Atomic Theory & Periodic Table Review – Answer Key

Atomic Theory & Periodic Table Review – Answer KeyThe following questions are a review of the concepts we have covered. Use your notes to help you answer the questions. I will post the answers to the review on our class website athompsonchem.. Give the timeline of discoveries related to the atom.400 BC – Democritus1911 - Rutherford1803 – Dalton1913 – Bohr1869 – Mendeleev1927 - Heisenberg1897 – Thomson1932 - ChadwickList the parts of Dalton’s Atomic Theory. Elements are made up of tiny, indivisible particles called atomsAtoms of the same element are the same, and atoms of different elements are differentAtoms of different elements combine to form compoundsIn chemical reactions, elements are rearranged, separated, or combined.What is 1 fault of Dalton’s Atomic Theory and who are the scientists whose discoveries lead to proving part of Dalton’s theory incorrect?Atoms are made up of tiny, indivisible particles called atoms – Atoms do make up elements, but the atom is further broken down into protons (Rutherford), electrons (Thomson), and neutrons (Chadwick). They are not indivisible as Dalton believed.Draw a Bohr model for the following elements:LithiumAluminumNitrogen Who is considered the Father of the Periodic Table and why?Dmitri Mendeleev – he was the first person to accurately predict the placement of unknown elementsHow was the periodic table initially created, and how has it changed?It was initially created by atomic mass, but it is not arranged by atomic numberWhat was the most important factor in determining where elements should be placed on the periodic table?The most important factor is an element’s chemical reactivity. It will be placed with other elements that have similar reactivities and properties.Draw the line that separates metals from nonmetals on the periodic table below and label the 2 sides.Lightly shade the group where the most reactive metals are located.10. Box the group where the most reactive nonmetals are located.11. Circle the group where the unreactive elements are located.List a characteristic of transition metals. Used in jewelry, harder, less reactive metalsWhy are groups/families on the periodic table important? Elements in the same group will have similar reactivity and chemical properties14. Fill in the blank for the following elements ElementProtonsNeutronsElectronsAtomic MassAtomic NumberHe22242N (isotope)787157Zinc (isotope)3034306430Mendelevium10115710125810115. Write the symbols for the following elements: Oxygen ____O__Fluorine ____F____Bromine ____Br___Sodium ____Na__Carbon ____C__Hydrogen ___H____Sulfur ___S____Phosphorus ___P___16. Why does atomic radius decrease as you move across a period? Electrons are more attracted to the nucleus because of the pull of the protons on the electrons17. Where are the biggest elements located on the periodic table? Lower left-hand corner18. Where are the most electronegative elements located on the periodic table? Upper right-hand corner19. Where are the elements with the highest electronegativity located on the periodic table? Upper right-hand corner20. Are the following heterogeneous mixtures (HE), homogeneous mixtures (H), elements (E), or compounds (C)? Air __H__Kool-aid __H__Lemonade ___H__ Boron ___E__Sugar ___C__Salt __C__Salad __HE___Cheeseburger __HE___Helium __E___Carbon __E__ ................

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