soil in the soil profile. ·?O Horizon: litter layer; common in forests ·?A Horizon: topsoil; dark; nutrient rich ·?E Horizon: eluvial (Removal) horizon ·?clay, iron & aluminum eluviated most often ·?sand & silt concentrated here ·?light colored ·?B Horizon: illuvial (Collected) horizon subsoil ·?clay, iron & aluminum illuviated here ·?C Horizon: weathered parent material ·?R Horizon: consolidated bedrock? D. Soil Formation Factorsi. Parent Materiala. Bedrock undergoes weathering b. Soil type is dependent on parent material ii. Climatea. Soil formation increases with higher temp. and precipitation. b. Soil formation increases with leachingiv. Vegetation a. Protects soil from erosion and rain b. Root system causes weathering c. Organic material helps soil hold water d. Provides nutrients to soil and microorganisms v. Topographya. Def: Steepness of an area. “Relief”b. Steeper the slope, less soil\ vi. Timea. Takes time to form a soil profile E. Soil Particlesi. F. Soil ShapeF. Soil Texture:i. A combination of soil particles that make up the soil horizon. G. Soil Colori. . Soil StructureI. Soil Permeabilityi. The rate of water infiltrates the soila. Porosity: Amount of pore space in a soilb. faster in sandier soilsc. slower in clayey soilsJ. Erosioni. Carrying away soilii. Forces: Wind and WaterK. Types of Erosioni. Sheeta. Removal of a thin layer of soil usually by raindrops or water runoffii. Rilla. After a high intensity rainb. Small channels less than 30 cm deepc. Associate with sheet erosioniii. Gullya. Caused by high velocity runoffb. Removal of large amounts of soilc. Larger then rillsiv. Tunnela. Water passing in the subsoilb. Causing underground channelsv. Streambanka. Occurs during high stream flowsb. Removal of soil in the banks of streamsvi. Winda. Caused by high velocity windb. Happen when vegetation has been removedc. Movement of soil particles by wind(> 0.5 mm)I. Creep: Sliding of the particleII. Saltation: Bounces or skips off ground (0.1 to 0.5 mm)III. Suspension: Carried in the air (< than 0.1 mm)II. Soil ConservationA. Types1. Strip-Croppinga. Alternating rows of cropsb. Keeping the ground coveredc. Reduces soil loss2. Contour Farminga. Plowing along slope instead of across itb. Furrows collect waterc. Used with Strip-Cropping 3. Terracing a. Series of platformsb. Effective on steep slopesc. Slows down water to allow water to soak in.4. Shelter Beltsa. Rows of trees planted on the outer edge of a field.b. Wind break5. Stream Banka. Rip Rap: Covering the banks with rocks and bouldersb. Gabions: Rock filled cagesc. Reshape the streambankd. Replant stream side areae. Cemented walls ................

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